Describe at least two ways in which you help to reduce the amount of solid waste that you produce and that goes into your garbage container
A. Reduce (Source Reduction) – Describe at least two ways in which you help to reduce the amount of solid waste that you produce and that goes into your garbage container (this may include short-term or long-term actions). Alternatively, if it is apparent you are not practicing source reduction nor decreasing the amount of waste you produce, describe at least two ways or things that you would realistically be willing to do to reduce your solid waste production through source reduction. (1.5 pts)
B. Reuse – Describe at least two ways or things that you reuse and that helps to decrease the amount of solid waste that you produce. Alternatively, if it is apparent there is nothing you reuse to help decrease the amount of waste you produce, describe at least two ways or things that you would realistically be willing to reuse to decrease your solid waste production. (1.5 pts)
C. Recycle – Describe at least two ways or items (directly or indirectly) that you recycle and that helps to decrease the amount of solid waste that you produce. Note: throwing items into a single recycling container that gets collected together counts as one way or item. Alternatively, if you do not recycle to help to decrease the amount of solid waste you produce, describe at least two ways or items that you would realistically be willing to recycle to decrease your solid waste production. (1.5 pts)
D. The 3 “R’s” on your school campus or workplace. – In any combination, describe at least two ways/things/items that your school campus or workplace does to accomplish source reduction, reuse of products, or recycling of materials that you feel is commendable or does not do and you would recommend if given the chance. Note: with many people going to school and/or working remotely, you may comment on hypothetical examples on school campuses or workplaces. (1.5 pts)