Culture and International Human Resource Management

Module 1 – Case

Culture and International Human Resource Management

Assignment Overview

Before beginning this assignment, make sure you have thoroughly reviewed the main concepts from this module. This includes the concepts of host, home, and third country nationals as well as ethnocentric, polycentric, and geocentric strategies. Rao (2010) is the main reference for these topics but the tutorial and video will also help as will Newlands and Hooper (2009). Make sure you are also thoroughly familiar with Hofstede’s cultural dimensions and other aspects of national culture. Carpenter and Dunung (2012) as well as Hofstede’s webpage will help with this topic.

Case Assignment

Write a 4- to 5-page paper addressing the following questions:

  1. Suppose a British computer company has a top secret manufacturing technology. They are expanded overseas to China and Bangladesh to establish new factories using this secret technology. What kind of staffing policy do you think they should use when hiring managers for their new factories? Should they emphasize parent country nationals in their hiring? Host country nationals? Third country nationals? Explain your reasoning and cite Rao (2010) as part of your answer.
  2. An American beverage company is planning an expansion both to France and to India by merging with some local companies in these countries. Based on Hofstede’s measures, which of these mergers would be easier to manage? What type of global selection approach to hiring do you think would be used in France and India—ethnocentric, polycentric, or geocentric? Explain your reasoning, and cite Rao (2010) as part of your answer.
  3. Bob Smith is the CEO of an American company. All of his employees, even entry-level employees, call him “Bob” rather than “Mr. Smith.” He has an open-door policy where any employee can stop by his office to share their concerns. While Bob is approachable, he is also quick to reward employee performance through pay raises or bonuses and quick to punish poor performing employees with suspensions or even termination. Now Bob is planning on opening a new branch of his company in South Korea. Which of Bob’s practices may have to change in the Korean office? Refer to Hofstede’s dimensions and to Carpenter and Dunung (2012) as part of your answer.
  4. Rick is an American corporate executive who gets assigned to the company’s China branch. His first month in China is really difficult for him. He is frustrated when people don’t know English, is shocked by the non-Western restroom facilities, and can’t handle most of the food served in the restaurants. After a few months he starts to learn the language a bit and makes some friends with some local residents. How does Rick’s first few months differ from the four-step “U-shaped” curve discussed in Rao (2010)? What techniques discussed in Rao (2010) could Rick’s company have used to help prevent his initial culture shock?

Assignment Expectations

  • Answer the assignment questions directly.
  • Stay focused on the precise assignment questions. Don’t go off on tangents or devote a lot of space to summarizing general background materials.
  • Make sure to use reli

    Culture and International Human Resource Management

    ble and credible sources as your references. Articles published in established newspapers or business journals/magazines are preferred. If you find articles on the Internet, make sure they are from a credible source.

  • Reference your sources of information with both a bibliography and in-text citations. See the Student Guide to Writing a High-Quality Academic Paper, including pages 11-14 on in-text citations. Another resource is the “Writing Style Guide,” which is found under “My Resources” in the TLC portal.

Module 1 – SLP

Culture and International Human Resource Management

For the Session Long Project for this class, first choose a country interests you other than the United States (you need to learn about another culture other than your home culture for this assignment). You can pick any country you want other than the United States among those included on Hofstede’s webpage:

You will be looking at a different aspect of doing business in this country in each of your Module 1-4 SLPs. For this first SLP, you will be focusing on the culture of this country and how it differs with the culture of the U.S. You can start by looking at the cultural values of this country as shown on the Hofstede webpage linked above.

Keep in mind that it is controversial to try to quantify national culture, so don’t rely only on Hofstede for this paper. Do some additional research and try to find additional information about the cultural aspects of doing business in your country. Then write a two to three page paper addressing the following issues:

  1. Go to the Hofstede webpage and look up the values of individualism, power distance, masculinity, and uncertainty avoidance for both your chosen country and for the United States. What are the main differences between national culture in the U.S. and your chosen country? What implications might these differences have on doing business in your country?
  2. What other information besides Hofstede have you been able to find about culture in your country?  How do these aspects of culture impact doing business in your country?
  3. Overall, does the national culture of your country make it easy or difficult to business? What cultural pitfalls might an American company investing in your country face?

SLP Assignment Expectations

  • Answer the assignment questions directly.
  • Stay focused on the precise assignment questions. Don’t go off on tangents or devote a lot of space to summarizing general background materials.
  • Make sure to use reliable and credible sources as your references. Articles published in established newspapers or business journals/magazines are preferred. If you find articles on the Internet, make sure they are from a credible source.
  • Reference your sources of information with both a bibliography and in-text citations. See the Student Guide to Writing a High-Quality Academic Paper, including pages 11-14 on in-text citations. Another resource is the “Writing Style Guide,” which is found under “My Resources” in the TLC portal.

Module 1 – Background

Culture and International Human Resource Management

Required Reading

A good place to start are these this short interactive tutorial and video below which will give you a brief introduction to some of the main concepts of human resource management. Pay close attention to the concepts of hiring host country nationals, expatriates (parent country nationals), and third country nationals. Also, pay close attention to the concept of ethnocentric, polycentric, and geocentric human resource management:

Pearson logo International employees. (2014). Pearson Learning Solutions. New York, NY.

Bheobhe. (2015, October 5). International human resource management

. University of New South Wales, Australia. Retrieved from


Once you have finished reviewing the tutorials, delve deeper into this topic by reading the following chapter. Pay special attention to the section on ethnocentric, geocentric, and polycentric human resource orientations and also the section on host country nationals (HCNs), parent country nationals (PCNs), and third country nationals (TCNs):

Evaluate organizational structure concerns.

Please READ and review the details of the ENTIRE assignment. The assignment must be written professionally, scholarly, APA format, and MUST include every detail the assignment asks to be completed.




**Please do not rush the assignment….plenty of time to Research, and properly complete the assignment**




Previously, you employed academic writing to describe business decisions made related to a segment of a multi-year integrated case study, and you suggested research needs that result from your interaction with the case. In this assignment, you will use concise business writing to create a presentation of your decisions and rationale for delivery to a C-suite executive in a corporation.


General Requirements:


Use the following information to ensure successful completion of the assignment:


  • Refer to “MGT-805 Integrated Case Study” located in the Course Add-Ons for this course.
  • Refer to the paper you wrote in the Topic 5 assignment as well as related instructed feedback.
  • This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.
  • APA style is not required for this assignment, but correct and appropriate business writing is expected.



Using the case study paper you wrote in Topic 5, create an executive summary presentation of the paper (5-7 slides, exclusive of the Title and Reference slides) with appropriate “Speaker Notes” that could be delivered to a C-suite executive in a corporation in less than 4 minutes. Consider the feedback from your instructor on the case study paper you completed in Topic 5. Include the following in your presentation:


  1. A summary of the business issue emphasizing the organizational structure concerns.
  2. An overview of at least two viable potential resolutions and the supporting research and organizational theory analyses. (Reinforces C.2.3: Recommend the application of newly developed or revised theories to specific business opportunities and challenges.)
  3. An overview of the ethical implications of each option and the extent to which these ethical implications are influenced by the mission, vision, and core values of Purple Cloud. (Reinforces C.2.2: Recognize that values and ethics are fundamental to business success and sustainability.)
  4. Your recommended solution, rationale, and influence on the long-term organizational health of Purple Cloud. (Reinforces C.2.3: Recommend the application of newly developed or revised theories to specific business opportunities and challenges and C. 2.5: Validate and advance business practice through the appropriate application of business theory.

Define and explain Contingency

MGT 550 Week 1 Quiz 1

Contingency means that:

_____ refers to the amount of resources used to achieve an organization’s goals.

_____ complexity is the degree to which an organization’s departments and personnel are dispersed geographically.

Which of the following contingency factors will influence whether an organization is more effective with a primarily organic design?

A _____ is a narrowly defined piece of work assigned to a person.

Organization design:

A _____ has discretion and responsibility, allowing a person to use his or her judgment and ability to achieve an outcome or meet a goal.

Organizations are social entities that are only linked to the internal environment.

Scientific management focuses primarily on design and functioning of an organization as a whole.

Social media can build stronger, more authentic relationships between managers and employees.

Organization design is directly relevant to top- and middle-management concerns and partly relevant to lower management.

Managers in nonprofits direct most of their activities toward earning money for the company and its owners.

Which of the following is a difference between organization design and organizational behavior?

_____ primarily focus on the design and functioning of an organization as a whole.

_____ pertains to the amount of written documentation in an organization.

The growing global interdependence means that the environment for companies has become less complex and competitive.

Which of the following contingency factors will influence whether an organization is more effective with a primarily mechanistic organization design?

Top management is concerned with major departments, such as marketing or research, and must decide how the department relates to the rest of an organization.

_____ refers to economic development that generates wealth and meets the needs of the current generation while saving the environment so future generations can meet their needs as well.

_____ is the micro approach to organizations because it focuses on the individuals within organizations as the relevant units of analysis.

Which of the following is true of contingency factors?

  • 6 years ago

IT Ethics Assignment


Read the article below and answer the following questions.  You should use information from the first IT Ethics assignment in your answers.    You can also use information from other parts of the ebook by Lessig provided in the first IT Ethics assignment to support your answers.

1.  What are the “facts” of the case itself?  Remember, the facts, not your opinion
2.  What are the implications of this case being overturned for a person’s data stored on the web?   This will be some of your own opinion
3.  Why do you think companies like Google, Facebook, and Netflix sided with the court’s opinion?
4.  Last, read Lessig-Codev2.pdfPreview the documentView in a new window, Chapter 17, the first portion under the heading “Responses of a Judiciary”.   Do you see where Lessig’s idea here applies to this case?   Support your answer.

Your final product should be 3 pages.

Article: (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
Supreme Court Case: (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
Lessig Ebook:  Lessig-Codev2.pdfPreview the documentView in a new window

 (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.


Read the article below and answer the following questions.  You should use information from the first IT Ethics assignment in your answers.    You can also use information from other parts of the ebook by Lessig provided in the first IT Ethics assignment to support your answers.

1.  What are the “facts” of the case itself?  Remember, the facts, not your opinion
2.  What are the implications of this case being overturned for a person’s data stored on the web?   This will be some of your own opinion
3.  Why do you think companies like Google, Facebook, and Netflix sided with the court’s opinion?
4.  Last, read Lessig-Codev2.pdfPreview the documentView in a new window, Chapter 17, the first portion under the heading “Responses of a Judiciary”.   Do you see where Lessig’s idea here applies to this case?   Support your answer.

Your final product should be 3 pages.

Article: (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
Supreme Court Case: (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
Lessig Ebook:  Lessig-Codev2.pdfPreview the documentView in a new window

 (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

Discuss on International Business

  You must use PPT’s knowledge to answer. IT IS DUE 12/9 8:00AM.

1. This is an open-book, take-home exam. It is an individual assignment and should not be discussed in any way with others.

2. Your answers are not to exceed 1,800 words in total for the combined exam plus exhibits (if any). Please use 12-point, Times New Roman font, and double-space your answers. Number all pages. Clearly identify which question you are answering each time. All answers are to be written in English.

3. Read through the entire exam and articles and PPT before beginning to answer.

4. Think about the structure of your answer before you start writing it.

5. Answer each question separately and make sure the full answer is included in a single question. You may reference something from a previous answer rather than re-writing it (if needed), but do not answer all the questions in one large report.

6. Logistics for returning your answers:

a. HOW? Word Document file: double-spaced, 12-point Times New Roman font, numbered pages, no more than 1,800 words for the total document.

  •   You must use PPT’s knowledge to answer. IT IS DUE 12/9 8:00AM.

    1. This is an open-book, take-home exam. It is an individual assignment and should not be discussed in any way with others.

    2. Your answers are not to exceed 1,800 words in total for the combined exam plus exhibits (if any). Please use 12-point, Times New Roman font, and double-space your answers. Number all pages. Clearly identify which question you are answering each time. All answers are to be written in English.

    3. Read through the entire exam and articles and PPT before beginning to answer.

    4. Think about the structure of your answer before you start writing it.

    5. Answer each question separately and make sure the full answer is included in a single question. You may reference something from a previous answer rather than re-writing it (if needed), but do not answer all the questions in one large report.

    6. Logistics for returning your answers:

    a. HOW? Word Document file: double-spaced, 12-point Times New Roman font, numbered pages, no more than 1,800 words for the total document.

How difficult will it be to enter a new international market from a position of strength?

Company name: Juniper Networks

Your task is to conduct a global industry comparative analysis that will help develop the strategy for expanding your organization’s products into a new country (Netherlands). Note that the term products will refer to products, services, or a combination of the two.

In this fictional market expansion, your analysis will examine a real-life organization. To accomplish this task, you need to identify and assess the risks that your organization may encounter, such as market barriers and competition, as well as opportunities for success in the selected country. As the general manager for strategy, you have been tasked with the following:

· Analyze your organization’s resources and capabilities (organization profile).

· Evaluate the external environment, specifically the industry in which your organization operates (industry analysis).

· Select a new country as a market for expanding your organization’s products (country risk assessment). You will select one country from the provided list and assess the risks associated with doing business in that country, including risks presented by its economic, political, and cultural environments.

Based on your research, in three weeks you will make a recommendation to your senior vice president and CEO on expanding into this new market. Be sure to budget enough time for each of the 13 steps.

When you submit your project, your work will be evaluated using the competencies listed below. You can use the list below to self-check your work before submission.

Subject: targetting an 8-10% annual revenue increase


Thanks for taking on this task for me. Here are the details—

This project will have three parts. Your first task is to conduct a thorough analysis of our resources and capabilities. This organization profile needs to address our existing strategy, people, skill sets, and what we can do to increase our market share and profitability. We know we won’t be able to make that 8 percent target domestically, so we need to set up shop overseas and tap into foreign customers. We’ll need a strategy, an analysis of the global competitors trading in our target market today, an overview of potential stakeholders, and an evaluation of our own capabilities. Finally, we must lay the analytical groundwork for what could become a fully developed business plan.

Although this is a major initiative, keep in mind that cost reduction is important. Assess what resources and personnel in the organization today can facilitate this move.

Identify and discuss the steps in the revenue cycle

Identify and discuss the steps in the revenue cycle

How can data analytics be used to assist in the revenue cycle process?  Make sure to consider the various steps in the process, the CDM (charge description master), and patient satisfaction.  How will the flow of the revenue cycle be changed with the upcoming MIPS and APM programs?

Remember to support your initial response with at least two additional outside sources (other than your textbook and provided readings).  Your response posts should contain at least one additional outside resource.

How can data analytics be used to assist in the revenue cycle process?  Make sure to consider the various steps in the process, the CDM (charge description master), and patient satisfaction.  How will the flow of the revenue cycle be changed with the upcoming MIPS and APM programs?

Remember to support your initial response with at least two additional outside sources (other than your textbook and provided readings).  Your response posts should contain at least one additional outside resource.

What is the main difference between the equity and exchange philosophies of compensation?

Question 1. Jennifer consults the Dictionary of Occupational Titles to figure out how to define job duties for her store’s Floor Manager position. What job analysis task is Jennifer engaged in?

comparison with other companies


job specification

reflective planning

Question 2. What is the main difference between the equity and exchange philosophies of compensation?

The equity philosophy is based on available budget; the exchange philosophy is based on profit margins.

The equity philosophy is based on fairness; the exchange philosophy is based on employee value.

The equity philosophy is based on profit margins; the exchange philosophy is based on available budget.

The equity philosophy is based on employee value; the exchange philosophy is based on fairness

Question 3. Internal sourcing and external sourcing are part of the process of ______________.

employee orientation
employee selection
job design

Question 4. Which of the following scenarios describes the 360-degree assessment technique?

David’s performance is evaluated by his work over the last calendar year.
David’s performance is evaluated using a BARS scale.
David’s performance is evaluated based on the areas in which he has made the most progress.
David’s performance is evaluated by peers, subordinates, customers, and himself.

Question 5. Larissa is a human resources manager who is drafting the tasks that will be assigned to the Junior Accounts Manager, a new position her company is creating. Which of the following processes is Larissa involved in?

job specification

job description

job promotion

job analysis

Question 6. The _____________________ requires employers to provide job-protected unpaid leave to an employee who is unable to perform his or her job due to a serious health condition.

Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990

Equal Employment Opportunity Commission

Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993

Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938

Question 7. Which of the following laws give workers the right to join a union without fear of discrimination or retribution?

The Norris–LaGuardia Act of 1932

The Wagner Act of 1935

The Taft-Hartley Act of 1948

The Landrum-Griffin/Labor-Management Reporting and Disclosure Act of 1959

Question 8. Benefit packages typically comprise about _______% of an employee’s base pay.





Question 1. Jennifer consults the Dictionary of Occupational Titles to figure out how to define job duties for her store’s Floor Manager position. What job analysis task is Jennifer engaged in?

comparison with other companies


job specification

reflective planning

Question 2. What is the main difference between the equity and exchange philosophies of compensation?

The equity philosophy is based on available budget; the exchange philosophy is based on profit margins.

The equity philosophy is based on fairness; the exchange philosophy is based on employee value.

The equity philosophy is based on profit margins; the exchange philosophy is based on available budget.

The equity philosophy is based on employee value; the exchange philosophy is based on fairness

Question 3. Internal sourcing and external sourcing are part of the process of ______________.

employee orientation
employee selection
job design

Question 4. Which of the following scenarios describes the 360-degree assessment technique?

David’s performance is evaluated by his work over the last calendar year.
David’s performance is evaluated using a BARS scale.
David’s performance is evaluated based on the areas in which he has made the most progress.
David’s performance is evaluated by peers, subordinates, customers, and himself.

Question 5. Larissa is a human resources manager who is drafting the tasks that will be assigned to the Junior Accounts Manager, a new position her company is creating. Which of the following processes is Larissa involved in?

job specification

job description

job promotion

job analysis

Question 6. The _____________________ requires employers to provide job-protected unpaid leave to an employee who is unable to perform his or her job due to a serious health condition.

Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990

Equal Employment Opportunity Commission

Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993

Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938

Question 7. Which of the following laws give workers the right to join a union without fear of discrimination or retribution?

The Norris–LaGuardia Act of 1932

The Wagner Act of 1935

The Taft-Hartley Act of 1948

The Landrum-Griffin/Labor-Management Reporting and Disclosure Act of 1959

Question 8. Benefit packages typically comprise about _______% of an employee’s base pay.





Customer Relationship Management System

I’m sure that you savvy sales professionals can sense that Salesforce makes a very convincing case for how their platform benefits selling organizations. Trailhead modules like Grow Your Business With Sales Cloud,  Sell the Salesforce Way, Close Deals Faster and Sell Your Services make it pretty clear that Salesforce knows what sellers are looking for. But…here’s an intriguing question. What’s in it for customers?  What benefits do end customers realize when their suppliers invest in a Customer Relationship Management System?

Task – Go to Trailhead. Use the search box at the top of the page to search for trails/modules that speak to how Salesforce ultimately makes life better for end customers. 

Hint – think of common customer pain points that Salesforce might address (“my supplier doesn’t understand my needs”, “they don’t communicate well across functions”, “the customer service people don’t know what the sales rep sold to me”, “they don’t come out quickly on service calls”, they don’t keep good records of my issues”, “they don’t measure customer satisfaction effectively”, they don’t understand my business”, “they don’t empathize”, “they don’t love me anymore”, etc.)

Hint – use search terms that will yield customer-centric Salesforce features and modules (customer research, customer service, customer satisfaction, empathy, customer experience management, etc.).  Remember that one of Daniel Pink’s New Selling skills was “Perspective Taking”. That’s what we’re doing here. We’re flipping CRM around and looking at it from the customers’ perspective. .

Start out YOUR post with the words “As a customer, I want my suppliers to have a CRM system because…”. BE AN INDIGNANT CUSTOMER! First identify the “Pain” (how suppliers fail their customers) then identify the “Gain” (how suppliers will do a better job with CRM). Be specific!  Don’t repeat someone else’s point! There’s lots of material in Trailhead for this.

I’m sure that you savvy sales professionals can sense that Salesforce makes a very convincing case for how their platform benefits selling organizations. Trailhead modules like Grow Your Business With Sales Cloud,  Sell the Salesforce Way, Close Deals Faster and Sell Your Services make it pretty clear that Salesforce knows what sellers are looking for. But…here’s an intriguing question. What’s in it for customers?  What benefits do end customers realize when their suppliers invest in a Customer Relationship Management System?

Task – Go to Trailhead. Use the search box at the top of the page to search for trails/modules that speak to how Salesforce ultimately makes life better for end customers. 

Hint – think of common customer pain points that Salesforce might address (“my supplier doesn’t understand my needs”, “they don’t communicate well across functions”, “the customer service people don’t know what the sales rep sold to me”, “they don’t come out quickly on service calls”, they don’t keep good records of my issues”, “they don’t measure customer satisfaction effectively”, they don’t understand my business”, “they don’t empathize”, “they don’t love me anymore”, etc.)

Hint – use search terms that will yield customer-centric Salesforce features and modules (customer research, customer service, customer satisfaction, empathy, customer experience management, etc.).  Remember that one of Daniel Pink’s New Selling skills was “Perspective Taking”. That’s what we’re doing here. We’re flipping CRM around and looking at it from the customers’ perspective. .

Start out YOUR post with the words “As a customer, I want my suppliers to have a CRM system because…”. BE AN INDIGNANT CUSTOMER! First identify the “Pain” (how suppliers fail their customers) then identify the “Gain” (how suppliers will do a better job with CRM). Be specific!  Don’t repeat someone else’s point! There’s lots of material in Trailhead for this.

Customer Service Support

Purpose of Assignment

In this assignment, you to develop your skills using Microsoft® Word to address a business case.

Assignment Steps


Read the following scenario:

You have been asked to write a business  proposal for a client in the hope of setting up a 3-year customer  service contract in support of a new application they are launching this  month. Support services will include technical problem solving and  answering questions on the use of the application.

Write a minimum 1,050-word research summary using Microsoft®  Word in which you communicate the details of your business proposal to  the project team. Include the following components in your research  summary:

  • A Microsoft® Word business template of your choice
  • A description of the client’s needs including
    • Hours of operation
    • Number of calls that will need to be taken
    • Reporting needs
  • Proposed solution to client’s needs
    • Pricing
    • Time of support operation
    • Advantages of using your service
    • What support avenues you will provide (live chat, phone, web)
  • Research through citations and references using the Word reference tool to insert them into the paper
  • An inserted image supporting your recommendation
  • A built-in style appropriate for a business document
  • A bulleted or numbered list
  • A proofing review using Spelling & Grammar check

Submit your final summary  in the following file formats: DOCX, PDF, HTML, and TXT file. This will  acquaint you with differences between file formats and why these  different file formats may be useful.

Cite a minimum of three references.

Format your assignment according to APA guidelines.

Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment.

Used with permission from Microsoft.