Convert the Purchase Orders database to an Excel table. Use the techniques described
Complete the following problem in your textbook:
From Chapter 2: Problems: 4, 9, and 11
From Chapter 3 Problems: 14, 16, 25, 33, and 40
All work should be submitted in Excel with one (1) problem per tab in a single workbook. Formulas should be used as opposed to outside or manual calculations. Use of Excel add-ins is encouraged.
Data files can be downloaded from (Links to an external site.)
Chapter 2:
4.) “The worksheet Base Data in the Excel file Credit Risk Data provides information about 425 bank customers who had applied for loans. The data include the purpose of the loan, checking and savings account balances, number of months as a customer of the bank, months employed, gender, marital status, age, housing status and number of years at current residence, job type, and credit-risk classification by the bank.55 Based on Efraim Turban, Ranesh Sharda, Dursun Delen, and David King, Business Intelligence: A Managerial Approach, 2nd ed. (Upper Saddle River NJ: Prentice Hall, 2011). Use the COUNTIF function to determine
(a) how many customers applied for new-car, used-car, business, education, small-appliance, and furniture loans and
(b) the number of customers with checking account balances less than $500. Modify the spreadsheet using IF functions to include new columns, classifying the checking and savings account balances as low if the balance is less than $250, medium if between $250 but less than $2000, and high otherwise.”
9.) “The following exercises use the Purchase Orders database. Use MATCH and/or INDEX functions to find the following: The row numbers corresponding to the first and last instance of item number 1369 in column C (be sure column C is sorted by order number). The order cost associated with the first instance of item 1369 that you identified in part (a). The total cost of all orders for item 1369.Use the answers to parts (a) and (b) along with the SUM function to do this. In other words, you should use the appropriate INDEX and MATCH functions within the SUM function to find the answer. Validate your results by applying the SUM function directly to the data in column G.”
11.)”Suppose that a company offers quantity discounts. If up to 1000 units are purchased, the unit price is $10; if more than 1000 and up to 5000 units are purchased, the unit price is $9; and if more than 5000 units are purchased, the unit price is $7.50. Develop a spreadsheet using the VLOOKUP function to find the unit price associated with any order quantity and compute the total cost of the order.”
Chapter 3:
14.) “Convert the Purchase Orders database to an Excel table. Use the techniques described in Example 3.11 to find:
a. the total cost of all orders
b. the total quantity of airframe fasteners purchased
c. the total cost of all orders placed with Manley Valve.”
Example 3.11:
“Suppose that in the Credit Risk Data table, we wish to calculate the total amount of savings in column C. We could, of course, simply use the function SUM(C4:C428). However, with a table, we could use the formula = SUM(Table1[Savings]). The table name, Table1, can be found (and changed) in the Properties group of the Table Tools Design tab. Note that Savings is the name of the header in column C. One of the advantages of doing this is that if we add new records to the table, the calculation will be updated automatically, and we don’t have to change the range in the formula or get a wrong result if we forget to. As another example, we could find the number of home owners using the function = COUNTIF(Table1[Housing], “Own”). ”
16. “Open the Excel file Store and Regional Sales database.
a.) Sort the data by units sold, high to low
b.) Sort the units sold using an icon set, where green corresponds to high sales levels, yellow to medium sales, and red to low sales. The sort should show all the green icons first, followed by yellow, and then red. ”
25. “Construct frequency distributions and histograms for the numerical data in the Excel file Cell Phone Survey. Also, compute the relative frequencies and cumulative relative frequencies.”
33. “Use PivotTables to construct a cross-tabulation for the purpose of the loan and credit risk in the Excel file Credit Risk Data. Illustrate the results on a PivotChart.”
40. “Create useful dashboards for each of the following databases. Use appropriate charts and layouts (for example, Explain why you chose the elements of the dashboards and how a manager might use them.
a.) President’s Inn
b.) Restaurant Sales
c.) Store and Regional Sales
d.) Peoples Choice Bank “