Common Core State Standards/Florida Standards.
Please follow the instructions below to complete the module on the contextualization of language for all children using Cummin’s Quadrants.
- Visit the Iris Module (Links to an external site.)
- Click on the video link titled: Contextual Supports for Teaching ELLs (if you click on view transcript with images, you will be able to take notes)
- Based on the video’s discussion of Cummin’s Quadrant (see below) and the PowerPoint: Contextualization of Language choose tasks to be presented to students following the framework discussed.
- Choose 4 topics from the Common Core State Standards/Florida Standards. You can choose from any subjects and topics of your choice (K-12), from the cplams website (Links to an external site.)
- Once you have identified your 4 topics (e.g., mammals, parts of a story, even numbers, forms of government, etc.), write an objetive related to the topic, and develop a task for each quadrant designed to meet each of the objectives. Be sure to take into account the cognitive demand and contextual support you will need for each task. Use the attached Contextualization of Language Framework to complete the assignment. CONTEXTUALIZATION AND RANGE OF COGNITIVE DEMAND ASSIGNMENT FRAMEWORK (Word Doc)
Please see the example below:
CCSS Standard:SC.2.N.1.1
Objective: The third grade student will identify mammals and name their characteristics.
Tasks(related to the objective):
Quadrant 1:The student will watch a video about mammals where the characteristics are shown and described.
Quadrant 2:The student will listen to the teacher lecture about the characteristics of mammals and name examples of animals under this category using extensive visual representations; then in small groups the students will select one mammal and describe it using pictures or written words.
Quadrant 3:The student will choose word cards that describe mammals and match them to the name of the mammal.
Quadrant 4: Working independently, the student will write 5 sentences describing the characteristics of mammals and then formulate the sentences into a paragraph