Growth in entrepreneurship is not a worldwide phenomenon. Discuss

Some entrepreneurs do not find creative ways to obtain equity financing.




Question 2

The freedom to make all the decisions—being your own boss—is one of the biggest lures of entrepreneurship.




Question 3

Growth in entrepreneurship is not a worldwide phenomenon.




Question 4

Bill Gates and Paul Allen launched ________ with the vision of a computer on every desk and in every home, all running software.






Question 5

Dealing with unexpected events is not the norm for most entrepreneurs.




Question 7

________ has further transformed the business environment for entrepreneurs.


Project management

Social networking



Question 8

An ________ is a risk taker in the private enterprise system, a person who seeks a profitable opportunity and takes the necessary risks to set up and operate a business.






Question 9

Growth in entrepreneurship is not a worldwide phenomenon.




Question 10

Even entrepreneurs who have not previously received funding from banks have experienced a credit crunch in recent years.




Question 11

To secure ________, entrepreneurs exchange a share of ownership in their company for money supplied by one or more investors.


Equity financing

Quality financing

Open financing

Closed financing

Question 12

________ are wealthy individuals who invest money directly in new ventures in exchange for equity, are a larger source of investment capital for start-up firms.


Logical investors

Angel investors

Small investors

Cooperative investors

Question 13

The following can be classified as the different types of entrepreneurs, except:


Class entrepreneurs

Serial entrepreneurs

Social  entrepreneurs

Basic entrepreneurs

Question 14

________ are employees who direct the efforts of others to achieve an organization’s goals.






Business Model And Stretegic Plan

Develop the strategic objectives for your new division of the existing business in a balanced scorecard format in the context of key trends, assumptions, and risks.The strategic objectives are measures of attaining your vision and mission. As you develop them, consider the vision, mission, and values for your business and the outcomes of your SWOTT analysis and supply chain analysis.

Consider the following four quadrants of the balanced scorecard when developing your strategic objectives:

  • Shareholder Value or Financial Perspective, includes strategic objectives in areas such as:
    • Market share
    • Revenues and costs
    • Profitability
    • Competitive position
  • Customer Value Perspective, includes strategic objectives in areas such as:
    • Customer retention or turnover
    • Customer satisfaction
    • Customer value
  • Process or Internal Operations Perspective, includes strategic objectives in areas such as:
    • Measure of process performance
    • Productivity or productivity improvement
    • Operations metrics
    • Impact of change on the organization
  • Learning and Growth (Employee) Perspective, includes strategic objectives in areas such as:
    • Employee satisfaction
    • Employee turnover or retention
    • Level of organizational capability
    • Nature of organizational culture or climate
    • Technological innovation

Develop at least three strategic objectives for each of the four balanced scorecard areas identified (Financial, Customer, Process, Learning and Growth). Your objectives should be selected, in part, based on an evaluation of a number of potential alternatives to the issues and/or opportunities identified in the SWOTT Analysis paper and table you completed in Week 3.

Base your solutions on a ranking of alternative solutions that includes an identification of potential risks and mitigation plans, and a stakeholder analysis that includes mitigation and contingency strategies. You should also incorporate the ethical implications of your solutions into your selection.

  • For each strategic objective, develop a metric and target using a balanced scorecard format. (For example, a strategic objective in the shareholder or Financial Perspective is to increase market share. A metric to actually measure this strategic objective of market share increase is, “The percentage of increase in market share.” The target is the specific number to be achieved in a particular time period. The target for the metric of “Increase market share” could be “Increase market share by 2% for each of the next 3 years” of an increase of 2% per year for 3 years.)

Outline a brief communication plan discussing how you will communicate the company’s strategic objectives that includes the following:

  • Define the purpose.
  • Define the audience.
  • Identify the channel(s) of communication and why you selected that channel.

Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word strategic objectives summary.  Include your balanced scorecard and its impact on all stakeholders, and the communication plan.

Discuss The Associationfor Operations Management(APICS)





This isanindividual project.  Eachstudent mustcomplete aCase Studythatprovides therequirementsanalysis anda proposedsolution fora converged network solution. The targetaudiencewillbe the organization’sChiefInformation Officer (CIO).  The Case Studydeliverableis anMSWorddocument.


Thecompleted Case Study deliverableis dueby11:59PM EasternTimeonthedue dateshownintheCourseSchedule.  SeetheAdditional Informationsection ofthe syllabus for thepenaltyfor lateormissed assignmentsand projects.


TheCaseStudyis valuedat12% ofthecoursegrade.






Case Study

Universal Transport, Inc.(UTI)is a globallogistics provider that offers fullyintegrated freightandsupplychainservicesthroughmanagedwarehousingand domestic and internationalfreightforwarding.Services rangefromdoor-to-door domesticand internationaldeliveryservicesto total supplychainmanagement.With branchesacross theUnitedStates andEurope andpartners worldwide,UTIcontinues to expand,andit has experiencedrapid growth through acquisitions.


Note: Thetermsupplychainrefers to alltheelementsinvolvedin bringingan organization’s products from theraw-goods stage tothecustomer.


The Associationfor Operations Management(APICS) dictionary (( “supplychain management(SCM)” as thedesign,planning, execution,control,andmonitoring of supplychainactivitieswith the objectiveofcreatingnetvalue,buildingacompetitive infrastructure,leveragingworldwidelogistics,synchronizingsupply with demandand measuringperformanceglobally.



UTIis competinginanenvironmentwherefreighttransport is asmuch aboutkeeping customers informed asitis abouton-timedelivery.Thecompanyhas adoptedweb- based technologiesfortracking freight, differentiatingitsservices,keepingcustomers informed,andensuringtheon-timedeliverythatis UTI’s hallmark.Asaresult,UTI enjoys averyhighlevel ofcustomer satisfaction.


Its mobileworkforcehas rapidlyincreased,with drivers usingPDAstoscan consignments,whichare thensyncedinreal timeviaGPRSlinksto headquarters applications thattracktheconsignments.CustomersuseUTI’swebservicestoviewthe progressoforders,fromdispatchtowarehousingtofinaldelivery.Customers alsouse UTI’s web-basedsystems tocreatefreightdocumentationandgeneratereports.With the EDIinterface,invoices andpaymentsaretransferreddirectlybetween the customers’systemsandUTI,savingbothtime andmoney.


As thecompanyhas expanded,thedata flowingin thesystemhaveincreasedas well. Now,withmore than5,000employees andthousands ofcustomersworldwide,UTIis sufferingfromtheeffectsof explosivegrowth.Demandsonitswidearea network (WAN)are exceedingcapacity.The maindatacenter has experiencedseveral network

outagesandunscheduleddowntime.The agingISDNtelephonesystem isfailing, as the companyhasavoidedthecostlyupgrades necessarytokeepitoperatingatoptimal performance.Telephone bills haveincreasedwithoutwarning, andthevoicemail

systemis overloaded.




UTIwantsto provideincreasedbandwidth between all47 ofitsUSofficesandthemain datacenterlocatedinChicago.Thereare threeregionalbusiness centers thathavefour to eightsatellitelocations thatneed toablecommunicateandexchange datadaily. Theseare locatedinChicago,Kansas City,andTampa.Thecompanydesires areliable andsecurenetwork toaccommodateitsplannedgrowthwithout exceeding 85%of capacity.


Thecompanydoesnot wanttospend anymore ontelephoneservices thanitdoes today,anditsgoal istoupgradetheserviceswhile protectingagainst escalatingcosts fromitsISDNserviceprovider

Company Culture and Performance

4 pages


Using your current work organization (or an organization of interest) and a second organization in the same industry as the subject matter, research the elements of business, compare and contrast the two selected organizations, and prepare an APA formatted paper that:

  • Analyzes the basic legal, social, and economic environment in which the organizations operate
  • Analyzes the managerial, operational, and financial issues impacting the organizations including:
    • Company Culture and Performance
    • Promotion Policies
    • Strategic Decisions Making
    • Decision-Making Style
    • Management Style
    • Leadership Style
    • Communication Style
    • Use of SWOT Tool
    • Operations Strategy Framework
  • Analyzes the impact of potential change factors as they relate to the functions of management for both organizations including:
    • Changing External Conditions

Be sure to use a minimum of 3 external sources to support your analysis.


Please refer to the following multimedia course material(s):

  • Unit 5: Company Culture & Performance
  • Unit 5: Changing External Conditions
  • Unit 5: Strategic Decision Making
  • Unit 5: Taking SWOT to the Next Level
  • Unit 5: Operations Strategy Framework

At which level of brand loyalty is advertising often used heavily to promote a product?


1. A product is:

the physical attributes of something one can buy.

whatever the seller says it is.

a bundle of physical, service, and symbolic attributes designed to satisfy a customer’s wants and needs.

a thing that’s impossible to define, since everyone sees it differently.

2. Motel 6 and the Ritz-Carlton both provide sleeping accommodations, but their respective guests have considerably different expectations of service. This is because:

companies cannot standardize services.

services are inseparable from their providers.

service quality shows wide variations.

services have a high perishable rate.

3. A consumer expects to purchase convenience products:

without having full knowledge about what is sought.

immediately and with minimal effort.

after visiting numerous stores and comparing prices.

by traveling any distance required to get what is wanted.

4. Supermarkets usually display items such as candy, gum, and magazines near the checkout counter because they are:

purchased on impulse.

easier to replenish.

subject to shoplifting.

purchased infrequently.

5. Consumers who are well aware of the brands they prefer and are willing to make a special effort to obtain them are primarily interested in _____ products.





6. At which level of brand loyalty is advertising often used heavily to promote a product?

Brand recognition

Brand preference

Brand insistence

Brand equity

7. A product which has achieved the status of brand insistence:

is likely to spend more than its competitors in order to maintain its status.

has achieved a monopoly position with its consumers.

has a distinctive ?identity character? like the Pillsbury doughboy.

moves from the unknown to the known category, increasing its probability of purchase.

8. The Kirkland brand is owned by Costco, and the products can only be purchased at Costco stores. Costco contracts with manufacturers to produce and package products under the Kirkland name. This arrangement is called:

family branding.

individual branding.

generic branding.

private branding.

9. The added value that a certain brand name gives to a product in the marketplace is called brand:





10. In the Young & Rubicam’s Brand Asset Valuator model, a brand’s ability to stand apart from competitors is referred to as:





11. Marketing channels play a key role in marketing strategy because they:

provide criteria for promotional expenditures.

provide the means by which products move from producer to ultimate user.

allow more participants to contribute to the economy.

reduce the distribution channel length.

12. Movement of products through more than one marketing channel to reach the same market is:

multiple selling.

dual distribution.

distribution redundancy.

exclusive distribution.

13. The process of using every channel available to market a product is called _____ distribution.





14. Licensed goods manufactured abroad and then sold in the U.S. market in competition with U.S. counterparts are called _____ goods.

black market





1. A product is:

the physical attributes of something one can buy.

whatever the seller says it is.

a bundle of physical, service, and symbolic attributes designed to satisfy a customer’s wants and needs.

a thing that’s impossible to define, since everyone sees it differently.

2. Motel 6 and the Ritz-Carlton both provide sleeping accommodations, but their respective guests have considerably different expectations of service. This is because:

companies cannot standardize services.

services are inseparable from their providers.

service quality shows wide variations.

services have a high perishable rate.

3. A consumer expects to purchase convenience products:

without having full knowledge about what is sought.

immediately and with minimal effort.

after visiting numerous stores and comparing prices.

by traveling any distance required to get what is wanted.

4. Supermarkets usually display items such as candy, gum, and magazines near the checkout counter because they are:

purchased on impulse.

easier to replenish.

subject to shoplifting.

purchased infrequently.

5. Consumers who are well aware of the brands they prefer and are willing to make a special effort to obtain them are primarily interested in _____ products.





6. At which level of brand loyalty is advertising often used heavily to promote a product?

Brand recognition

Brand preference

Brand insistence

Brand equity

7. A product which has achieved the status of brand insistence:

is likely to spend more than its competitors in order to maintain its status.

has achieved a monopoly position with its consumers.

has a distinctive ?identity character? like the Pillsbury doughboy.

moves from the unknown to the known category, increasing its probability of purchase.

8. The Kirkland brand is owned by Costco, and the products can only be purchased at Costco stores. Costco contracts with manufacturers to produce and package products under the Kirkland name. This arrangement is called:

family branding.

individual branding.

generic branding.

private branding.

9. The added value that a certain brand name gives to a product in the marketplace is called brand:





10. In the Young & Rubicam’s Brand Asset Valuator model, a brand’s ability to stand apart from competitors is referred to as:





11. Marketing channels play a key role in marketing strategy because they:

provide criteria for promotional expenditures.

provide the means by which products move from producer to ultimate user.

allow more participants to contribute to the economy.

reduce the distribution channel length.

12. Movement of products through more than one marketing channel to reach the same market is:

multiple selling.

dual distribution.

distribution redundancy.

exclusive distribution.

13. The process of using every channel available to market a product is called _____ distribution.





14. Licensed goods manufactured abroad and then sold in the U.S. market in competition with U.S. counterparts are called _____ goods.

black market




Business Case And Proposal For Project Selection

Business Case And Proposal For Project Selection


You work for Centervale Apparel, a large clothing manufacturing firm. Centervale Apparel has budgeted $9.7 million for new technology initiatives in the coming year but the project requests currently in the queue for next year total about $15 million. Your boss, the executive director of operations, has asked you to put together a proposal for this project to replace legacy order fulfillment technologies by implementing a supply chain management (SCM) system. Your boss wants to ensure this project will be prioritized over other projects on the list and will be implemented in the coming year. Use the following data to prepare a proposal using a balanced scorecard approach to demonstrate the project’s value to Centervale Apparel.

Here is your brief:

Business Problem: The order fulfillment team has been using several legacy technology systems to manage inventory and distribution. The current systems do not work together, requiring redundant information input and processing. Because of the redundant processes, work is duplicated requiring multiple data entry points and sometimes results in inaccurate and irreconcilable data. There is a constant overage or shortage of supply due to the time it takes for data to get from one point to another. This causes unhappy customers and inventory carrying costs that could be avoided.

Project Description: Replace legacy order fulfillment technologies by implementing a SCM system.

Project Cost: The project will cost approximately $1.2 million including infrastructure and resources to complete the implementation and $250,000 annually to support and maintain the new system with a ten-year lifecycle for the system.

Project Benefit: It is estimated that the implementation of a supply chain management system will improve the order fulfillment processing time and reduce inventory-carrying costs. Implementing the SCM system will also enable the retirement of several legacy systems. Estimated annual cost savings are:

  • Data entry staff reduced from 10 FTE to 8 FTE = $100,000/yr savings
  • Reduction in inventory carrying costs = $300,000/yr savings
  • Improved order fulfillment = 10–20% decrease in order to delivery time. This will improve customer satisfaction and retention
  • Improved data accuracy
  • Legacy system maintenance retirement savings = $100,000/yr
    You work for Centervale Apparel, a large clothing manufacturing firm. Centervale Apparel has budgeted $9.7 million for new technology initiatives in the coming year but the project requests currently in the queue for next year total about $15 million. Your boss, the executive director of operations, has asked you to put together a proposal for this project to replace legacy order fulfillment technologies by implementing a supply chain management (SCM) system. Your boss wants to ensure this project will be prioritized over other projects on the list and will be implemented in the coming year. Use the following data to prepare a proposal using a balanced scorecard approach to demonstrate the project’s value to Centervale Apparel.

    Here is your brief:

    Business Problem: The order fulfillment team has been using several legacy technology systems to manage inventory and distribution. The current systems do not work together, requiring redundant information input and processing. Because of the redundant processes, work is duplicated requiring multiple data entry points and sometimes results in inaccurate and irreconcilable data. There is a constant overage or shortage of supply due to the time it takes for data to get from one point to another. This causes unhappy customers and inventory carrying costs that could be avoided.

    Project Description: Replace legacy order fulfillment technologies by implementing a SCM system.

    Project Cost: The project will cost approximately $1.2 million including infrastructure and resources to complete the implementation and $250,000 annually to support and maintain the new system with a ten-year lifecycle for the system.

    Project Benefit: It is estimated that the implementation of a supply chain management system will improve the order fulfillment processing time and reduce inventory-carrying costs. Implementing the SCM system will also enable the retirement of several legacy systems. Estimated annual cost savings are:

    • Data entry staff reduced from 10 FTE to 8 FTE = $100,000/yr savings
    • Reduction in inventory carrying costs = $300,000/yr savings
    • Improved order fulfillment = 10–20% decrease in order to delivery time. This will improve customer satisfaction and retention
    • Improved data accuracy
    • Legacy system maintenance retirement savings = $100,000/yr

Discuss on Refinancing Options

Assessing a refinancing opportunity is a key component in determining the viability of a real estate investment. The purpose of this assignment is to demonstrate that the student understands the factors that should be taken into account in choosing a refinancing option, including financial calculations.

An investor obtained a fully amortizing mortgage 4 years ago for $100,000 at 12 percent for 30 years. Mortgage rates have dropped, so that a fully amortizing 25-year loan can be obtained at 10 percent. There is no prepayment penalty on the mortgage balance of the original loan, but 3 points will be charged on the new loan and other closing costs will be $2000. All payments are monthly.

Based on your calculations, respond to the following in a two- to three-page paper:

  1. Explain whether or not it would be financially beneficial for the investor to refinance, if the plan is to own the property for the remaining loan term. Assume that the investor refinances an amount equal to the outstanding balance of the loan. Use your calculation(s) as evidence to support your conclusion, and explain how you arrived at the calculation(s) you include.
  2. Explain whether or not it would be financially beneficial for the investor to refinance, if the investor planned to own the property for only five more years. Use your calculation(s) as evidence to support your conclusion, and explain how you arrived at the calculation(s) you include.
    Assessing a refinancing opportunity is a key component in determining the viability of a real estate investment. The purpose of this assignment is to demonstrate that the student understands the factors that should be taken into account in choosing a refinancing option, including financial calculations.

    An investor obtained a fully amortizing mortgage 4 years ago for $100,000 at 12 percent for 30 years. Mortgage rates have dropped, so that a fully amortizing 25-year loan can be obtained at 10 percent. There is no prepayment penalty on the mortgage balance of the original loan, but 3 points will be charged on the new loan and other closing costs will be $2000. All payments are monthly.

    Based on your calculations, respond to the following in a two- to three-page paper:

    1. Explain whether or not it would be financially beneficial for the investor to refinance, if the plan is to own the property for the remaining loan term. Assume that the investor refinances an amount equal to the outstanding balance of the loan. Use your calculation(s) as evidence to support your conclusion, and explain how you arrived at the calculation(s) you include.
    2. Explain whether or not it would be financially beneficial for the investor to refinance, if the investor planned to own the property for only five more years. Use your calculation(s) as evidence to support your conclusion, and explain how you arrived at the calculation(s) you include.

Discuss venture capitalists and angel investors.

Discuss venture capitalists and angel investors.  What is their role in new venture creation?  What are some of the determining factors in a VC’s decision to fund a new venture?

Please use a minimum of 2 scholarly references and proper APA formatting.  Your paper should be approximately 2 pages long, excluding your cover page and references.Discuss venture capitalists and angel investors.  What is their role in new venture creation?  What are some of the determining factors in a VC’s decision to fund a new venture?

Please use a minimum of 2 scholarly references and proper APA formatting.  Your paper should be approximately 2 pages long, excluding your cover page and references.

Describe how you would rank the four lease options in terms of risk to the property owner from highest risk to lowest risk

A building owner is evaluating the following four alternatives for leasing space in an office building for the next five years. Write a two-three page paper and prepare an Excel spreadsheet evaluating each of the four different lease options. Organize your paper so that your evaluation of each lease option is clearly identified. As part of each lease option evaluation, calculate the effective rent to the owner (after expenses) for each lease alternative using a 9% discount rate.

  1. Net lease with steps: Rent will be $15 per square foot the first year and will increase by $1.50 per square foot each year until the end of the lease. All operating expenses will be paid by the tenant.
  2. Net lease with Consumer Price Index (CPI) adjustments: Rent will be $16 per square foot for the first year. After the first year, the rent will be increased by the amount of any increase in the CPI. The CPI is expected to increase 3% per year.
  3. Gross lease: Rent will be $30 per square foot each year with the lessor response will for payment of all operating expenses. Expenses are estimated to be 9 dollars during the first year in decreased by 1 dollar per year thereafter.
  4. Gross lease with expense stop and CPI adjustment: Rent will be $22 the first year and increased by the full amount of any change in the CPI after the first year with the expense stop at $9 per square foot. The CPI and operating expenses are assumed to change by the same amount as outlined above.

In addition, respond to the following statements as part of your overall evaluation of these four lease options:

  1. Describe how you would rank the four lease options in terms of risk to the property owner from highest risk to lowest risk.
  2. Explain in detail how would you rank these four lease options overall, from best to worst for the property owner, taking into account both effective rent and risk.

What are the strengths and weaknesses of each sampling approach?

What are the strengths and weaknesses of each sampling approach?

Research at least three quantitative data collection instruments and sampling methods available to researchers using the text and additional resources from the University Library.


Identify two articles: one in which the business problem is researched using a descriptive statistical method and another using an inferential method.



Summarize each of the data collection instruments, sampling methods, and the statistical methods.


Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper in which you compare and contrast each of the approaches:

What are the strengths and weaknesses of each sampling approach?

What are the specific situations in which you would choose to use each of the instruments and designs?

What are the strengths and weaknesses of each statistical approach?

How can they be used most effectively in a combined approach?


Which methods are more appropriate for research in your own business and functional area?