Discuss Monitoring And Control
Internet Exercise 13.27 or 13.28 on Page 487. The questions are provided below (I updated the link for the second one):
13.27: Go to www.brighthubpm.com/monitoring-projects/51982-understanding-the-s-curve-theory-for-project-management-monitoring/ and read the article on the multiple uses of project S-curves. What does the article suggest about the use of different S-curves and analysis methods?
13.28: Go to http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi= and access the article by Q. W. Flemingand J. M. Koppelman. From your reading, summarize the 10key steps in EVM and the advantages the authors argue earned value offers for project control and evaluation.
The assignment involves that the student read the question, go and search for a site(s) on the internet and answer the question(s) in a 2-3 page paper. Refer to the course schedule matrix for due dates for all case assignments.
Internet Exercise 13.27 or 13.28 on Page 487. The questions are provided below (I updated the link for the second one):
13.27: Go to www.brighthubpm.com/monitoring-projects/51982-understanding-the-s-curve-theory-for-project-management-monitoring/ and read the article on the multiple uses of project S-curves. What does the article suggest about the use of different S-curves and analysis methods?
13.28: Go to http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi= and access the article by Q. W. Flemingand J. M. Koppelman. From your reading, summarize the 10key steps in EVM and the advantages the authors argue earned value offers for project control and evaluation.
The assignment involves that the student read the question, go and search for a site(s) on the internet and answer the question(s) in a 2-3 page paper. Refer to the course schedule matrix for due dates for all case assignments.