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PMCCA 625 Project 2: Lab 3 AWS Application Programming Interfaces
CCA 625 Project 2: Lab 3 AWS Applica!on Programming Interfaces
In this lab exercise, you will perform the following steps:
1. Explore AWS APIs and Python SDK for AWS, and install Python SDK in your ASW Cloud9
2. Analyze a Python script, provisioning an EC2 instance.
3. Run a Python script, provisioning an EC2 instance, and analyze output.
4. Verify that instance has been provisioned.
You will write a lab report describing the steps you’ve taken and include the screenshots requested.
Step 1: Explore AWS APIs and Python SDK for AWS
1. Python (h”ps:// is a programming language that has gained popularity in recent
years. Most of its implementa!ons involve a direct or indirect interpreter, so it is not compiled into the
machine-level language. Programmers like Python because it can be successfully used both for wri!ng
short scripts and also in complex so#ware systems. Python is an object-oriented language.
Programmers can create so#ware objects—units of func!onality and associated data—and use them.
Python APIs provide libraries of classes—blueprints for objects—that model en!!es in the API’s
business domain and provide opera!ons to be carried out on these en!!es.
2. AWS provides a so#ware development kit (SDK) for Python (h”ps://
python/) , which means that there is a library of Python classes corresponding to AWS resources, and
cloud developers can invoke opera!ons on objects created from these classes. The SDK is called “boto”
and the latest version is “boto3
(h”ps://!on/api/latest/index.html) .”
3. Log in to your AWS Educate account. Click on the “My Classrooms” bu”on at the bo”om of the screen,
and go to the CCA 625 classroom. Click on the “AWS Console” bu”on.
4. On the AWS Services page, under the “Developer Tools” sec!on at the bo”om, select the “Cloud9”
service. In the Cloud9 dashboard, you should see the CCA625_<your ini!als> Cloud9 Ubuntu
environment you created in Lab 1. Click on it and wait un!l the Cloud9 IDE screen opens.
5. Cloud9 comes with the Python language installed, along with the Python module installer called “pip,”
but the AWS boto3 SDK is not installed. Type “pip install bot