Profit And Non-Profit Hospital Comparison

All hospitals serve patients, employ physicians and nurses, and adhere to the rules and regulations defined by the legal framework for clinical services. Although nonprofit and for-profit hospitals are fundamentally similar, there are significant cultural and operational differences, such as the purpose or mission for running the hospital, strategic approaches to scale, financial strategies, and operational discipline. The culture at for-profit hospitals is business driven, and at nonprofit hospitals, it is service driven. For balanced healthcare services, both are important.

This  will help you explore for-profit and nonprofit hospitals, including their purpose, strategy, and services. You will identify one for-profit hospital and one nonprofit hospital in the United States. You will conduct research and compare these identified for-profit and nonprofit hospitals to analyze the strategic similarities and differences between these two categories of hospitals. This assignment will prepare you for Project Two by helping you develop skills to analyze hospitals’ financial needs and their impact on health policies and laws.


To complete this assignment, you will create an analysis report that includes a comparison table for for-profit and nonprofit hospitals. You will research for-profit and nonprofit hospitals, collect information about their financial strategies and malpractice guidelines, and then compare these two categories and analyze their similarities and differences. Then you will summarize your analysis findings. Last, you will recommend an appropriate justification for the need for both for-profit and nonprofit hospitals in the U.S. healthcare system.

You are required to cite a minimum of three sources overall to support your claims.

Use this hospital comparison table template to help you complete this assignment: Module Six Activity For-Profit and Nonprofit Hospital Comparison Table Template

Specifically, you must address the following:

  1. Business Objective: Describe the business objectives or purposes of for-profit and nonprofit hospitals, including their general mission and vision. Consider the following in your response:
    1. What are the core objectives of for-profit and nonprofit hospitals, and how do these influence their financial needs?
    2. What are the key differences in the mission and vision of for-profit and nonprofit hospitals?
  2. Financial Strategy: Analyze the financial strategies of selected hospitals, explaining if their financial needs are key influencers for their business objective. Consider the following in your response:
    1. How does tax status impact for-profit and nonprofit hospitals?
    2. Are the financial needs of for-profit hospitals and nonprofit hospitals different?
  3. Provision of Uncompensated Care: Describe the concept of provision of uncompensated care. Consider the following in your response:
    1. What is uncompensated care?
    2. Is there any difference in the provision of uncompensated care in for-profit and nonprofit hospitals?
  4. Liability for Malpractice: Analyze liability guidelines for malpractice and its financial impact on for-profit and nonprofit hospitals. Consider the following in your response:
    1. Are liabilities different for for-profit and nonprofit hospitals?
    2. What is sovereign immunity law, and how does it impact liability limits for malpractice in for-profit and nonprofit hospitals?
  5. Recommendation: Using your analysis findings to support your claim, share your recommendation about the need for both for-profit and nonprofit hospitals in the United States. Consider the following in your response:
    1. What are the key strategic differences between for-profit and nonprofit hospitals?
    2. How do the financial needs or objectives of for-profit and nonprofit hospitals impact the policies and laws?
    3. Is there a need for both for-profit and nonprofit hospitals in the U.S. healthcare system? Share your recommendation with appropriate justification.

Guidelines for Submission

Your submission should be a 3- to 5-page Word document, including your completed comparison table from the provided template. You must also include an APA-style title page. Use 12-point Times New Roman font, double spacing, and 1-inch margins. Sources should be cited according to APA style.

Business Finance – Operations Management

Case Study: Matrices Assignment Instructions

Case Study is on: domino’s pizza inc. (dmz)


The video can be found at:

Complete a case study of ABC Corporation (your instructor will assign the specific company for the case study at the beginning of Module 2: Week 2) . You will find the case in the case section of the text.

A formal, in-depth case study analysis requires you to utilize the entire strategic management process. Assume you are a consultant asked by the ABC Corporation to analyze its external/internal environment and make strategic recommendations. You must include exhibits to support your analysis and recommendations.


The completed case study must include these components with portions to be submitted over Modules: Weeks 5 & 6, and a final compilation in Module 8: Week 8.

· Cover page (must include the company name, your name, the date of submission, and a references page; the document must follow current APA guidelines)

· A total of 12 – 15 pages (for all three parts, combined) of narrative text, this does not include the financial statements, reference pages, or matrices

· Reference page (follow current APA guidelines)

· Historical Financial Statements, Projected Financial Statements, NPV Calculations and a Cost Sheet for the strategy in an Excel document

· Matrices, which must be exhibits/attachments in the appendix and not part of the body of the analysis (The Strategy Club has excellent templates/examples for exhibits and matrices).

This paper must include:

1. Existing mission, objectives, and strategies.

2. A new mission statement (include the number of the component in parenthesis before addressing that component).


  1. One of the six pitfalls when selecting new ventures is lack of venture uniqueness. The potential investor that George is seeking has referred to his operation as a “me too pizzeria” and is predicting his demise. Pizza is sold through chain stores (Pizza Hut, Papa John’s, Little Cesar’s etc.) small independent shops and some grocery stores. It is a proven product and does not come with a very high sticker price. Is there any truth to the potential investor’s comment? Is the lack of uniqueness going to hurt George’s chances of success?
  2. Uniqueness is not the only factor that needs to be considered when evaluating the feasibility of a new venture. Using the feasibility criteria approach analyze George’s proposed new venture. Given that there is very limited information presented, your analysis may consist of the questions that need to be answered to make a determination of the ventures success.
  3. In addition to the uniqueness feature, what other critical factors is George overlooking? Identify and describe three, and give your recommendations for what to do about them.

You are strongly encouraged to perform additional research to supplement your analysis (above and beyond the assignment details). Using the course materials as references will be considered additional research.

Your paper should be 12 font, Times New Roman, double spaced. To cite your sources please use APA formatting. The paper should be a minimum of 3 pages (not including cover sheet, table of contents and reference page-if all provided)


Nothing Unique to Offer.docx(14.56 KB)

Which of the following defines characteristics with more than one attribute or value that can be observed or manipulated?

Which of the following defines characteristics with more than one attribute or value that can be observed or manipulated?

a.Research question.


c.Variables of interest.

d.Research design.


Question 2

A piece of work that is considered the original report of research providing firsthand information or is the first published account is known as a:


b.Scholarly journal.

c.Secondary source.

d.Primary source.


Question 3

When studying the effect of maternal alcohol use and disruptive behavior in children, maternal alcohol use is likely:

a.A manipulated variable.

b.A selected variable.

c.Unrelated to the child’s disruptive behavior.

d.Controlled by the researcher.


Question 4

A form of bias that allows a typically irrelevant trait to influence perceptions of another, typically more relevant, trait is known as:

a.Halo effect.

b.Hawthorne effect.

c.John Henry effect.

d.Experimenter effect.


Question 5

An equal likelihood that a participant will be assigned to at treatment, control, or comparison groups is known as:

a.Equal sampling.

b.Pre-experimental design.

c.Experimental design.

d.Random assignment.


Question 6

The extent to which a study can be generalized to other settings and populations is:

Internal validity.

External validity.

Construct validity.

Content validity.


Question 7

The effect of the independent variable on the dependent variable is based upon the examination of group differences in:

a.All research designs.

b.Between group designs.

c.Qualitative designs.

d.Within groups designs.


Question 8

A researcher must be concerned with the significance level of the correlation coefficient because:

a.Research reports require that significance exist in order to be published.

b.It is a measure of the validity of the relationship.

c.It tells the researcher how likely it is that the computed correlation value is due to chance or sampling error.

d.It determines the feasibility for the study.


Question 9

The most commonly used correlation coefficient that is used when the data is quantitative and has a linear relationship is known as a:

a.Spearman Rho correlation coefficient.

b.Phi coefficient.

c.Pearson product moment correlation coefficient.

d.Point biserial correlation coefficient.

Financial penalties to punish individuals who engage in or permit improper transgressions are called

1. Financial penalties to punish individuals who engage in or permit improper transgressions are called
a. give or get policies.
b. intermediate sanctions.
c. excess benefit transactions.
d. means to an end.

2. According to Simon’s concept of life stages of an organization, what is the last stage?
a. Produce and sustain
b. Imagine and inspire
c. Ground and grow
d. Review and renew

3. Which assessment tool is meant to determine an organization’s success in accomplishing its mission, or program effectiveness?
a. Cost-benefit analysis
b. Financial ratio approach
c. Outcomes approach
d. Peer analysis

4. Strategic planning is not a substitute for
a. leadership.
b. consulting.
c. organizational meetings.
d. accountability.

5. This concept was developed as a way for businesses to obtain a balanced perspective on performance by combining financial data with other considerations.
A. Financial ratios
b. Balanced scorecard
c. Common indicators
d. Cost-benefit analysis

6. Organizations that are classified as tax-exempt are not required to pay
a. sales tax.
b. property tax.
c. capital gains tax.
d. income tax.
e. all of the above

7. Today’s boards are being exhorted not only to raise money and promote the organization but also to
a. encourage more cooperation between the CEO and the board.
b. be more aggressive in monitoring performance.
c. motivate its members.
d. increase communication levels between the board and the rest of the organization.
8. The term that is defined as the ability to learn as an organization and identify ways to improve, to change in response to client needs, to create new and innovative programs, and to create an environment that is motivating to staff and volunteers is
a. program delivery capacity.
b. adaptive capacity.
c. program expansion capacity.
d. capacity building.

9. According to blended value theorists, value should be thought about as having three components: economic value, social value, and
a. spiritual value.
b. educational value.
c. artistic value.
d. environmental value.

10. According to Collins, this type of leadership exists when the leader has the power to simply make decisions.
a. Legislative leadership
b. Figurehead leadership
c. Executive leadership
d. Charismatic leadership

11. A study conducted by the Corporation for National and Community Service found that of individuals who vol¬unteered in 2005 did not continue their activity in 2006.
a. one fourth
b. one third
c. one half
d. two thirds

12. The importance of this aspect of external activity is growing as government support for many programs has been reduced.
a. Professional associations
b. Executive transitions
c. Employee orientation
d. Fund-raising

13. A is a perspective or a way of seeing and understanding things.
a. grid
b. task behavior
c. transition
d. frame

14. Effective nonprofit leaders are those who are not excessively focused on
a. empowering others.
b. internal management.
c. external relationships.
d. the organization’s mission.

15. This method relates to the actions necessary to implement the strategic plan.
a. Strategic management
b. Operational planning
c. Analytical planning
d. Long-range planning

16. Nonprofits may compete directly with other organizations, nonprofit or for-profit, but also face from all alternative uses for individuals’ time and money.
a. competition-oriented pricing
b. demographic variables
c. generic competition
d. promotions

Without building , organizations cannot grow successful programs to a larger scale, thus limiting their impact.
a. revenue
b. capacity
c. facilities
d. morale

18. One significant risk of resource dependency is actions taken by the nonprofit to alter its goals and activities to satisfy the contributor of funds. This is also called
a. performance measurement.
b. goal displacement.
c. information asymmetry.
d. population ecology.

Management Case Study

Think about True Religion in terms of its continued viability; will its success be redefined?

What are their internal advantages?

Explain why their pricing for a pair of jeans has decreased from 2009.

How can True Religion improve their internal organization for future success?


Read Case 1-2: True Religion Jeans: Will Going Private Help It Regain Its Congregation? located in your textbook (scanned pages included)

Think about True Religion in terms of its continued viability; will its success be redefined?

What are their internal advantages?

Explain why their pricing for a pair of jeans has decreased from 2009.

How can True Religion improve their internal organization for future success?


Read Case 1-2: True Religion Jeans: Will Going Private Help It Regain Its Congregation? located in your textbook (scanned pages included)


What are the differences and similarities between your best team experience and your peer’s?

Bus 180: 301


Access Chapter 1 Grader* Project [Assessment 1]Access Chapter 1 Grader* Project [Assessment 1]


National Conference


Project Description:

In this project, you will open a database containing information about a national conference that you are helping organize. You modify the record for a speaker, apply a filter to find sessions for specific speakers, add a new session, and create relationships.



For the purpose of grading the project you are required to perform the following tasks:

Step Instructions Points Possible
1 Start Access. Open the downloaded Access file named exploring_a01_grader_A1. 0
2 Open the Speakers table in Datasheet view and use Search to locate the speaker with P014 as the SpeakerID. Change the first name from Mary to Mirijana and the last name from Miller to Hinek. Sort the table in ascending order by SpeakerID. Save and close the table. 6
3 Open the Speaker– Session Query and apply a filter to identify the sessions where Cynthia Ahsley or Holly Davis are the speakers (Hint: Use Filter by Form and the Or tab). 12
4 Sort the filtered results in ascending order by the SessionID field and then save and close the query. 8
5 Open the Sessions Form and add a new session using the following information:

SessionID: S13
Session Title: University Collaboration
RoomID: 104
Date: 7/17/2014
Starting Time: 2:00PM

Save and close the form.

6 Open the SessionSpeaker table and enter a new (blank) record using SpeakerID 010 and SessionID 09. Sort the table by SpeakerID in descending order. Save the changes and close the table. 10
7 Open the Relationships window and add all four tables to the Relationships window. Close the Show Table dialog box. 8
8 Create a relationship between RoomID in the Rooms table and RoomID in the Sessions table. Enforce Referential Integrity. 10
9 Create a relationship between SessionID in the Sessions table and SessionID in the SessionSpeaker table. Enforce Referential Integrity. 10
10 Create a relationship between SpeakerID in the SessionSpeaker table and SpeakerID in the Speakers table. Enforce Referential Integrity. Close the Relationships window and save the changes to the layout. 10
11 Open the Master List – Sessions and Speakers report in Layout view. Switch to Print Preview and change the margins to Wide. Close Print Preview. 6
12 Switch to Report View. Apply a filter that limits the report to sessions in Room 101 only. Save the filter and close the report. 8
13 Close all database objects. Close the database and then exit Access. Submit the database as directed. 0
  Total Points 100


Discuss on labor productivity

1.1 Chuck Sox makes wooden boxes in which to ship motorcycles. Chuck and his three employees invest a total of 40
hours per day making the 120 boxes.

a) What is their productivity?
b) Chuck and his employees have discussed redesigning the process to improve efficiency. If they can increase the rate to 125
c) What will be their unit increase in productivity per hour?
d) What will be their percentage change in productivity?

1.9 Lillian Fok is president of Lakefront Manufacturing, a producer of bicycle tires. Fok makes 1,000 tires per day with the
following resources:
Tires per day 1,000
Labor:                  400      hours per day @ $12.50 per hour 400 hours per day @  $12.50  per hour
Raw material:  20,000        pounds per day @ $1 per pound 20,000 pounds per day @   $1.00  per pound
Energy:                $5,000  per day
Capital costs:     $10,000  per day

a) What is the labor productivity per labor-hour for these tires at Lakefront Manufacturing?
b) What is the multifactor productivity for these tires at Lakefront Manufacturing?
c) What is the percent change in multifactor productivity if Fok can reduce the energy bill by $1,000 per day without cutting production or changing any other inputs? PX

1.13 Charles Lackey operates a bakery in Idaho Falls, Idaho.
Because of its excellent product and excellent location, demand has increased by 25% in the last year.
On far too many occasions, customers have not been able to purchase the bread of their choice.
Because of the size of the store, no new ovens can be added. At a staff meeting,
one employee suggested ways to load the ovens differently so that more loaves of bread can be baked at one time.
This new process will require that the ovens be loaded by hand, requiring additional manpower.
This is the only thing to be changed. If the bakery makes 1,500 loaves per month with a labor productivity of
2.344 loaves per labor-hour, how many workers will Lackey need to add?
(Hint: Each worker works 160 hours per month.)

Discuss the Modes Of Entry

Provide a scenario where a company would enter a foreign market using the following modes of entry. Be sure to provide one scenario for each mode:

  • Exporting
  • Licensing
  • Franchising
  • Creating a turnkey project
  • Establishing joint ventures
  • Setting up a wholly-owned subsidiary

Give justification for your choices using the advantages or disadvantages for each mode discussed in course readings.

Read the closing case attached and prepare a response to the following questions:

  • GM entered the Chinese market at a time when demand was very limited. Why? What was the strategic rational?
  • Why did GM enter through a joint venture with SAIC? What are the benefits of this approach? What are the potential risks here?
  • Why did GM not simply license its technology to SAIC? Why did it not export cars from the United States?
  • Why has the joint venture been successful to date?Provide a scenario where a company would enter a foreign market using the following modes of entry. Be sure to provide one scenario for each mode:
    • Exporting
    • Licensing
    • Franchising
    • Creating a turnkey project
    • Establishing joint ventures
    • Setting up a wholly-owned subsidiary

    Give justification for your choices using the advantages or disadvantages for each mode discussed in course readings.

    Read the closing case attached and prepare a response to the following questions:

    • GM entered the Chinese market at a time when demand was very limited. Why? What was the strategic rational?
    • Why did GM enter through a joint venture with SAIC? What are the benefits of this approach? What are the potential risks here?
    • Why did GM not simply license its technology to SAIC? Why did it not export cars from the United States?
    • Why has the joint venture been successful to date?

Which of the following is the best measure of profit maximization goal?


1) Which of the following is the best measure of profit maximization goal?

A. risk of the investment

B. timing of the returns

C. retained earnings

D. earnings per share

2) The tax liability of a corporation with ordinary income of $105,000 is? ________.

Range of taxable income Marginal rate

$ 0 to $  50,000 ?15%

50,000 to 75,000 25

75,000 to 100,000 34

100,000 to  335,000 39

335,000 to 10,000,000 34

10,000,000 to 15,000,000 35

A. $24,200

B. $23,950

C. $42,000

D. $35,700

3) The Sarbanesminus Oxley Act of 2002 resulted in? ________.

A. delayed disclosure of stock sales by corporate executives

B. toughened penalties against overcompensated executives

C. tightened audit regulations and controls

D. lenient penalties against executives who commit corporate fraud

4)Which of the following is an example of a firm’s stakeholder?

A. suppliers

B. media

C. Federal reserve

D. competitors

5) As the risk of a stock investment increases, investors’ ________.

A. return will increase

B. return will decrease

C. required rate of return will increase.

D. required rate of return will decrease

6) Congress allows corporations to exclude from taxes 70 to 100 percent of dividends received from other corporations. Congress did this to? ________.

A. lower the cost of equity financing for corporations

B. encourage corporations to invest in each other

C. eliminate most of the potential tax liability from the dividends received by the second and any subsequent corporations

D. avoid double taxation on dividends

7) Government is typically a ________.

A. net demander of funds because it saves more than it borrows

B. net provider of funds because it borrows more than it saves

C. net provider of funds because it can print money at will

D. net demander of funds because it borrows more than it saves

8) Incentive plans usually tie management compensation to ________.

A. coupon payments

B. share price

C. inventory turnover

D. dividends

9) Which of the following is one of the positive benefits of an effective ethics program?

A. reduce potential litigation and judgment costs

B. making sure violations are penalized, while at the same time not subjecting the employee to publicity

C. gain the loyalty, commitment, and respect of the firm’s competitors

D. maintain and build competitor confidence

10) Corporate owners receive return? ________.

A. by realizing gains through increases in share price and cash dividends

B. through interest earnings and earnings per share

C. through capital appreciation and retained earnings

D. by realizing gains through increases in share price and interest earnings

11) Recently, some branches of Donut Shop, Inc., have dropped the practice of allowing employees to accept tips. Customers who once said, “Keep the change,” now have to get used to waiting for their nickels. Management even instituted a policy of requiring that the change be thrown out if a customer drives off without it. As a frequent customer who gets coffee and doughnuts for the office, you notice that the lines are longer and that more mistakes are being made in your order. Explain why tips could be viewed as similar to stock options and why the delays and incorrect orders could represent a case of agency costs. If tips are gone forever, how could Donut Shop reduce these agency costs?