CDA Goal 4 – To establish positive and productive relationships with families.
As part of the national Child Development Associate (CDA) preparation requirements, you are asked to create six reflections on your own teaching practices related to the six Competency Goals.
For this assignment, please review the Goal below and create your individual Reflective Statement of Competence.
CDA Goal 4 – To establish positive and productive relationships with families.
Begin your Reflective Statement about this Competency Goal with a paragraph describing how your teaching practices meet this Goal. Then prepare at least one paragraph on each of the questions below. The entire statement should be between 300 and 500 words in length.
- CG 4.1 How do you ensure that families are kept aware of what’s happening in their child’s daily/weekly life in your program?
- CG 4.2 How do you ensure that you are aware of what’s happening in each child’s home life? How does that awareness direct your teaching practices?
- CG 4.3 Reflect on the feedback you received in the Family Questionnaires you collected. Explain how the responses surprised you. Confirmed your own reflections about yourself and/or gave you a new goal for professional growth*.
*NOTE: Family Questionnaires are not collected in this course. Therefore this paragraph will need to be added AFTER you collect the Family Questionnaires, but before you apply to the Council.
Be sure the format and organization of your written reflection is clear and includes:
- The title Competency Statement: CS-IV
- Your name
- Proper spelling and grammar