Making Data Driven Decisions


To make sense of all the data available to them, business leaders work alongside data scientists who generate data visualizations to understand business questions via analytics. This process gives companies insight on what is working and what is not: for example, whether the products or services offered are meeting expectations, or if a shift in strategy is necessary.


For this assignment, you will take on the role of a business leader who wishes to analyze if a new product their company has introduced is meeting the expectations. Imagine that you would like to create a post in the company intranet that summarizes your findings in an easy-to-read format for your team. Pay special attention to creating meaningful data visualizations. You should use techniques that make content easy to follow but that also display charts accurately without distorting or skewing data. Your company’s profit goal is 25% of the cost of goods sold (COGS). Remember, COGS is the cost of manufacturing the product, including labor, materials, and overhead. You will need to build trust and an open channel of communication with other leaders on your team. Pay close attention to the story that data visualizations tell you and others reviewing your post.

The purpose of this analysis is to better understand the cost, revenue, and profit associated with the new product launch. Review the Cost, Revenue, and Profit Spreadsheet retrieved from the company’s data center and consider the following while developing your ideas in this assignment.

  • What is the importance of data analysis?
  • What are the results of your analysis?
  • Think about your analysis and its findings, including visuals. Use visuals and text to re-state the purpose of your analysis and summarize your most important findings.
    • What are you trying to represent with this data?
    • What kind of graphic have you selected and why?
  • How did adding visual representations of the data change your analysis?
    • Does the target audience influence the way you display information?

Guidelines for Submission

Complete the Making Data Driven Decisions worksheet in your Soomo webtext, download your completed work, and submit it in Brightspace for instructor feedback. You should write using a professional voice, and any sources should be cited according to APA style. Your assignment must be between 400 and 800 words in length.


To make sense of all the data available to them, business leaders work alongside data scientists who generate data visualizations to understand business questions via analytics. This process gives companies insight on what is working and what is not: for example, whether the products or services offered are meeting expectations, or if a shift in strategy is necessary.


For this assignment, you will take on the role of a business leader who wishes to analyze if a new product their company has introduced is meeting the expectations. Imagine that you would like to create a post in the company intranet that summarizes your findings in an easy-to-read format for your team. Pay special attention to creating meaningful data visualizations. You should use techniques that make content easy to follow but that also display charts accurately without distorting or skewing data. Your company’s profit goal is 25% of the cost of goods sold (COGS). Remember, COGS is the cost of manufacturing the product, including labor, materials, and overhead. You will need to build trust and an open channel of communication with other leaders on your team. Pay close attention to the story that data visualizations tell you and others reviewing your post.

The purpose of this analysis is to better understand the cost, revenue, and profit associated with the new product launch. Review the Cost, Revenue, and Profit Spreadsheet retrieved from the company’s data center and consider the following while developing your ideas in this assignment.

  • What is the importance of data analysis?
  • What are the results of your analysis?
  • Think about your analysis and its findings, including visuals. Use visuals and text to re-state the purpose of your analysis and summarize your most important findings.
    • What are you trying to represent with this data?
    • What kind of graphic have you selected and why?
  • How did adding visual representations of the data change your analysis?
    • Does the target audience influence the way you display information?

Guidelines for Submission

Complete the Making Data Driven Decisions worksheet in your Soomo webtext, download your completed work, and submit it in Brightspace for instructor feedback. You should write using a professional voice, and any sources should be cited according to APA style. Your assignment must be between 400 and 800 words in length.


Week 5 Assignment – Tort Claims and Dispute Resolution


In this assignment, you will need to decide whether there are any legal claims arising from a series of events. Choose one (1) of the options below. After reading the scenario, answer the questions that follow, making sure to fully explain the basis of your decision.


1. Paula Plaintiff owns Paula’s Boutique, one of the most popular stores in town. William Wicked owns the store next to Paula’s Boutique. William has been jealous of Paula’s success. William, in an effort to increase his own business, begins to tell his customers that Paula is dishonest and unethical. William even puts a sign in his front window warning potential customers not to shop at Paula’s Boutique because of her deceitful and unethical practices.Paula is upset when she finds out what William has been doing. Paula has always been honest and ethical with her customers and now her business is suffering because of William’s dishonesty. Paula decides that something must be done about this situation.What advice would you give Paula?

  • Discuss the possible tort claim Paula might have against William. Be sure to include the elements of the tort and relate those elements to the scenario.
  • If Paula decides to pursue a claim against William, should she consider a lawsuit, mediation, or arbitration? Be sure to explain why your choice is the best option.

2. Parker Plaintiff is in a hurry and stops by a convenience store for a drink. The store is out of her favorite brand of soda, so Parker decides to go elsewhere. Before Parker can leave, she is stopped by a store employee that accuses her of shoplifting. The employee escorts Parker to a small room in the back of the store and tells Parker that if she attempts to leave the room, she will be arrested and sent to jail. Parker waits for over an hour before the manager tells her that she is free to go.What advice would you give Parker?

  • Discuss the possible tort claim Parker might have against the store. Be sure to include the elements of the tort and relate those elements to the scenario.
  • If Parker decides to pursue a claim against the store, should she consider a lawsuit, mediation, or arbitration? Be sure to explain why your choice is the best option.

3. Barry Bossly makes it a point every day to embarrass Abby Normal during their morning huddle at work. He says extreme comments about Abby. Abby is embarrassed so badly that she has developed post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) as a result.What advice would you give Abby?

  • Discuss the possible tort claim Abby might have against Barry. Be sure to include the elements of the tort and relate those elements to the scenario.
  • If Abby decides to pursue a claim against the Barry, should she consider a lawsuit, mediation, or arbitration? Be sure to explain why your choice is the best option.


Week 5 Assignment – Tort Claims and Dispute Resolution


In this assignment, you will need to decide whether there are any legal claims arising from a series of events. Choose one (1) of the options below. After reading the scenario, answer the questions that follow, making sure to fully explain the basis of your decision.


1. Paula Plaintiff owns Paula’s Boutique, one of the most popular stores in town. William Wicked owns the store next to Paula’s Boutique. William has been jealous of Paula’s success. William, in an effort to increase his own business, begins to tell his customers that Paula is dishonest and unethical. William even puts a sign in his front window warning potential customers not to shop at Paula’s Boutique because of her deceitful and unethical practices.Paula is upset when she finds out what William has been doing. Paula has always been honest and ethical with her customers and now her business is suffering because of William’s dishonesty. Paula decides that something must be done about this situation.What advice would you give Paula?

  • Discuss the possible tort claim Paula might have against William. Be sure to include the elements of the tort and relate those elements to the scenario.
  • If Paula decides to pursue a claim against William, should she consider a lawsuit, mediation, or arbitration? Be sure to explain why your choice is the best option.

2. Parker Plaintiff is in a hurry and stops by a convenience store for a drink. The store is out of her favorite brand of soda, so Parker decides to go elsewhere. Before Parker can leave, she is stopped by a store employee that accuses her of shoplifting. The employee escorts Parker to a small room in the back of the store and tells Parker that if she attempts to leave the room, she will be arrested and sent to jail. Parker waits for over an hour before the manager tells her that she is free to go.What advice would you give Parker?

  • Discuss the possible tort claim Parker might have against the store. Be sure to include the elements of the tort and relate those elements to the scenario.
  • If Parker decides to pursue a claim against the store, should she consider a lawsuit, mediation, or arbitration? Be sure to explain why your choice is the best option.

3. Barry Bossly makes it a point every day to embarrass Abby Normal during their morning huddle at work. He says extreme comments about Abby. Abby is embarrassed so badly that she has developed post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) as a result.What advice would you give Abby?

  • Discuss the possible tort claim Abby might have against Barry. Be sure to include the elements of the tort and relate those elements to the scenario.
  • If Abby decides to pursue a claim against the Barry, should she consider a lawsuit, mediation, or arbitration? Be sure to explain why your choice is the best option.


Selecting the Fantasy team


Imagine that you work at JGR. The CEO has tasked you with being the Team Leader for a committee that will plan a one-day summer team-building retreat. All JGR employees will be attending the event. The purpose of the retreat is to foster unity, trust, and cohesion between the organization’s employees. The event will start with a welcome and introduction, and then everyone will break out into group team-building sessions. The whole team will reconvene for a company-wide lunch, followed by a keynote speech.As the Team Leader for the event planning committee, your job is to choose four other JGR employees to be on your committee.



Download the Week 7 JGR Roles and Employees [DOCX].In the Week 7 document, read the four role descriptions, Logistics, Budgeting, Programming, and MC/Host. For this assignment, you will choose four team members to fill these team roles.

Watch the Week 7 Strayer Talk, Building Your Team: Finding the Right Balance, which describes the 10 JGR candidates you may choose from for your Fantasy Team. Brief information on the candidates is also provided in the Week 7 document.


Complete a 10–12 slide PowerPoint presentation in which you do the following:

1. Describe the role of Team Leader and how you will fulfill that role.

Explain your skills and personal strengths needed to be an effective team leader.

Think about your personal DiSC assessment results from JGR100. What is your DiSC work style, and how will you select team members to complement your skills?

What will you be responsible for as Team Leader? What will you handle personally, and what will you delegate to other members of your team?


2. Select a candidate for each of the four roles described above, and justify your selections.

Review the candidates by viewing the Week 7 Strayer talk and the document JGR Employee Profiles.

Consider how each choice’s particular skills and personality will help them perform their role successfully.

How do these team members’ strengths complement yours? What skills and/or personality traits do they have that will help your team in areas where you feel challenged?

Explain how chosen team members complement you in more than one case.


3. Create 10–12 Microsoft PowerPoint (PPT) slides for the JGR CEO in which you present the team you have put together for the one-day summer team-building retreat.

Include a title slide and reference slide, in addition to the required slides (not included in the 10–12 slide count).

Include speaker notes or record audio for each slide content.

Use specific phrases, ideas, and quotes from the Strayer Videos, Coach’s Huddle, Weekly Readings, and/or Discussion to explain and support your thoughts.

Write in a professional manner using proper grammar, spelling, punctuation, and SWS.

Applied Business Probability & Statistics

Applied Business Probability & Statistics grand canyon university




Complete exercises 1.5, 1.7, 1.13, 1.20, and 1.27 in the textbook.

Submit in one Word file.

You are not required to submit this assignment to Turnitin, unless otherwise directed by your instructor. If so directed, refer to the Student Success Center for directions. Only Word documents can be submitted to Turnitin.


Applied Business Probability & Statistics grand canyon university




Complete exercises 1.5, 1.7, 1.13, 1.20, and 1.27 in the textbook.

Submit in one Word file.

You are not required to submit this assignment to Turnitin, unless otherwise directed by your instructor. If so directed, refer to the Student Success Center for directions. Only Word documents can be submitted to Turnitin.


Discuss on Fiscal Actions

Explain whether the economy will expand, contract, stay the same, or inflate with each of the following fiscal actions taken alone. Assume the economy is not at full employment unless stated otherwise

a. Congress votes and sends a $600 tax credit to each taxpayer.

b. Households are taxed an extra 15 percent, and the government spends the entire amount on purchases of goods and services

c. Congress allows many new income tax deductions when the economy is at full employment.

d. Although Congress intends to balance the budget, a deficit occurs.

e. At the end of a war, defense expenditures drop dramatically but are replaced by domestic spending programs for health and education.

f. Congress decides to decrease defense expenditures with no increase in other spending programs.

g. Congress increases expenditures for transfer payments at the same time it reduces spending on highways and bridges by the same amount.

Explain whether the economy will expand, contract, stay the same, or inflate with each of the following fiscal actions taken alone. Assume the economy is not at full employment unless stated otherwise

a. Congress votes and sends a $600 tax credit to each taxpayer.

b. Households are taxed an extra 15 percent, and the government spends the entire amount on purchases of goods and services

c. Congress allows many new income tax deductions when the economy is at full employment.

d. Although Congress intends to balance the budget, a deficit occurs.

e. At the end of a war, defense expenditures drop dramatically but are replaced by domestic spending programs for health and education.

f. Congress decides to decrease defense expenditures with no increase in other spending programs.

g. Congress increases expenditures for transfer payments at the same time it reduces spending on highways and bridges by the same amount.

Executive Strategy Study Case

Give an example of a contract that you or someone you know entered into (for example, rental agreement, cell phone agreement, property purchase or lease—car, home, furniture, etc.; home or car repair, student loan agreement).   Apply the five essential elements of an enforceable contract to your example and answer the following questions:
1.    Was the contract successfully fulfilled?
2.    Was there a breach of the contract?
3.    If so, what remedies were available?
The Paper:

a.    Must be two to three double-spaced pages in length (excluding title page and resource page), and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.
b.    Must include a title page with the following:

1.    Title of paper
2.    Student’s name
3.    Course name and number
4.    Instructor’s name
5.    Date submitted


c.    Must begin with an introductory paragraph that has a succinct thesis statement. Statements such as “This paper is about…” or “I am going to tell you…” are not acceptable in college level writing. Simply state your position on the topic clearly and to the point. For example: “I entered into a valid contract with my landlord because the five essential elements of a contract were present.” or, “A contract for cell phone service may be voided if the five essential elements of a contract are not met.”
d.    Must address the topic of this paper with critical thought.
e.    Must end with a conclusion that reaffirms your thesis.
f.    Must use at least one scholarly source.
g.    Must document all sources in APA style, as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.
h.    Must include a separate reference page, formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.

Sephora Retailing for Success

Topic: Sephora Retailing for Success

Sephora is a French cosmetic retailer that began its American ventures with free trials at their store locations. The “try before you buy” concept is popular among most female customers, leading Sephora to succeed in the traditional retail industry. Now that we are in the digital age, consumers make many purchases online rather than going to physical stores. After reading Chapters 14 and 15 from Babin & Harris, watch the Sephora Retailing for Success video and respond to the following:

Visit the Sephora website and browse the online store. How does Sephora use the online environment to promote its products without the advantage of letting the customers try before they buy?
Imagine that Sephora is working out the details of a new loyalty program. What input and advice would you give them? How should they integrate the loyalty program with their existing retailing mix?
What are the cognitive and affective components that may shape postconsumption behavior for Sephora’s customers?
What is 1 way that a firm can respond to negative WOM or publicity? How does this response align with or contradict a biblical worldview?


What is the difference between Organizational Relationships and Organizational Stakeholders?

The Report Project is a draft need some change . I copy feedback from our professor to follow , edit the final paper.

Very good and property citation ,Introduction and conclusion.No plagiarisms.



Walmart is a good organization to examine.

Your paper requires work.

Apply APA Style formatting to every area of the paper.

Your introduction needs to be shortened to half a page.

What do you mean by data collection? This is not data collection. Remove this heading. Remove, all words pertaining to:  my, me, I etc.

What are you trying to state in pages 6 -11? I am not following. The content presented is disorganized. You need to insert headings and sub headings to organize the content.

Your Organizational Relationship section requires more detail.

What is the difference between Organizational Relationships and Organizational Stakeholders? You seem to be repeating certain components of this paper. Decide which of the two you want to address in this paper and remove the other.

There are quite a few arguments and perspectives that are not supported with citations, please address these throughout the paper – just to list a few:

“Walmart is one of the multinational retailing corporation located in the United States. The corporation functions as a chain of grocery store, hypermarket and discount department store. The firm was founded in 1962 by Sam Walton and officially incorporated in October 1969. Moreover, the firm engages in the operation of retail, wholesale and other sections all over the world. It’s the largest world organization by revenue whereby it approximately generated four hundred and eighty billion dollars in 2016. The corporation has eleven thousand six hundred and ninety-five stores all over the world. The main products sold by the corporation include electronics, home and furniture, music, clothing, foot wear, toys, jewelry, sporting goods and fitness, health and beauty, grocery, photo finishing and craft supply”

“Additionally, the firm has the following division. Walmart U.S, Walmart international and Sam’s cub global e-commerce. The firm investment outside North America has met mixed reaction. It has highly succeeded in some parts especially in the United Kingdom, china, and South America though it has failed in Germany and South Korea. Furthermore, the firm operates in major cities over the world, and it has established subsidiaries in the following countries Canada, Mexico, Chiles, Central America and many others.”

“The firm mostly operates online where the customer purchases Walmart products through the online platform. The corporation, therefore, has so many computers that are located in every department. The wife routers also help to connect to the internet easily and therefore the wifi connection equipment are provided in most departments.

Walmart is a corporation that is licensed by the government and operates legally, and thus it has policies and guidelines, which ensure the firm operates ethically and does not violate the rule of law. The firm also protects the customers from harmful products and other living organisms. Sam’s club and Walmart are committed to ensuring they provide the customers with affordable, safe and sustainable food products and promoting human treatment of animals. The firm has improved tracking and audit program for pork chain supply, and the suppliers must meet the program requirements. The firm has developed mineral conflict program that guides on how the firm will operate in mineral product business and the products without violating the human rights especially to Democratic Republic of Congo citizens. The program will guide the electronic suppliers so as to avoid illegal business and thus maintain the corporation image.”

“Walmart is a very prominent firm in the world, which distributes different products to the clients in markets. The firm faces very stiff competition from other firms that are almost similar with Walmart organization. Germany grocer Lidl is one of the competitors giving Walmart challenge. Despite these stiff competitions, Walmart brand image has enabled it to perform well in the market, and many consumers still prefer products from the Walmart. Additionally, the firm is known to provide quality products that meet customers’ needs and therefore the firm has achieved to have loyal clients who they depend on and target all the time especially when they produce a new product. The best planning, financial management, marketing and customer care are some of the determinants that affect the competitive competition in the local market.

The Walmart competitive advantage depends on cost leadership. The firm is committed to ensure that the customer purchases products at the affordable prize and improve the lifestyle of the customer. The firm has also introduced business strategy in the following directions. One of the strategies is improving groceries. Walmart attempts to increase its fresh range produce and organic options. Additionally, the firm has also enhanced the flexibility of the shopping experience, which works to integrate its physical stores with the digital business.”

“Tesco Corporation is a British multinational retailer, grocery stores and general merchandise retailer. It has presence in 11 countries and records a revenue of about $67 billion annually. The grocery store is the major brand of this organization and this is why it is a threat to Walmart stores as that is the brand it is struggling to establish. It is important to note that most consumers do not shop in one store, they tend to think that this store is good for this thing and the other one is good for that other thing. In this case, shopper will shop at Walmart but when they need groceries they will go to Tesco and this has undermined the profit levels in the United Kingdom market and countries where Tesco has a strong presence.”

Discuss on Organizational Behavior

Discuss on Organizational Behavior

Superb Consultants has submitted a proposal to analyze the cultural values of your organization. The proposal states that Superb has developed a revolutionary new survey to tap the company’s true culture. The survey takes just 10 minutes to complete, and the consultants say results can be based on a small sample of employees. Discuss the merits and limitations of this proposal.  Superb Consultants has submitted a proposal to analyze the cultural values of your organization. The proposal states that Superb has developed a revolutionary new survey to tap the company’s true culture. The survey takes just 10 minutes to complete, and the consultants say results can be based on a small sample of employees. Discuss the merits and limitations of this proposal.

Discuss on International Strategic Management

-> Resource based view

-> Resources & capabilities of the company

-> porters five forces

-> PESTLE and critical success factors (CSF’s) of the industry (food processing)

-> porter’s generic strategy

– > competitive advantage

– > Internationalization and organization

-> CAGE framework

-> strategic change of the company

– > industry profitabilty

-> Cultural web of suitability

-> porter’s value chain

-> hofstede’s national culture and liability of foreignness

Include references of all

sharp deadline: 7AM GMT (17th January) i.e in 10 hours

-> Resource based view

-> Resources & capabilities of the company

-> porters five forces

-> PESTLE and critical success factors (CSF’s) of the industry (food processing)

-> porter’s generic strategy

– > competitive advantage

– > Internationalization and organization

-> CAGE framework

-> strategic change of the company

– > industry profitabilty

-> Cultural web of suitability

-> porter’s value chain

-> hofstede’s national culture and liability of foreignness

Include references of all

sharp deadline: 7AM GMT (17th January) i.e in 10 hours