consider the different reactions to Burke’s critique by the British aristocracy
consider the different reactions to Burke’s critique by the British aristocracy
Is the Reflections largely a rhetorical tour-de-force geared toward a particular public, is it an incisive analysis of the weaknesses of the French Revolutionary movement
Ho=ow accurate is his account of the revolution? Is the Reflections largely a rhetorical tour-de-force geared toward a particular public, is it an incisive analysis of the weaknesses of the French Revolutionary movement, or is it both?
What type of reader is likely to agree with Burke’s analysis, and who might disagree? In addition to considering the reactions of the three estates of France, consider the different reactions to Burke’s critique by the British aristocracy, merchant classes, and working classes, respectively.
How does Burke’s account of the causes and consequences of the revolution square with the other available primary sources, as well as with the views of contemporary scholars?
*Please use Abbe Sieyes “What is the third estate” and the documents provided.*