Explain the Rubric Superior Criteria

Explain the Rubric Superior Criteria

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Presentation should be follow Rubric Superior Criteria  .

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Topic already selected

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100% Original Work only

Presentation should be follow Rubric Superior Criteria  .

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Data analytics plays an important role in marketing management. Discuss

Primary Discussion Response is due by Thursday (11:59:59pm Central), Peer Responses are due by Saturday (11:59:59pm Central).

Data analytics plays an important role in marketing management. There are many types of data to be gathered and studied. Structured data are quantitative data that can be stored in a fixed format such as a spreadsheet or list. These data can be easily processed by computers. Examples of structured data are the following:

  • E-mail address
  • Home address
  • Age
  • Gender
  • Credit card number

Unstructured data are not easily put into categories. Examples of unstructured data are the following:

  • Internet search results
  • Body of an e-mail
  • Data from social media sites, such as Facebook or LinkedIn
  • Photos
  • Text messages
  • Voicemails

Semi-structured data are a combination of both structured and unstructured data. An example would be an e-mail. The to and from fields would be considered structured data that are easily categorized, and the body of the e-mail would be unstructured, which is not as easily categorized. All of these data combined, along with other types, contribute to big data.

Watch the following video for more information about big data and analytics in marketing: The Importance of Big Data and Analytics in Marketing

Using what you have learned, use the following questions to guide your response:

  • How are these data used by companies? For example, a company that makes video games for Xbox or PlayStation can track the common actions that their players take before making an in-game purchase.
  • Describe 2 ethical dilemmas that business organizations face when using big data. For example, sharing private customer information with your best friend without the customer’s consent would be a potential ethical dilemma because that is private information held by the business.Primary Discussion Response is due by Thursday (11:59:59pm Central), Peer Responses are due by Saturday (11:59:59pm Central).

    Data analytics plays an important role in marketing management. There are many types of data to be gathered and studied. Structured data are quantitative data that can be stored in a fixed format such as a spreadsheet or list. These data can be easily processed by computers. Examples of structured data are the following:

    • E-mail address
    • Home address
    • Age
    • Gender
    • Credit card number

    Unstructured data are not easily put into categories. Examples of unstructured data are the following:

    • Internet search results
    • Body of an e-mail
    • Data from social media sites, such as Facebook or LinkedIn
    • Photos
    • Text messages
    • Voicemails

    Semi-structured data are a combination of both structured and unstructured data. An example would be an e-mail. The to and from fields would be considered structured data that are easily categorized, and the body of the e-mail would be unstructured, which is not as easily categorized. All of these data combined, along with other types, contribute to big data.

    Watch the following video for more information about big data and analytics in marketing: The Importance of Big Data and Analytics in Marketing

    Using what you have learned, use the following questions to guide your response:

    • How are these data used by companies? For example, a company that makes video games for Xbox or PlayStation can track the common actions that their players take before making an in-game purchase.
    • Describe 2 ethical dilemmas that business organizations face when using big data. For example, sharing private customer information with your best friend without the customer’s consent would be a potential ethical dilemma because that is private information held by the business.

Explain any on-sentient organism




  • Identify the requirements for a patent.
  • Then further discuss: Should a company be allowed to patent a life form?   Does it matter if the life form is a non-sentient organism like a plant?  Is there a place where the law can ethically draw a line between life as property and life as beyond the right of any person or business to own or appropriate? NO PLAGARISM, 255+ WORDS ANSWER EACH IN DETAIL USE THE LINK PROVIDED AND A WORD DOCUMENT FOR ASSIGNMENT



    • Identify the requirements for a patent.
    • Then further discuss: Should a company be allowed to patent a life form?   Does it matter if the life form is a non-sentient organism like a plant?  Is there a place where the law can ethically draw a line between life as property and life as beyond the right of any person or business to own or appropriate? 

Establish compatible policies procedures and other means to operate across agency boundaries.

9-1 Subsistence Best Practices

Erik Winters posted Aug 4, 2022

In this activity, evaluate the policy that you analyzed for your final project using the U.S. Government Accountability Office’s (GAO) best practices and leading practices in collaboration. Provide a high-level overview of how you think the policy that you analyzed is performing or did perform on these measures and recommendations for how efforts could be improved.

Best Practices and Leading Practices in Collaboration

· Define and articulate a common outcome.

· Establish mutually reinforcing or joint strategies.

· Identify and address needs by leveraging resources.

· Agree on roles and responsibilities.

· Establish compatible policies, procedures, and other means to operate across agency boundaries.

· Develop mechanisms to monitor, evaluate, and report on results.

· Reinforce agency accountability for collaborative efforts through agency plans and reports.

· Reinforce individual accountability for collaborative efforts through performance management systems.

Congress has set a broad, common outcome for all the efforts towards subsistence fishing (and more broadly, native lifestyles preservation) in the Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act (ANICLA) of 1980. It states in Title VIII that ” . . . it is necessary for the Congress to invoke its constitutional authority over Native affairs and its constitutional authority under the property clause and the commerce clause to protect and provide the opportunity for continued subsistence uses on the public lands by Native and non-Native rural residents (ANICLA, 1980). However, while the federal government has managed subsistence activities on federal lands in Alaska giving rural citizens a priority, the State of Alaska manages subsistence on State and private lands but gives no priority to native or rural residents (UAF, n.d.).

Despite Congress providing a fairly clear desired outcome, there is an awkward disunity between Federal and State efforts at the big picture level which have resulted in thousands of laws and lawsuits which have ultimately come to an unsatisfactory state of affairs resulting in the 2009 statement of Secretary of the Interior Salazar that the State of Alaska was not meeting its end of the bargain and that the Federal government would review its policies in regards to ANICLA (UAF, n.d.), and the most recent lawsuit regarding conflicting State and Federal fishing orders in a dispute over ANICLA jurisdiction on the Kuskokwim River (Brooks, 2022).


Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act. Title VIII § 801 (1980) https://www.nps.gov/locations/alaska/upload/ANILCA-Electronic-Version.PDF

Brooks, J. (2022, July 13). As Kuskokwim fishing lawsuit grows, lawyers say subsistence could be affected across Alaska. KTOO. Retrieved August 3, 2022, from https://www.ktoo.org/2022/07/13/as-kuskokwim-fishing-lawsuit-grows-lawyers-say-subsistence-could-be-affected-across-alaska/

University of Alaska Fairbanks. (n.d.). Tribal governance. Tribal Hunting and Fishing Rights: Subsistence (ANILCA 1980) | Tribal Governance. Retrieved August 3, 2022, from https://uaf.edu/tribal/academics/112/unit-3/tribalhuntingandfishingrightssubsistenceanilca1980.php

VII (1980).

Identify and address needs by leveraging resources.

9-1 Subsistence Best Practices

Shannon Fagan posted Aug 4, 2022 8:41 PM

In this activity, evaluate the policy that you analyzed for your final project using the U.S. Government Accountability Office’s (GAO) best practices and leading practices in collaboration. Provide a high-level overview of how you think the policy that you analyzed is performing or did perform on these measures and recommendations for how efforts could be improved.

Best Practices and Leading Practices in Collaboration

· Define and articulate a common outcome.

· Establish mutually reinforcing or joint strategies.

· Identify and address needs by leveraging resources.

· Agree on roles and responsibilities.

· Establish compatible policies, procedures, and other means to operate across agency boundaries.

· Develop mechanisms to monitor, evaluate, and report on results.

· Reinforce agency accountability for collaborative efforts through agency plans and reports.

· Reinforce individual accountability for collaborative efforts through performance management systems.

The policy I will be evaluated against the GAO’s best practices is regarding a local polling place policy. More specifically, the local policy says, “The Registrars of Voters of the Town of Putnam, in accordance with the provisions of said statutes, shall provide a suitable polling place in each district” (Town of Putnam,1969, p 2). This policy talks about how the district is split up in two and how a polling place must be in each district. Currently, my town only has one polling place, which is against their policy.

Regarding outcomes and accountability it is limited for this policy. A measure of the outcomes would be the percentage of voter turnout among registered voters. You then could compare this to previous years before the polling places were not separate.

Discuss on Establishing Control Systems

9-1 Subsistence Best Practices

Shannon Fagan posted Aug 4, 2022 8:41 PM

In this activity, evaluate the policy that you analyzed for your final project using the U.S. Government Accountability Office’s (GAO) best practices and leading practices in collaboration. Provide a high-level overview of how you think the policy that you analyzed is performing or did perform on these measures and recommendations for how efforts could be improved.

Best Practices and Leading Practices in Collaboration

· Define and articulate a common outcome.

· Establish mutually reinforcing or joint strategies.

· Identify and address needs by leveraging resources.

· Agree on roles and responsibilities.

· Establish compatible policies, procedures, and other means to operate across agency boundaries.

· Develop mechanisms to monitor, evaluate, and report on results.

· Reinforce agency accountability for collaborative efforts through agency plans and reports.

· Reinforce individual accountability for collaborative efforts through performance management systems.

The policy I will be evaluated against the GAO’s best practices is regarding a local polling place policy. More specifically, the local policy says, “The Registrars of Voters of the Town of Putnam, in accordance with the provisions of said statutes, shall provide a suitable polling place in each district” (Town of Putnam,1969, p 2). This policy talks about how the district is split up in two and how a polling place must be in each district. Currently, my town only has one polling place, which is against their policy.

Regarding outcomes and accountability it is limited for this policy. A measure of the outcomes would be the percentage of voter turnout among registered voters. You then could compare this to previous years before the polling places were not separate.

Discuss on Overcoming Challenges


For this week’s assignment, you will begin developing your Student Success Plan (SSP) by completing the first three sections. Example SSPs are provided to give you an idea of what these sections, when completed, might look like.

If you have questions about this assignment, please contact your instructor.


  • Note: You will use this template for each SSP assignment in Weeks 5, 7, 9, and 10. Add to it in each subsequent assignment and resubmit the entire document each time; there is no need to cut, copy, or paste sections of the SSP.


  • Complete the My Study Schedule and Overcoming Challenges sections of your SSP.
    • Create a study schedule that includes personal obligations, study time, and time for completing schoolwork.
    • Describe two challenges that might arise during your academic journey, the reasons they are challenges, and their potential impact.
      • Identify and explain each challenge (write 100 words or more for each challenge).
    • Describe a plan to overcome each challenge that might arise during your academic journey.
      • Explain how you will overcome each challenge (write 100 words or more for each challenge).
  • Apply critical thinking, logic, and problem-solving in completing the required sections of your SSP.
    • In other words, make sure that what you are saying makes logical sense and, if applicable, demonstrates your ability to come up with a solution to a problem.
  • Write clearly and concisely.
    • Someone reading your SSP should be able to easily understand what you are trying to say.
  • Write in a manner that is grammatically correct, with sound sentence structure, and that is generally free of spelling, typographical, and/or punctuation errors.

Evaluate various conflict resolution modes

5–9 Manpower requirements indicate that a specific functional pool will increase sharply from eight to seventeen people over the next two weeks and then drop back to eight people. Should you question this?

5–10 Below are several sources from which legal authority can be derived. State whether each source provides the project manager with sufficient authority from which he can effectively manage the project.

The project or organizational charter

The project manager’s position in the organization

The job description and specifications for project managers

Policy documents

The project manager’s “executive” rank

Dollar value of the contract

Control of funds

6–1 Is it possible for functional employees to have performed a job so long or so often that they no longer listen to the instructions given by the project or functional managers?

7–4 Would you agree or disagree with the statement that “Conflict resolution through collaboration needs trust; people must rely on one another”?

7–5 Determine the best conflict resolution mode for each of the following situations:

Two of your functional team members appear to have personality clashes and almost always assume opposite points of view during decision making.

R&D quality control and manufacturing operations quality control continually argue as to who should perform testing on an R&D project. R&D postulates that it’s their project, and manufacturing argues that it will eventually go into production and that they wish to be involved as early as possible.

Two functional department managers continually argue as to who should perform a certain test. You know that this situation exists, and that the department managers are trying to work it out themselves, often with great pain. However, you are not sure that they will be able to resolve the problem themselves.

How unsolved issues hinder organization efficiency.

Consider selecting a company for which you or a family member works. You might also choose a civic organization. To ensure your selection sets you up for success in all three assignments, be sure that your company:

  • Is one with which you are familiar and is one in which you have access to internal processes.
  • Has a true issue that need to be resolved.
  • Is one for which you can think of possible solutions to the issue that are realistic and enforceable.


For this assignment, write a 1–2 page double-spaced paper in which you will discuss:

  • Your selected organization.
  • The issue you will be analyzing.
  • How the issue hinders organization efficiency.

Confidentiality: Since you will be addressing real issues in real organizations in your assignments, it is important to respect confidentiality. Feel free to use an alias for any company or individuals you might mention in your assignments. Remember that all discussions about these organization should only occur within this course and not be shared with people outside the course.

Consider selecting a company for which you or a family member works. You might also choose a civic organization. To ensure your selection sets you up for success in all three assignments, be sure that your company:

  • Is one with which you are familiar and is one in which you have access to internal processes.
  • Has a true issue that need to be resolved.
  • Is one for which you can think of possible solutions to the issue that are realistic and enforceable.


For this assignment, write a 1–2 page double-spaced paper in which you will discuss:

  • Your selected organization.
  • The issue you will be analyzing.
  • How the issue hinders organization efficiency.

Confidentiality: Since you will be addressing real issues in real organizations in your assignments, it is important to respect confidentiality. Feel free to use an alias for any company or individuals you might mention in your assignments. Remember that all discussions about these organization should only occur within this course and not be shared with people outside the course.

Organizational Issues And Solutions

In the assignment preparation, you chose an organization, described its organizational issue, and identified how it hinders organization efficiency. This assignment exposes you to complex modern organizational challenges. The solutions you devise should reflect your learning and research of organizational and individual influences in the workplace.


The new CEO has selected your consulting firm to provide an analysis of the organizational efficiency.

Write a 2–3 page, double-spaced paper in which you will present to the CEO your findings during your research steps. You must propose strategic solutions in your paper to include the following:

  1. Describe the organization and the issue to resolve:
    • Provide a brief description of the organization you selected.
    • Present the organizational issue that adversely affected productivity and that you, the consultant, will review and resolve.
    • This information can be summarized from your assignment preparation last week. Make sure to incorporate any feedback that you received from your instructor.
  2. Analyze current corporate culture:
    • How has the current corporate culture facilitated the development of the current issue? Research the organization, dig into the culture, and analyze how it contributed to this issue. Hint: Review the mission and vision statements as well as the corporate Web site.
  3. Identify areas of weakness:
    • What are the organization’s areas of weakness as they relate to the issue? Apply your research on organizational behavior approaches to aspects of corporate culture—such as diversity, teamwork, and motivational strategies—to help identify the areas of weakness.
  4. Propose solutions:
    • What organizational practices would you modify? What solutions would you recommend to management that would help solve the identified weaknesses? As a consultant, you will identify the suggestions and solutions you would present to the organization’s leadership with regard to modifying current organizational practices to resolve the issue.
  5. References and citations:
    • Provide at least two quality resources such as the course textbook, a company Web site, business Web sites (CNBC, Bloomberg, etc.), resources from the Strayer Library, and/or outside sources. Note: Wikipedia and Web-based blogs do not qualify as credible resources.
    • You can find in-depth and quality company information using the Nexis Uni database through the Strayer University Online Library.
    • In-text citations are required when paraphrasing or quoting another source.

Confidentiality: Since you will be addressing real issues in real organizations in your assignments, it is important to respect confidentiality. Feel free to use an alias for any company or individuals you might mention in your assignments. Remember that all discussions about these organization should only occur within this course and not be shared with people outside the course.