Discuss on Sustainability

It’s got to be one of the most convenient products ever—especially for consumers who want their coffee (or tea or other hot beverage) efficiently delivered without much hassle. The Keurig K-Cups® were invented in 1992 by John Sylvan. Like any innovator, Sylvan was looking for a better way. For him, it was finding a better way to provide his 30–40 daily cups of coffee in a way that was customizable and easy.  The single-serve brewing pod he created became the Keurig K-Cup. Interesting note: Keurig translates to “neat” in Dutch, and the Keurig machine and its ubiquitous K-Cup are quite neat. The single-brew machine is a very efficient and convenient alternative to the traditional coffee pot or to stopping and picking up drive-through coffee every morning.  However, what Sylvan didn’t anticipate was (1) the overwhelming popularity of the approach and (2) the amount of waste the single-serve pods would create because of that popularity.

Today, almost one in three homes has a pod-based coffee machine. And the sales of those pods accounted for a vast majority of the revenues of the company that makes them—Keurig Green Mountain. The company’s mission is “A Keurig brewer on every counter and a beverage for every occasion.”  And the company is taking another step toward that goal of a beverage for every occasion through its partnership with Coca-Cola Company. It will begin selling, at the end of 2015, a machine called “Keurig Cold,” which will be used to dispense Coke’s various brands. The Dr Pepper Snapple group also recently signed on to allow its flavor options for the new machine.  Although the Keurig machine is popular and a convenience, it also has a more troubling characteristic: the constant need to buy more K-Cups. They’re designed as single-serve, and with 9.8 billion of them sold in 2014, that’s a lot of K-Cups hitting landfills, because they are not recyclable. Those 9.8 billion K-Cups would circle the globe more than 12 times.

Environmentalists have criticized the company for its slow response to creating and selling a recyclable version of the pod. And it’s not that it can’t be done. For instance, when the K-Cup design patent expired in 2012, other companies brought out single-serve cups that are completely biodegradable and recyclable. To further highlight the sustainability issue, an anonymous YouTube video called “Kill the K-Cup” hit the Internet in early 2015. The apocalyptic nature of the video highlighted the extreme waste and irresponsibility of continuing to make coffee in a way “that simply cannot be sustained.”  It was eventually revealed that the creator of the video was a production company in Halifax, Nova Scotia, whose employees loved their Keurig until they began to notice the growing pile of discarded K-Cups that, despite great Canadian recycling programs, could not easily be recycled.

So what does the company say? Keurig’s chief sustainability officer, Monique Oxender, says that the company isn’t happy with its track record either. In 2014, the company pledged to create a fully recyclable version of the K-Cup by 2020. Of course, the critics have jumped all over the 2020 goal saying that five years is a long time to continue to fill up landfills and pointing out that the plastic used in the K-Cups will never be able to be fully recyclable because of the type of plastic it is. In its annual sustainability report, Keurig Green Mountain describes its efforts to strengthen its global citizenship and sustainability leadership.71 (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. Others have said that despite the outcry against the K-Cups, there are some sustainability benefits to the Keurig machine and its single-serve pods. For instance, they’re likely to save electricity over a coffee pot that’s constantly “on” to keep the coffee warm. Also, the pods have been shown to be a more efficient way of extracting coffee from grounds, thus saving resources. And other approaches to coffee making likely use more water in brewing coffee that may not actually be consumed and then dumped down the drain. So, although “environmental awareness is never a bad thing,” are the critics overreacting to the situation?

It’s got to be one of the most convenient products ever—especially for consumers who want their coffee (or tea or other hot beverage) efficiently delivered without much hassle. The Keurig K-Cups® were invented in 1992 by John Sylvan. Like any innovator, Sylvan was looking for a better way. For him, it was finding a better way to provide his 30–40 daily cups of coffee in a way that was customizable and easy.  The single-serve brewing pod he created became the Keurig K-Cup. Interesting note: Keurig translates to “neat” in Dutch, and the Keurig machine and its ubiquitous K-Cup are quite neat. The single-brew machine is a very efficient and convenient alternative to the traditional coffee pot or to stopping and picking up drive-through coffee every morning.  However, what Sylvan didn’t anticipate was (1) the overwhelming popularity of the approach and (2) the amount of waste the single-serve pods would create because of that popularity.

Today, almost one in three homes has a pod-based coffee machine. And the sales of those pods accounted for a vast majority of the revenues of the company that makes them—Keurig Green Mountain. The company’s mission is “A Keurig brewer on every counter and a beverage for every occasion.”  And the company is taking another step toward that goal of a beverage for every occasion through its partnership with Coca-Cola Company. It will begin selling, at the end of 2015, a machine called “Keurig Cold,” which will be used to dispense Coke’s various brands. The Dr Pepper Snapple group also recently signed on to allow its flavor options for the new machine.  Although the Keurig machine is popular and a convenience, it also has a more troubling characteristic: the constant need to buy more K-Cups. They’re designed as single-serve, and with 9.8 billion of them sold in 2014, that’s a lot of K-Cups hitting landfills, because they are not recyclable. Those 9.8 billion K-Cups would circle the globe more than 12 times.

Environmentalists have criticized the company for its slow response to creating and selling a recyclable version of the pod. And it’s not that it can’t be done. For instance, when the K-Cup design patent expired in 2012, other companies brought out single-serve cups that are completely biodegradable and recyclable. To further highlight the sustainability issue, an anonymous YouTube video called “Kill the K-Cup” hit the Internet in early 2015. The apocalyptic nature of the video highlighted the extreme waste and irresponsibility of continuing to make coffee in a way “that simply cannot be sustained.”  It was eventually revealed that the creator of the video was a production company in Halifax, Nova Scotia, whose employees loved their Keurig until they began to notice the growing pile of discarded K-Cups that, despite great Canadian recycling programs, could not easily be recycled.

So what does the company say? Keurig’s chief sustainability officer, Monique Oxender, says that the company isn’t happy with its track record either. In 2014, the company pledged to create a fully recyclable version of the K-Cup by 2020. Of course, the critics have jumped all over the 2020 goal saying that five years is a long time to continue to fill up landfills and pointing out that the plastic used in the K-Cups will never be able to be fully recyclable because of the type of plastic it is. In its annual sustainability report, Keurig Green Mountain describes its efforts to strengthen its global citizenship and sustainability leadership.71 (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. Others have said that despite the outcry against the K-Cups, there are some sustainability benefits to the Keurig machine and its single-serve pods. For instance, they’re likely to save electricity over a coffee pot that’s constantly “on” to keep the coffee warm. Also, the pods have been shown to be a more efficient way of extracting coffee from grounds, thus saving resources. And other approaches to coffee making likely use more water in brewing coffee that may not actually be consumed and then dumped down the drain. So, although “environmental awareness is never a bad thing,” are the critics overreacting to the situation?

Improving the quality of health care has proven to be an elusive and difficult task. Disucss

Improving the quality of health care has proven to be an elusive and difficult task. Disucss

Improving the quality of health care has proven to be an elusive and difficult task. Health care organizations have experienced considerable difficulty in grasping all the individual-level, and system- level factors that shape quality. They have also been challenged to measure quality, to motivate providers to change their practices, and to implement quality improvement projects. The problems have been manifest in high rates of hospital readmission, high rate of preventable deaths and medical errors, uneven quality of care for people with inadequate insurance, and the introduction of new and expensive medical technologies without concomitant gains in life expectancy.


Improving the quality of health care has proven to be an elusive and difficult task. Health care organizations have experienced considerable difficulty in grasping all the individual-level, and system- level factors that shape quality. They have also been challenged to measure quality, to motivate providers to change their practices, and to implement quality improvement projects. The problems have been manifest in high rates of hospital readmission, high rate of preventable deaths and medical errors, uneven quality of care for people with inadequate insurance, and the introduction of new and expensive medical technologies without concomitant gains in life expectancy.

Evaluate various Conflict Styles

11.2 Conflict Style Questionnaire (267- 269).

11.3 Observational Exercise (pg. 270).

11.4 Reflection and Action Worksheet. (pg271)

12.2 Sample Items from the Ethical Leadership Questionnaire (pg.291-295)

12.3 Observational Exercises (pg 296-297)

12.4 Reflection and Action Worksheet (pg 298)

13.2 Path –Goal Styles Questionnaire.  (pgs 316 – 317)

13.3 Observational Exercise (pg 318)

13.4 Reflection and Action Worksheet. (pg 319)

Please download the attached Portfolio Worksheets, ch11Preview the documentch12Preview the document, and ch13Preview the document complete the information for the items, and submit the completed worksheets as file attachments.

Evaluae The Risks And Benefits Of Organizational Change

Identify concepts in organizational decisions, strategic alliances, and managing efficiency and effectiveness.


As an outside healthcare consultant, you have been hired by Gotham City Hospital to conduct and write a risk analysis report about upcoming organizational changes at the hospital. The most important change being proposed by hospital leadership is allowing non-medically-trained staff greater decision-making powers and responsibilities in regards to management of medical staff, facility resources, and at times, treatments provided by the hospital.

Your role as an outside healthcare consultant is to develop a three-page executive summary to identify the risks and benefits of the organizational change at the hospital.

Write a three-page executive summary that will be sent to executive staff at the healthcare facility in order to make organizational changes and processes at the hospital.

Topics should include:

  • The pros and cons of having non-medical staff making medical decisions.
  • The importance of the management of resources, including staff, money, and inventory.
  • Getting the buy-in of facility staff and administrators with suggested changes.

NOTE – APA formatting for the reference list and proper grammar, punctuation, and form are required. APA help is available from this link – APA.

Discuss Zimmerman’s Verdict

Discuss Zimmerman’s Verdict

Answer the chapter’s question, Did you agree with George Zimmerman’s verdict? Also, considering the seriousness of the offense, was it appropriate for Zimmerman to be under community supervision before trial. Why? Why not? Support your position.

link to video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HJnHy9BFKhk


Minimum of.  300 words

APA format

Why is it important to distinguish between fixed and variable costs?

be a minimum of 200 words and include at least 2 scholarly resources. Acceptable sources include the textbook, the Bible, outside scholarly articles, etc.

Substantive replies, in contrast to perfunctory replies, add value to the forum, enhance learning, and contain references to any new concepts or ideas presented.

The following suggestions will aid you in successfully composing substantive responses:

· Compare/contrast the findings of others with your research.

· Compare how the findings of others relate/add to the concepts learned in the required readings.

· Share additional knowledge regarding the key topic that relates to the thread.

Plagiarism will not be tolerated. Review your posts and the Student Expectations prior to submission in order to ensure that your sources are properly cited.

If you need any assistance in writing, format, or persistent links, the Liberty University Online Writing Center will be able to help you.

be a minimum of 200 words and include at least 2 scholarly resources. Acceptable sources include the textbook, the Bible, outside scholarly articles, etc.

Substantive replies, in contrast to perfunctory replies, add value to the forum, enhance learning, and contain references to any new concepts or ideas presented.

The following suggestions will aid you in successfully composing substantive responses:

· Compare/contrast the findings of others with your research.

· Compare how the findings of others relate/add to the concepts learned in the required readings.

· Share additional knowledge regarding the key topic that relates to the thread.

Plagiarism will not be tolerated. Review your posts and the Student Expectations prior to submission in order to ensure that your sources are properly cited.

If you need any assistance in writing, format, or persistent links, the Liberty University Online Writing Center will be able to help you.

Evaluate public health policies and practices as they relate to legal and ethical implications for individuals and populations.


  • Evaluate public health policies and practices as they relate to legal and ethical implications for individuals and populations.
  • Analyze health needs, disparities, and healthcare delivery systems within the context of cultural, social, legal, political, and economic forces.
  • Examine the structure of the U.S. legal system and government as it relates to ethics, law, and core principles of public health.
  • Assess current legal and ethical principles and the application of such principles in healthcare practice.
  • Analyze ethical and legal dilemmas that healthcare workers may encounter in the medical field.
  • Examine legal requirements for managing patient information, health information documentation, the release of information, and electronic health records.



You have recently been promoted to Health Services Manager at Three Mountains Regional Hospital, a small hospital located in a mid-size city in the Midwest. Three Mountains is a general medical and surgical facility with 400 beds. Last year there were approximately 62,000 emergency visits and 15,000 admissions. More than 6,000 outpatient and 10,000 inpatient surgeries were performed.

The CEO and the Board of Directors have tasked you with developing an intake packet for new patients that will help establish patient trust in the facility and its employees. The patient packet will address new patient concerns by including information about HIPAA, informed consent, a confidential health history report, and a living will. The new packet will also include the values of the organization and a code of ethics.



You are now ready to take the basic components you have created so far and, using those as a foundation, create the final Intake Packet the hospital will use during admissions. The Intake Packet will be comprised of the following elements:

  • A New Patient Letter to accompany the Intake Packet
    • The letter should be in business letter format (Here is a library resource for help writing a business letter.)
    • The letter should address the following points for the patient:
      • An explanation of the importance of ethics
      • Why each part of the packet is included
      • How the packet is to be used
    • The letter should also include a HIPAA/Confidentiality statement
    • The letter should also include a Privacy Pledge

    The Code of Ethics

Triggers And Contingencies


Strategic plans are focused on current and future company goals,  therefore changes in the environment must be detected and monitored.  Changes in the environment that impinge on the company’s strategic plan  are known as external triggers and triggers are paired with plans to  successfully deal with them. These paired actions are known as  contingency plans. What qualities make a future issue a “trigger”?

As an example, consider you are on the strategic planning team for a  soft drink company. A merger of two major competitors next year would  constitute a future trigger. For this discussion, consider the  Environmental Scan and SWOT analysis you conducted in Week 2. Formulate a  trigger/contingency pair in the form of a three-part sentence similar  to the example in the textbook. Examine it in terms of the three  guidelines that good contingency plans should follow.

Post a summary of your selected company and risks that you perceive  based on your prior Environmental Scan and SWOT analysis. State the  three-sentence trigger/contingency pair and justify your choice of  contingency plan using information from the week’s readings and/or other  scholarly or credible resources, using the Scholarly, Peer-Reviewed, and Other Credible Sources (Links to an external site.) table for guidance.

(NOTE: Incorporate the feedback you receive from your instructor and  save your work. It will be part of your Strategic Plan Final Project for  this course).

The selected company is

The HR Department,

Boston Whaler,

100 Whaler Way

Edgewater, FL 32141

Break-Even Analysis


Managers  use tools like the Break-Even Analysis in both the planning  and  controlling functions of Management. In this assignment, you’ll  practice  using the Break-Even formula to help Ryan determine when his  business  will begin to turn a profit.


Using the information from the Learning Module 2, calculate the   break-even point in each of the scenarios.  Provide a response to the   questions in the conclusion.  Be sure to use either Word or Excel and to show your work.

Scenario 1

After receiving bad service at the local car wash, Ryan has decided   to start VDB Detailing!  One of his first decisions when planning his   business – he needs to calculate the number of vehicles he will need to   detail before breaking even.  His uncle has offered to let him use a   small section of his shop for only $300 per month. Ryan is going to pay   his friend, Gabe, $10/hour to help him. He has estimated his  additional  expenses and other details to be the following:

  • Insurance $200/month
  • His share of monthly utilities $95
  • Wax $2.00
  • Towels, soap, and other supplies $3.50/vehicle
  • Leasing of equipment $100/month
  • Marketing $105/month budgeted
  • He estimates that it will take him 4 hours to detail a vehicle if  he  has help from his friend (Hint: how much is this total per car?).
  • He plans to charge $120 per vehicle.

Question #1 – How many vehicles does Ryan need to detail each month to break even?

Scenario 2

Ryan is now considering leaving his full-time job to grow his business but does not want to lose his salary.

Question #2 – If he decides to pay himself $2000 per month how many   cars does he have to detail in a month now to break even? Assume all   other figures remain constant from scenario 1.


Are these numbers attainable? Please explain. List two suggestions   you could give Ryan that would affect his break even point in a   favorable manner, using the Break-Even Formula to justify them.

Responses copied from an internet source, out of the text, or   from homework sites earn no credit, as they are a violation of College   Academic Integrity Policy. 

File formats accepted for this assignment are .doc, .docx, xls,   .xlsx, or .pdf only.  Be sure to verify your submission has been   uploaded!

Leadership Interview Report


Conduct an interview with a top-level administrator and complete a 3-5 page double-spaced report and analysis of the interview. Select the person you will interview early in the course. (Instructor approval of your interviewee is not required.) Upload your report as a doc, docx, or pdf file by the due date in the syllabus. Your report should include the following sections, using headings:

  1. Introduction of the leader you interviewed including title, organization, qualifications, etc. (Avoid a selecting a relative for this assignment.)
  2. Interview questions — a minimum of 5 using topics from our text, e.g. leadership style, teamwork, motivation, conflict resolution, ethics, change, communication.
  3. Interview answers — these can be summarized and do not need to be verbatim.
  4. Description and analysis of interviewee’s leadership style and skills. Refer to at least one theory of leadership from our text.
  5. Statement of what you learned to enhance your development as a leader.

Below is a list of interview questions used by students in previous classes. These are examples only. You are not required to use them.

  • Please describe your leadership style. What is your strongest trait?
  • What do you think is the key to effectively managing others?
  • What do you think is the most challenging thing about transferring to a leadership role?
  • How do you share your vision and enlist others in a common vision?
  • As a leader, how do you motivate employees?
  • How do advances in technology affect your goals?
  • What do you feel is the most important thing to remember when handling conflict with employees?
  • Throughout your career, what do think has changed most about leadership?
  • What is one of the things you do to open up communications with your employees?
  • What advice would you give a new leader?

Leadership Interview Report Rubric
