Product/Audience Match Strategy

Assignment Formatting

Length of assignment is approximately 3-4 pages. Document should use Times New Roman 12-point font with margins not exceeding 1-inch.  Assignments should be completed and submitted before due date/times. Late penalty is 10% deduction per day (or partial day) late. No plagiarism, copying or cheating.


As explained in the PDF reading “Matching the Product with the Audience When Marketing Yourself,” it’s critical to understand your product (i.e., your skills, attributes, personality, core values, etc.) and to determine and understand your target audiences (i.e., potential employers, colleagues, customers, career gatekeepers, etc.). For this assignment, you’ll work to outline your potential target audiences, determine what those audiences desire, and then decide how you’ll match your product with your target audiences. Using either a paragraph, outline, or table format, do the following:

1. List Current Audiences. List various audiences (at least 8) to whom you currently market yourself on a daily, weekly, or other periodic basis. These might include potential employers, current employers, friends, family, teachers, various societal segments, social groups, customers, colleagues, employees, store personnel, vendors/suppliers, social media audiences, etc. Don’t forget that these audiences might be face-to-face, online, over the phone, etc. For each audience, be extremely specific as to who this audience is. Don’t just say “store employees” when you can say “the early morning employees at the Starbucks that I go to every weekday.” Don’t just say “my coworkers” when you can say “my co-workers Cristina, Derek, and Victoria who work in the cubicles next to mine.”

2. Importance of Current Audiences. For each of the 8+ current audiences, provide some insights as to why each particular audience might be important to you in your marketing yourself efforts. How can impressing each audience help you?

3. What Current Audiences Want From You. Finally, for each of the 8+ current audiences you listed, write down at least three characteristics (features, attributes, skills, traits, values, etc.) that they would desire in a person such as you. Although there may be some similar traits or characteristics across the audiences you listed, each audience likely will desire some unique characteristics as well.

4. List Prospective Audiences. Your next step is to add at least three new “prospective” target audiences to whom you would like to market yourself in the near or distant future. Again, they can be potential employers in a particular industry, friends, social groups, customers, fans, readers, etc. While it’s good to be specific as to the industry, type of people, etc., you don’t have to be as specific as you were in Step 1 because you may not know the details of these audiences yet.

5. Importance of Prospective Audiences. As you did in Step 2 with your “current” audiences, for each of the 3+ “prospective” audiences, provide some insights as to why each particular audience might be important to you in your future marketing yourself efforts. How can impressing each audience help you? 6. What Prospective Audiences Want From You. For each of the 3+ “prospective” target audiences, write down at least three characteristics (features, attributes, skills, traits, values, etc.) that they would desire in a person such as you. Because you may not really know these audiences very well, you may end up estimating this section more than the other ones. Nevertheless, consider what characteristics would be important to each audience.

7. Product/Audience Match. Now consider how well you’re matching your Product You with the desired attributes of the (at least 8) current audiences and the (at least 3) prospective audiences that you listed. Discuss the matches as well as the discrepancies (the instancesin which you don’t match).

8. Changing Product You. Discuss what you can do to have a better match between your various target audiences and the product (set of attributes, traits, etc.) that you’re offering. How can you change your Product You as well as your Personal/Professional Brand to better market yourself to these various audiences?

This section consists of a set of self-improvement recommendations.

USA Today Case Analysis

1Q. What opportunities in the marketing environment did Gannett seize in launching USA Today? How did the company learn about and respond to these opportunities? Answer these same questions for

2Q. How has a continuous strategy of marketing innovation proved successful for
USA Today and Do you believe that USA Today is well positioned for

the future? Explain.

3Q. What are the SWOT implications for USA Today as it looks toward its future?
What strengths and opportunities can USA Today leverage as it looks for a

competitive advantage in the distribution of news and information?

4Q. Based on USA Today’s experiences with print and online news, evaluate the
long-term potential of printed news and the newspaper publishing industry. Do
you believe printed newspapers will continue to survive despite digital



1Q. What opportunities in the marketing environment did Gannett seize in launching USA Today? How did the company learn about and respond to these opportunities? Answer these same questions for

2Q. How has a continuous strategy of marketing innovation proved successful for
USA Today and Do you believe that USA Today is well positioned for

the future? Explain.

3Q. What are the SWOT implications for USA Today as it looks toward its future?
What strengths and opportunities can USA Today leverage as it looks for a

competitive advantage in the distribution of news and information?

4Q. Based on USA Today’s experiences with print and online news, evaluate the
long-term potential of printed news and the newspaper publishing industry. Do
you believe printed newspapers will continue to survive despite digital



Discuss on International Marketing

Discuss on International Marketing

2500 international marketing report

to introduce a new product of one coutry to the market of a different country.

need to have GREAT MARKETING knowledge/international marketing.

specific structure is given for the report

more resourses are posted to read

task sheet also given

2500 international marketing report

to introduce a new product of one coutry to the market of a different country.

need to have GREAT MARKETING knowledge/international marketing.

specific structure is given for the report

more resourses are posted to read

task sheet also given

Discuss on International Marketing

2500 international marketing report

to introduce a new product of one coutry to the market of a different country.

need to have GREAT MARKETING knowledge/international marketing.

specific structure is given for the report

more resourses are posted to read

task sheet also given

2500 international marketing report

to introduce a new product of one coutry to the market of a different country.

need to have GREAT MARKETING knowledge/international marketing.

specific structure is given for the report

more resourses are posted to read

task sheet also given

Marketing Management Quiz

Marketing Management Quiz


There are 100 questions in marketing management covering Chapters 1 through 22. You must be knowledgble in this field. 1) Can you complete this assignment? 2) Do you guarantee a 90% and above? 3) How soon can you get this completed? 4) How much will you charge? and 4) How soon can you get this completed? You must guarantee 90% and above and you must deliver as you promised. Please let me know ASAP.


There are 100 questions in marketing management covering Chapters 1 through 22. You must be knowledgble in this field. 1) Can you complete this assignment? 2) Do you guarantee a 90% and above? 3) How soon can you get this completed? 4) How much will you charge? and 4) How soon can you get this completed? You must guarantee 90% and above and you must deliver as you promised. Please let me know ASAP.

Give 3 Examples Of Ambush Or Experiential Marketing

Give 3 Examples Of Ambush Or Experiential Marketing

Find three print examples of the kind of promotional methods that constitute ambush or experiential marketing.  Evaluate each example in terms of effectiveness of the sensory input provided.


Instructions: Your answers to the questions should be 500-700 words (total not each), be in APA format, use outside research and represent overall college level work. Please use the APUS library in addition to just the book to find references to back up your answers to these questions


Turnit in will be used to check originality. Please cite all work used. 


Find three print examples of the kind of promotional methods that constitute ambush or experiential marketing.  Evaluate each example in terms of effectiveness of the sensory input provided.


Instructions: Your answers to the questions should be 500-700 words (total not each), be in APA format, use outside research and represent overall college level work. Please use the APUS library in addition to just the book to find references to back up your answers to these questions


Turnit in will be used to check originality. Please cite all work used.

Find three print examples of the kind of promotional methods that constitute ambush or experiential marketing.  Evaluate each example in terms of effectiveness of the sensory input provided.


Instructions: Your answers to the questions should be 500-700 words (total not each), be in APA format, use outside research and represent overall college level work. Please use the APUS library in addition to just the book to find references to back up your answers to these questions


Turnit in will be used to check originality. Please cite all work used. 


Find three print examples of the kind of promotional methods that constitute ambush or experiential marketing.  Evaluate each example in terms of effectiveness of the sensory input provided.


Instructions: Your answers to the questions should be 500-700 words (total not each), be in APA format, use outside research and represent overall college level work. Please use the APUS library in addition to just the book to find references to back up your answers to these questions


Turnit in will be used to check originality. Please cite all work used. 

Healthcare Marketing Discussion

Healthcare Marketing Discussion


APA format no references needed. 200-250 words Attached are all relevent documents


Prompt:  describe which of the objectives from the course syllabus influenced your healthcare marketing plan the most and why.

APA format no references needed. 200-250 words Attached are all relevent documents


Prompt:  describe which of the objectives from the course syllabus influenced your healthcare marketing plan the most and why.


APA format no references needed. 200-250 words Attached are all relevent documents


Prompt:  describe which of the objectives from the course syllabus influenced your healthcare marketing plan the most and why.

APA format no references needed. 200-250 words Attached are all relevent documents


Prompt:  describe which of the objectives from the course syllabus influenced your healthcare marketing plan the most and why.

Discuss on Quantitative Reasoning

Write a 3 to 5 page paper (750 to 1200 words, not including the cover page and reference page) in APA format in response to the prompts below.

Please use the APA Sample provided in Unit 1 to complete your assignment. In this assignment, you will be assessed on the Institutional Learning Outcome of Quantitative Reasoning. Visit the LIRN to find journal articles that support your positions and cite them using appropriate APA format.

For this case study, use the company you previously selected. Please respond to the following questions:

a.       Describe the conditions, if any, where your business (the one you selected in Unit 1) can expect to earn an economic profit from acquiring a new, strategically related, firm after fending off four other bidders. [Chapter 10 Problem Set Question #1 on page 303].

10.1. Consider the following scenario: A firm acquires a strategically related target after successfully fending off four other bidding firms. Under what conditions, if any, can the firm that acquired this target expect to earn an economic profit from doing so?

b.      Your firm is considering the purchase of a smaller firm because it believes that it can manage the assets of that firm more efficiently. The smaller firm has free cash flow. Some researchers have argued that the existence of free cash flow can lead managers in a firm to make inappropriate acquisition decisions. To avoid these problems, these authors have argued that firms should increase their debt-to-equity ratio and “soak up” free cash flow through interest and principal payments. Is free cash flow a significant problem for many firms?

c.       Your firm has decided to begin selling its products in Ghana. Unfortunately, there is not a highly developed trading market for currency in Ghana. However, Ghana does have significant exports of cocoa. Describe a process by which you would be able to sell your machines in Ghana and still translate your earnings into a tradable currency (e.g., dollars or euros).

Approach To Crisis Management: Defending An Organization’s Reputation

Write a 900 word paper and respond to the questions at the end of your selected case study to form the basis for your response.  which is attached  and answer the questions listed below



  1. What would you have counseled CEO Schultz on his idea  to keep Starbucks locations free of guns?
  2. What about your counsel relative to his idea to start conversations among baristas and patrons on the subject of race?
  3. Is it a good idea for companies to communicate publicly about their viewpoints? If so, should there be any public relations      restrictions on the issues companies take on?
  4. What other public relations options did Schultz have in  his quest to bring Starbucks into the race issue?

-What went well regarding the PR response to the situation?

-What might you have recommended to improve the response?

-Cite PR concepts from your text, ERRs, or other sources to support the points you are making.

Include two references with your paper.

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

Write a 900 word paper and respond to the questions at the end of your selected case study to form the basis for your response.  which is attached  and answer the questions listed below



  1. What would you have counseled CEO Schultz on his idea  to keep Starbucks locations free of guns?
  2. What about your counsel relative to his idea to start conversations among baristas and patrons on the subject of race?
  3. Is it a good idea for companies to communicate publicly about their viewpoints? If so, should there be any public relations      restrictions on the issues companies take on?
  4. What other public relations options did Schultz have in  his quest to bring Starbucks into the race issue?

-What went well regarding the PR response to the situation?

-What might you have recommended to improve the response?

-Cite PR concepts from your text, ERRs, or other sources to support the points you are making.

Include two references with your paper.

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

Case Study: LA Galaxy

Where Sports Marketing Is a Kick!

  1. Read the case on pages 341-344 in your text.
  2. Watch the video supplement to the case at link tv/13e/v12-5 (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site..
  3. Respond to the following case question. (Disregard the questions in the text.)

    You’re a member of the marketing team at LA Galaxy and being  asked by the senior leadership team to critically evaluate the company’s  marketing strategy. This evaluation should include an assessment of  what is going well and where opportunities for improvement exist. To  complete your evaluation, you should take into consideration the  following: the LA Galaxy product; which of the seven (7) elements of the  service marketing mix are most important in the LA Galaxy marketing  program; how is promotion (advertising, personal selling, public  relations, sales promotion, direct marketing) used by the company and do  these activities depend on the specific target markets; the extent to  which social media integrated into the LA Galaxy marketing strategy; and  finally how does the company assess the impact of its marketing  activities.

    Where Sports Marketing Is a Kick!

    1. Read the case on pages 341-344 in your text.
    2. Watch the video supplement to the case at link tv/13e/v12-5 (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site..
    3. Respond to the following case question. (Disregard the questions in the text.)

      You’re a member of the marketing team at LA Galaxy and being  asked by the senior leadership team to critically evaluate the company’s  marketing strategy. This evaluation should include an assessment of  what is going well and where opportunities for improvement exist. To  complete your evaluation, you should take into consideration the  following: the LA Galaxy product; which of the seven (7) elements of the  service marketing mix are most important in the LA Galaxy marketing  program; how is promotion (advertising, personal selling, public  relations, sales promotion, direct marketing) used by the company and do  these activities depend on the specific target markets; the extent to  which social media integrated into the LA Galaxy marketing strategy; and  finally how does the company assess the impact of its marketing  activities.

Discuss Integrated Marketing Communication Strategies

Prior to beginning work on this assignment, review Chapter 13: Global Marketing Communications Decisions I, Chapter 14: Global Marketing Communications Decisions II, and Chapter 15: Global Marketing and the Digital Revolution. This assignment will be incorporated into your Week 6 Final Paper. Watch the BUS622 Week 5 video above with Dr. Avisha Sadeghinejad, Program Chair for MA and BA Marketing Programs.

Part 1: Integrated Marketing Communication Strategies (IMC)

  • Examine the integrated marketing communication (IMC) strategies of your mentor company in action.
  • Establish a significant global marketing campaign from your mentor company across multiple media (e.g., TV, print advertising, digital ads, social media ads, etc.).
  • Identify a campaign execution for at least four different types of media (at least one print and one digital).
    • Provide the URL link to the ad.
    • For each medium, provide a description of how its unique nature is being used to display the ad.
    • Explain what unifies the campaign across different media and makes it count as an IMC.
  • Identify another marketing communication activity from your mentor company other than advertising (e.g., PR, sales promotion, sponsorship, product placement, personal selling, direct marketing, etc.).
    • Describe in detail and provide a link to a visual component of the activity.
    • Compare it to the ad campaign you identified. Are they unified? Discuss one strength and one weakness of this marketing communication activity.

Part 2: Global Brands, Cultures and Advertisement 

  • Select two advertisements for the same product and from the same medium but targeted for a different country (e.g., a magazine ad for Pepsi in the US and in China, both from same campaign or a digital ad banner for Colgate toothpaste in the UK and in Saudi Arabia). Include a copy of those advertisements in your work and provide a brief explanation of the ads.
  • Examine how these advertisements reflect the two cultures.
  • Discuss your position in the standardized vs. localized debate.
  • Explain what kind of appeal is used for the ads and if you would choose a different appeal for it. Provide your rationale.

Hint: To find ads, search the web,, or major advertising publications such as Adweek, for articles about your brand’s ad campaign. Searching your company’s YouTube channel, Twitter account, or other social media platforms for recurring ad messages would be helpful too.

The Integrated Marketing Communications assignment

  • Must be four to five double-spaced pages in length (not including title and references pages) and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center’s APA Style (Links to an external site.) resource.Prior to beginning work on this assignment, review Chapter 13: Global Marketing Communications Decisions I, Chapter 14: Global Marketing Communications Decisions II, and Chapter 15: Global Marketing and the Digital Revolution. This assignment will be incorporated into your Week 6 Final Paper. Watch the BUS622 Week 5 video above with Dr. Avisha Sadeghinejad, Program Chair for MA and BA Marketing Programs.

    Part 1: Integrated Marketing Communication Strategies (IMC)

    • Examine the integrated marketing communication (IMC) strategies of your mentor company in action.
    • Establish a significant global marketing campaign from your mentor company across multiple media (e.g., TV, print advertising, digital ads, social media ads, etc.).
    • Identify a campaign execution for at least four different types of media (at least one print and one digital).
      • Provide the URL link to the ad.
      • For each medium, provide a description of how its unique nature is being used to display the ad.
      • Explain what unifies the campaign across different media and makes it count as an IMC.
    • Identify another marketing communication activity from your mentor company other than advertising (e.g., PR, sales promotion, sponsorship, product placement, personal selling, direct marketing, etc.).
      • Describe in detail and provide a link to a visual component of the activity.
      • Compare it to the ad campaign you identified. Are they unified? Discuss one strength and one weakness of this marketing communication activity.

    Part 2: Global Brands, Cultures and Advertisement 

    • Select two advertisements for the same product and from the same medium but targeted for a different country (e.g., a magazine ad for Pepsi in the US and in China, both from same campaign or a digital ad banner for Colgate toothpaste in the UK and in Saudi Arabia). Include a copy of those advertisements in your work and provide a brief explanation of the ads.
    • Examine how these advertisements reflect the two cultures.
    • Discuss your position in the standardized vs. localized debate.
    • Explain what kind of appeal is used for the ads and if you would choose a different appeal for it. Provide your rationale.

    Hint: To find ads, search the web,, or major advertising publications such as Adweek, for articles about your brand’s ad campaign. Searching your company’s YouTube channel, Twitter account, or other social media platforms for recurring ad messages would be helpful too.

    The Integrated Marketing Communications assignment

    • Must be four to five double-spaced pages in length (not including title and references pages) and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center’s APA Style (Links to an external site.) resource.