Bureaucratic structure and personality.

Required Reading

  1. Merton, R. K. (1957). Bureaucratic structure and personality. Social Theory and Social Structure; Read the first 2 sections of the article. New York, Free Press, retrieved July 4, 2017 from:
  2. http://www.sociosite.net/topics/texts/merton_bureaucratic_structure.php
  3. Ouchi, W. G. (1980). Markets, Bureaucracies, and Clans. Administrative Science Quarterly, 25(1), 129-141.
  4. Specifically read the section labeled “The Nature of Organization” starting on page 129. You are NOT required to read the rest of the paper.
  5. Jensen, M. C. (1983). Organization Theory and Methodology. Accounting Review, 58(2), 319-339.
  6. Specifically, read section IV.A, Dimension of Organizations and V The Nexus of Contracts View of Organizations. You are NOT required to read the rest of the paper.
  7. Kribikova, P. (2016). Organizational structure and performance. Aktual’Ni Problemy Ekonomiky = Actual Problems in Economics, (175), 109-118.
  8. Moldovan-Borsos, R., & Matei, C. (2016). Organizational structure in impasse. Electrotehnica, Electronica, Automatica, 64(2), 165-169.
  9. Jones, G. R. (n.d.). Organizational Theory, Design, and Change (Sixth Edition). PowerPoint briefing available through slide share.
  10. Accessed on 15 July 2017 from: https://www.slideshare.net/anky123/ch01-6808832
  11. Pinto, J. K., & Morris, P. G. (2007). The Wiley Guide to Project Technology, Supply Chain, and Procurement Management. Hoboken, N.J.: Wiley. Read Chapter 4 (There is a way to down-load only this chapter).
  12. You may want to keep this file for future reference.
  13. Davenport and Short. (1990). The New Industrial Engineering: Information Technology and Business Process Redesign. Specifically read the section on page 12, Definition of a Business Process. You are NOT required to read the rest of the paper.
  14. You may want to keep this file for future reference.
  15. Dickson, P. (2003). The pigeon breeders’ cup: a selection on selection theory of economic evolution. Journal of Evolutionary Economics, 13(3), 259-280. Specifically, read the section titled “Vertical and horizontal organization of systems of processes,” pages 264 through 268, and figures 3a-e. You are NOT required to read the rest of the paper.
  16. You may want to keep this file for future reference.
  17. Kalpic, B. & Bernus, P. (2006). Business process modeling through the knowledge of management perspective. Journal of Knowledge Management, 10(2), 40-46. Specifically read the section called Business processes and business process modeling, starting on page 42. You are NOT required to read the rest of the paper.
  18. Davenport, T. H. (1993). Process Innovation, Harvard Business School Press, Boston, Specifically, read the definition of a process starting on page 5. Retrieved July 15, 2017 from:
  19. https://books.google.de/books?

Distinguish project management methodologies and tools.

  • Identify the role projects play in meeting the goals of an organization.
  • Explain the activities that occur when initiating a project.
  • Classify the components of project planning.
  • Evaluate project implementation techniques.
  • Evaluate project performance.
  • Distinguish project management methodologies and tools.


You are a Senior Project Manager for JBH Software Solutions and are about begin on a new project and training a new associate at the same time. The scope of the project is a total system upgrade for the customer service area. The project has a budget of $15 Million and has a duration of 24 months for completion. Since you are the Senior Project Manager, upper management is looking to you for guidance and best practices for the project management lifecycle at JBH.


Create a project plan for JBH Software Solutions that includes required documentation such as business case, risk mitigation plan, communication plan, scope statement, scorecard, and project timelines. Include details about methodologies and tools used to manage the project. Review the deliverables from prior modules as a guide to complete this assignment.


“Team Kickoff Meeting” Video Presentation


Final Presentation: Project “team kickoff meeting” video

For your final presentation, you will play the role of a Project Manager at a well-known company about to start a major project. You will be responsible for the following items:

1.      Choose a well-known company and a real or imaginary business project. The project could be the introduction of a new product or service, the creation of a website, a software launch, or any other type of business initiative that would require a project management team to form and oversee the project.

2.      Prepare a one-page description of the company and the project. In the project description, please list all the key stakeholders who will attend the project kickoff meeting. The list should give their names (imaginary is fine) and job titles, and a brief description of their level of knowledge about the subject (novice, general knowledge, expert knowledge, thorough technical knowledge, etc.). Discuss how their level of knowledge will influence how you will communicate with them.

3.      Next, write an email to the project team members inviting them to the project kickoff meeting. Include the standard To, From, Subject categories, and make sure to write a SUBJECT heading that clearly describes the nature of the email.

4.      Develop a 5- 10-slide PowerPoint presentation to start the project kickoff meeting.


I need a slides to be done. The link above is real time partnership project between Walmart and Advance Auto Parts. I already did the introduction part of Walmart and Advance Auto Part. But I need more information what is been asked. Reasonable price is appreciated.

What Factors Should You Consider In Order To Make This Virtual Assignment Effective


As a newly-appointed Project Manager of a research team, you believe that you will be able to manage the project virtually from your office in London, even though the other six members are located in Munich. This will solve your personal dilemma as your family does not want to be relocated. The project has a six- month deadline. What factors should you consider in order to make this virtual assignment effective?


As a newly-appointed Project Manager of a research team, you believe that you will be able to manage the project virtually from your office in London, even though the other six members are located in Munich. This will solve your personal dilemma as your family does not want to be relocated. The project has a six- month deadline. What factors should you consider in order to make this virtual assignment effective?

The Value Of Dialogue

Write a minimum of two pages in which you analyze how an organization can use ground rules and dialogue to grow as a learning organization.

The team learning discipline helps a team sustain and reinforce its learning, and increases the capacity to act synergistically and learn how to learn. Dialogue is a fundamental skill in the discipline of team learning, and is essential to the effective practice of the other learning disciplines. Dialogue makes meaningful, shared vision building possible. It makes systemic insight possible by facilitating reflection and inquiry in work groups. Consequently, it is important to understand the value and nature of dialogue, and how it differs from other forms of conversation.

Write a minimum of two pages in which you analyze how an organization can use ground rules and dialogue to grow as a learning organization.

The team learning discipline helps a team sustain and reinforce its learning, and increases the capacity to act synergistically and learn how to learn. Dialogue is a fundamental skill in the discipline of team learning, and is essential to the effective practice of the other learning disciplines. Dialogue makes meaningful, shared vision building possible. It makes systemic insight possible by facilitating reflection and inquiry in work groups. Consequently, it is important to understand the value and nature of dialogue, and how it differs from other forms of conversation.

Discuss on Management business

Your assignment response should be submitted in a single document with the response for each case clearly and separately delineated within the same document. Your responses to each question within the case should also be clearly numbered. The minimum word count for this assignment is 750.

Please keep the following in mind about your assignment response:

  • Before you submit your assignment response, ensure that it includes the appropriate number and types of citations and references, presented in the appropriate format.
  • Your submission will receive a Turnitin similarity score which must meet the required less than 20% threshold. This may take minutes, several hours and possibly up to 24 hours depending on Turnitin’s queue length so please ensure that you complete your submission within enough time to edit it and received a revised score prior to the due date.
  • If your score is greater than the 20% threshold, please redo your response and resubmit it here again. You will be able to edit and resubmit your response as many times as necessary until the deadline. Submissions that exceed the 20% threshold after the deadline on Sunday night at 11.55pm CST will not be graded.
  • If you opt to reference the course text, this does NOT count as an external reference but is a reference that is internal to the course. It should be cited appropriately.
  • Within this course, Wikipedia and other open source sites are NOT considered reputable sources.  Webster’s dictionary and other online dictionaries WILL NOT be counted as a valid external reference.
  • Be sure to place a header “References” above your list of references to reduce the likelihood that Turnitin will include those items in your similarity score.
  • More detail is better than less. Be thorough in your responses and ensure that your submission reflects sufficient depth, analysis, and critical thinking consistent with a graduate-level business course. Look beyond the words provided in the case to assess what may have led to the situation presented and possible unidentified consequences.


To fully address this case assignment, please read and analyze the assigned case. Your responses should be numbered and provide the following:

1.      Summarize the key OB issues in the case relative to this week’s material (at least 2 key issues MUST be identified). Be sure to speak in OB language, using appropriate terminology to identify the concepts and issues you identify.

2.      Clearly link the key issues in the case back to relevant and specific course material covered. Be specific by identifying specific instances and scenarios in the case which demonstrate the OB issues and concepts identified. Explain how they are reflective of those specific OB issues.

3.      Make at least one recommendation(s) of how each of the key issues you identified should be handled at the organizational level of the case’s main character. Justify the merit of each of your recommendations and be sure to include your rationale for why you expect them to be effective in addressing the issues.

4.      Propose at least one executive or corporate level intervention for any one of your key issues to recommend how upper management can also play a part in addressing that issue. This response should be different from any of the recommendations offered in #3. Be sure to clearly identify which OB issue your organization level/executive level intervention is meant to address and how the intervention would be of benefit.

Case 1  – Huge Benefits; Little Understanding or Use

The Velma Company designs and manufactures high-tech communications equipment. The firm is a world-class supplier, and its three largest customers are Fortune 50 firms. Velma also has major clients in China and the European Union. Over the last five years, the company’s sales have tripled, and the biggest challenge it faces is hiring and retaining state-of-the-art people. In particular, there are two groups that are critical to the company’s success. One is the design people who are responsible for developing new products that are more efficient and price competitive than those currently on the market. The other is the manufacturing people who build the equipment.

In an effort to attract and keep outstanding design people, Velma has a very attractive benefits package. All of their health insurance premiums and medical expenses are covered (no copay or deductibles). The company contributes 10 percent of their annual income toward a retirement program, and these funds are vested within 24 months. So a new design person who is earning $75,000 annually will have $7,500 put into a retirement fund by the company, and the individual can make additional personal contributions. Each year all designers are given 100 shares of stock (the current sales price is $22) and an option to buy another 100 shares (the current stock price is $25 and this option is good for 10 years or as long as the person works for the firm, whichever comes first).

“Anti-Discrimination in the Workplace

Flora Tucker, a Hispanic female, applied for a sales position in Ames Department Stores in Seattle. After completing her application, she was asked to take a math test and a general aptitude test. As a result of her score, she was disqualified from consideration for the sales position.  Based on this scenario, argue whether or not you believe that this testing policy is a violation of Title VII.   Explain when an employer can use an Aptitude and/or other tests and how tests are validated.
What legislation, besides Title VII of the Civil Rights Act, in the Chapter reading regarding anti-discrimination protection is the most important and the most influential of the 21st Century and why?

What are the two forms of sexual harassment discrimination and provide an example of each. If your boss liked to hug employees in the morning for a job well done, is that sexual harassment?  Why or why not?

Flora Tucker, a Hispanic female, applied for a sales position in Ames Department Stores in Seattle. After completing her application, she was asked to take a math test and a general aptitude test. As a result of her score, she was disqualified from consideration for the sales position.  Based on this scenario, argue whether or not you believe that this testing policy is a violation of Title VII.   Explain when an employer can use an Aptitude and/or other tests and how tests are validated.
What legislation, besides Title VII of the Civil Rights Act, in the Chapter reading regarding anti-discrimination protection is the most important and the most influential of the 21st Century and why?

What are the two forms of sexual harassment discrimination and provide an example of each. If your boss liked to hug employees in the morning for a job well done, is that sexual harassment?  Why or why not?

Apply decision-making techniques.

  • Examine the process involved with problem formulation.
  • Apply critical thinking to problem identification.
  • Describe techniques used in decision-making.
  • Examine decision-making models.
  • Apply decision-making techniques.
  • Determine factors affecting decision implementation.
  • Evaluate resources and actions required for implementation.
  • Evaluate ethical implications of a decision.
  • Evaluate decision-making outcomes and processes.


Please reflect back over the course.  Summarize what you have learned.  How will you apply this at school and pursuing your career?

250 word minimum.

  • Examine the process involved with problem formulation.
  • Apply critical thinking to problem identification.
  • Describe techniques used in decision-making.
  • Examine decision-making models.
  • Apply decision-making techniques.
  • Determine factors affecting decision implementation.
  • Evaluate resources and actions required for implementation.
  • Evaluate ethical implications of a decision.
  • Evaluate decision-making outcomes and processes.


Please reflect back over the course.  Summarize what you have learned.  How will you apply this at school and pursuing your career?

250 word minimum.

Innovation & Drive For Growth

  1. 1) Identify and discuss 6 changes at Flowers Foods (Tastykake) from 2016 to 2018.  Refer to the Fact Sheets I provided.
    For example, 2016 Sales $X vs 2018 Sales $Y

    2) Identify and discuss 6 changes from the 2016 to 2019 Snack Food Industry.

    Are Tastykake products Chips? Nuts? How does the report classify Tastykake products?  What changes have occurred in this category?

    3) How would you classify the sale and marketing of some snack food products:

    ethical and legal,

    ethical, but illegal,

    unethical, but legal,

    unethical and legal.

    How would you classify the sale and marketing of Tastykake products?

    What is the ethical dilemma? Imagine you are a consultant… what actions would you recommend to Tastykake executives?

Crosby’s Fourteen Steps to Quality Improvement.

Communication on a major project is suffering because several team members are in the habit of writing cryptic or careless instant messages that often force recipients to engage in several rounds of follow-up messaging to figure out what the sender had in mind. As project leader, you’ve spoken with these team members about the need to write clearer messages, but they respond that careful planning and writing defeats the whole purpose of instant messaging.  How should you handle this situation?


Communication on a major project is suffering because several team members are in the habit of writing cryptic or careless instant messages that often force recipients to engage in several rounds of follow-up messaging to figure out what the sender had in mind. As project leader, you’ve spoken with these team members about the need to write clearer messages, but they respond that careful planning and writing defeats the whole purpose of instant messaging.  How should you handle this situation?