Interpreting Contingency Tables and Tests of Statistical Significance

In this assignment, respond to three exercises presented in the textbook. Answer the questions for the following:

  • Exercise 8.1 Nonprofit Participation in Experimental Financial Assistance Program under Section A: Getting Started on pages 138–140,
  • Exercise 9.2 Attitudes toward Corporal Punishment: Are Men and Women Different? under Section A: Getting Started on pages 159–160, and
  • Exercise 9.3 What Is Going On in the Schools? under Section A: Getting Started on pages 160–161.

Exercise 8.1 includes the development of a table. Use whatever software you prefer to create your table, but please copy and paste it into your assignment document for the assignment submission so that answers to all exercises will be in one document.

Your entire case study must be at least two pages in length. You do not need to include citations or a reference page.  The questions are listed in the attachments

In this assignment, respond to three exercises presented in the textbook. Answer the questions for the following:

  • Exercise 8.1 Nonprofit Participation in Experimental Financial Assistance Program under Section A: Getting Started on pages 138–140,
  • Exercise 9.2 Attitudes toward Corporal Punishment: Are Men and Women Different? under Section A: Getting Started on pages 159–160, and
  • Exercise 9.3 What Is Going On in the Schools? under Section A: Getting Started on pages 160–161.

Exercise 8.1 includes the development of a table. Use whatever software you prefer to create your table, but please copy and paste it into your assignment document for the assignment submission so that answers to all exercises will be in one document.

Your entire case study must be at least two pages in length. You do not need to include citations or a reference page.  The questions are listed in the attachments

What role do you see firewalls intrusion detection systems and antivirus systems playing in promoting security?

You are the new IT Manager for the Cougar Corporation, a firm of 500 employees, with 5 buildings located in three different states.  Much of the information is critical to the operation of the business and contains key customer information.  As the new IT Manager, one of your employees comes to you concerned with the safeguarding of the firm’s information.  As you investigate this issue further, you too are concerned as it does not appear many methods of safeguarding the firm’s information are in place.  What methods would you want to make sure are in place to help with the safeguarding of information?  What role do you see firewalls, intrusion detection systems, and antivirus systems playing in promoting security?

Write up a memo to your supervisor detailing methods you would like to see implemented across the firm and the role of firewalls, intrusion detection systems, and antivirus systems in promoting better safeguarding of the firm’s information.

You are the new IT Manager for the Cougar Corporation, a firm of 500 employees, with 5 buildings located in three different states.  Much of the information is critical to the operation of the business and contains key customer information.  As the new IT Manager, one of your employees comes to you concerned with the safeguarding of the firm’s information.  As you investigate this issue further, you too are concerned as it does not appear many methods of safeguarding the firm’s information are in place.  What methods would you want to make sure are in place to help with the safeguarding of information?  What role do you see firewalls, intrusion detection systems, and antivirus systems playing in promoting security?

Write up a memo to your supervisor detailing methods you would like to see implemented across the firm and the role of firewalls, intrusion detection systems, and antivirus systems in promoting better safeguarding of the firm’s information.

Ethical Decision Making And Normative Ethics

ASSIGNMENT ONE (Already Done Needs revision and fluff to reach page count)

Making Biblically-Based Ethical Decisions

For each of the points below, conduct thorough research to answer each point below which can be easily researched by a simple internet search for articles and ebooks. No answer should be based on your opinion. Instead, all answers must be grounded in your research. Ten (10) points will be deducted for each point that is not discussed using research.

Minor Project 1 introduced you to different normative ethical theories. Minor project 2 focuses on understanding how to make ethical decisions using the ethical decision frameworks for the 3 categories of ethical theories in normative ethics. This project should be substantially different from minor project 1.

Write an introduction explaining the type and nature of ethical issues that occur in business include ethical issues faced by businesses operating in a global economy. The introduction should explain the purpose of your paper and not exceed 200 words.

Explain frameworks for analyzing ethical issues in business (How to make an ethical decision based on each of the four below). How would a person that views ethics following (This should be a substantial portion of your project):

Virtue perspective

Duty perspective

Consequential perspective

Christian perspective

(Do not write about subcategories)

Guiding principles are used to make ethical decisions. Explain what guiding principles Christians should follow.

How are these principle(s) deemed relevant to ethical decision-making?

How are conflicts resolved according ethics theory?

Does God ever require us to choose the “lesser of two evils?” [This is not about politics. Things to consider: what is meant by ‘evil,’ is evil, sin, and bad synonymous?

Provide examples** of major themes of the Bible that apply to particular issues regarding ethics in business.

**For the final point, you are free to pick 2 or 3 examples from the bible and then explain based on your understanding of ethics.


What are Maslow’s descriptions of human needs?


    Discussion Activity.

    Provide an initial discussion of approximately 500 words

    case study is provided for this discussion activity and also what to do file is attached, please have a look at all the files attached.

    just focus on table 1
    rest all is not required for this 500 word activity

    Discussion Activity.

    Provide an initial discussion of approximately 500 words

    case study is provided for this discussion activity and also what to do file is attached, please have a look at all the files attached.

    just focus on table 1
    rest all is not required for this 500 word activity

Define and explain Managerial Economics

Problem Set #9

When the Macintosh computer was introduced in 1982, Apple made it difficult for third-party software developers to develop software for the platform. In contrast, Apple makes it relatively easy for third-party developers to make applications that run on the iPhone. Compare and contrast these two strategies.

The assignment is to answer the question provided above in essay form. This is to be in narrative form. Bullet points should not to be used. The paper should be at least 1.5 – 2 pages in length

Problem Set #9

When the Macintosh computer was introduced in 1982, Apple made it difficult for third-party software developers to develop software for the platform. In contrast, Apple makes it relatively easy for third-party developers to make applications that run on the iPhone. Compare and contrast these two strategies.

The assignment is to answer the question provided above in essay form. This is to be in narrative form. Bullet points should not to be used. The paper should be at least 1.5 – 2 pages in length

“Organization Development & Change

· Please read the case study entitled as “Job Design at Pepperdine University.” available in your textbook “Organization Development & Change” 10th edition by Cummings, T and Worley, C and answer the following questions:

Assignment Question(s):

· Q.1 Describe the culture of Pepperdine University within which an individual job is enriched. Support your answer using two examples from the case study (Lo 1.5 & 3.1)

· Q.2 Based on your understanding of the individual-level diagnosing of job designs, discuss and evaluate each of the following components for the MSOD program’s administrator as proposed by Pepperdine University:

-Skill variety (Lo 2.5)

-Task identity (Lo 2.5)

-Task significance (Lo 2.5)

-Autonomy (Lo 2.5)

-Feedback (Lo 2.5)

· Q.3 Explain why it is important for an individual job design to be congruent with the larger organization design. Support your answer using one example from this case study (Lo 1.5 & 3.1)

Initiating The Project – Problem Set 16

You will organize some of your past completed exercises into a Project Charter. Combine Problem Sets #2, 7, 8, 9 and 11 into a Project Charter similar to the one completed for the Residency Weekend. Make any corrections to your exercises as provided in grading feedback from the Instrutor. Ensure all inserted charts are legible.

Submit as a single document (Word or pdf) by Wednesday night, 11:59 PM Eastern Time.

You will organize some of your past completed exercises into a Project Charter. Combine Problem Sets #2, 7, 8, 9 and 11 into a Project Charter similar to the one completed for the Residency Weekend. Make any corrections to your exercises as provided in grading feedback from the Instrutor. Ensure all inserted charts are legible.

Submit as a single document (Word or pdf) by Wednesday night, 11:59 PM Eastern Time.

What are the implications for you when you are given responsibility to run your own projects?

Consider the profile examples on project leaders Sir John Armitt and Jim Watzin from the chapter. If you were to summarize the leadership keys to their success in running projects, what actions or characteristics would you identify as being critical? Why? What are the implications for you when you are given responsibility to run your own projects? Consider the profile examples on project leaders Sir John Armitt and Jim Watzin from the chapter. If you were to summarize the leadership keys to their success in running projects, what actions or characteristics would you identify as being critical? Why? What are the implications for you when you are given responsibility to run your own projects?

Evaluate on Managerial Economics

1. In 2014, the euro was trading at $1.35 on the foreign exchange market. By 2015, the rate had fallen to $1.10, due to falling European interest rates. Explain the fall in the price of a euro using supply and demand curves, and in words.2. Using shifts in supply and demand curves, describe how a change in the exchange rate affected your industry. Label the axes, and state the geographic, product, and time dimensions of the demand and supply curves you are drawing. Explain what happened to industry price and quantity by making specific references to the demand and supply curves. How can you profit from future shifts in the exchange rate? How do you predict future changes in the exchange ra1. In 2014, the euro was trading at $1.35 on the foreign exchange market. By 2015, the rate had fallen to $1.10, due to falling European interest rates. Explain the fall in the price of a euro using supply and demand curves, and in words.2. Using shifts in supply and demand curves, describe how a change in the exchange rate affected your industry. Label the axes, and state the geographic, product, and time dimensions of the demand and supply curves you are drawing. Explain what happened to industry price and quantity by making specific references to the demand and supply curves. How can you profit from future shifts in the exchange rate? How do you predict future changes in the exchange ra

Milestone Three Human Resource Management

Overview: This milestone focuses on the topics of this week’s lessons: managing and appraising employee performance.

Using the material on performance management and appraisals provided in this week’s lesson and the case, in a short paper you should:

 Determine the HRM’s role in the performance management process and explain how to ensure the process aligns with the organization’s strategic plan.

 Differentiate between the trait, behavioral, and results-based performance appraisal systems, providing an example where each would be most applicable.

 Identify best suited appraisal for the Maersk Customer Service – CARE Business Partner.

 Identify and describe a variety of performance rating scales that can be used in organizations including graphical scales, letter scales, and numeric scales.

Guidelines for Submission: Your submission should be 2–3 pages in length and double-spaced using 12-point Times New Roman font. Be sure to list your references at the end of your paper. Submit journal assignment as a Word document.