Business Case Study

Read the attached case study and complete each task as required. Assignment should be submitted in .docx format.

Task 1:

Evaluate credibility. Assume that you’re evaluating Tia’s credibility at the beginning of her internship from the vantage points of the marketing team members at the Prestigio. Explain two ways in which she potentially possesses and one way in which she potentially lacks each of the following elements of credibility: competence, caring, and character.

Task 2:

Establishing credibility. Assume that you are giving advice to Tia about how she can establish credibility. Provide your ideas in the following contexts: (a) gaining credibility among her colleagues while at her internship and b) establishing credibility with clients while at her internship.

Task 3:

Review Tia’s resume and suggest improvements based on the information provided in the case and instances where you consider the information provided is incomplete.

Copy Tia’s resume into a new Word document and leverage track changes to highlight required modifications.

Assignment should be submitted in .doc or .docx format. To review the grading criteria, click on the assignment title and then “View Rubric” on the next page.

Demonstrate the ability to analyze emerging global marketplace for potential growth and opportunity.

Assignment Objectives

Appraise cultural issues to avoid pitfalls and manage international
projects successfully

Compose, prepare and recommend strategies to achieve and sustain a
competitive market profile.

Demonstrate the ability to analyze emerging global marketplace for
potential growth and opportunity.

Formulate and implement business-level corporate and global strategies.

Assignment details.

Key Assignment

Your work on your strategic global marketing plan is complete. You now
have a plan that will implement, manage, and support a global
strategy, but it is far from organized. You e-mail Deborah to inform
her that you are almost ready and that the initial planning is
complete. A little while later, the phone rings and you see Deborah’s
name on the caller ID.

“Hi, Deborah. What’s up?” you ask.

“I’d like you to present to the advisory board next week,” Deborah
says. “They are very curious about your findings and would like to
know if globalization is a good opportunity for the company. The board
wants to finalize their strategic plan, and this may be a key part of

After you hang up, you begin thinking through the different items that
you will need to cover.

As you finalize the marketing plan, complete the following:

Is globalization a good move for the company?
What is your rationale behind this decision? Synthesize analysis
conducted in previous units, including strategic considerations,
cultural considerations, competitive analysis and balanced scorecard.
What geographic location should be a target for global expansion?
What background information can you provide to support this decision?
How will this decision support the overall goal of growth and expansion?
How would you refute someone with the opposing perspective?

Please submit your assignment.

For assistance with your assignment, please use your text, Web
resources, and all course materials.

Discuss techniques of building brand equity

Q3. Discuss techniques of building brand equity. (Ch. 11) (Turbo Tax)

Q4. Which brand elements would be most useful in differentiating the product/service from competitors? (Here, the service is Taxes and the Chosen Firm is TurboTax)(Ch. 11)

The following is a good example of what you will be learning:

At the heart of a great brand is a great product. Product is a key element in the market offering.  Market leaders generally offer products and services of superior quality that provide unsurpassed customer value.

Caterpillar has become a leading firm by maximizing total customer value in the construction – equipment industry, despite challenges from a number of able competitors, such as John Deere, J.I. Case, Komatsu, Volvo, and Hitachi. First, Caterpillar produces high performance equipment known for its reliability and durability— key purchase considerations in the choice of heavy industrial equipment. The firm also makes it easy for customers to find the right product by providing a full line of construction equipment and offering a wide range of financial terms. Caterpillar maintains the largest number of independent construction–equipment dealers in the industry.  These dealers all carry a complete line of Caterpillar products and are typically better trained and perform more reliably than competitors’ dealers. Caterpillar has also built a worldwide parts and service system second to none in the industry. Customers recognize all the value that Caterpillar creates in its offerings, allowing the firm to command a premium price in the marketplace.



Each individual assignment must include a title page that has the name of the project topic and the specific questions being addressed, be 2–4 full pages (12-point Times New Roman font, double spaced), and include a separate references page. All content must show direct application to the topic and exclude definitions of terms and general explanations of generic marketing topics.

When completing an assignment for a given module/week, you must view the entire course textbook (all chapters) as a resource for the assignment, meaning it may be necessary to locate assignment-related material in chapters other than those corresponding with the module/week in which the assignment is located. While the effort has been made to ensure that all material necessary for assignment completion is found in the textbook, contact the instructor immediately if information needed to complete the assignment cannot be located in the textbook. The instructor will then provide instructions on locating the required material.

Each of the parts of the Market Management Group Project (MMGP) must follow this format:

  • Discussion of the research

“The Perils and Pitfalls of Leading Change”

Read the attached article below and answer all questions writing a 1 page or less paper

  • Read the article titled “The Perils and Pitfalls of Leading Change”. Next, analyze the change that was implemented by Daniel Oliveira.  Synthesize the change based on Kotter’s eight (8) steps for leading change. Determine if Oliveira followed the Kotter model. Select one (1) of the steps to assess and determine if Oliveira accomplished this step. Why was this an important step? Comment on how following the model may have made his change successful. Read the attached article below and answer all questions writing a 1 page or less paper
    • Read the article titled “The Perils and Pitfalls of Leading Change”. Next, analyze the change that was implemented by Daniel Oliveira.  Synthesize the change based on Kotter’s eight (8) steps for leading change. Determine if Oliveira followed the Kotter model. Select one (1) of the steps to assess and determine if Oliveira accomplished this step. Why was this an important step? Comment on how following the model may have made his change successful.

Change Agents In The Change Management Process

Change Agents In The Change Management Process

One of the most fascinating components of the change management process is the change agent. The change agent, who can be a leader, employee, consultant, or customer, is a person who is often at the center of the change management process and performs several critical functions in the overall process.

In a 3-5-page paper, address the following with regard to change agents:

  • Define the concept of a change agent, including the traits and characteristics that best represent a change agent in today’s organization.
  • Discuss the role of a change agent in the change management process (e.g., formal or informal role, position of authority or power, etc.).
  • Assess how a change agent can influence the generation, direction, success or failure of a change initiative.
  • Finally, assess any challenges a change agent may have in the change process (e.g., not agreeing with the change, management not truthfully sharing the repercussions of the change, etc.) and how these challenges should be addressed.One of the most fascinating components of the change management process is the change agent. The change agent, who can be a leader, employee, consultant, or customer, is a person who is often at the center of the change management process and performs several critical functions in the overall process.

    In a 3-5-page paper, address the following with regard to change agents:

    • Define the concept of a change agent, including the traits and characteristics that best represent a change agent in today’s organization.
    • Discuss the role of a change agent in the change management process (e.g., formal or informal role, position of authority or power, etc.).
    • Assess how a change agent can influence the generation, direction, success or failure of a change initiative.
    • Finally, assess any challenges a change agent may have in the change process (e.g., not agreeing with the change, management not truthfully sharing the repercussions of the change, etc.) and how these challenges should be addressed.

Discuss on Communications plan

For the final part of your course project, you will create a presentation using Microsoft PowerPoint (approximately 10 to 15 slides) of the project you have compiled over the past 6 weeks. The presentation should be an overview of the information contained in the project plan. The Final Project PowerPoint presentation should include the synopsis of the following:

  • Project Selection
  • Work breakdown into the three phases of the project life cycle
  • Scope statement
  • Communications plan
  • Risk analysis
  • Project Budget
  • Project Schedule
  • Resource Plan
  • Reconciliation of project tasks as per life cycle phases, process groups and project management knowledge areas.

You will also be submitting your final written project proposal report. Using the templates and plans you have developed over the course, write a final proposal on how you recommend the Annual Convention be planned and delivered. The final report must emphasize Project Management. Your final proposal should be a minimum of 5 pages including your appendixes. Although your report will include some discussion of the technical nature of the study project, that discussion should be brief and only to provide background about the project. Similarly, avoid lengthy discussion about the histories or backgrounds of companies involved in the project. The emphasis of the report must be on the “how, what, why, when, who” of the management of the Investigation Project. Avoid lengthy technical discussions, or lengthy discussion about the company history, technical requirements, or details of the actual work done in the project. These are not project management topics.

A purpose of the report is to show the instructor what you have learned from the investigation project about project management. Thus, avoid discussions that could lead to the conclusion that little or nothing additional about project management was learned from the investigation project!

Also, make sure to include the following at the end of the proposal:

  1. Appendices. Appendices can include any documentation or materials you wish to add to substantiate your report. However, any material you include in the Appendix must be directly referenced somewhere in the body of the report. Do not include material in the Appendices that is not referenced in the report.
  2. Try to include figures, diagram, tables, charts, etc. in the body of the report. This will make the report more readable and interesting. For example, instead of describing a Gantt chart used in the Investigation Project, include the chart (or part of it) in the report. Show samples of actual schedules, memos, budget reports, etc. These can be included in the body of the report or in the Appendix.
  3. Professional Quality: Spelling, grammatical, typing or other errors are unacceptable. As are all professional documents, your report will be judged as much for readability and appearance as for content. Carefully proof read the report before submitting it. A poorly written report will receive a lower grade.
  4. All materials, notes, original documents, etc., should be handed in with the final report. These can be included in a separate file if necessary.

Your submission should follow the essentials of APA (i.e., cover page, double-spaced, 12 pt. font, reference section at the end, in-text citations, etc.). For more information on APA, please visit the Online Library, which is available through the Resources tab

Manage recruitment selection

Manage recruitment selection

Number of sources: 6

Writing Style: APA

Type of document: Essay Academic

Level:High School

Category: Business

VIP Support: N/A

Language Style: English (U.S.)

Order Instructions: ATTACHED

please write in your own word ASS_2.pdf

Number of Pages: 4 (Double Spaced)

Number of sources: 6

Writing Style: APA

Type of document: Essay Academic

Level:High School

Category: Business

VIP Support: N/A

Language Style: English (U.S.)

Order Instructions: ATTACHED

please write in your own word ASS_2.pdf

Manage recruitment selection

Number of sources: 6

Writing Style: APA

Type of document: Essay Academic

Level:High School

Category: Business

VIP Support: N/A

Language Style: English (U.S.)

Order Instructions: ATTACHED

please write in your own word ASS_2.pdf

Number of Pages: 4 (Double Spaced)

Number of sources: 6

Writing Style: APA

Type of document: Essay Academic

Level:High School

Category: Business

VIP Support: N/A

Language Style: English (U.S.)

Order Instructions: ATTACHED

please write in your own word ASS_2.pdf

Managing The Contractor-Customer Relationship

Assignment 5: Managing the Contractor–Customer Relationship (200 points)

You are to write a six to eight (6– 8) page paper that answers the following:

  1. Discuss the ethical issues that can arise in contracting.
  2. Analyze and discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the dispute process using the concepts discussed in the text.
  3. Describe the importance of the communication process in the contractor– customer relationship.
  4. Describe the risks and responsibilities in the contractor-customer relationship.

The format of the report is to be as follows:

  • Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
  • Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.

Note: You will be graded on the quality of your answers, the logic/organization of the report, your language skills, and your writing skills.

The assignment will be graded using the following rubric:

Outcomes Assessed

  • Examine the contract management process for a project.
  • Use technology and information resources to research issues in project procurement management.

Which of the following dynamics of investing / creating wealth is TRUE?

1. How much money would you have to invest today, at an interest rate of 5% in order to reach your goal of $1,000,000 in 30 years? Assume no additional money is invested.

Choose One • 20 points

  • $123,737.45
  • $321,377.45
  • $231,377.45
  • $132,733.45

2. What annual investment amount must be invested every year in order to reach a goal of $1,000,000 in 30 years at an interest rate of 5%? (assume no upfront investment PV=0)

Choose One • 20 points

  • $15,051.44
  • $231,377.45
  • $1,000,000
  • $33,333.33

3. The two bank websites I researched showed that their annual savings account interest rates are ______.  This is because _____.

Choose One • 15 points

  • high…they are risky investments
  • low…they are nearly risk-free
  • low…the government (specifically Congress) keeps them low
  • high…the supply of ATM machines is too low

4. What one-time investment amount must be invested today, at a higher interest rate of 7.17% in order to reach a goal of $1,000,000 in 30 years?

Choose One • 20 points

  • $1,000,000
  • $71,700
  • $152,257.13
  • $125,257.31

5. The interest rates on savings accounts is ____ the interest rate (rate of return) on riskier investments such as stocks & stock funds.

Choose One • 3 points

  • the same as  (they are determined by central bank)
  • lower than
  • higher than

6. Savings account interest rates at the bank are products just like groceries are at the grocery store.   Just as we make economic decisions with our food buys…

Choose One • 2 points

1. How much money would you have to invest today, at an interest rate of 5% in order to reach your goal of $1,000,000 in 30 years? Assume no additional money is invested.

Choose One • 20 points

  • $123,737.45
  • $321,377.45
  • $231,377.45
  • $132,733.45

2. What annual investment amount must be invested every year in order to reach a goal of $1,000,000 in 30 years at an interest rate of 5%? (assume no upfront investment PV=0)

Choose One • 20 points

  • $15,051.44
  • $231,377.45
  • $1,000,000
  • $33,333.33

3. The two bank websites I researched showed that their annual savings account interest rates are ______.  This is because _____.

Choose One • 15 points

  • high…they are risky investments
  • low…they are nearly risk-free
  • low…the government (specifically Congress) keeps them low
  • high…the supply of ATM machines is too low

4. What one-time investment amount must be invested today, at a higher interest rate of 7.17% in order to reach a goal of $1,000,000 in 30 years?

Choose One • 20 points

  • $1,000,000
  • $71,700
  • $152,257.13
  • $125,257.31

5. The interest rates on savings accounts is ____ the interest rate (rate of return) on riskier investments such as stocks & stock funds.

Choose One • 3 points

  • the same as  (they are determined by central bank)
  • lower than
  • higher than

6. Savings account interest rates at the bank are products just like groceries are at the grocery store.   Just as we make economic decisions with our food buys…

Choose One • 2 points

“The New Toy At City Medical Center

  • Using the case study, titled “The New Toy at City Medical Center” on pages 593-594 of the textbook, discuss the following:
  • Dr. Jones is the second highest revenue producer from the General Surgery Department. How should the usage of the capsule endoscopy equipment be handled? What specific steps should be taken to avoid this situation in the future?
  • Using the case study, titled “The New Toy at City Medical Center” on pages 593-594 of the textbook, discuss the following:
  • Dr. Jones is the second highest revenue producer from the General Surgery Department. How should the usage of the capsule endoscopy equipment be handled? What specific steps should be taken to avoid this situation in the future?