Case Analysis For Crescent Pure Case For Marketing

Introduction. Identify the company by its full name; identify the company’s recent product acquisition.
Positioning Alternatives. PDB is interested in three positioning alternatives. First identify the alternatives (energy-drink, sports-drink, healthy organic), then discuss the pros and cons of each. You are allowed to use bullet points in this section as long as the bullet points are complete sentences. One to three sentences per point should suffice.

Remember to support your answers with evidence where needed. For example, if you believe something is an advantage or disadvantage (e.g., price), clearly identify it as such (e.g., The product’s low price is potentially a disadvantage in this product sector) and then, if it would not be obvious to the uninformed reader, refer to the evidence that supports it. (e.g., Focus group participants were skeptical that a lower-priced product could meet their expectations for better taste & performance).

Marketing Mix. It is clear that PDB management has made some decisions about product, price, place and promotion ahead of the positioning decision. What specific product decisions, price decisions, market coverage/distribution decisions and promotion decisions have been made, and how do they constrain the positioning decision?
Break-Even Analysis. Sarah Ryan has been given an advertising budget of $750,000 for the regional product launch. How many cases of Crescent Pure will PDB need to sell to recover cover the costs of advertising? (Attach your spreadsheet). Given the competitive situation (e.g., market shares), do you think the company sell the number of cases required to break even? Construct a table of market shares for each market and refer to it in your answer to the above question. Use 2013 estimates for category revenues.

Use the spreadsheet provided on Moodle to complete the break-even analysis.

Recommendation.  Which positioning alternative do you think PDB should adopt and why? Evidence which supports your recommendation is important.

Advanced Marketing 1 Case Study

Case studies are an important learning strategy in business classes as they provide an opportunity for you to critically analyze events that have taken place in real-life businesses. This develops your critical thinking and research skills as you research the competition and industry in which your business resides with an end goal of formulating a recommendation for the challenges faced by the company.

Select one of the three case studies listed below, which can be found in your textbook. Evaluate the case of your choice, and respond to each of the questions below using both theory and practical managerial thinking as well as supporting research.

Option 1: Nike (pp. 30–31)

1. How has the industry in which Nike resides been doing over the last 5 years?

2. What are the pros, cons, and risks associated with Nike’s core marketing strategy? How have they managed to

develop a strong customer relationship with their target market?

3. Who are the top three competitors of Nike, and what are their advantages/disadvantages with respect to their

product/service development?

4. Looking at the competitors you discussed in question #3, what would you recommend as being the next steps for

these competitors and, subsequently, the next steps for Nike to combat these competitors?

Option 2: Cisco (pp. 58–59)

1. How is building a brand in a business-to-business (B2B) context different than that of a business-to-consumer (B2C) market? How has Cisco managed to develop a strong customer relationship with their target market?

2. How has the industry in which Cisco resides been doing over the last 5 years?

3. Who are the top three competitors of Cisco, and what are their advantages/disadvantages with respect to their

product/service development?

4. Is Cisco’s plan to reach out to consumers a viable one? Why, or why not? As a marketing manager for Cisco, what

would you recommend to be the next steps?

Option 3: Intel (pp. 59–60)

1. Discuss how Intel changed ingredient-marketing history. What did it do so well in those initial marketing campaigns? How did Intel manage to develop a strong customer relationship with their target market?

2. How has the industry in which Intel resides been doing over the last 5 years?

3. Who are the top three competitors of Intel, and what are their advantages/disadvantages with respect to their

product/service development?

4. Evaluate Intel’s greatest risks and strengths as the industry moves out of the personal computer (PC) era. Identify the

Independent t Test Exercises

Week 5 Independent t Test Exercises

Part I

The hypothesis being tested is: Women who are working will have a lower level of depression as compared to women who are not working.

Using Polit2SetC SPSS dataset, which contains a number of mental health variables, determine if the above hypothesis is true.

Follow these steps when using SPSS:

  1. Open Polit2SetC dataset.
  2. Click Analyze then click Compare Means, then Independent Sample T-test.
  3. Move the Dependent Variable (CES_D Score “cesd”) in the area labelled Test Variable.
  4. Move the Independent Variable (Currently Employed “worknow”) into the area labelled Grouping Variable. The worknow variable is coded as (0= those women who do not work and 1= those women who are working).  Click on Define Groups in group 1 box type 0 and in group 2 box type 1. Click Continue.
  5. Click continue and then click OK.

Assignment: Through analysis of the data and use of the questions below write one to two paragraphs summarizing your findings from this t-test.

  1. How many women were employed versus not employed in the sample?
  2. What is the total sample size?
  3. What are the mean (SD) CES-D scores for each group?
  4. Interpret the Levene’s statistic. (Hint: Is the assumption of homogeneity of variance met? Are equal variances assumed or not assumed?)
  5. What is the value of the t-statistic, number of degrees of freedom and the p-value?
  6. Does the data support the hypothesis? Why or why not?

Part II

Hypothesis: Women who reported depression scores in wave 1 and wave 2 of the study did not have a significant difference in their level of depression.

Using Polit2SetC SPSS dataset, determine if the above hypothesis is true.

Follow these steps when using SPSS:

  1. Open Polit2SetC dataset.
  2. Click Analyze then click Compare Means, then Paired Samples T-test.
  3. First click on CES-D Score (cesd) and move it into the box labelled Paired Variables (in the rectangle for Pair 1 of Variable 1 and then click on CESD Score, Wave 1 (cesdwav1) and move it into the Paired Variables box (in the rectangle next to CES-D Score, pair 1, variable 2).
  4. Click continue and then click OK.

Assignment: Through analysis of the data and use of the questions below write one to two paragraphs summarizing your findings from this t-test.

  1. What is the total sample size?
  2. What are the mean (SD) CES-D scores at wave 1 and wave 2?
  3. What is the mean difference between the two time periods?
  4. What is the value of the t-statistic, number of degrees of freedom and the p-value(sig)?
  5. Does the data support the hypothesis? Why or why not?

Rocking the Boat and Keeping It Steady

Please write 1 paragraph about topic.

What are your reflective viewpoints about the organized anarchical/cybernetic organizational theory?

For your reference:


If the following conditions are true–(1) that the Collegial Theory may be too time-consuming and not everyone in the organization is knowledgeable or mature enough to be regarded as peers, colleagues, or professionals totally committed to the common goal reality of the organization; (2) that the Bureaucratic Theory may be too cumbersome to apply when conditions impacting the organization are changing rapidly or when there are unclear organizational processes and outcomes; and (3) that the Political Theory may seem too chaotic and does not take advantage of sensible rules and regulations that are still helpful to an organization–then what is next? The answer is the Organized Anarchy or Cybernetic Theory.

Cohen and March (1972) originally coined the phrase of “organized anarchy” when they referred to an organization that is not completely chaotic (or anarchical) because it also has some elements of order or centralization to it. Birnbaum (1991) added the concept of “cybernetic” to refer to an organization that has mostly loose-coupled sub-systems or sub-units that are fully capable of running themselves without centralized control, but there still is a need for some degree of centralized coordination.  Because both these theories or models have similar characteristics, it makes sense for me to combine the two into one, and I just call this group the “Organized Anarchical-Cybernetical” Theory.

Here are some characteristics of the Organized Anarchical-Cybernetic Theory.

  • Basic Image:  The governance structure has elements of centralization and decentralization. It attempts to incorporate the advantages associated with Collegial, Bureaucratic, and Political Theories but has all of their weaknesses as well. This type of organizations has loosely-coupled, semi-autonomous, or decentralized sub-systems or sub-units that are capable of running themselves. There is still a challenging need for some centralized control, and a proper balance must be established.
  • Basic Foundations: Pluralistic, Open Systems Theory
  • Process of Decision Making:  The “garbage can” approach is often used (Cohen and March, 1972). They also state that “the decisions of the system are a consequence produced by the system but intended by no one and decisively controlled by no one.” Indeed, the decision making process at the organizational level is challenging and may seem fragmented due to fluid participation, unclear processes, and ambiguous organizational goals. Many important decisions, however, are made at the sub-unit level.
  • Concern for Change:  Change at the organizational level is considered minor. Meaningful changes are handled by sub-systems or sub-units as they should be.
  • Conflict Resolution:  Conflicts are considered normal and are handled mostly by sub-systems.
  • Sources of Power:  Varies depending on situations and conditions. Referent, reward, expert, and legitimate sources of power are relied upon by leaders.
  • Role of Leaders:  Leaders at the organizational level are expected to deal with exceptions, disruptions, and subtle improvements. They are mostly symbolic. People at the sub-system’s level are more influential and practice a variety of leadership practices, including situational/contingency leadership.

Marketing Case Study

Title Page – 1 page: name, student number, date, instructor name, section number

Executive Summary – 1 page: Summary of your entire report (may be single spaced)

Report – 8 pages: double spaced, 12-point font, Time New Roman, 1-inch margins

Intro – Identify marketing challenge. Introduce purpose and contents of report.

Analysis – strengths & weaknesses, threats & opportunities, implications for marketing challenge

Corporate Capabilities – Finance, Marketing, Operations, HR

Industry Analysis – PEST: implications for marketing challenge

Competitive Analysis: implications for marketing challenge

Consumer Analysis: implications for marketing challenge

Recommendations (4 Ps can be combined – first place you will begin making recommendations)

Target Market Selection: Who? Why? Objectively defend recommendation; link to challenge

Product: Changes? Why? Why Not? Objectively defend recommendations; link to challenge

Placement: Distribution channels. Which one(s)? Why? Why not? Objectively defend your recommendation qualitatively and quantitatively; link to marketing challenge

Price: How much will each of the players pay? Implications? Objectively defend your recommendation qualitatively and quantitatively; link to marketing challenge

Promotion: How much money will be spent? On what? Why? Why not? Objectively defend your recommendation qualitatively and quantitatively; link to marketing challenge

Conclusion – Reconnect to the marketing challenge

Exhibits – 3 pages, Optional (may have more than one exhibit per page). Must be professional

Summary tables that present financial data and results Distribution trade chains Statement of Earnings and other financial statements Pictures, logos, floor plans, diagrams  Sample advertisements Bar graphs, pie charts, etc.  Script / dialog for TV spots, commercials, jingles or radio ads Competitive positioning map


Pharmasim Final Report

  1. The Final Report should describe your final results for all Allround brands by category. The written report must not exceed 6 double-spaced pages (12-point type) with one-inch margins.  The report should not merely list the results, but detail what you learned during the simulation by addressing the following by category:
    1. Manufacturer’s suggested retail price
    2. Volume discounts and promotional allowances
    3. Advertising budget
    4. Selected advertising agency
    5. Relative emphasis on the four types of advertising messages
    6. Promotion’s budget with allocations to cooperative advertising and the three types of consumer



      I will provide access to the simulation once handshake is accepted

      1. The Final Report should describe your final results for all Allround brands by category. The written report must not exceed 6 double-spaced pages (12-point type) with one-inch margins.  The report should not merely list the results, but detail what you learned during the simulation by addressing the following by category:
        1. Manufacturer’s suggested retail price
        2. Volume discounts and promotional allowances
        3. Advertising budget
        4. Selected advertising agency
        5. Relative emphasis on the four types of advertising messages
        6. Promotion’s budget with allocations to cooperative advertising and the three types of consumer



          I will provide access to the simulation once handshake is accepted

New Hire Communication

Select a company you are familiar with. Imagine that this company is developing materials to communicate the company culture, process, procedures, and general information for a new hire.

Compose a message for your audience using the three- step process outlined in Ch.10 (pp. 282-287) of Business Communication Today. Demonstrate each step in your communication.

  • Planning
    • Define the purpose.
    • Define the audience.
    • Identify the channel(s) of communication and why you selected that channel.
  • Writing
    • Create the message.
  • Completing
    • Proofread, revise, and submit. Select a company you are familiar with. Imagine that this company is developing materials to communicate the company culture, process, procedures, and general information for a new hire.

      Compose a message for your audience using the three- step process outlined in Ch.10 (pp. 282-287) of Business Communication Today. Demonstrate each step in your communication.

      • Planning
        • Define the purpose.
        • Define the audience.
        • Identify the channel(s) of communication and why you selected that channel.
      • Writing
        • Create the message.
      • Completing
        • Proofread, revise, and submit.


Read the Joe Chaney Case (Page 363-364), and respond to the questions below
using the information & concepts from the text.

1) Explain how the 4 factors model of motivation

Satisfaction) applies to Joe’s situation. (See page 331- 333 & Table 6.1 &
6.2) Give specific examples from the case that support your conclusion.

2) Using the Performance Diagnosis Model (figure 6.7) on page 362
determine the cause
of Joe’s performance problems.
Assume that the answer to step # 1 in the model is YES…..Joe and his
boss both agree
that his performance needs to improve. Support your conclusions with
examples from
the case.

3) Based on your conclusions in question # 2,
Briefly explain how the nine steps and three strategies – reprimand, redirect,
reinforce (Table 6.5 341-342 could be used to reshape Joe’s behavior? Include
answers to the following in your explanation:

– What rewards might be most salient to Joe? Are they intrinsic or extrinsic or
some combination of the two?
– How could Joe’s work be redesigned so that he is more motivated?

4) Beyond Joe’s attitude and performance, are their other management
issues at this
architectural firm that need to be fixed? Briefly describe.

Creating local social networks


See the case scenario below.  Respond to the 3 questions below.  You need to write your case in APA style and include a reference page.  You also need to include in-text citations in the body of your paper.  The response to each question should be at least 1 page long and you support your key point with additional research.

The Internet puts small businesses on the same footing as large organizations by providing an inexpensive platform for interacting with customers and selling products and services. With their global reach, social networking sites are a good example of how the Internet can level the playing field. Here are five ways that small businesses can take advantage of these sites:

  • Creating local social networks—Small businesses can use sites such as Yelp (, which help people find local restaurants, dentists, hairstylists, mechanics, and so on. People also use these sites to find out about upcoming events, take advantage of special offers, and talk to other customers.
  • Creating a blog or social hub—This allows small businesses to keep customers engaged by creating useful content such as how-to lists or industry insights.
  • Using Twitter—This allows small businesses to connect with their consumers in real time.
  • Creating a Facebook fan page—This allows small businesses to visualize and build a community that can be customized by adding maps, coupons, and so forth.
  • Using a custom wiki—A wiki can be used as a public forum that alerts customers to problems and concerns related to the company’s products and services and resolves issues or answers questions to keep customers engaged.

Answer the following questions in a Microsoft® Word document and save the file on your computer with your last name in the file. (Example: module_07_case1_Jones.doc)

  1. How does the Internet put small businesses on the same footing as large organizations?
  2. What are two ways social networking sites such as Twitter can help a small business?
  3. How can a site such as Yelp help small businesses?

“Happy Global Customers

Post your analysis the mini case “Happy Global Customers” from the text.  Make sure that your analysis follows the outline for a case in the syllabus. This is an important case and includes the dimension of culture on marketing. Don’t forget to include an analysis of culture and use Hofstede’s dimensions of culture in your analysis.

Post your analysis the mini case “Happy Global Customers” from the text.  Make sure that your analysis follows the outline for a case in the syllabus. This is an important case and includes the dimension of culture on marketing. Don’t forget to include an analysis of culture and use Hofstede’s dimensions of culture in your analysis.