Critical Thinking In Decision Theory

Euro Disneyland In the Euro Disneyland case study (p.  257 in the textbook), many of the issues Disney had from the start  related to cultural challenges expanding into France. Using Hofstede’s four cultural dimensions as a point of reference, how would you make the following decisions using the Business Problem Solving Model in the course content?

  1. Discover-Identify the problem: What were two of the three main issues described in the case that were problematic?
  2. Investigate-Gather information to define the problem: What were the cultural challenges posed by Disney’s expansion into France?
  3. Brainstorm-Produce Alternatives: In your opinion, how could Disney have resolved these issues?
  4. Implement-Put the best solution into effect: Of your alternatives, which one do you think would work out best? Why?
  5. Review-Assess the effects of the solution: Based  on Disney’s experience, what are the lessons the company should have  learned about how to deal with cultural issues when expanding? Describe  each.

Your well-written paper should meet the following requirements:

The paper should include the introduction, body, and conclusion.

Should use the book as main resource

Should follow the rubric and guidelines.

  • Be -6 pages in length, which does not include the title page,  abstract, or required reference page, which is never a part of the content minimum requirements.
  • Use academic writing standards and APA (7th ed) style guidelines.
  • Support your submission with course material concepts, principles, and theories from the textbook and at least two scholarly, peer-reviewed journal 

Identify the NAICS Code from the NAICS website for the organization

Create a report summarizing the competitor analysis for three of the best performing organizations in the life sciences industry, focusing on pharmaceuticals and medicines.

Specifically, you must address the following criteria:

  1. North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) code: Identify the NAICS Code from the NAICS website for the organization (a life sciences firm producing cancer treatment drugs) in the course scenario. Make sure the NAICS code relates to either the oncology, pharmaceutical, or medicines sectors.
    1. How will you use the code to find potential buyers in your segment?
  2. Top competitors: Identify the top three organizations in the same industry with the same NAICS code as the organization in the course scenario and explain three criteria you used for shortlisting these companies. Use resources such as IBISWorldMergent ONLINE, and MarketLine to help you in your research. Consider the following in your response:
    1. Why did you select these three criteria?
    2. How do these three criteria impact the organization?
    3. What other criteria did you consider but not use? Why did you not use those criteria?
  3. Company information: Summarize the following information for the three competitors and potential alternative buyers. Use resources like investor relations pages on the organizations’ websites and MarketLine to help you in your research. (Consider using a table to capture this information.)
    1. Strategic vision (if available)
    2. Primary product(s) or service(s)
    3. Overall market share
    4. Compound annual growth rate (CAGR)

Guidelines for Submission

Submit a 3 page Word document using double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, and one-inch margins. Sources should be cited according to APA style.

Planning an Effective Team

  • ASSIGNMENT 1: Planning an Effective Team
  •  Planning an Effective Team
        “Get your talent in the right place on your team, so they can make the team successful.”        Coach Gibbs    Introduction
    Effective teams require effective team  members with key traits and characteristics. The leader of an effective  team must be able to define team roles, describe role responsibilities,  choose tasks for each role, and seek out team members with the skills to  complete these tasks. This assignment gives you an opportunity to show  these skills. In addition, it prepares you to complete your final course  assignment, A Report for Vice President’s Approval, due in Week 10. Scenario
    Your VP has asked you to create a new  team for a new product or service the company is introducing. You will  be building a team to support the product/service, which will consist of  5–7 members, which you will lead. In this assignment, you will complete  the first step in the process of creating an effective team: planning.  You will determine the roles needed on the team, describe these roles,  choose the tasks assigned to each role, and identify the skills team  members need to complete those tasks. Instructions
    Create a 1–2 page plan for your team that meets the following requirements: State your team’s purpose. This purpose should make clear the team’s shared goal, what the team does, for whom, and why. Example: We produce financial reports so our customers can receive timely, quality investment information. Explain the specific roles you will  need and what each will be responsible for. Describe the  responsibilities of the role, including the types of tasks the team  member performs. Remember to include yourself as the team leader. Your  team can be no larger than 5–7 people. As an example, you as leader might opt to have a Business Analyst (BA) as a member of the team. The Business Analyst would run reports, present an analysis of the data, and share findings with the leader and/or team. The Business Analyst would work with the team leader to provide data and analysis about the new product or service. What are the skills and/or traits you have identified each role will require and why are those critical? Continuing  with the Business Analyst example: The analyst must have strong  analytical ability and be great at using creativity, reasoning, and past  experiences to identify and solve problems effectively. A trait that is important for this role includes being detail-oriented and focused. Additionally, technical literacy is important as the BA must be proficient with basic computer skills. The BA must  possess the ability to work well in one or more groups and bring out the  best in others (teamwork skill) and outcomes. Identify and describe three strategies a  team leader could use to ensure the effectiveness of their team and why  those are important to foster. Submission Requirements
    Gather and review the resources you’ve  read during the first three weeks of the course. In your assignment, you  should use specific phrases, ideas, and quotes from the Strayer Videos,  Coach’s Huddle, Weekly Readings, and/or Discussion Questions to explain  and support your thoughts. Example:  “When Coach talked about hiring a former doctor to work at JGR, it made  me realize how important it is to identify and hire the right players  for your team.” Check your assignment for grammatical errors. Review what you have written for clarity. This course requires the use of Strayer  Writing Standards. For assistance and information, please refer to the  Strayer Writing Standards link in the left-hand menu of your course.  Check with your professor for any additional instructions. The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment is: Outline the requirements and traits of an effective team.

Discuss Quantitative Methods

Benchmark Stimulation Assignment

Complete Problem 13-19.

Complete Problem 13-25.


Use one Excel spreadsheet file for the calculations and explanations, with one worksheet per problem. Use the problem number for each worksheet name. Cells should contain the formulas (i.e., if a formula was used to calculate the entry in that cell).

Benchmark Stimulation Assignment

Complete Problem 13-19.

Complete Problem 13-25.


Use one Excel spreadsheet file for the calculations and explanations, with one worksheet per problem. Use the problem number for each worksheet name. Cells should contain the formulas (i.e., if a formula was used to calculate the entry in that cell).

Why does a business need to be concerned with the quality of its data?

Why does a business need to be concerned with the quality of its data?



The problem: The construction employees would like a second pair of boots for the summer.  Management already paid new boots 6 months ago, winter boots that were insulated and heavy for the cold weather that cost $140.  The employees are asking for $200 summer boots that will be thinner.  Management is thinking to lower the cost of summer boots to $140.  Employees feels they will not get a good enough quality of boots under that price range. The employees would also like new boots every year.  Management does not understand how anyone could go through a boots that fast.




Assignment: Research the topic and use the to begin crafting the language in the agreement to favor their position. Use the attached to help frame your response represent the management side. This will serve as the starting point for your negotiations.  Please write a few paragraphs of negotiations that the management will consider in regards to comprise, also items that management will not negotiate, and legal and safety concerns.




Helpful Webiste

Identifying victims after a disaster Is Forensic Anthropology effective as a discipline

1.Case Analysis

Choose two articles and write a review of each. Be sure to include the following:
•    Include title and author of article
•    Thesis Statement (Whether or not you recommend the article).
•    Primary subject/content of the article.
•    Did the author follow anthropological theory and methods in his/her article?
•    What did you agree with in this article
•    What did you not agree with this article?
•    Would you recommend this book to others? Why or why not?

2.Executive Decision

Read “Identifying victims after a disaster Is Forensic Anthropology effective as a discipline? Why or why not?

1.Case Analysis

Choose two articles and write a review of each. Be sure to include the following:
•    Include title and author of article
•    Thesis Statement (Whether or not you recommend the article).
•    Primary subject/content of the article.
•    Did the author follow anthropological theory and methods in his/her article?
•    What did you agree with in this article
•    What did you not agree with this article?
•    Would you recommend this book to others? Why or why not?

2.Executive Decision

Read “Identifying victims after a disaster Is Forensic Anthropology effective as a discipline? Why or why not?

Discuss Business Strategy

Read Chapter 11 on Business Strategy
Review PowerPoint for Chapter 11

You are to apply any 2 Strategy concepts you learned from Chapter 11
and apply it to SPECIFICALLY to your research for your on-going Final Paper.

You are to cite the page numbers and concepts and why you think they apply to your country’s global business plan that you are focusing on for your paper including identifying any possible bariers or challenges. Please be specific in how it applies (350-500 words). Include Business plan -Burkina Faso’s main export is 70% gold.


Reference only Chapter 11, see attached

Also do a reply for each response attached.

As mentioned before, assignments in this on-line course also involve
interactions amongst the students in discussion boards each week where you are to read and respond to at 
least 2 of your classmate’s posts which count as 10% of your grade for each assignment. This interaction is an important part of the course design which gives all of you the opportunity to see how all your classmates respond to the same assignment so you can learn from one another…..your
opinions and civil divergent opinions are encouraged!

Which of these activities is most directly associated with the employment phase of the staffing process?


Question 1 2 / 2 points

Which of these activities is most directly associated with the employment phase of the staffing process?

a) Screening job applications

b) Deciding on finalists for a job

c) Advertising a job opening

d) Evaluating the results of a job aptitude test

Question 2 2 / 2 points

Which of the following statements is true regarding staffing?

a) The organization is the only active player in the staffing process.

b) The staffing process is composed of a series of interrelated parts including recruitment, selection, decision making and job offers.

c) The staffing process should only be viewed from the perspective of the individual (line) manager.

d) None of the above

Question 3 0 / 2 points

Which of the following statements is false regarding person-job match?

a) Jobs are characterized by their requirements and embedded rewards.

b) Individuals are characterized by their level of qualification.

c) Individuals can be characterized by their motivation levels.

d) Organizational culture is an important aspect of person-job match.

Question 4 2 / 2 points

According to the overall staffing organizations model, an example of a(n) core staffing activity is _______.

a) HR strategy and planning

b) job analysis

c) internal recruitment

d) none of the above

Question 5 2 / 2 points

According to the staffing quantity model, an organization will be __________ when availabilities exceed requirements.

a) fully staffed

b) understaffed

c) overstaffed

d) none of the above

Chapter 2 Question Pool

Question 6 0 / 2 points

The essence of a BFOQ is that __________.

a) it is always illegal

b) it reduces discrimination

c) it justifies discrimination based on reasonable necessity of the job

d) it prohibits selection through use of a protected characteristic (e.g., gender)

Question 7 2 / 2 points

Disparate treatment focuses on _________.

a) allegations and evidence about the effects of discriminatory actions

b) allegations and evidence about intentions to discriminate

c) adverse impact

d) quotas

Question 8 2 / 2 points

Regarding the use of tests in staffing, it can be said that _______.

a) they are permitted by law

b) they are illegal

c) they should be adjusted by protected characteristics to be fair

d) they should be “race normed” for fairness

Question 9 2 / 2 points

In EEOC cases, a consent decree is _________.

a) mandated by law

b) court approved

c) limited to non-monetary relief

d) limited to affirmative action remedies

Question 10 2 / 2 points

Which of the following is true regarding EEO laws?

a) State (but not local) government employees are immune from lawsuits by employees who allege violation of ADA or ADEA.

b) States must pursue age and disability discrimination claims under applicable state laws.

c) A foreign company which is owned or controlled by an American employer and is doing business overseas generally also must comply with Title VII, the ADA, and the ADEA.

d) All of the above

Question 11 2 / 2 points

The primary source of common law is ________.

a) The Constitution

b) Federal statutes

c) Past court decisions

d) Federal agency guidelines

Discuss Three Types Of Reports That May Be Provided For Specified Elements

19-25 Occasionally, public accounting firms are engaged to report on specified elements, accounts, and items of financial statements.


  1. Discuss three types of reports that may be provided for specified elements, accounts, and items of financial statements.

Why should reports on the application of agreed-upon procedures to information be restricted to specified users?


19-27 In connection with a public offering of first-mortgage bonds by Guizzetti Corporation, the bond underwriter has asked Guizzetti’s CPAs to furnish it with a comfort letter giving as much assurance as possible on Guizzetti’s unaudited financial statements for the three months Page 748ended March 31. The CPAs had expressed an unqualified opinion on Guizzetti’s financial statements for the year ended December 31, the preceding year; they also performed a review of Guizzetti’s financial statements for the three months ended March 31. Nothing has come to their attention that would indicate that the March 31 statements are not properly presented.


  1. Explain what can be stated about the unaudited financial statements in the letter.

Discuss other matters that are typically included in comfort letters.


19-29 Select the best answer for each of the following and explain fully the reason for your selection.

a. Which of the following is not typically performed when the auditors are performing a review of client financial statements?

(1) Analytical procedures applied to financial data.

(2) Inquiries about significant subsequent events.

(3) Confirmation of accounts receivable.

(4) Obtaining an understanding of accounting principles followed in the client’s industry.


b. Which of the following must be obtained in a review of a nonpublic company?

  Engagement Letter Representation Letter
1 Yes Yes
2 Yes No
3 No Yes
4 No No

c. A CPA who is not independent may perform which of the following services for a nonpublic company?



  Complication Review
1 Yes Yes
2 Yes No
3 No Yes
4 No No


d. When performing a review of a nonpublic company, which is least likely to be included in auditor inquiries of management members with responsibility for financial and accounting matters?

(1) Subsequent events.

(2) Significant journal entries and other adjustments.

(3) Communications with related parties.

(4) Unusual or complex situations affecting the financial statements.

e. The proper report by an auditor relating to summarized financial statements includes:

(1) A statement about the type of opinion expressed in the prior year.

(2) An adverse opinion.

(3) An opinion on whether the summarized information is fairly stated in all material respects in relation to the basic financial statements.Page 749

(4) No assurance on the information.

f. Concerning interim quarterly financial statements, management of public companies:

(1) Must engage CPAs to audit the statements.

(2) Must engage CPAs to review the statements.

(3) May choose to engage CPAs to review the statements.

(4) May not engage CPAs to become associated with the statements.

g. A proper compilation report on financial statements that omit note disclosures:

(1) Includes an adverse opinion.

(2) Includes a disclaimer of opinion on the accuracy of such note disclosures.

(3) Indicates that management has omitted such information.

(4) Indicates that note disclosures are not necessary for those not informed about such matters.

h. Which of the following forms of accountant association always leads to a report intended solely for certain specified parties?

(1) Compilation.

(2) Review.

(3) Examination.

(4) Agreed-upon procedures.

i. Which assertion is generally most difficult to attest to with respect to personal financial statements?

(1) Existence and occurrence.

(2) Rights and obligations.

(3) Completeness.

(4) Valuation.

Discuss Manufacturing Database

About Your Signature Assignment

This signature assignment is designed to align with specific program student learning outcome(s) in your program. Program Student Learning Outcomes are broad statements that describe what students should know and be able to do upon completion of their degree. The signature assignments might be graded with an automated rubric that allows the University to collect data that can be aggregated across a location or college/school and used for program improvements.

Purpose of Assignment

The purpose of this assignment is for students to synthesize the concepts learned throughout the course. This assignment will provide students an opportunity to build critical thinking skills, develop businesses and organizations, and solve problems requiring data by compiling all pertinent information into one report.

Assignment Steps

Resources: Microsoft Excel®, Signature Assignment Databases, Signature Assignment Options, Part 3: Inferential Statistics

Scenario: Upon successful completion of the MBA program, say you work in the analytics department for a consulting company. Your assignment is to analyze one of the following databases:

  • Manufacturing
  • HospitalAbout Your Signature Assignment

    This signature assignment is designed to align with specific program student learning outcome(s) in your program. Program Student Learning Outcomes are broad statements that describe what students should know and be able to do upon completion of their degree. The signature assignments might be graded with an automated rubric that allows the University to collect data that can be aggregated across a location or college/school and used for program improvements.

    Purpose of Assignment

    The purpose of this assignment is for students to synthesize the concepts learned throughout the course. This assignment will provide students an opportunity to build critical thinking skills, develop businesses and organizations, and solve problems requiring data by compiling all pertinent information into one report.

    Assignment Steps

    Resources: Microsoft Excel®, Signature Assignment Databases, Signature Assignment Options, Part 3: Inferential Statistics

    Scenario: Upon successful completion of the MBA program, say you work in the analytics department for a consulting company. Your assignment is to analyze one of the following databases:

    • Manufacturing
    • Hospital