Discuss on Long-term government bonds

1.   Which one of the following categories of securities   had the highest average return for the period 1926–2013? 



A. Long-term     government bonds 


B. Small-company stocks 


C. Long-term     corporate bonds 


D. Large-company     stocks


2.   A stock has a beta of 1.2 and an expected return of   17 percent. A risk-free asset currently earns 5.1 percent. The beta of a   portfolio comprised of these two assets is 0.85. What percentage of the   portfolio is invested in the stock? 



A. 92 percent 


B. 77 percent 


 C. 71     percent 


D. 81 percent 



3.   _______ market efficiency suggests that at a       minimum, the current price of the stock reflects the stock’s own past       prices. 



A. Weak form 


B. Strong form         


C. Semistrong


D. Loose form 


4.   Six months ago, you purchased 100 shares of       stock in Global Trading at a price of $38.70 a share. The stock pays a       quarterly dividend of $.15 a share. Today, you sold all of your shares       for $40.10 per share. What’s the total amount of your dividend       income on this investment? 



A. $15 


B. $45 


C. $50 


 D. $30 


1.   Which one of the following categories of securities   had the highest average return for the period 1926–2013? 



A. Long-term     government bonds 


B. Small-company stocks 


C. Long-term     corporate bonds 


D. Large-company     stocks


2.   A stock has a beta of 1.2 and an expected return of   17 percent. A risk-free asset currently earns 5.1 percent. The beta of a   portfolio comprised of these two assets is 0.85. What percentage of the   portfolio is invested in the stock? 



A. 92 percent 


B. 77 percent 


 C. 71     percent 


D. 81 percent 



3.   _______ market efficiency suggests that at a       minimum, the current price of the stock reflects the stock’s own past       prices. 



A. Weak form 


B. Strong form         


C. Semistrong


D. Loose form 


4.   Six months ago, you purchased 100 shares of       stock in Global Trading at a price of $38.70 a share. The stock pays a       quarterly dividend of $.15 a share. Today, you sold all of your shares       for $40.10 per share. What’s the total amount of your dividend       income on this investment? 



A. $15 


B. $45 


C. $50 


 D. $30 


Discuss on marketing management.



You will complete a Integration of Faith and Learning essay that is at least 500 words, are in current APA format, and are submitted as Microsoft Word documents through SafeAssign. You will contemplate the assigned Scripture verse and relate it to marketing management.

Integration of Faith and Learning 1


Aristotle defined character as “the decisions a person makes when the choice is not obvious.” Another well-known definition of character is the way people act when no one is looking. Firms that have “character” tend to perform better over time.

1. Find at least 1 Scripture verse that is related to character and to a firm that has character.

2. In a 500-word (12 point, double-spaced) document that is in current APA format, discuss your Scripture verse within the context of marketing management.

3. Relate this to a specific marketing organization of your choosing.

4. Use two additional scholarly sources as references.

Discuss how Christian faith impacts marketing management decisions in the selected organization, including how faith was the source of its marketing management decisions, and how many company founders have demonstrated such faith.



You will complete a Integration of Faith and Learning essay that is at least 500 words, are in current APA format, and are submitted as Microsoft Word documents through SafeAssign. You will contemplate the assigned Scripture verse and relate it to marketing management.

Integration of Faith and Learning 1


Aristotle defined character as “the decisions a person makes when the choice is not obvious.” Another well-known definition of character is the way people act when no one is looking. Firms that have “character” tend to perform better over time.

1. Find at least 1 Scripture verse that is related to character and to a firm that has character.

2. In a 500-word (12 point, double-spaced) document that is in current APA format, discuss your Scripture verse within the context of marketing management.

3. Relate this to a specific marketing organization of your choosing.

4. Use two additional scholarly sources as references.

Discuss how Christian faith impacts marketing management decisions in the selected organization, including how faith was the source of its marketing management decisions, and how many company founders have demonstrated such faith.

Illustrate the issues that arise in the complex decision-making situations that typically face top-management

Cases provide a context for application of analytic concepts, and illustrate the issues that arise in the complex decision-making situations that typically face top-management. As in real business problems, there are no “right’’ answer for case studies that we will examine in the course, although there are correct and incorrect ways to analyze or approach them. The challenge for the student is to (1) examine the facts and the data contained in the case, (2) employ the analytical frameworks learned in earlier classes (and concurrently), (3) reach conclusions, and (4) make specific recommendations that will resolve the issues presented by the case.

To prepare for a case discussion, you should read each case and analyze the data that it presents. Texts and readings from earlier courses should be used to the extent that they assist in your preparation. A thorough preparation for discussions includes systematically (1) outlining the major issues presented by the case, (2) identifying the analytical techniques or frameworks appropriate for resolving the problem, and (very important) (3) outlining steps to implement a specific course of action that is supported by the analysis. I would strongly recommend you to review the “Note to the Student: How to Study and Discuss Cases”.

Questions to think about while reading cases:

  • What are the basic facts? What are the characteristics of the company and the market?
  • Who are the key players? What are their objectives?
  • Is there an organization in distress? Is there an undeveloped market opportunity?
  • If so, what are the symptoms? What are the measures or evidence? Are they biased?
  • Are there underlying problems or trends? What are they? How do we know?
  • Is there one transcendent problem or opportunity? What is it? How do we know?
  • What decisions need to be made? What are the alternatives for action?
  • What are the pros and cons of each alternative? How do we evaluate them?
  • Which alternative do you recommend? Why?
  • What should we learn from this case?
  • How does this case relate to the course topic? To other cases? To the reading?

Suggested Format for Case Reports:

Case reports are individual assignments. The purpose of the case report is to synthesize all the knowledge you gain in the class relevant to the case and channel it to solve an operational problem. Your case report should be less than 5 pages using 1.5 line spacing and include the following sections: Executive Summary (not more than ½ page), Background and IssuesSituation Analysis, Evaluation of Potential Solutions, and Recommendations.

The Executive Summary is a summary of the report that explains the problem and the proposed recommendations. In the Background and Issues section you describe the situation under study (do not rewrite the case) and identify the key issues addressed by the report. In the Analysis section provide the details of your analysis. You should first start with listing the assumptions made, if any. Then explain the approach taken to analyze the situation, and how you have arrived to the recommendations/findings listed in the following section (Detailed reasoning and analysis in support of your recommendations/findings should be given in an Appendix). If appropriate, you can also suggest further issues to be examined or further studies to be done. In the Evaluation section you will propose potential solutions and evaluate each of them. Finally, in the Recommendations section you should propose a set of specific actions along with the key reasons in support of your recommendations. This section will be the conclusion to your report. You may use bullets when appropriate.

The grades on the reports will be based on the logical consistency, precision and analytic structure of the paper. Specifically you should think about the extent to which the report

  • Grounds the analysis on the analytical concepts discussed in class;
  • Explicitly states the assumptions in the analysis;
  • Isolates the fundamental problems for the situation, and remains focused on these;
  • States criteria for choosing among alternative action plans;
  • Integrates the action plans with the analysis;
  • Ensures that the action plans are situation-contingent;
  • Is persuasive that the action plans are reasonable, effective and efficient.

Discuss disparities of healthcare systems within and across borders

Discuss disparities of healthcare systems within and across borders

Overview: As a healthcare professional driven to advocacy, you must be aware of the disparities of healthcare systems within and across borders. In this module, you examined globally emerging health issues such as global health threats, infectious diseases, and human trafficking. These emerging health issues require a focus on prevention and an understanding of the best practices for the treatment of the affected vulnerable populations.

Prompt: In this milestone, you will analyze the major health issues in the country you chose for Final Project One.

To begin your health study, summarize the three major health issues identified in the country you selected (Spain), including the economic, social, and cultural factors influencing the health issue. Describe what the various stakeholders (government, other organizations, vulnerable populations, etc.) are currently doing to address the issues. Evaluate the current response to each issue as good, bad, or needing improvement, and then propose interventions for improving the health of a vulnerable population impacted by each issue.

The rubric for this assignment is attached.

Amazon’s Vision for the Future of Health Care Is Becoming Clear


1. Read the article “Amazon’s Vision for the Future of Health Care Is Becoming Clear”and answer the questions below.

As seen in this article, Amazon is considering various health care initiatives to integrate within its company. How would you recommend them to take their ideas and concepts and implement them within a health care organization? Do you foresee any barriers for adoption? If so, what are they and how would you remedy them?

2. To your knowledge, are there any other similar health care initiatives that organizations are experimenting with? If so, what are they do you foresee them as having an easier or more difficult time getting them implemented than Amazon? Why or why not?

3. What sort of performance metrics would Amazon need to put into place in order to measure the success of their new health care initiative? What would deem the initiative a success? Do you feel that Amazon is taking it too far when it comes to automating health care? Why or why not?


1. Read the article “Artificial Intelligence Is Infiltrating Medicine — But Is It Ethical?” and answer the questions below.

Aside from the ethical issues mentioned in this article, what other concerns are there around relying on the use of AI in the health care sector? Are there any other infringements on a person’s privacy?

2. What are some potential benefits to consumerism in health care that the use of AI can bring to patients? Can this be integrated into more consumer-driven health care initiatives? If so, how?

3. What are the potential impacts on the current state of health care organizations that the use of AI will affect? Will this add, take away, or keep the same number of health care jobs? Why?


1. Read the article “Medical Tourism — A Growing retail Health Strategy” and answer the questions below.

In this article, new ways to receive medical care is discussed – types that relate directly to travel – that is medical care on cruise ships and in hotels. How do you see these types of medical care locations being beneficial or harmful to the overall state of medical tourism?

2. The article notes that individuals in the United States are seeking health care elsewhere due to high costs. It also notes that there is less of a flow into the United States due to the same high costs. What can the United States do to compete for global patients? Are there any benefits that the United States offers with their health care that outweighs the high cost of it?

Pop Art Movement

  • Much of Pop Art focused on mundane objects and repetitive imagery. Was there a meaningful “message” to Pop Art?
  • Using an art example from the Pop Art movement, describe what  social or political statements the Pop artists were trying to make.
  • How did Pop Art challenge conventional ideas about  originality? Consider the subject matter and techniques of artists like  Andy Warhol and Roy Lichtenstein.
  • Much of Pop Art focused on mundane objects and repetitive imagery. Was there a meaningful “message” to Pop Art?
  • Using an art example from the Pop Art movement, describe what  social or political statements the Pop artists were trying to make.
  • How did Pop Art challenge conventional ideas about  originality? Consider the subject matter and techniques of artists like  Andy Warhol and Roy Lichtenstein.

Discuss participants’ level of knowledge and surprise.

  1. Discuss participants’ level of knowledge and surprise.

Reflect on the assigned readings for the week. Identify what you thought was the most important concept(s), method(s), term(s), and/or any other thing that you felt was worthy of your understanding.

Also, provide a graduate-level response to each of the following questions:

  1. New businesses are frequently launched as a means to address a current glitch in the industry. Pick an industry and identify a typical customer problem. What changes could you make to enter that industry and enhance customer satisfaction (and be profitable)?
  2. Run a taste test. Compare Pepsi vs. Coke, or bottled water vs. tap, or an expensive bottle of wine vs. the boxed stuff. Discuss participants’ level of knowledge and surprise.

[Your initial post should be based upon the assigned reading for the week, so the textbook should be a source listed in your reference section and cited within the body of the text. Other sources are not required but feel free to use them if they aid in your discussion].

[Your initial post should be at least 450+ words and in APA format (including Times New Roman with font size 12 and double spaced). Post the actual body of your paper in the discussion thread then attach a Word version of the paper for APA review]

Respond to the post of at least two peers, using 100 words minimum each.

Text Book:https://drive.google.com/file/d/1qF1lHi5VsYmhxbFEKWCH-KBxyV8fnIye/view?usp=sharing

Evaluate project implementation techniques.


  • Identify the role projects play in meeting the goals of an organization.
  • Explain the activities that occur when initiating a project.
  • Classify the components of project planning.
  • Evaluate project implementation techniques.
  • Evaluate project performance.
  • Distinguish project management methodologies and tools.


You are a Senior Project Manager for JBH Software Solutions and are about begin on a new project and training a new associate at the same time. The scope of the project is a total system upgrade for the customer service area. The project has a budget of $15 Million and has a duration of 24 months for completion. Since you are the Senior Project Manager, upper management is looking to you for guidance and best practices for the project management lifecycle at JBH.


Create a project plan for JBH Software Solutions that includes required documentation such as business case, risk mitigation plan, communication plan, scope statement, scorecard, and project timelines. Include details about methodologies and tools used to manage the project. Review the deliverables from prior modules as a guide to complete this assignment.


Compare a project you’ve worked on that was limited mostly by activities with another project you’ve worked on that was limited mostly by resources

After reading chapter-9&10 from the attached text book answer the below questions. Minimum two pages/500 words.

1. Describe a potential timing issue that can occur early in a project and a potential timing issue that can occur at the end of a project. How would you address each of these issues in your project?

2. Compare a project you’ve worked on that was limited mostly by activities with another project you’ve worked on that was limited mostly by resources. Which did you find more challenging?  Why?

3. You are the project manager in charge of construction of a new school building.  Give one possible example each of a known known, known unknown, and unknown unknown you might encounter.

4. Give an example of how a project manager could run into problems with cash flow, even when he is within budget on the overall project.

After reading chapter-9&10 from the attached text book answer the below questions. Minimum two pages/500 words.

1. Describe a potential timing issue that can occur early in a project and a potential timing issue that can occur at the end of a project. How would you address each of these issues in your project?

2. Compare a project you’ve worked on that was limited mostly by activities with another project you’ve worked on that was limited mostly by resources. Which did you find more challenging?  Why?

3. You are the project manager in charge of construction of a new school building.  Give one possible example each of a known known, known unknown, and unknown unknown you might encounter.

4. Give an example of how a project manager could run into problems with cash flow, even when he is within budget on the overall project.

Apply: Project Metrics

Assignment Content

  1. Now that you’ve identified the organization’s SWOT, you need to determine the project and its objectives and metrics. This project should be based on an unmet opportunity for the organization, or to minimize a potential threat. What does the organization need to do to advance its goals and/or expand its competitive advantage? How will you measure their progress?

    Complete the following:

    • Explain why this opportunity/threat was selected, and how it is anticipated to benefit the organization.
    • Create at least 3 measurable project objectives based on your analyses. Determine timelines and responsibilities for each objective (e.g. with a RACI chart)
    • Explain why these objectives are appropriate for the project.
    • Develop at least 2 metrics to evaluate achievement of each of the project objectives.
    • Provide a 1-page explanation for why these are appropriate metrics for each of the objectives

      Assignment Content

      1. Now that you’ve identified the organization’s SWOT, you need to determine the project and its objectives and metrics. This project should be based on an unmet opportunity for the organization, or to minimize a potential threat. What does the organization need to do to advance its goals and/or expand its competitive advantage? How will you measure their progress?

        Complete the following:

        • Explain why this opportunity/threat was selected, and how it is anticipated to benefit the organization.
        • Create at least 3 measurable project objectives based on your analyses. Determine timelines and responsibilities for each objective (e.g. with a RACI chart)
        • Explain why these objectives are appropriate for the project.
        • Develop at least 2 metrics to evaluate achievement of each of the project objectives.
        • Provide a 1-page explanation for why these are appropriate metrics for each of the objectives