Evaluating Kotter’s Change Model

DQ 1

Evaluating Kotter’s Change Model

Kotter’s 1996 classic article on change management is widely  recognized as seminal. Critically evaluate Appelbaum, Habashy, Malo, and  Shafiq’s 2012 article, “Back to the Future: Revisiting Kotter’s 1996  Change Model,” that reviews Kotter’s model.

DQ 2

Evaluating Transparent Supply Chains

After reviewing Doorey’s 2011 article, “The Transparent Supply  Chain: From Resistance to Implementation at Nike and Levi-Strauss,” in  this unit’s study, identify two example organizations. One of your  examples should point out a firm well-known for transparency in its  supply chain operations. The second example should identify an  organization known for its lack of transparency. Discuss possible  motives for the management approach to transparency in each example.


DQ 1

Evaluating Kotter’s Change Model

Kotter’s 1996 classic article on change management is widely  recognized as seminal. Critically evaluate Appelbaum, Habashy, Malo, and  Shafiq’s 2012 article, “Back to the Future: Revisiting Kotter’s 1996  Change Model,” that reviews Kotter’s model.

DQ 2

Evaluating Transparent Supply Chains

After reviewing Doorey’s 2011 article, “The Transparent Supply  Chain: From Resistance to Implementation at Nike and Levi-Strauss,” in  this unit’s study, identify two example organizations. One of your  examples should point out a firm well-known for transparency in its  supply chain operations. The second example should identify an  organization known for its lack of transparency. Discuss possible  motives for the management approach to transparency in each example.


Discuss on macroeconomic evaluation

Your macroeconomic evaluation should answer the following prompt: Select a business that has faced, or is facing, governmental action, and analyze the impact of this action on the business. Ideally, the business that you select will be the same one discussed in the business plan you created for MBA 560: Marketing and Strategy. If that company does not yet exist, you should choose one in the same area of focus that is facing a governmental action, regulatory issue, or political challenge, with instructor consultation and approval. This is important because the analysis you complete now should help inform your knowledge of potential situations or challenges facing your business product, service, or other idea from your business plan. While your area of focus may be different from the possible topics and situations listed here, these should still give you an idea of the type of situation for which to look.  Your macroeconomic evaluation should answer the following prompt: Select a business that has faced, or is facing, governmental action, and analyze the impact of this action on the business. Ideally, the business that you select will be the same one discussed in the business plan you created for MBA 560: Marketing and Strategy. If that company does not yet exist, you should choose one in the same area of focus that is facing a governmental action, regulatory issue, or political challenge, with instructor consultation and approval. This is important because the analysis you complete now should help inform your knowledge of potential situations or challenges facing your business product, service, or other idea from your business plan. While your area of focus may be different from the possible topics and situations listed here, these should still give you an idea of the type of situation for which to look.

What is rankism?

Using the powerpoints for chapters 9, 11 and 13 along with the textbook complete the following work for the last five in class points.

Chapter Nine

1. On the powerpoint, complete slide four and state why you chose your answer. Choose two of the companies that follow beginning on slides five through nine. The powerpoint slide four states to do the following: State where you think the company is at when the lawsuit occurred: exclusion, symbolic inclusion, prescribed inclusion, inclusion—see chapter nine/ten for definition.

Chapter Eleven

After reading the chapter and the powerpoint, please do the following:

1. What is rankism?

2. What are the three consequences to rankism?

3. Answer the question from slide six, utilizing information from the textbook on leadership inclusionary practices and the powerpoint.

Chapter Thirteen

After reading the chapter and watching the powerpoint presentation, answer the following questions:

1. Take the test found on slide 3, what are your results and what do you think?

2. Complete the exercise found on slide 12.

3. Complete the question on slide 17: Why train on this topic? 

4. What does the business case on slide 18 state? (click on support and if this embedded link does not work go to google chrome and type:

HRC advocating for LGBTQ Equality in your workplace

The first article that comes up from hrc.com will be what you need to read.

Using the powerpoints for chapters 9, 11 and 13 along with the textbook complete the following work for the last five in class points.

Chapter Nine

1. On the powerpoint, complete slide four and state why you chose your answer. Choose two of the companies that follow beginning on slides five through nine. The powerpoint slide four states to do the following: State where you think the company is at when the lawsuit occurred: exclusion, symbolic inclusion, prescribed inclusion, inclusion—see chapter nine/ten for definition.

Chapter Eleven

After reading the chapter and the powerpoint, please do the following:

1. What is rankism?

2. What are the three consequences to rankism?

3. Answer the question from slide six, utilizing information from the textbook on leadership inclusionary practices and the powerpoint.

Chapter Thirteen

After reading the chapter and watching the powerpoint presentation, answer the following questions:

1. Take the test found on slide 3, what are your results and what do you think?

2. Complete the exercise found on slide 12.

3. Complete the question on slide 17: Why train on this topic? 

4. What does the business case on slide 18 state? (click on support and if this embedded link does not work go to google chrome and type:

HRC advocating for LGBTQ Equality in your workplace

The first article that comes up from hrc.com will be what you need to read.

. Describe the 3 Strategic Management Process GE used

INSTRUCTIONS: Please read the case first and then answer specifically the proper questions asked



Backstory: General Electric Co. decided sustainability was a business opportunity rather than a cost and

pushed into the field in 2005 with its new initiative. But the products and services weren’t only for its

customers — they first transformed GE.

Key moves: GE began looking at sustainability as part of a demographic trend, realizing that scarcity would

increase with population growth. Energy and water use, waste, carbon emissions — all would decline

among the most efficient and sustainable companies. GE saw a profitable business opportunity in helping

companies along this sustainable path to offer environmental solutions.

GE also gambled that carbon would eventually be a cost, following the implementation of previous

regulatory regimes such as limiting acid rain. Although the precise way carbon would be regulated was

unknown, as it still is, the company had little doubt that regulation would happen. Rather than wait, GE

joined a climate coalition with nongovernmental organizations to press for a cap-and-trade system to

build certainty into the future.

INSTRUCTIONS: Please read the case first and then answer specifically the proper questions asked



Backstory: General Electric Co. decided sustainability was a business opportunity rather than a cost and

pushed into the field in 2005 with its new initiative. But the products and services weren’t only for its

customers — they first transformed GE.

Key moves: GE began looking at sustainability as part of a demographic trend, realizing that scarcity would

increase with population growth. Energy and water use, waste, carbon emissions — all would decline

among the most efficient and sustainable companies. GE saw a profitable business opportunity in helping

companies along this sustainable path to offer environmental solutions.

GE also gambled that carbon would eventually be a cost, following the implementation of previous

regulatory regimes such as limiting acid rain. Although the precise way carbon would be regulated was

unknown, as it still is, the company had little doubt that regulation would happen. Rather than wait, GE

joined a climate coalition with nongovernmental organizations to press for a cap-and-trade system to

build certainty into the future.

Develop a Competitive Matrix for Coca-Cola

Develop a Competitive Matrix for Coca-Cola


Monitoring competitors’ performance and strategies is a key aspect of an external audit. This exercise is designed to give you practice in evaluating the competitive position of organizations in a given industry and assimilating that information in a CPM.


Step 1: Review the uploaded documents titled “Cohesion Case” and review the section on COMPETITORS. Also view online resources that compare COCA-COLA with PEPSI.

Step 2: Use the sources listed in the uploaded document titled “Table 3-7”.

Step 3: Prepare a CPM that includes Coca-Cola, Pepsi, and Dr Pepper.

Textbook Reference:

David, F., David, F., & David, M. (2019). Strategic Management: Concepts and Cases a Competitive Advantage Approach (17th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson.

Case: Moss And McAdams Accounting Firm

Bruce Palmer had worked for Moss and McAdams (M&M) for six years and was just promoted to account manager. His first assignment was to lead an audit of Johnsonville Trucks. He was quite pleased with the five accountants who had been assigned to his team, especially Zeke Olds. Olds was an Army vet who had returned to school to get a double major in accounting and computer sciences. He was on top of the latest developments in financial information systems and had a reputation for coming up with innovative solutions to problems.

(Rest of case not shown due to length.)

1. If you were Palmer at the end of the case, how would you respond?

2. What, if anything, could Palmer have done to avoid losing Olds?

1. What advantages and disadvantages of a matrix type organization are apparent from this case?

2. What could the management at M&M do to more effectively manage situations like this?

answer each in a new paragraph, 1 page total

Bruce Palmer had worked for Moss and McAdams (M&M) for six years and was just promoted to account manager. His first assignment was to lead an audit of Johnsonville Trucks. He was quite pleased with the five accountants who had been assigned to his team, especially Zeke Olds. Olds was an Army vet who had returned to school to get a double major in accounting and computer sciences. He was on top of the latest developments in financial information systems and had a reputation for coming up with innovative solutions to problems.

(Rest of case not shown due to length.)

1. If you were Palmer at the end of the case, how would you respond?

2. What, if anything, could Palmer have done to avoid losing Olds?

1. What advantages and disadvantages of a matrix type organization are apparent from this case?

2. What could the management at M&M do to more effectively manage situations like this?

answer each in a new paragraph, 1 page total

Problem Solving Creativity And Solution Setting

Assessment Description: Select the case study that is representative of your industry sector (or study stream).

Identify the key problem(s), disruption or opportunity; demonstrate the use of creativity and creative tools and methods to develop three possible solutions.

Select one possible solution and recommend an implementation plan with justification and reasoning why the selected implementation plan is the one recommended.

Assessment Criteria:

  1. Identification of problem, disruption and/or opportunity in the context of business
  2. Explanation and demonstration of the rationale for tool selection and its application
  3.  Feasibility and viability analysis of the possible options/solutions
  4. Convincing justification of the recommended implementation plan
  5. Clear and actionable managerial recommendationsAssessment Description: Select the case study that is representative of your industry sector (or study stream).

    Identify the key problem(s), disruption or opportunity; demonstrate the use of creativity and creative tools and methods to develop three possible solutions.

    Select one possible solution and recommend an implementation plan with justification and reasoning why the selected implementation plan is the one recommended.

    Assessment Criteria:

    1. Identification of problem, disruption and/or opportunity in the context of business
    2. Explanation and demonstration of the rationale for tool selection and its application
    3.  Feasibility and viability analysis of the possible options/solutions
    4. Convincing justification of the recommended implementation plan
    5. Clear and actionable managerial recommendations

Discuss the challenges faced by International Business

Discuss the challenges faced by International Business

This is your case study assignment. For this assignment you are required to read and analyze this case study which is in the attachment.

Your analysis must:

  • Describe the company’s organizational culture and present evidence from the case to support your opinion. At a minimum, include discussion about the company’s values, norms and artifacts, as it relates to their culture.
  • Describe the company’s organizational structure and present evidence from the case to support your opinion. At a minimum, the discussion should touch upon the building blocks of an organizational structure (specialization, formalization, centralization and hierarchy.
  • Discuss whether or not you believe the organizational culture and structure align with the organization’s ‘strategy’. Explain your rationale.
  • Provide a total of four findings of fact; 1 from the following four functional areas of business (minimum of 1 page each):
    • Management
    • Marketing
    • Finance or Accounting
    • International Business
  • Provide a full justification and recommendation for each finding of fact (minimum of 1 page each)
  • Use current and updated reference from United States (minimum of 3 references).
  • Case Study Assignment should be double-spaced, 12-point font, and not exceed 12 pages.
  •  The Case study is attached in the attachments.Discuss the challenges faced by International Business

    This is your case study assignment. For this assignment you are required to read and analyze this case study which is in the attachment.

    Your analysis must:

    • Describe the company’s organizational culture and present evidence from the case to support your opinion. At a minimum, include discussion about the company’s values, norms and artifacts, as it relates to their culture.
    • Describe the company’s organizational structure and present evidence from the case to support your opinion. At a minimum, the discussion should touch upon the building blocks of an organizational structure (specialization, formalization, centralization and hierarchy.
    • Discuss whether or not you believe the organizational culture and structure align with the organization’s ‘strategy’. Explain your rationale.
    • Provide a total of four findings of fact; 1 from the following four functional areas of business (minimum of 1 page each):
      • Management
      • Marketing
      • Finance or Accounting
      • International Business
    • Provide a full justification and recommendation for each finding of fact (minimum of 1 page each)
    • Use current and updated reference from United States (minimum of 3 references).
    • Case Study Assignment should be double-spaced, 12-point font, and not exceed 12 pages.
    •  The Case study is attached in the attachments.

Evaluate Five Generic Competitive Strategies

Ch 5 Five Generic Competitive Strategies and Ch 6 Strengthening a Company’s Competitive Position  due Oct 13

  • Media Research – “Tell me something I don’t know” article that might affect the attractiveness of that market
  • Select an article from any media source that might affect business – using Ch 5 Five Generic Competitive Strategies and Ch 6 Strengthening a Company’s Competitive Position concepts
  •  Use 2 L.O.s from Ch 5 and 2 L.O.s from Ch 6 to analyze the company’s management (each L.O. should have 3 examples at 100 words per example).
  • Apply the concepts toward your final paper  — remember this is a Strategy and Policy approach to entering the marketplace
  • Submit all responses in the appropriate Blackboard Discussions module


THIS CHAPTER 5 WILL HELP YOU UNDERSTAND:                               with audio

1. What distinguishes each of the five generic strategies and why some of these strategies work better in certain kinds of competitive conditions than in others2. The major avenues for achieving a competitive advantage based on lower costs3. The major avenues to a competitive advantage based on differentiating a company’s product or service offering from the offerings of rivals4. The attributes of a best-cost provider strategy—a hybrid of low-cost provider and differentiation strategies


THIS CHAPTER 6 WILL HELP YOU UNDERSTAND:                           with audio

1. Whether and when to pursue offensive or defensive strategic moves to improve a firm’s market position2. When being a first mover or a fast follower or a late mover is most advantageous3. The strategic benefits and risks of expanding a firm’s horizontal scope through mergers and acquisitions4. The advantages and disadvantages of extending the company’s scope of operations via vertical integration5. The conditions that favor outsourcing certain value chain activities to outside parties6. When and how strategic alliances can substitute for horizontal mergers and acquisitions or vertical integration and how they can facilitate outsourcing

Discuss on intercultural communication

Continue working on your teaching portfolio by doing the following:Develop a lesson plan for a specific communication setting setting (intercultural communication, small group, interpersonal, or church setting). Choose a specific concept related to one of these areas and do the following:Write two objectives based on what students/trainees should know as a result of your lesson.Use three sources to develop the content for the lesson plan (text book, journal articles or additional credible sources)Create a five-to-seven-slide PowerPoint with lecture notes that teaches the content students need in order to meet the objectives.Design a face-to-face in-class activity and an online activity that students can do to reinforce the lesson plan that you are developing.Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.This assignment uses a scoring guide. Please review the scoring guide prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. Refer to the LopesWrite Technical Support articles for assistance.

I have posted two previous assignments that I completed that will help complete this one

I have also submitted the scoring guide

Continue working on your teaching portfolio by doing the following:Develop a lesson plan for a specific communication setting setting (intercultural communication, small group, interpersonal, or church setting). Choose a specific concept related to one of these areas and do the following:Write two objectives based on what students/trainees should know as a result of your lesson.Use three sources to develop the content for the lesson plan (text book, journal articles or additional credible sources)Create a five-to-seven-slide PowerPoint with lecture notes that teaches the content students need in order to meet the objectives.Design a face-to-face in-class activity and an online activity that students can do to reinforce the lesson plan that you are developing.Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.This assignment uses a scoring guide. Please review the scoring guide prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. Refer to the LopesWrite Technical Support articles for assistance.

I have posted two previous assignments that I completed that will help complete this one

I have also submitted the scoring guide