Common Rehabilitative Service That Is Recommended To Address Crime
Using a minimum of 4 recent scholarly peered reviewed article less than 5yrs old for DQ 1 and 3 scholarly peer-reviewed article for DQ 2 must be cited using APA format 750 words for each topic DQ 1 and DQ2 It should be written separately include the http or DOI for all references used please Note: Please see reading references below:
DQ 1
Pick a crime and a common rehabilitative service that is recommended to address that crime. How can rehabilitative services be improved by applying psychological theories? How can public awareness of crime and potential rehabilitative services lead to improved rehabilitative services?
DQ 2
Read Roper v. Simmons on pages 53-57 in the textbook. Compare the majority opinion and the minority opinion. Which do you agree with and why?
Please see weekly reading assignments and grading rubric:
1.Read “Balancing Rehabilitation and Punishment: Combining Juvenile Court Waiver Mechanisms to Create a Balanced Justice System” by Weston from American Criminal Law Review (2016).
2.Read “Alternative Courts and Drug Treatment: Finding a Rehabilitative Solution for Addicts in a Retributive System,” by Webster from Public Lawyer (2017).
3.Read “A Victims’ Family Member on Juvenile Life Without Parole Sentences: “Brutal finality” and Unfinished Souls,” by Bishop from Depaul Journal for Social Justice (2015).
4.Read “SAMHSA Guide Cites Effective Practices in Transitional Services for Offenders,” by Enos from Alcoholism & Drug Abuse Weekly (2017).
5.Read “Journey Into Juvenile Justice” by Curlett & McLarney from Federal Lawyer (2017).
6.Read “Third-Party Support for Retribution, Rehabilitation, and Giving an Offender a Clean Slate” by Brubacher from Psychology, Public Policy, and Law (2018).