Discuss on Change And Management Styles


  • 1. View the video titled “John Kotter – Resistance to Change” (3 min 36 s) below. You may also view the video at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wdroj6F3VlQ.  Conclude whether or not Kotter believes that all individuals who are  resistant to change can gradually be “won over” in cases of significant  change. Discuss the implications, according to Kotter, of resistance to  the change process.

2. Respond to this post (DQ)


  • View the video titled “John Kotter – Resistance to Change” (3 min 36 s) below. You may also view the video at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wdroj6F3VlQ.  Conclude whether or not Kotter believes that all individuals who are  resistant to change can gradually be “won over” in cases of significant  change. Discuss the implications, according to Kotter, of resistance to  the change process.

According  to Kotter if a person is resistant to change and they feel strongly  about not wanting to change then you need to get them out of the way. It  doesn’t matter who the person is if they are adamant about resisting go  around them and in order to get the change done. While it is normal to  try and persuade the person to be on your side Kotter says don’t do it  because if they feel strongly against the change they are not going to  change their minds. They might tell you that they are okay with it but  in reality they aren’t.

The  implications according to Kotter of resistance to the change process is  that if a person is resisting the change and if you continue to keep  them in the loop they will cause so much damage to the change process  that the changes will be undermined.  You will have people going behind  your back and telling other people that the changes are stupid or they  will agree to do something and then conveniently forget to do what you  want. In order to avoid this problem, you have to keep them out the  equation and make the changes around them.


  • 1. View the video titled “John Kotter – Resistance to Change” (3 min 36 s) below. You may also view the video at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wdroj6F3VlQ.  Conclude whether or not Kotter believes that all individuals who are  resistant to change can gradually be “won over” in cases of significant  change. Discuss the implications, according to Kotter, of resistance to  the change process.

2. Respond to this post (DQ)


  • View the video titled “John Kotter – Resistance to Change” (3 min 36 s) below. You may also view the video at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wdroj6F3VlQ.  Conclude whether or not Kotter believes that all individuals who are  resistant to change can gradually be “won over” in cases of significant  change. Discuss the implications, according to Kotter, of resistance to  the change process.

According  to Kotter if a person is resistant to change and they feel strongly  about not wanting to change then you need to get them out of the way. It  doesn’t matter who the person is if they are adamant about resisting go  around them and in order to get the change done. While it is normal to  try and persuade the person to be on your side Kotter says don’t do it  because if they feel strongly against the change they are not going to  change their minds. They might tell you that they are okay with it but  in reality they aren’t.

The  implications according to Kotter of resistance to the change process is  that if a person is resisting the change and if you continue to keep  them in the loop they will cause so much damage to the change process  that the changes will be undermined.  You will have people going behind  your back and telling other people that the changes are stupid or they  will agree to do something and then conveniently forget to do what you  want. In order to avoid this problem, you have to keep them out the  equation and make the changes around them.

Discuss on Risk Management Tools

Part A: Risk Management Tools

Complete the table below.

Risk Management Tool

Identify the tool and how it is used

Part B: Risk Management Decisions

Review scenarios below.

Scenario 1:

A patient arrives at the Emergency Department and is admitted for increased pain with the source unknown. The on call physician asks the intake staff, “What is the source of payment for the patient” in order to assist with his decision to see the patient or not. The physician then declines to see the patient based on the insurance status.

Scenario 2:

A patient is admitted to the medical floor in a health care facility. She is confused and won’t stay in her bed. The patient is placed in a room at the end of the hall away from the nurse’s station and she is not easily seen by staff. The patient continues to get out of bed without using her call light and eventually falls resulting in an injury.

Write a 75-150- word response to each of the following questions based on the scenarios presented. Be clear and concise, use complete sentences, and use your own words. Follow standard grammar rules and provide examples where appropriate to support your answers.

1.    What is the risk management issue presented in each scenario?

2.    What do you propose to resolve the issues? Explain your answer.

3.    What challenges do you foresee with the propose solutions?

Cite your sources below if applicable. For additional information on how to properly cite your sources, log on to the Reference and Citation Generator in the Center for Writing Excellence.

Part A: Risk Management Tools

Complete the table below.

Risk Management Tool

Identify the tool and how it is used

Part B: Risk Management Decisions

Review scenarios below.

Scenario 1:

A patient arrives at the Emergency Department and is admitted for increased pain with the source unknown. The on call physician asks the intake staff, “What is the source of payment for the patient” in order to assist with his decision to see the patient or not. The physician then declines to see the patient based on the insurance status.

Scenario 2:

A patient is admitted to the medical floor in a health care facility. She is confused and won’t stay in her bed. The patient is placed in a room at the end of the hall away from the nurse’s station and she is not easily seen by staff. The patient continues to get out of bed without using her call light and eventually falls resulting in an injury.

Write a 75-150- word response to each of the following questions based on the scenarios presented. Be clear and concise, use complete sentences, and use your own words. Follow standard grammar rules and provide examples where appropriate to support your answers.

1.    What is the risk management issue presented in each scenario?

2.    What do you propose to resolve the issues? Explain your answer.

3.    What challenges do you foresee with the propose solutions?

Cite your sources below if applicable. For additional information on how to properly cite your sources, log on to the Reference and Citation Generator in the Center for Writing Excellence.

International Job Application

Visit a job posting search engine Monster (http://www.monster.com/), Indeed

(https://www.indeed.com/) or Glassdoor (https://www.glassdoor.com/index.htm) and look for a job posting involving a position with an international or multinational company where you will be required to relocate to another country. The job posting does not have to be related to your field of interest. However, it might help your future career if you search for a job that is related to your degree or interest. If you cannot find the job postings from these websites, you can review the list of job posting sites listed on page 491, Table 18.1 of your text. These are acceptable job-posting sites too. (Submit everything to the assignments area in one document.)

When you find the job posting, provide a copy of the job posting with your assignment. Provide the entire job description and list the website address.

Write a one page cover letter or letter of interest that describes your qualifications and skills for the job. You may not have the current skills needed for the job, so you can describe possible skills you believe you will acquire in the future. (Do not write the letter in future tense. You will write the letter as if you already have these skills and qualifications.). Follow the format in Figure 19.1 of the text when writing your letter.

Write a resume appropriate for the position you are applying for. You can list possible skills, education, and qualifications that you believe you will have five years from today. Although the content of your resume may be fictional because the skills and qualifications may not apply to your current background, this would serve as a goal document that you can reflect on three- to five-years from today.

Visit a job posting search engine Monster (http://www.monster.com/), Indeed

(https://www.indeed.com/) or Glassdoor (https://www.glassdoor.com/index.htm) and look for a job posting involving a position with an international or multinational company where you will be required to relocate to another country. The job posting does not have to be related to your field of interest. However, it might help your future career if you search for a job that is related to your degree or interest. If you cannot find the job postings from these websites, you can review the list of job posting sites listed on page 491, Table 18.1 of your text. These are acceptable job-posting sites too. (Submit everything to the assignments area in one document.)

When you find the job posting, provide a copy of the job posting with your assignment. Provide the entire job description and list the website address.

Write a one page cover letter or letter of interest that describes your qualifications and skills for the job. You may not have the current skills needed for the job, so you can describe possible skills you believe you will acquire in the future. (Do not write the letter in future tense. You will write the letter as if you already have these skills and qualifications.). Follow the format in Figure 19.1 of the text when writing your letter.

Write a resume appropriate for the position you are applying for. You can list possible skills, education, and qualifications that you believe you will have five years from today. Although the content of your resume may be fictional because the skills and qualifications may not apply to your current background, this would serve as a goal document that you can reflect on three- to five-years from today.

Discuss on Business Analytics

NOTE: Submit Excel/SAS file for your computation AND a Word file summarizing your answers to the questions as a managerial report (that includes your comments, graphs and decisions).

  1. Explore the relationship between the selling prices (Y) and the appraised values (X) of the 148 homes in the file P02_11.xlsx by estimating a simple linear regression model. Interpret the standard error of estimate  and and the least squares line for these data.
    1. Is there evidence of a linear relationship between the selling price and appraised value? If so, characterize the relationship. Is it positive or negative? Is it weak or strong?
    2. For which of the three remaining variables, the size of the home, the number of bedrooms, and the number of bathrooms, is the relationship with the home’s selling price stronger? Justify your choice with additional simple linear regression models. (Page 441 Q1)
  2. Suppose that a regional express delivery service company wants to estimate the cost of shipping a package (Y) as a function of cargo type, where cargo type includes the following possibilities: fragile, semifragile, and durable. Costs for several randomly chosen packages of approximately the same weight and same distance shipped, but of different cargo types, are provided in the file P10_28.xlsx.
    1. Estimate an appropriate multiple regression equation to predict the cost of shipping a given package.
    2. Interpret the estimated regression coefficients. You should find that the estimated intercept and slope of the equation are sample means. Which sample means are they?
    3. According to the estimated regression equation, which cargo type is the most costly to ship? Which cargo type is the least costly to ship?
    4. How well does the estimated equation fit the given sample data? How do you think the model’s goodness of fit could be improved?
    5. Given the estimated regression equation, predict the cost of shipping a package with semifragile cargo. (Page 468-469 Q28)
  3. The file P12_01.xlsx contains the monthly number of airline tickets sold by a travel agency.
    1. Does a linear trend appear to fit these data well? If so, estimate and interpret the linear trend model for this time series. Also, interpret the  and  values.
    2. Provide an indication of the typical forecast error generated by the estimated model in part 1.
    3. Is there evidence of some seasonal pattern in these sales data? If so, characterize the seasonal pattern. (Pg. ?? Q9)
  4. Consider the airline ticket data in the file P12_01.xlsx.Create a time series chart of the data. Based on what you see, which of the exponential smoothing models do you think should be used for forecasting? Why?
    1. Use simple exponential smoothing to forecast these data, using no holdout period and requesting 12 months of future forecasts. Use the default smoothing constant of 0.1.
    2. Repeat part 1, optimizing the smoothing constant. Does it make much of an improvement?
    3. Write a short report to summarize your results. (Pg. ?? Q32)NOTE: Submit Excel/SAS file for your computation AND a Word file summarizing your answers to the questions as a managerial report (that includes your comments, graphs and decisions).
      1. Explore the relationship between the selling prices (Y) and the appraised values (X) of the 148 homes in the file P02_11.xlsx by estimating a simple linear regression model. Interpret the standard error of estimate  and and the least squares line for these data.
        1. Is there evidence of a linear relationship between the selling price and appraised value? If so, characterize the relationship. Is it positive or negative? Is it weak or strong?
        2. For which of the three remaining variables, the size of the home, the number of bedrooms, and the number of bathrooms, is the relationship with the home’s selling price stronger? Justify your choice with additional simple linear regression models. (Page 441 Q1)
      2. Suppose that a regional express delivery service company wants to estimate the cost of shipping a package (Y) as a function of cargo type, where cargo type includes the following possibilities: fragile, semifragile, and durable. Costs for several randomly chosen packages of approximately the same weight and same distance shipped, but of different cargo types, are provided in the file P10_28.xlsx.
        1. Estimate an appropriate multiple regression equation to predict the cost of shipping a given package.
        2. Interpret the estimated regression coefficients. You should find that the estimated intercept and slope of the equation are sample means. Which sample means are they?
        3. According to the estimated regression equation, which cargo type is the most costly to ship? Which cargo type is the least costly to ship?
        4. How well does the estimated equation fit the given sample data? How do you think the model’s goodness of fit could be improved?
        5. Given the estimated regression equation, predict the cost of shipping a package with semifragile cargo. (Page 468-469 Q28)
      3. The file P12_01.xlsx contains the monthly number of airline tickets sold by a travel agency.
        1. Does a linear trend appear to fit these data well? If so, estimate and interpret the linear trend model for this time series. Also, interpret the  and  values.
        2. Provide an indication of the typical forecast error generated by the estimated model in part 1.
        3. Is there evidence of some seasonal pattern in these sales data? If so, characterize the seasonal pattern. (Pg. ?? Q9)
      4. Consider the airline ticket data in the file P12_01.xlsx.Create a time series chart of the data. Based on what you see, which of the exponential smoothing models do you think should be used for forecasting? Why?
        1. Use simple exponential smoothing to forecast these data, using no holdout period and requesting 12 months of future forecasts. Use the default smoothing constant of 0.1.
        2. Repeat part 1, optimizing the smoothing constant. Does it make much of an improvement?
        3. Write a short report to summarize your results. (Pg. ?? Q32)

Evaluate product screening process.

Q5. Discuss possible sources of new product ideas. (Ch. 15)  (TurboTax) 

Q6. Discuss the firm’s new product screening process. (Ch. 15)  (TurboTax) 

Q7. Discuss the firm’s pricing method or methods. (Ch. 16)  (TurboTax) 

Q8. Explain the price adaptations (discounts, promotions, etc.) the firm should use. (Ch. 16)  (TurboTax) 

Successful value creation needs successful value delivery. Holistic marketers are increasingly taking a value network view of their businesses. Instead of limiting their focus to their immediate suppliers, distributors, and customers, they are examining the whole supply chain that links raw materials, components, and manufactured goods, which shows how they move toward the final consumers. Companies are looking at their suppliers’ suppliers upstream and at their distributors’ customers downstream. They are looking at customer segments and considering a wide range of different possible means to sell, distribute, and service their offerings.



Each individual assignment must include a title page that has the name of the project topic and the specific questions being addressed, be 6-7 full pages (12-point Times New Roman font, double spaced), and include a separate references page. All content must show direct application to the topic and exclude definitions of terms and general explanations of generic marketing topics.

When completing an assignment for a given module/week, you must view the entire course textbook (all chapters) as a resource for the assignment, meaning it may be necessary to locate assignment-related material in chapters other than those corresponding with the module/week in which the assignment is located. While the effort has been made to ensure that all material necessary for assignment completion is found in the textbook, contact the instructor immediately if information needed to complete the assignment cannot be located in the textbook. The instructor will then provide instructions on locating the required material.

Each of the parts of the Market Management Group Project (MMGP) must follow this format:

  • Discussion of the research
  • Inclusion of corroborating research about the theory      and/or your product
  • Analysis and discussion

Quotes must be minimized and long quotes (40 words or more) avoided. Outside sources to be cited include scholarly marketing journals, practitioner publications, and the course textbook. Assignments must be submitted directly to the Group Discussion Board Forum and contain a Microsoft Word document with the exact same content.

Once the papers are graded and instructor comments are provided, each member will edit his or her paper accordingly.

Green Clean Contract Risk Liability

  • Read/watch all assigned materials listed for the week in the Course Content
  • Cite to assigned materials in all responses in Learning Activities
  • Use only assigned materials to complete Learning Activities; do not use internet unless otherwise instructed
  • Include in-text citations and a Reference List for in-text citations
  • Write in correct, complete sentences, in paragraph format unless otherwise instructed
  • Submit Learning Activities to Assignment Folder

Learning Activity:  due 11:59 pm ET, Thursday


Background:  Contracts are essential for business, and will be an integral part of GC operations, so the owners now want to focus on contract law.   Each of the owners has experience with contracts in their own businesses, and appreciate the probable risks and liabilities associated with contracts.   They also know that to avoid possible disputes with employees and clients, contracts should be comprehensive, clear and specific.

The GC owners know that there are various types of contract agreements relevant to their business.  GC will have individual contracts with employees, independent contractors, and other agents who will represent the company.  Also, GC will engage in sales contracts with other businesses, and sales contracts between businesses and consumers and clients.  Furthermore, GC will use electronic contracts, or e-contracts, in conducting online business transactions.

To reduce disputes and risks and liabilities associated with contracts, the owners want all contracts to be written, with specific, complete, and clear terms.  Contracts must define rights and responsibilities of the parties.  Also, since employees and/or independent contractors will be performing cleaning services on clients’ properties, these contracts should require bonding for all employees.

You, Winnie and Ralph presented draft contracts for GC employees, including different contracts for cleaners, office managers, marketing specialists, sales representatives, and IT employees.

The GC owners reviewed the drafts and have some questions about the contracts.

Instructions:  This is an application-oriented Learning Activity.  You will not find verbatim answers anywhere.  Engage in critical thinking and review this week’s assigned readings.  You may also need to review previously assigned materials in weeks 2 and 3.

At Winnie’s and Ralph’s request, it is your responsibility to research and provide answers to the GC owners’ questions.

The first questions you need to address for the GC owners relate to the GC cleaner-employee contract.

The cleaner-employee contract specifies the following terms and conditions:

  • specific duties to be performed by cleaner-employee
  • salary for cleaner-employee
  • work hours
  • terms of payment for overtime or holiday work, if any
  • sick leave
  • vacation leave 
  • training requirements for cleaner-employee
  • length of contract
  • bonding for cleaner-employee 
  • periodic performance evaluation and how it will be conducted
  • termination of contract, i.e., notice of termination, etc. 

1.  Consider the contract term:  “training requirements for cleaner-employees”.

Analyze and discuss several reasons – from the GC owners’ perspective – why it is important to include in cleaner-employee contracts the specific terms and conditions regarding requirements for training.

2.  Identify at least one (1) other term (other than the ones listed above) that would be important to include in the GC contracts for its cleaner-employees.  Analyze and discuss why it is important to include this additional term in the cleaner-employee contracts.

3.  Identify at least one (1) contract term – other than price – that should be included in a GC contract with a client for which GC is providing office cleaning.   Analyze and discuss why it is important to include this additional term in the GC-client cleaning contract. 

Format Instructions: 

Prepare responses to GC questions in a report, addressed to Winnie and Ralph, to be used in discussion with the Green Clean owners.

The report should address the questions in the Instructions above.  Follow the format below.


TO:              Winnie James, Ralph Anders

FROM:         (your name)

Technology can be used by sales managers and sales executives to:

Which of the following is an example of using social capital to help grow a company?

A) The HR manager of a company hires new employees to staff a project that will increase revenue by 25%.

B) The CFO of a company increases the budget of the research and development department so they can create a product that will triple profits in 18 months.

C) The CEO of a company asks a friend in the automotive industry to cut a company-wide discount on corporately-leased vehicles that saves the company $500,000 a year.

D) The Sales Director of a company institutes a policy requiring all new salespeople to train with a senior salesperson for six months before going out into the field alone.

Question 2

Technology can be used by sales managers and sales executives to:

A) keep track of how salespeople are performing

B) align the sales department with the company’s mission statement

C) motivate individual salespeople to make more sales calls

D) perform need identification as part of the sales process

Question 3

Another word for “channel” in the phrase “sales channel” is:

A. Order

B. Staff

C. method

D. website

Question 4

A leader who spends most of her time communicating with the public about the company and interacting with her employees to ensure that they have what they need to do their jobs, but who does not engage in planning of activities or employee goals is engaging in which of the Situational Leader styles of leadership?

A. Directing

B. Coaching

C. Implementing

D. Supporting

Question 5

What is a boundary spanner in terms of sales ?

A. An idea that replaces one discipline with another discipline

B. An idea that crosses two disciplines

C. A person who works with two different organizations

D. A person who works for one company but contracts with another company

Question 6

of the common ethical issues salespeople have with their customers, which one is legal?

A. Kickbacks

B. misrepresentation

C. bribery

D. puffery

Question 7

Use of an electronic data interchange (EDI) system is most appropriate for which type of buying situation?

A. a new buy

b. a modified re-buy

c. a straight re-buy

d. facilitative

Question 8

CRM software differs from SFA software in that CRM software:

A. is hosted on the company’s servers so it can only be accessed from on-site

B. has room for more customer contact records

C. contains contact records as well as product specifications

D. connects to multiple systems so everything is integrated across all sales channels

Question 9

According to economic theory, sales managers should hire as many salespeople as possible as long as what?

A. until the market is saturated

B. until the salespeople feel too much competition in the workplace as become dissatisfied

C. as long as each salesperson can sell more than they cost the company

D. as long as the salespeople are willing to work for the wages offered

Question 10

A functional sales structure takes the sales process and

A. makes it easier by cutting out several steps

B. codifies the process in CRM software

C. unifies it by asking salespeople to implement the products they sell to customers

D. separates it into several steps, each preformed by a specialist

How to Write a Case Study

Using information from the textbook and from outside reading, the  student should respond to each question below as regards the  corresponding case study (don’t forget to number each response) in  approximately 2-3 paragraphs per question. All cited material must  include both internal citations and a complete reference list at the end  of the paper. A cover sheet should minimally indicate the Case Study  number, the name of the course, the student’s name and the date.

How to Write a Case Study

You have to think like a practicing manager if you want to analyze a  case successfully. As part of your analysis, it is necessary, but not  sufficient to answer the following questions in enough depth to show  that you have performed more than a superficial reading of the case’s  content, and subsequently applied relevant theory.

  • What is the issue being presented or analyzed in the  case? Focus on the main issue in the case if more than one topic is  presented. Use your judgment to decide on which issue is the one that is  potentially most costly to an organization if left unresolved. There  are more kinds of cost to be considered than economic costs. Do not  neglect them in your analysis.
  • Where did the issue take place? Consider this because  you need to take into account cultural and environmental considerations  that may differ from those of the United States, in your analysis.
  • When did the issue take place? There may be historic  and environmental considerations different from those of the United  States, which should be taken into account in your analysis.
  • Who was affected by the issues? In other words, who are  the stakeholders inside and outside of the organization that need to be  considered when formulating an analysis, and possible response to the  situation?
  • Why did the issue occur? This may involve conjecture on  your part. It is all right to speculate; just identify your speculation  as such. In an empirical case, causal factors may be identified as  such.
  • How would you, as a manager, apply the insights gained from the case to improve an (your) organization’s operations?


Chapter 34, Case Study 34.1 – Pulling it all together: a concluding case study.

  1. Read the case.
  2. Identify the three concepts or theories you feel are most relevant to this case.
  3. Formulate the advice that you would give to the Urology Department manager.
  4. Explain how this advice is informed by theory; i.e., relate your  advice back to the workings of the theory (theories) you believe to be  the most relevant to this case.
    1. You may want to consider the above factors (“How to write a case  study”) when you are preparing your answers as an aid to organizing your  information if you find it helpful.

Discuss how you would prepare a marketing research instrument for Marriott and their hotel systems.

Directions: Review the marketing research process in Chapter 6 as well as the following websites in ungraded activity #4 in the Learning Activities.

Read the case study at the end of Chapter 6 on Fairfield Inn by Marriott. Develop a sales program which Fairfield Inn could use to expand their sale of franchise hotel units and answer the following questions:

  1. What sales program might be best for Fairfield Inn to expand their customer awareness?
  2. What kind of marketing research would be appropriate for Residence Inns or Courtyard motels?
  3. Discuss how you would prepare a marketing research instrument for Marriott and their hotel systems.Directions: Review the marketing research process in Chapter 6 as well as the following websites in ungraded activity #4 in the Learning Activities.

    Read the case study at the end of Chapter 6 on Fairfield Inn by Marriott. Develop a sales program which Fairfield Inn could use to expand their sale of franchise hotel units and answer the following questions:

    1. What sales program might be best for Fairfield Inn to expand their customer awareness?
    2. What kind of marketing research would be appropriate for Residence Inns or Courtyard motels?
    3. Discuss how you would prepare a marketing research instrument for Marriott and their hotel systems.

The Role Capitalism Plays

 The Role Capitalism Plays


Capitalism is an economic and political system in which a country’s trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit, rather than by the state whereas socialism is a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole. (Shaw, William H. (2014). Business ethics (8th ed.). Boston, MA: Wadsworth, Cengage Learning). In this assignment, you will define the roles capitalism and socialism play along with the pros and cons of each.

In two to three (2-3) paragraphs:

  • Briefly define, in your own words, the concepts of capitalism and socialism. Then list three pros and cons of each.

The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:

  • Determine the considerations for and process of ethical business decision making to balance corporate and social responsibilities, and address moral, economic, and legal concerns.
  • Analyze selected business situations using the predominant ethical theories, such as utilitarian, Kantian, and virtue ethics to guide ethical business decision making.
  • Use technology and information resources to research issues in business ethics.
  • Write clearly and concisely about business ethics using proper writing mechanics.