Discuss Effective Methods of Employee Recognition
Effective Methods of Employee Recognition
Introduction to the topic, not exceeding 125 words, providing the reader with an overview of the research topic
A summary (100-125 words) of the relevance of the topic to the study of management and supervision is presented
Condense your findings (Research Results) to its essence in the form of brief paragraphs (“bullet statements”).
APA citations are required for each bullet statement
A summary (225-250 words) giving the reader an overview of the results of the research and how it relates to the study of management and supervision
For ease of reading, your document must contain appropriate section headings. It is suggested you use “Introduction, Relevance, Research Results, Summary, and References” as headings for the various sections of your research document. The use of section headings is an effective way to help you organize your research document.
I mean
Introduction-125 words
Relevance/Rationale-125 words
Research Results (The methods of Employee Recognition) -700 words
Summary-250 word
References (Min 5 sources from UMUC’s Online Library)
Begin your research using UMUC’s Online Library – http://www.umuc.edu/library, an up-to-date and reliable source for research material. The numerous databases found in this library provide a wealth of information for you to access. It is expected that you will use these databases as the primary source for your research material. Other good research sources include other university or public libraries and material learned during this course. You can use other sources found on the Internet, however, these cannot be your primary source for research material. Internet sources are limited in quality, accuracy and scope. Using these sources you will create an “annotated bibliography.”