Discuss Social Media Platforms

    • Discuss Social Media Platforms
    • POINTS 3
  •  Paper
  • 3

  • Instructions
  • Assignment Files
  • Grading

Write a 350- to 700-word summary describing using three different social media platforms with the objective of networking within your career field. Use your current social media accounts, or create new ones. Incorporate research regarding how to present a professional profile on social media platforms, and discuss your experience in the paper.

Cite at least one resource.

Format your assignment according to appropriate course-level APA guidelines.

Read the Short Essay Rubric in the Student Materials for this assignment before beginning this essay.

Include a title page on all essays in this course.


What part does baptism play in the salvation process?

Question 1 Who asked to bury Jesus’ body?

Question 2 What part does baptism play in the salvation process?

Question 3 “Total responsibility” means that any man in his natural state is incapable or unable to do anything to please or gain merit before God.

Question 4 According to Ray Comfort what did John Wycliffe, Martin Luther, John Wesley and Charles Spurgeon have in common in the gospel message?

Question 5 Which is not one of the “five points” of Calvinism?

Question 6 Sanctification is an ongoing process in the life of the believer.

Question 7 According to the reading, as a result of Adam’s sin everyone is born into the world spiritually dead because of trespasses and sins.

Question 8 The Roman soldiers broke the legs of Jesus and the thieves in order to hasten their death.


Question 9 The two main accusations made against Jesus were blasphemy and treason.

Question 10 Salvation from the perspective of the individual includes the elements of repentance and faith.

Question 11 Ray Comfort indicates that only 50-60% percentage of converts were falling away from the faith.

Question 12 According to the reading, a person is saved from eternity in hell by a simple act of the intellect.


Question 13 Being found “not guilty” is the same as being “innocent.”

Question 14 Regeneration can be brought about in the life of an individual by either God’s work, or by the individual keeping the law of God.

Question 15 Conversion includes the elements of one’s intellect and emotions, but not one’s will.

  1. Ray Comfort suggests that when sharing our faith we should start with the natural and then go to the spiritual.
  2. Sanctification includes elements of being set apart in the past, continually being set apart in the present, and ultimate separation in the future.
  3. According to the reading, feeling remorse over your sin is enough to save you.
  4. The roman soldiers broke the legs of Jesus and the thieves in order to hasten their death.
  5. The bible teaches that individuals must earn his/her own salvation.
  6. Justification is an Instantaneous act of God in the life of the believer.
  7. Due to the fall in Genesis 3, mankind is actually in opposition to God.
  8. According to Ray Comfort what did John Wycliffe, Martin Luther, John Wesley and Charles Spurgeon have in common in the gospel message?
  9. The two main accusations made against Jesus were blasphemy and treason.
  10. According to the reading, as a result of Adam’s sin, everyone is born onto the world spiritually dead because of trespasses and sins.
  11. According to the reading, a person is saved from eternity in hell by a simple act of intellect.
  12. Repentance is the same as feeling sorry.
  13. Who asked to bury Jesus’s body?
  14. Which is not one of the “five points” of Calvinism?
  15. Conversion includes the elements of one’s intellect and emotions, but not ones will.



Discuss Training and development

Review the Week 2 Lecture, How do you D1? For the purpose of this midterm assessment, assume that your trainers, Sarah and Caroline, are new to their jobs. Assume further that you are their direct supervisor. Describe how you would prepare Sarah and Caroline for their first assignment before they meet with the department manager, Lori Williams.

Be certain to include in your paper a value chain, a logic map, and a process map for their first assignment. Also include learning transfer system inventory. Provide detailed explanations of each component of the maps and the inventory as they apply to the situation in the Week 2 Lecture.

The requirements below must be met for your paper to be accepted and graded:
Write between 1,200 wordsReview the Week 2 Lecture, How do you D1? For the purpose of this midterm assessment, assume that your trainers, Sarah and Caroline, are new to their jobs. Assume further that you are their direct supervisor. Describe how you would prepare Sarah and Caroline for their first assignment before they meet with the department manager, Lori Williams.

Be certain to include in your paper a value chain, a logic map, and a process map for their first assignment. Also include learning transfer system inventory. Provide detailed explanations of each component of the maps and the inventory as they apply to the situation in the Week 2 Lecture.

The requirements below must be met for your paper to be accepted and graded:
Write between 1,200 words

Identifying Constraints

Each short scenario describes a business situation. For each scenario, please write a short paragraph explaining which constraint or constraints is/are present, and why.

  1. A taxi company limits its drivers to one eight-hour shift per day, with one half-hour break for a meal. A taxi cannot carry more than three passengers, all in the back seat, and cannot combine stops; that is, all the passengers must be going to the same destination.
  2. Acme Unlimited sells custom machine tools. The sales department must send each order to Engineering for approval. There are no exceptions to this rule, which creates delays.
  3. An online university offers six-week terms, with three two-week modules per term. Each module is supposedly limited to one topic, or set of related topics. Faculty members find it difficult to create interesting courses, and students express frustration with their learning experiences.

Part II: Describing Constraints

For each situation, write down the appropriate constraint. Please use the standard symbols “+” and “-” for plus and minus, and “ * ” for multiplication; however, if you find the symbols “≤” and “≥” difficult to keep straight, you may write “LE” for “Less than or equal to,” and “GE” for “Greater than or equal to.”

Example: An office is buying filing cabinets. The Model A cabinet holds a maximum of 3 cubic feet of files. Model B holds a maximum of 4.5 cubic feet of files. At any time, the office will have a maximum of 17 cubic feet of files that need to be stored. (A bit more cabinet space wouldn’t be a problem, but not enough would be. The files can’t be stacked on the floor.) Write a constraint on the number of cabinets the office should acquire.


A = number of Model A cabinets purchased

B = number of Model B cabinets purchased


A*( 3 cubic feet) + B*(4.5 cubic feet) ≥ 17 cubic feet


A*( 3 cubic feet) + B*(4.5 cubic feet) GE 17 cubic feet

  1. Patty makes pottery in her home studio. She works a total of six hours (360 minutes) per day. It takes her 10 minutes to make a cup, 15 minutes to make a bowl, and 30 minutes to make a vase. Write a constraint governing the joint production of cups, bowls and vases in a day. (Trans: “joint” = determined together; each affected by the others.)


C = number of cups made

B = number of bowls made

V = number of vases made

  1. An aid agency is buying generators for storm survivors. The generators will be shipped on a convoy of flatbed trucks having a total usable cargo area of 1,350 square feet. Generator A has a footprint (floor space required) of 8 square feet, and Generator B has a footprint of 12 square feet. Write a constraint governing the number of generators of each type than can be shipped.



The Space Electronics Corporation is a subsidiary of a major firm with sales in excess of $300 million. Space Electronics holds substantial positions in commercial and military electronic systems markets, but profitability and market position have been declining. About a year ago, it became apparent that two R&D projects were coming up: a new electronic guidance system for the stealth bomber, and electronic control systems for a remote-controlled military airplane. These appeared to be the only two major projects coming up in the next few years. The executive committee had to decide whether or not to pursue these two projects. This would involve taking a radically new course of action, going after the prime contract for the electronic systems, whereas in the past, the company had operated as a subcontractor to other primes.


The Executive Committee Meeting

In mid-September, Reade Exton, the president, opened the meeting. “As you all know, our profitability and market position have been declining. We have landed only one new proposal during this period, and there is great pressure from headquarters to go after these major projects. We have all had an opportunity to review a copy of the proposals, and I’ll let Glenn start the discussion.”

Glen Overton, vice president, engineering. “About a year ago, it became obvious that our engineering activity was going to decline. The decision was made that a joint effort with marketing would be undertaken, and after a series of meetings, it was decided that our best course of action was to aggressively pursue these two large contracts.”

Oliver Whittier, vice president, finance. “Frankly, Glenn, I have reservations about such a major departure from our past policies and by the magnitude of these projects. I’m worried about the increased overhead and the drain on our current profits. And I have a gut feeling that our probability of getting those contracts is less than you seem to think.”

Ted Byron, vice president, marketing. “Although you may estimate that the probability of gaining these projects is low, the payoff is enough to turn our whole picture around. These contracts will put us on the map. My best ‘guesstimate’ is that our chances are closer to 75 percent than 60 percent. Don’t forget, I have a lot of personal contacts back in Washington, and while that is no guarantee, it sure doesn’t hurt.”

Paul Brown, vice president, industrial relations. “I agree with Oliver. I have my doubts as to our chances of getting such a large-scale project, and I am worried about our people. If we should fail to get these contracts, people could get hurt. We may have to have layoffs and that is a bad business. I think we have a certain responsibility to the people here.”

Mort Jenson, vice president, manufacturing. “Let’s face it, if we pull these two proposals out of the hat, they will love us at headquarters. We’ll be superstars! But on the other hand, we could take a real beating if these projects fizzle out. I think we have to consider the risk factor and what might happen to the company if we fail. And, like Paul says, a number of our line employees could take a beating if things don’t work out.”

Glen Overton. “Listen, fellows, there are no lead-pipe cinches in this business. But don’t you think Ted and I have a better feel for our probabilities than people in personnel? If a downturn were to occur, our company will be hard-pressed anyway. Frankly, I’m not quite as optimistic as Ted here, but I still think our chances are in the 60 percent range. Even at that, it seems like a good risk because even if we only get one of the projects, our company will benefit greatly. Plus our R&D will stand to gain a heck of a lot by being involved in the state of the art. We’ll be able to attract new talent.”

Mort Jenson. “One of our past problems was the isolation of R&D from the rest of the organization. I feel that we should seek to achieve more interdepartmental cooperation. So I think it is important to get all the differing viewpoints out on the table.”

Reade Exton. “I think we have had a good discussion, but now what is our decision? As you know, there is a lot of pressure from headquarters to go after these projects, but it has to be a team decision. Frankly, we are between a rock and a hard place. There will have to be a significant expenditure just to pursue these major contracts, and our R&D activity will be almost exclusively devoted to the proposals for about three months, and that will include 10-hour days and seven-day work weeks. There definitely is a degree of risk involved, although the exact odds are hard to predict. One thing is sure: if we don’t go after the projects, we won’t get them.”


Discuss Group Behavior In Organizations

Discuss Group Behavior In Organizations

Group Behavior in Organizations (Must Answer Both Questions)

QUESTION 1 – Cooperation and Conflict (Chapter 7)

After viewing the video TEDTalks: Margaret Heffernan—Dare to Disagree (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. and engaging in a conflict management assessment (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site., post a statement (per Hefferman’s guidance) that you perceive to be ‘true’. Be prepared to constructively engage in conflicting perspectives with at least two peers and prof, as appropriate. Remember to cite at least two scholarly sources in your responses to peers’ initial posts. At the end of the week (Monday), be sure to let us know what you learned about your conflict management style. Were the assessments accurate? Why or why not?


Coget, J. and Losh, S. (2018). Group behavior in organizations (2nd ed.)[Electronic version]. Retrieved from https://content.ashford.edu/

Heffernan, M. (2012, June). Dare to disagree. [Video file]. Retrieved from https://www.ted.com/talks/margaret_heffernan_dare_to_disagree?la

Pro Mind Consulting. (2012). Assertiveness – Self-assessment. [Questionnaire]. Retrieved from http://www.hr4free.com/PDF_Files/Blog_EN_Management_assertiveness_assessment_questionnaire.pdf

QUESTION 2 – Technology and Teamwork (Chapter 8)

Now that you have learned much more about organizations, and particularly virtual team work, respond to the following question: Using the concepts from Chapter 8 (see attached) of the course text, describe the roles that social presence, digital communication, and unshared environmental context played in both the development and resolution of the problematic dynamics of the virtual team. Response must be 250 words or more. Remember to cite sources including the course text and at least two other scholarly resources.


Coget, J. and Losh, S. (2018). Group behavior in organizations (2nd ed.)[Electronic version]. Retrieved from https://content.ashford.edu/

Assess your progress as an intentional learner by considering each metacognitive step

  • Assess your progress as an intentional learner by considering each metacognitive step: mulling, connecting, rehearsing, attending, expressing, assessing, reflecting, and revisiting.
    • Which step do you use with ease? Describe how you use it.
    • Which step is most challenging for you to use? Why?
    • Which step do you skip over or ignore completely? Why?
  • Imagine someone asks, “What kind of student are you?” How would you answer? What would they observe about your study techniques? Consider things such as the following: engagement with course resources (textbook, video, articles, Instructor Guidance, announcements), how often you log in to class, participation in discussion forums, approach to taking quizzes, etc.
  • Now imagine that same person asks, “What kind of student would you like to be?” List three specific things you are doing to become the student you want to be.
  • Assess your progress as an intentional learner by considering each metacognitive step: mulling, connecting, rehearsing, attending, expressing, assessing, reflecting, and revisiting.
    • Which step do you use with ease? Describe how you use it.
    • Which step is most challenging for you to use? Why?
    • Which step do you skip over or ignore completely? Why?
  • Imagine someone asks, “What kind of student are you?” How would you answer? What would they observe about your study techniques? Consider things such as the following: engagement with course resources (textbook, video, articles, Instructor Guidance, announcements), how often you log in to class, participation in discussion forums, approach to taking quizzes, etc.
  • Now imagine that same person asks, “What kind of student would you like to be?” List three specific things you are doing to become the student you want to be.

Discuss Group Potency and Collective Efficacy

Part 1: Group Potency and Collective Efficacy

Review at least four (4) academically reviewed articles on Group Potency and Collective Efficacy. Develop power presentation of the 4 articles. Support your presentation with appropriate references. Use APA format throughout.

Part 2: Group Cohesiveness:

Review at least four (4) academically reviewed articles on Group Cohesiveness. Develop power presentation of the 4 articles. Support your presentation with appropriate references. Use APA format throughout.

Specific Instructions:

1. Discuss requirements for Parts 1 and 2 above.

2. Develop power points. You power points should contain a minimum of 20 slides (excluding the cover page and reference page.

3. Use APA format throughout.

Part 1: Group Potency and Collective Efficacy

Review at least four (4) academically reviewed articles on Group Potency and Collective Efficacy. Develop power presentation of the 4 articles. Support your presentation with appropriate references. Use APA format throughout.

Part 2: Group Cohesiveness:

Review at least four (4) academically reviewed articles on Group Cohesiveness. Develop power presentation of the 4 articles. Support your presentation with appropriate references. Use APA format throughout.

Specific Instructions:

1. Discuss requirements for Parts 1 and 2 above.

2. Develop power points. You power points should contain a minimum of 20 slides (excluding the cover page and reference page.

3. Use APA format throughout.

Group Potency and Collective Efficacy

Pricing Games/Prisoner’s Dilemma

  1. You really need to look at exhibits 1, 2 and 3.
  2. Given the information would you predict that Sony or Microsoft would want to reduce console prices by $100. Use a 2 by 2 shot simultaneous game to analyze this situation. Assume Nintendo is just looking in but does not act.
  3. Assume that demand curves are all linear. Calculate the own price point elasticities of demand implied by the data at prices of $299 and $399 for both Sony and Microsoft. Are your answers consistent with your understanding of short run profit maximization for firms with market power?

Can you think of reasons why these firms would be particularly aggressive in pricing their consoles?

  1. You really need to look at exhibits 1, 2 and 3.
  2. Given the information would you predict that Sony or Microsoft would want to reduce console prices by $100. Use a 2 by 2 shot simultaneous game to analyze this situation. Assume Nintendo is just looking in but does not act.
  3. Assume that demand curves are all linear. Calculate the own price point elasticities of demand implied by the data at prices of $299 and $399 for both Sony and Microsoft. Are your answers consistent with your understanding of short run profit maximization for firms with market power?

Can you think of reasons why these firms would be particularly aggressive in pricing their consoles?

Examine the National Institutes of Health (NIH) organization’s generic and diversification strategies

Examine the National Institutes of Health (NIH) organization’s generic and diversification strategies, its international moves, and its ethics, social responsibility, and environmental sustainability practices.

Paper is 2,000-word double-spaced APA-formatted paper. The title page, reference list, and any appendices are not included in this suggested word count.

Your paper should address these topics:

  1. Your organization’s generic strategy or strategies.
  2. Any diversification strategies the organization pursues.
  3. Any international moves made by your organization. Does it operate internationally? In what format(s)?
  4. What ethics policies and practices does your organization have in place?
  5. Does your organization practice social responsibility? In what way(s)?
  6. What are your organization’s environmental sustainability practices?Examine the National Institutes of Health (NIH) organization’s generic and diversification strategies, its international moves, and its ethics, social responsibility, and environmental sustainability practices.

    Paper is 2,000-word double-spaced APA-formatted paper. The title page, reference list, and any appendices are not included in this suggested word count.

    Your paper should address these topics:

    1. Your organization’s generic strategy or strategies.
    2. Any diversification strategies the organization pursues.
    3. Any international moves made by your organization. Does it operate internationally? In what format(s)?
    4. What ethics policies and practices does your organization have in place?
    5. Does your organization practice social responsibility? In what way(s)?
    6. What are your organization’s environmental sustainability practices?