How is synthesis different than summarizing?

Some literature reviews read as “book reports” that simply provide a string of summaries of the articles reviewed. How is synthesis different than summarizing? How does developing and employing the skill of synthesis improve the quality of the literature review? Explain.

Question 2

Every household has a junk drawer (or some similar place) that serves as the “catch all” for items that have no designated place. Go to your junk drawer and randomly retrieve three items. Write a one-paragraph summary of each item separately. Then write a one-paragraph synthesis that compares and contrasts the three items. Post the three summaries and the single-paragraph synthesis of the summaries. What challenges did you experience in synthesizing the three objects? What questions do you have about synthesis techniques?

***These are Doctoral assignment questions….Please no Plagiarism…Provide in-text citations, and References…250-500 words per question

Some literature reviews read as “book reports” that simply provide a string of summaries of the articles reviewed. How is synthesis different than summarizing? How does developing and employing the skill of synthesis improve the quality of the literature review? Explain.

Question 2

Every household has a junk drawer (or some similar place) that serves as the “catch all” for items that have no designated place. Go to your junk drawer and randomly retrieve three items. Write a one-paragraph summary of each item separately. Then write a one-paragraph synthesis that compares and contrasts the three items. Post the three summaries and the single-paragraph synthesis of the summaries. What challenges did you experience in synthesizing the three objects? What questions do you have about synthesis techniques?

***These are Doctoral assignment questions….Please no Plagiarism…Provide in-text citations, and References…250-500 words per question

Introductory Speech

STEP 1: Read Assigned Chapters

q Chapter 3: Listening. This chapter covers listening skills that will help you complete your

Self Review and Peer Review.

q Chapter 4: Giving Your First Speech. This chapter covers the steps you’ll complete to

prepare and deliver your speech.

-STEP 2: Select a Topic

Topic Bank

(Choose only one topic.)

-Deliver an elevator pitch that describes your

professional background and experience for

a potential employer during a job interview.

-Present a significant event or decision in your

life and describe how it impacted you.

-Discuss your dream career or a potential

business you intend to start following


-Select an object that represents a significant

aspect of who you are. Describe why you

chose it and explain how it represents you.

STEP 1: Read Assigned Chapters

q Chapter 3: Listening. This chapter covers listening skills that will help you complete your

Self Review and Peer Review.

q Chapter 4: Giving Your First Speech. This chapter covers the steps you’ll complete to

prepare and deliver your speech.

-STEP 2: Select a Topic

Topic Bank

(Choose only one topic.)

-Deliver an elevator pitch that describes your

professional background and experience for

a potential employer during a job interview.

-Present a significant event or decision in your

life and describe how it impacted you.

-Discuss your dream career or a potential

business you intend to start following


-Select an object that represents a significant

aspect of who you are. Describe why you

chose it and explain how it represents you.

Credible And Reliable Nutrition Sources

Perform a quick Internet search, using Google or another major search engine. Select a search term related to nutrition science (for example, diet, organic, sodium) and see what kind of results you receive. When considering a term to select, think about single words rather than phrases. In some cases your search term may contain two words (for example, unsaturated fat). Avoid phrases like “which diet will help me lose weight the fastest” or “top 10 foods to make me healthy.”

Write a short essay (at least 250 words), using complete paragraphs and appropriate organization. Avoid incomplete sentences or bulleted lists (except for your search term and how many results were obtained). Check your spelling and grammar before submitting. References are required in APA format.

Please provide the following information (listed in bulleted form):

  • your search term
  • how many results you obtained

Then review some of these sources, going no further than three pages into the search result. Critically evaluate the websites you have selected. Find one website that you consider a reliable/credible source and one that you consider false, misleading, or non-factual. Keep in mind that when searching for credible sources you should also determine if your source would be appropriate to use as a scholarly reference (to support your discussions and homework assignments). Please provide the following for BOTH the credible and non-credible choices:

  • the name of the website and the link
  • the author or group providing this information
  • Is this a reliable/credible source? If so, how do you know? OR Is this a non-credible source? If so, how do you know?
  • What was the hardest part about sifting through nutrition information?Perform a quick Internet search, using Google or another major search engine. Select a search term related to nutrition science (for example, diet, organic, sodium) and see what kind of results you receive. When considering a term to select, think about single words rather than phrases. In some cases your search term may contain two words (for example, unsaturated fat). Avoid phrases like “which diet will help me lose weight the fastest” or “top 10 foods to make me healthy.”

    Write a short essay (at least 250 words), using complete paragraphs and appropriate organization. Avoid incomplete sentences or bulleted lists (except for your search term and how many results were obtained). Check your spelling and grammar before submitting. References are required in APA format.

    Please provide the following information (listed in bulleted form):

    • your search term
    • how many results you obtained

    Then review some of these sources, going no further than three pages into the search result. Critically evaluate the websites you have selected. Find one website that you consider a reliable/credible source and one that you consider false, misleading, or non-factual. Keep in mind that when searching for credible sources you should also determine if your source would be appropriate to use as a scholarly reference (to support your discussions and homework assignments). Please provide the following for BOTH the credible and non-credible choices:

    • the name of the website and the link
    • the author or group providing this information
    • Is this a reliable/credible source? If so, how do you know? OR Is this a non-credible source? If so, how do you know?
    • What was the hardest part about sifting through nutrition information?

Understanding Business Drivers And Improving Business Forecasts

Big Data is everywhere and various businesses around the world are driven by Big Data. However, while some businesses rely on Big Data for organizational decision making, this does not mean that the implications and applications of Big Data are properly used to ensure optimal effectiveness for the organization

For this scenario, you have been appointed as the Business Analyst for Big D Incorporated charged with providing authoritative recommendations to the Board of Directors. As the Business Analyst, the recommendation you provide will be based upon data calculated from statistical appropriate formulas. Be reminded that you are not the company’s statistician yet the Business Analyst and therefore responsible for interpreting statistical data and making the appropriate recommendations.

Big D Incorporated was offered a series of business opportunities and it is your job as the Business Analyst to provide expert insight and justification for recommendations regarding these potential prospects.

2,000–2,500 words

Using the information from Units 1–3, Big D Incorporated will be examining how multivariate techniques can serve them best and how they can be applied to their new client, the outdoor sporting goods customer. The Board of Directors has asked you to research and explain 3 major ways in which multivariate statistics are utilized in this scenario. In this case, be sure to justify your decision.

Research using the library and the Internet to find at least 1 example of how a real company has used each of the following multivariate techniques: factor analysis, multidimensional scaling, and cluster analysis. This can be considered a benchmark if you can justify how it could benefit Big D Incorporated.

Write a summary to upper management explaining the following:

  • How can each multivariate technique be utilized in Big D Incorporated, and what purpose would each serve?  
  • Which technique is your preferred method, and how is your chosen multivariate technique different from the other two techniques?  
  • What will the Board of Directors learn from your selected technique and more importantly, how will it contribute to the overall decision-making process? 

Innovation And Competitive Advantage: Changing Environments

Innovation And Competitive Advantage: Changing Environments

Resource: Page 69 of Managing Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Ch. 4

Competitive advantage according to Hisrich and Kearney (2014) requires organizations to engage in six processes to maintain innovation. Organizations like Google™, Amazon, Apple®, Android, Facebook®, Siri®, Virgin Group®, Microsoft®, and eBay® have done this successfully.

Select an organization other than those listed above (Google™, Amazon, Apple®, Android, Facebook®, Siri®, Virgin Group®, Microsoft®, and eBay®) to explore competitive advantage and the six processes to maintain innovation discussed in Hisrich and Kearney (2014).

Write a 700- to 900-word paper in which you analyze how the selected organization is meeting the concepts of Competitive Advantages as outlined in Hisrich and Kearney (2014), on page 69.

Be sure to include information about the following:


* The organizational leadership philosophy on innovation.

* Activities the organization is actively engaged in to sustain competitive advantage within its industry.

* R&D initiatives the organization is involved in for long-term competitive advantage.

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

Innovation And Competitive Advantage: Changing Environments

Resource: Page 69 of Managing Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Ch. 4

Competitive advantage according to Hisrich and Kearney (2014) requires organizations to engage in six processes to maintain innovation. Organizations like Google™, Amazon, Apple®, Android, Facebook®, Siri®, Virgin Group®, Microsoft®, and eBay® have done this successfully.

Select an organization other than those listed above (Google™, Amazon, Apple®, Android, Facebook®, Siri®, Virgin Group®, Microsoft®, and eBay®) to explore competitive advantage and the six processes to maintain innovation discussed in Hisrich and Kearney (2014).

Write a 700- to 900-word paper in which you analyze how the selected organization is meeting the concepts of Competitive Advantages as outlined in Hisrich and Kearney (2014), on page 69.

Be sure to include information about the following:


* The organizational leadership philosophy on innovation.

* Activities the organization is actively engaged in to sustain competitive advantage within its industry.

* R&D initiatives the organization is involved in for long-term competitive advantage.

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.


Resource: The Practice of Public Relations, Ch. 10

Review the Case “Don’t Mess with the Queen of Social Media” on page 221 in The Practice of Public Relations, Ch. 10, and use the questions at the end of the chapter as a basis of your discussion.

Describe what PR recommendations you would have for Taylor Swift if you were her Public Relations Consultant.

Incorporate the principles of PR that you have learned to date.

Develop a 850- to 1,050- recommendation as part of your response.

Use two outside references to support your points.

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines

Resource: The Practice of Public Relations, Ch. 10

Review the Case “Don’t Mess with the Queen of Social Media” on page 221 in The Practice of Public Relations, Ch. 10, and use the questions at the end of the chapter as a basis of your discussion.

Describe what PR recommendations you would have for Taylor Swift if you were her Public Relations Consultant.

Incorporate the principles of PR that you have learned to date.

Develop a 850- to 1,050- recommendation as part of your response.

Use two outside references to support your points.

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines

Negotiation Strategy Article Analysis

Use the Internet or other resources to find at least two articles that describe a business negotiation situation related to two different industry sectors within Fortune 500 companies that employs different negotiation strategies

Write a 1,400- to 1,750-word paper that describes the negotiation strategies used in your selected articles.

Assess how planning impacted the negotiation process in both situations.

Compare the two selected strategies and how they might apply in your work setting.

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

Use the Internet or other resources to find at least two articles that describe a business negotiation situation related to two different industry sectors within Fortune 500 companies that employs different negotiation strategies

Write a 1,400- to 1,750-word paper that describes the negotiation strategies used in your selected articles.

Assess how planning impacted the negotiation process in both situations.

Compare the two selected strategies and how they might apply in your work setting.

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

Environmental Scanning interactive assignment

Strategic Plan

Prior to completing this assignment, review your prior research and  course submissions related to the company you selected for research in  Week 2’s Environmental Scanning interactive assignment. Ensure that you  have incorporated the feedback you received from your previous  submissions. In your Final Project this week, you will pull the various  elements you’ve created together to aid your creation of a Strategic  Plan. From the perspective of an executive with the firm, your  supervisor has tasked you with creating a strategic plan to grow the  business over the next three years using this Strategic Plan TemplatePreview the document.  Continue to access the Mergent  Ashford University Library online  database which offers company financials, descriptions, history,  property, subsidiaries, officers, and directors and the Business   Insights database. (View the Mergent tipsheetPreview the document  and Business Insights tipsheet Tips  document for suggested methods of  searching Ashford University Library databases generally as well as  specific advice for searching these two databases).

Your strategic plan must be future-oriented and must

  • Describe the company, the company’s history and its 4Ps (Product, Price, Place, and Promotion).
  • Examine the company’s mission statement and assess its impact on the organization’s activities.
  • Explain the current situation of the organization in the market (industry, market, and general environment analysis).
  • Add your SWOT analysis (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and  threats) of your chosen company here. Evaluate areas that offer  opportunities for
    • Choose three or four areas from your SWOT analysis and assess why the areas you have chosen are essential to your strategic plan
  • Summarize the results of your Environmental Scan and Porter’s 5 Forces.
    • Evaluate the degree to which they aid in conceptualizing the company’s competitive position in its marketplace.
  • Assess the company’s international performance in light of Cultural Barriers, Monetary Exchange Rates, and Political Instability.
  • Assess the financial performance and condition of the
  • Operational budget: Research and assess the company’s operational budget.
  • Assess the performance in terms of key performance indicators.
  • In your analysis, be sure to include profitability ratios relevant to your analysis.
    • Debt to Equity ratio
    • Debt to Assets ratio
  • Based on the data, evaluate the overall current financial condition of the company.
    • Support your analysis by referring to the company data
    • Create a three year end trend analysis
  • Assess how your Operational Budget analysis affects your three-year strategic plan.
  • Recommend an organizational structure in terms of the organizational design as defined in Abraham (2012) section 2.6.
  • Assess the impact of the strategic plan on the organizational culture.
  • Strategic Goals: Create measurable core strategic goals for each of  the three to four areas addressed from the SWOT analysis, addressing any  contingencies associated with the strategies you are recommending and  prioritizing them according to ease of achievement and time to  completion.
  • Recommend marketing positions and opportunities for growth in your strategic plan
  • Add specific language to the strategic plan that addresses the company’s Corporate Social Responsibility
  • Explain your plan to measure the success of your strategic
  • Submit the Strategic Plan to the instructor.

The Final Paper

How would the court determine whether the liquidated damages clause is valid?

Determine whether certain contract remedies exist in the following scenario:


Forrest Gump is a famous table tennis player. He enters into a contract with Alabama Sports Marketing to advertise the latest ping pong game and to   serve as the computer-generated imagery (CGI) model for the development of the video game. Gump is perfect for this job as there are not many world famous ping pong players who have a following similar to his. The game is set to start development on March 1 and will be completed on July 31, so the game can be released at Thanksgiving—a major video game release period. Both parties have agreed and stipulated to the fact that the game must be completed on time to maximize the profits.

Gump will make 20% of the net proceeds from the sales of the game. In addition, the contract has a liquidated damages clause that indicates that if Gump does not participate in the marketing, does not serve as the CGI model, or breaches the contract in any way, he will owe Alabama Sports Marketing $2 million.

Based on  this fact pattern and the information presented in this unit, answer the following questions in a minimum of 250 words each.

1. One day, Gump gets into an argument with the developer. Gump refuses to perform any work until the problem is solved. In this situation, can Alabama Sports Marketing  seek specific performance of the contract? If yes, why? If no, why not?

2. How would the court determine whether the liquidated damages clause is valid? Is this clause valid? Explain your answers.

Cite any direct quotes or paraphrased material from outside sources. Use APA   format.

Determine whether certain contract remedies exist in the following scenario:


Forrest Gump is a famous table tennis player. He enters into a contract with Alabama Sports Marketing to advertise the latest ping pong game and to   serve as the computer-generated imagery (CGI) model for the development of the video game. Gump is perfect for this job as there are not many world famous ping pong players who have a following similar to his. The game is set to start development on March 1 and will be completed on July 31, so the game can be released at Thanksgiving—a major video game release period. Both parties have agreed and stipulated to the fact that the game must be completed on time to maximize the profits.

Gump will make 20% of the net proceeds from the sales of the game. In addition, the contract has a liquidated damages clause that indicates that if Gump does not participate in the marketing, does not serve as the CGI model, or breaches the contract in any way, he will owe Alabama Sports Marketing $2 million.

Based on  this fact pattern and the information presented in this unit, answer the following questions in a minimum of 250 words each.

1. One day, Gump gets into an argument with the developer. Gump refuses to perform any work until the problem is solved. In this situation, can Alabama Sports Marketing  seek specific performance of the contract? If yes, why? If no, why not?

2. How would the court determine whether the liquidated damages clause is valid? Is this clause valid? Explain your answers.

Cite any direct quotes or paraphrased material from outside sources. Use APA   format.

Create a plan to deploy technology solutions in alignment with strategic business needs.

  • Create a plan to deploy technology solutions in alignment with strategic business needs.


North American Transport (NAT) is a fast growing long-haul trucking company that specializes in the delivery of fresh foods to many of the leading fresh-food retail chains across the United States. NAT is based out of Kansas City, Kansas and employees 75 drivers, loaders, mechanics, communications technicians, business developers and managers. NAT’s business plan includes 20% growth per year or 225 employees within 5 years. NAT is also planning on adding additional Fleet Resource Centers in California and Virginia. Fleet Resource Centers are NAT owned service facilities used to maintain the fleet of trucks, vans, trailers, refrigeration etc. Fleet Resource Centers also offer growth and will require resources.

Business Goals for the MIS Architecture:

  • An architecture that is flexible and scalable; Company growth is projected to be 20% per year
  • An architecture that can rapidly deploy/employ new systems and technology; Agile system development
  • An architecture that meets the demands of evolving business processes; Information Technology cannot “hold up” any business process, IT must be adaptable
  • An architecture that is easily understood and easy to manage; Minimize IT department footprint. Take advantage of cloud services
  • An architecture that is secure; Deploy state-of-the-art security software/hardware

MIS Architecture

  • Create a plan to deploy technology solutions in alignment with strategic business needs.


North American Transport (NAT) is a fast growing long-haul trucking company that specializes in the delivery of fresh foods to many of the leading fresh-food retail chains across the United States. NAT is based out of Kansas City, Kansas and employees 75 drivers, loaders, mechanics, communications technicians, business developers and managers. NAT’s business plan includes 20% growth per year or 225 employees within 5 years. NAT is also planning on adding additional Fleet Resource Centers in California and Virginia. Fleet Resource Centers are NAT owned service facilities used to maintain the fleet of trucks, vans, trailers, refrigeration etc. Fleet Resource Centers also offer growth and will require resources.

Business Goals for the MIS Architecture:

  • An architecture that is flexible and scalable; Company growth is projected to be 20% per year
  • An architecture that can rapidly deploy/employ new systems and technology; Agile system development
  • An architecture that meets the demands of evolving business processes; Information Technology cannot “hold up” any business process, IT must be adaptable
  • An architecture that is easily understood and easy to manage; Minimize IT department footprint. Take advantage of cloud services
  • An architecture that is secure; Deploy state-of-the-art security software/hardware

MIS Architecture