Discuss on Self-Assessment

The milestone assignments will provide you with the opportunity to reflect on four organizational scenarios to demonstrate your understanding of leadership in organizational behavior. These assignments are designed to develop your skills in analyzing various organizational leadership situations dealing with skills assessment, team-building, vision and culture, problem-solving, and conflict management. Prompt: For Milestone One: Self-Assessment, you will use the StrengthsFinder® results and the text material to complete a paper/presentation. In this assignment, you will summarize your StrengthsFinder results and compare these results with the cognitive factors associated with leadership effectiveness. Using at least two examples, explain how your leadership strengths and traits contribute to the effectiveness of an organization that you are part of currently or were previously associated with. You will be evaluated on summary of results, analysis of cognitive factors and leadership, application of examples, critical thinking, and articulation of response. Guidelines for Submission: Milestone One must be in APA style. Include a separate title and reference page, an introduction, subheadings, and a conclusion. The requirements for this assignment are 2 to 4 pages in length (not including title and reference pages), double spaced, 12-point Times New Roman font, 1-inch margins, and at least two discipline-appropriate citations. The milestone assignments will provide you with the opportunity to reflect on four organizational scenarios to demonstrate your understanding of leadership in organizational behavior. These assignments are designed to develop your skills in analyzing various organizational leadership situations dealing with skills assessment, team-building, vision and culture, problem-solving, and conflict management. Prompt: For Milestone One: Self-Assessment, you will use the StrengthsFinder® results and the text material to complete a paper/presentation. In this assignment, you will summarize your StrengthsFinder results and compare these results with the cognitive factors associated with leadership effectiveness. Using at least two examples, explain how your leadership strengths and traits contribute to the effectiveness of an organization that you are part of currently or were previously associated with. You will be evaluated on summary of results, analysis of cognitive factors and leadership, application of examples, critical thinking, and articulation of response. Guidelines for Submission: Milestone One must be in APA style. Include a separate title and reference page, an introduction, subheadings, and a conclusion. The requirements for this assignment are 2 to 4 pages in length (not including title and reference pages), double spaced, 12-point Times New Roman font, 1-inch margins, and at least two discipline-appropriate citations.

Project 1 &2 Data Info Mgt

You need the salesordersexample database to complete this project. If you have not installed the database in MySQL, please refer to #3 installation guide in Week 3 link on eCollege to set up the database.

1. Use the customers table inside of the salesordersexample database, and write a query statement to show all data records of the customers table.

2. Use the customers table inside of the salesordersexample database, and write a query statement to show data records from the CustFirstName, CustLastName, and CustCity columns.

3. Use the employees table inside of the salesordersexample database, and write a query statement to show the employee’s EmployeeID, EmpFirstName, EmpLastName, and EmpPhoneNumber, if she’s living in the area with 98413 as the zip code.

4. Use the employees table inside of the salesordersexample database, and write a query statement to show each employee’s EmployeeID, EmpFirstName, and EmpLastName. Also, in the report, create a new column called EmpAge, in which you use a date expression to calculate and show the employee’s age today. (Hint: A similar analysis can be found in the developer guide in Week 5 link on eCollege.)


Please save the query statements for questions above into a Word document. Also, get a screen capture of the data report after you execute each query in MySQL, and save the screen captures into the Word document as well. Please name the Word document as “MyProject1



BUSA 326 Project 2 Instructions

You need the salesordersexample database to complete this project. If you have not installed the database in MySQL, please refer to #3 installation guide in Week 3 link on eCollege to set up the database.

1. Use INNER JOIN to create a report. In this report, list each vendor’s name and the name of each product the vendor has supplied to our company. You should use the Vendors table and the Product_Vendors table in the database to complete this task.

2. Use INNER JOIN to create a report. In this report, list each customer’s first name, last name, and the dates when he or she places orders to us. You should use the Orders table and the Customers table in the database to complete this task.

3. Use OUTER JOIN to create a report. In this report, list the name of the products that have never been ordered by far. You should use the Order_Details table and the Products table in the database to complete this task.

4. Use UNION to create a report. In this report, list both customers’ and employees’ first name, last name, street address, city of residence, state of residence, and zip code.  You should use the Customers table and the Employees table in the database to complete this task.

Please save the SQL query statements for each question into a Word document. Also, get a screen capture of the data report after you execute each query in MySQL, and save the screen captures into the Word document as well. Please name the Word document as “MyProject2


What strategies can you use to ensure ease of reading in your emails and other digital communications?

1.A. What strategies can you use to ensure ease of reading in your emails and other digital communications?

B. What strategies can you use to show respect for the time of others?
C. Explain the neutrality effect and negativity effect in digital communications.


2.Compare the less-effective and more-effective emails in Figures 7.1 and 7.2 in the following ways:

A. Analyze the writing for each email based on tone, style, or design.
B. Evaluate them based on three principles for effective emails from this chapter.


3.Assume you lost your temper when discussing a group project with one of your classmates. You left the meeting early because you were frustrated that your classmate insisted on doing everything his way. You still feel that he is dominating the project, but your behavior was inappropriate. Write an apology to your classmate in a way that repairs some of the damage between the two of you and allows the group to work more effectively together.


4.Analyze the Better Horizons flyer ( Figure 9.6 ) in the following ways:

A. Which psychological tools of influence (consistency, reciprocation, social proof, authority, liking, scarcity) does it use? Provide examples.
B. What emotional appeals are used? What about logical appeals? Would you consider this messages as catering more to emotion or logic? Explain.
C. Do you consider this message warm and inviting?
D. Do you consider this sales message plausible?
E. Do you consider this sales message respectful?
F. Do you trust this message?
G. What are two changes you think could be made to improve its effectiveness?

5.Assume you own a computer retail store located near your campus (give the store any name you want). You have sold fewer PCs in recent years due to the strong demand for Macs among university students. You will write a sales letter to reach all student housing units. Your goal is to encourage students to purchase PCs at your store. You can do online research to help you contrast PCs with Macs and identify pricing levels. In the sales letter, attempt to show students the advantages of PCs compared to Macs and get them to take specific steps to learn more about or even purchase a PC at your store.

Apply Concepts of Factor Demand

AP Microeconomics
Assignment: Apply Concepts of Factor Demand Page 1 of 2 1. Resource prices affect an economic system in multiple ways. List and explain
three of these effects. (3 points)
2. Derived demand
A. Economists call the demand for a resource a derived factor demand. Explain what
the term derived means in derived factor demand. (2 points)
B. How is the marginal-revenue-product curve related to the derived-factordemand curve? Why is the derived-factor-demand curve downward sloping
with respect to price? (2 points)
C. Why is the resource demand curve for a firm operating in an imperfectly
competitive industry steeper than the resource demand curve of a firm
operating in a perfectly competitive industry? (4 points)
D. Is the resource demand curve of a firm operating in an imperfectly competitive
industry more or less elastic than the resource demand curve of a firm
operating in a perfectly competitive industry? Is a firm operating in an
imperfectly competitive industry more or less responsive to resource price
changes than a firm operating in a perfectly competitive industry? (4 points)
3. At what point will a profit-maximizing firm stop hiring new employees?
(4 points)
4. The three determinants of resource demand: 1) demand for the final good or service, 2)
technology that affects the productivity of resources, and 3) prices of complement and
substitute resources.
A. Explain how a change in the demand for a good will change the demand for the
resource used to produce the good. Give an example. (4 points)
B. Changes in technology can cause changes in the productivity of a resource.
Technological change can be economy-wide, industry-specific, or can occur
within one firm’ s production process. Explain how a change in the productivity
of a resource changes the demand for the resource. Give an example. (4 points)
C. Suppose labor and capital are substitute resources, and the price of capital
decreases. What happens to the demand for labor and capital? Do the
producers produce more or less of the final good? Explain your answers.
(6 points)
D. Suppose labor and capital are complement resources, and the price of capital
decreases. What happens to the demand for labor and capital? Do the
producers produce more, less, or the same amount of the final good? (6 points) AP Microeconomics
Assignment: Apply Concepts of Factor Demand
5. Page 2 of 2 Elasticity A. Blue Chair Press publishes art books. The demand for art books published by
Blue Chair Press is highly elastic. Labor is a significant input in the production
of art books. Show on a demand and supply graph for Blue Chair Press art
books the effect of an increase in the wage rate. What can you conclude about
the elasticity of demand for labor? (4 points)
B. Blue Chair Press uses a lot of labor when it edits and publishes texts. Its labor
costs are 80% of its total costs. Compare the elasticity of demand for labor in
this situation with the elasticity of labor demand if labor accounted for only
20% of Blue Chair Press’s total costs. (4 points)
C. Since Blue Chair Press requires very specific artistic skills from the labor it
hires, there are few substitutes for the type of labor the firm requires. How
does this affect the elasticity of demand for labor? (2 points)
D. True or False: The higher the elasticity of demand for the product, art books,
the more inelastic is the demand for the resource, labor, that produces the art
books. Explain your answer. (2 points)
E. True or False: If the ratio of labor costs to total costs is low, then the elasticity
of demand for labor is low and a given wage increase results in fewer laborers
losing jobs than if the elasticity of demand is higher. Explain your answer.
(2 points)
6. Marginal Analysis
A. Explain how marginal analysis is used to determine the least-cost combination
of labor and capital used to produce a given level of output. (2 points)
B. Explain how marginal analysis is used to determine the profit-maximizing
combination of labor (L) and capital (K) used to produce a given level of
output. Give your answers in words and in an equation. (2 points)
C. Is the least-cost combination or resources also the profit-maximizing level of
resources? Explain your answer. (3 points) ____________
© Copyright 2002 Apex Learning, Inc. All rights reserved. This material is intended for the exclusive use of
registered users only. No portion of these materials may be reproduced or redistributed in any form without the
express written permission of Apex Learning, Inc.

Evaluate the Earned Value Management (EVM) Case Study

Evaluate the Earned Value Management (EVM) Case Study found on page 499 in Project Management: The Managerial Process, Ch. 13.

Calculate EVM information from the data provided using the Electroscan, Inc. Student Table spreadsheet and then draw conclusions regarding the status of the project in the case study.Make sure you include PCIB, PCIC, and TCPI as well as the other EVM metrics.

Draw conclusions regarding project health from the Earned Value analysis.

Analyze the effects of given schedule variances as well as SPI, CPI, EAC, TCIP, and any other EVM analytical products they deem valuable.

Write your findings in a 350- to 700-word memorandum.

Individual Assignment: Earned Value Analysis


Purpose of Assignment



The students will engage with an Earned Value Management (EVM) case study found in Chapter 13 of the Project Management: The Managerial Process course textbook. Students calculate EVM information from the data provided and then draw conclusions regarding the status of the project in the case study. The relevance of this assignment is to assure the learner can manipulate EVM data and draw conclusions regarding project health from the Earned Value analysis.  Students should analyze the effects of given schedule variances as well as SPI, CPI, EAC, TCIP, and any other EVM analytical products they deem valuable.

Resources Required



Ch. 13 of Project Management: The Managerial Process

Electroscan, Inc. Student Table spreadsheet

Evaluate the Earned Value Management (EVM) Case Study found on page 499 in Project Management: The Managerial Process, Ch. 13.

Calculate EVM information from the data provided using the Electroscan, Inc. Student Table spreadsheet and then draw conclusions regarding the status of the project in the case study.Make sure you include PCIB, PCIC, and TCPI as well as the other EVM metrics.

Draw conclusions regarding project health from the Earned Value analysis.

Analyze the effects of given schedule variances as well as SPI, CPI, EAC, TCIP, and any other EVM analytical products they deem valuable.

Write your findings in a 350- to 700-word memorandum.

Individual Assignment: Earned Value Analysis


Purpose of Assignment



The students will engage with an Earned Value Management (EVM) case study found in Chapter 13 of the Project Management: The Managerial Process course textbook. Students calculate EVM information from the data provided and then draw conclusions regarding the status of the project in the case study. The relevance of this assignment is to assure the learner can manipulate EVM data and draw conclusions regarding project health from the Earned Value analysis.  Students should analyze the effects of given schedule variances as well as SPI, CPI, EAC, TCIP, and any other EVM analytical products they deem valuable.

Resources Required



Ch. 13 of Project Management: The Managerial Process

Electroscan, Inc. Student Table spreadsheet


Workplace Safety Initiative Proposal

Allied health professionals are uniquely qualified in many ways to recommend, implement, and provide valuable feedback regarding safety considerations, risk management, and quality of service across multiple levels within a health care organization.

For this assignment, develop a 1,250-1,500 word proposal inclusive of the following elements:

  1. The proposal identifies and promotes one specific safety, risk management or quality improvement initiative that is recognized or proven to be successful.
  2. The proposed idea would benefit your employer/organization, or if you are not currently employed in this capacity, would benefit an organization in your city/region in your chosen health care field.
  3. The proposal must include and define roles for the organization’s top/corporate management, facility/department management, and the role of the individual allied health professional in implementing the proposed initiative’s activities.

Use the “Topic 1 Assignment Template” for crafting your proposal. Appendices are optional; if needed to support a point or idea in your proposal, please attach tables or graph resources in this section and not in the body of the proposal.

You are required to use and cite a minimum of three qualified resources from the readings or the college Library in order to complete this assignment successfully.

Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin.

Discuss Leading Global Business

Scenario: You are the CEO of MegaGlobe Business Solutions, a financial consulting corporation based in Chicago that has just recently opened new offices in São Paulo, Brazil and Shenzhen, Guangdong, China. As part of this transition, your employees will now be working collaboratively with employees at these locations to provide financial consulting services in these new markets. To assist with the transition, you will develop an internal leadership blog for your employees that addresses the implications of leading within a culturally-diverse and changing global business environment. This blog should focus on the need to positively adapt to a variety of leadership styles and individual differences within these cultures.

View the videos listed in this week’s classroom materials for ideas about how to effectively lead, motivate, and communicate with your employees about the need to adapt within this changing business environment.

Write a 700- to 1,050-word internal leadership blog using the Leadership Blog template, and include the following:

  • Explain the implications of leading within a changing global business environment.
  • Describe the Team Leadership Model and how this relates to your current business practices.
  • Outline positive aspects of gender, diversity, culture, and teamwork that can improve overall business performance.
  • Apply principles of motivational leadership within a variety of diverse cultures.
  • Use at least one image, photo, chart, or graph to deliver a key concept within your blog.

Format your assignment consistent with APA guidelines.


Discuss Gender Performance

Note:  For this assignment, you must answer questions A through G.  Please scroll through the entire document before submitting your response.

After studying the assigned reading, Sociology: The Social Construction of Gender, considering the concept of “gender as socially constructed,” answer the following questions and prompts.   As in some other assignments, you might consider  the current U.S. Presidential elections as  an example to discuss as well as the recent debates regarding transgender issues (North Carolina transgender bathroom bill).  , A) How does media create meanings about gender? B) Provide examples of how this is manifested in our everyday lives. C) Provide a link to a commercial/ad that stereotypes gender. Even though it is natural to find humor in some of these portrayals, in what ways is this problematic.  D)  (See below) 

Also, consider that sex is a system of classification based on biology and physiology, while gender reflects the cultural meaning that is ascribed to a person’s sex, thus resulting in labels of “masculinity and femininity.” Furthermore, our biology is not distinctively male or female and a significant number of people are born “intersex” with variations in chromosomes or sexual organs (i.e., the current debates regarding transgender bathrooms). Most biological researchers agree on the estimation that intersex people are about as common as encountering someone with green eyes. It is important to understand that masculinity and femininity are not oppositional, although it seems to be portrayed so in media. In Western society (such as in the U.S. and Western Europe) we typically adhere to certain ideas and values that define masculinity and femininity as we perform the roles. What if the list was different? All of us, in honesty, could reveal that we interchange among the qualities. Take a look at the list and answer the following questions:

Masculinity Femininity
  • strength
  • dominance
  • aggression
  • independence
  • empowerment
  • active
  • rational thought
  • production
  • breadwinner
  • subject
  • outdoors
  • technology
  • weakness
  • submission
  • compliance/vulnerability
  • dependence
  • disempowerment
  • passive
  • emotion
  • consumption
  • nurturer
  • object
  • indoors
  • nature


Provide answers to the following questions or prompts in your assignment submission. D) How is the list being currently challenged? E) What traits do you have that are typically considered “on the list” of the other sex? F) What examples do you see in your daily life of people challenging the historic list? G) What about examples in media of characters or people challenging the list?

Finally, do you agree or disagree that gender is socially constructed? Provide evidence that backs your opinion.  Make in text citations where necessary, and cite any outside sources that you use.

Submit your response in the file submission area for this assignment. If you choose to “add a file” by attaching a MSWord or PDF document, please also copy and paste your response into the comments area.

Discuss an example of a Type 1 Error in business.

  1. Why does business seek to hire people with critical thinking skills?
  2. Give one example of a Type 1 Error in business.
  3. Give one example of a Type 2 Error in business.
  4. Describe what it means when someone says “the probability of knowing” equals 0/1 or zero.
  5. Charles Darwin is the father of modern biology. Explain briefly his discovery of error prevention in evolution.
  6. Sigmund Freud is the father of modern psychology. Explain briefly his diagnosis of human social errors.
  7. Heisenberg is one of the fathers of modern quantum mechanics in Physics. Explain how his discovery affects our ability to determine the future of something.
  8. Briefly outline the contradiction between Determinism and Free-will.
  9. How would you explain Critical Thinking to a friend? (Do not say, “think outside the box.”  <–that is a metaphor and the style guide says avoid metaphors.  Only complete sentences will count as an answer.  No fragments.  This goes for all homework questions. )
  10. Explain what Rhetoric is.
  11. Explain what Dialectic is.
  12. Explain what Reason is.
  13. Why is nonsense such a problem in Business?
  14. Describe why it is not possible to know something in the future?
  15. What are the benefits of being calm and dispassionate in seeking the truth?
  16. Who was Parmenides of Elea, and what was his dream poem about? This question can be answered without doing any reading other than this reading.  You do not need to look up the poem online.
  17. If you were Parmenides, describe your feelings about whether or not you have the courage to open the doors to the temple of reality.  Do you?  This question can be answered without doing any reading other than this reading.  You do not need to look up the poem online.

Compare and contrast different organisational structures and culture and their impact on the organisation.

Business Management assignment containing 3 tasks with total 3000 words.

Attached and also below are the tasks and requirements.

* Kindly take note that the key topics listed on the right side of attachments 1-3 NEED to be covered or else marks will be deducted.

Work must be 100% original and no plagiarism.


People and Organisations: LO 2; Human Resource Management: LO 3


Task 1: 

 Compare and contrast different organisational structures and culture, and their impact on the organisation. 

 Explain the factors which influence individual behaviour at work. 

 Explain how HRM contributes to an organisation’s objectives. 

 Analyse the impact of legislation on HRM in the UK today. 



  Types of organisation: Approaches to structuring organisations; issues of centralisation versus decentralisation; span of control and the relationship between the organisation and its key stakeholders.

An introduction to culture: The development of organisational culture through the assimilation of shared norms, values and beliefs. Use of cultural typologies to classify the culture of organisations.

Role of personality: Types and traits.

HRM tasks: recruitment, payroll administration; employee motivation; reward management; employment termination; training and development; performance management (planning, monitoring, recording, implementing); employee relations; working in partnership with functional areas to achieve organizational objectives.

Identifying human resource requirements to meet functional area objectives: recruitment; motivation; performance management and appraisal; development; discipline and grievance handling.

Impact of UK and EU legislation related to employment: employment law; contract and tort; equalities legislation (Equalities Act 2010; 9 protected characteristics); data protection and privacy legislation; copyright legislation; employment disputes and tribunals.

Task 2: 

 Describe the stages in recruitment and selection of staff in the selected organisation. Construct a new strategy for the organisation. 

 Explain the ways organisations motivate workers. 

 Analyse the link between motivational theories, job evaluation and rewards. 





    Approaches to management and leadership: Brief overview of the historical development of management and leadership, scientific management, bureaucracy, human relations and approaches, systems approach, contingency approach, managerial roles and functions, power, authority, responsibility and delegation.

Motivational theoryProcess and content led theories and their application to organisational settings: Maslow, Herzberg, McGregor, expectancy and personality theories.

Recruitment policies and procedures: Job analysis, job descriptions; person specification; recruitment methods; interviews; assessment centres; tests (psychological, psychometric, aptitude, practical); CVs; letters of application; references.


Motivation: Theories of motivation (e.g. F Taylor, E Mayo, A Maslow, F Herzberg, D McGregor, D McClelland, V Vroom); relationship between motivation theories and reward; employee involvement techniques.

Reward management: Job evaluation; factors determining pay; reward systems; pay; performance-related pay; pension schemes; profit sharing, etc.