Describe basic factory routing
Production Processes
All the hydraulic control sections follow the same basic factory routing:
Cut tube Weld Weld Remove Paint Assembly 1st end 2nd end flash (contractor)
Machine Castings
FEI’s routing for producing hydraulic control sections is to cut a metal tube to length, weld the connectors in place, deflash (remove the excess weld material), painting (done at an external contractor’s premises), and finally assembly of the connectors. The cast connectors are also machined at FEI’s factory. Finished hydraulic control sections are shipped to customers daily.
Switching between tube lengths requires a 15 minute changeover at the cutting, welding and deflash workstations.
Switching between tube diameters takes a 60 minute changeover at the cutting, welding and deflash operations. This longer changeover is mostly due to a “1st off” quality control inspection after such a changeover.
Switching between each of the three types of cast connectors takes a 2 hour changeover at the machining operation.
Tubes are supplied by Kentish Tube Systems Ltd. The lead time for obtaining tubes is 4 months (16 weeks). Kentish Tube Systems Ltd. deliver products every 2 weeks.
Raw castings for the end connectors are supplied by Essex Castings Ltd. The lead time for obtaining castings is 3 months (12 weeks). Essex Castings Ltd. deliver products every 2 weeks.
Work Time
20 days in a month.
2 shifts per day in each department.
8 hours per shift, overtime added if necessary.
Two breaks each shift, 15 minutes per break.
o Manual processes stop for breaks o Lunch is not paid.
FEI Production Control
Receives customer orders 60 days from shipment, and enter them to MRP system.
Generates a “shop order” per customer order. This follows the product through the entire production process.
Release shop orders to the factory 6 weeks before the shipment date to accelerate MRP’s ordering of tubes and castings.
Issue a daily production list to supervisors in production departments. Supervisors schedule shop orders through their department.
Receives customer configuration changes 2 weeks before shipment and advises department supervisors to expedite orders as necessary.
Issues daily shipping schedule to Despatch Department.