Choosing retail brands during hard times
Choose a retail brand with which you’ve had experience with before and during pandemic. Note that those experiences can include e-commerce experiences.
Describe your view of the retailer’s brand. Be specific and highlight some factors from the retailer marketing mix as well as other retail marketing concepts. Support your commentary with your personal anecdotes and observations.
Then, relate those opinions to whether that brand has held true to its identity during this time. Has it even been impacted or challenged in any way? Do you think the brand is being forced to change now or looking ahead?
Focus on a retail brand not yet covered by a classmate at the time of posting.
Also, share whether you’ve personally experienced a change in how you engage with retailers in general or specifically to a given retailer as a result of the pandemic. If you act or interact differently, do you think that will change again? Did you act differently for some period during the pandemic but then already reverted to historical behavior?