Individual Diversity Reflection

Please read the questions below and answer as an individual.  You may answer the questions as “1a”, “1b”, 2.  etc.  This is worth 20 points.  Due date: April 18.



  1. Based on your analysis of the Hispanic Diversity materials on which your group wrote a paper, discuss the following:(my paper is attached below)
    1. Why diversity matters to business
    2. Describe the connection between successful handling of diversity issues and organizational performance.


  1. Identify important forms of human, cultural, social, and socio-economic differences existing within the United States and that you are likely to encounter in contemporary workplaces and markets


  1. In your analysis, what did you recommend business do about expanding target markets to include Hispanics and Latinos?Please read the questions below and answer as an individual.  You may answer the questions as “1a”, “1b”, 2.  etc.  This is worth 20 points.  Due date: April 18.



    1. Based on your analysis of the Hispanic Diversity materials on which your group wrote a paper, discuss the following:(my paper is attached below)
      1. Why diversity matters to business
      2. Describe the connection between successful handling of diversity issues and organizational performance.


    1. Identify important forms of human, cultural, social, and socio-economic differences existing within the United States and that you are likely to encounter in contemporary workplaces and markets


    1. In your analysis, what did you recommend business do about expanding target markets to include Hispanics and Latinos?

What are Customer acquisition costs

Customer Lifetime Value

Companies with recurring revenue from customers often use strategies to identify profitable customer segments and identify the customer lifetime value of each type of customer. A company needs to make educated calculations about its target customers and the profit potential of various marketing efforts.

After reading the Harvard Business Review article and video, you will write a 2-page (minimum) analysis of the following items. In order to receive credit for the paper, you must include at least 2 cited references per page.

  1. General overview of the article
  2. Customer acquisition costs
  3. What can a company do to leverage impact customer lifetime value can have on sustainable profitability

Customer Lifetime Value

Companies with recurring revenue from customers often use strategies to identify profitable customer segments and identify the customer lifetime value of each type of customer. A company needs to make educated calculations about its target customers and the profit potential of various marketing efforts.

After reading the Harvard Business Review article and video, you will write a 2-page (minimum) analysis of the following items. In order to receive credit for the paper, you must include at least 2 cited references per page.

  1. General overview of the article
  2. Customer acquisition costs
  3. What can a company do to leverage impact customer lifetime value can have on sustainable profitability

Discuss Operations Management Tools & Methods

Unit:  Operations Management Tools & Methods

Due Date:  Wed, 4/25/18

Deliverable Length:  750–1,000 words

View objectives for this assignment


As the production manager, you need to minimize both ordering and inventory costs. You need to provide a recommendation of the optimal order quantity of raw materials to your plant manager. Your objective is to determine the economic order quantity (EOQ). If the annual demand for Ultamyacin at Smitheford is 400,000 units, then the annual carrying cost rate is 15% of the cost of the unit. The product costs $48/unit to purchase, and the product ordering cost is $28.00.

In your report, discuss information based on the following questions:

  • What is the basic EOQ?
  • What is the TC (total cost) at the EOQ?
  • How much would the TC increase if the order quantity must be 1,000 units?
  • How is JIT (just-in-time) ordering methodology different from EOQ methodology?

Show all your calculations.


Smitheford Pharmaceuticals

Smitheford Pharmaceuticals was founded by a former officer in the Civil War, General Robert Smitheford, in 1878. He moved his family to Colorado Springs to aid in his wife’s tuberculosis condition. At the time, it was believed that the sunshine and high altitude had curative effects.

The company quickly grew and expanded. To improve the economies of several growing towns in Colorado, General Smitheford built additional manufacturing facilities in Pueblo, Grand Junction, Fort Collins, and Durango, Colorado.

Smitheford was an excellent leader, as demonstrated by his rapid rise in the Union Army. He used management incentives and was an early follower of Frederick Taylor on methods improvement and employee satisfaction. The company has since adopted total quality management (TQM) philosophies but has done a poor job of implementing these principles in manufacturing.

By the 1950s, Smitheford Pharmaceuticals grew to become the 6th-largest pharmaceutical firm in the United States. Expansion in manufacturing occurred in the 1970s and 1980s with operations in Canada, Puerto Rico, France, Japan, Mexico, and Brazil.

Many challenges are facing the industry today. NAFTA impacted some advantages that Canadian manufacturing might have had. Stricter FDA guidelines have made transportation of partially manufactured products more complicated; drug interactions, especially for the elderly, can seriously affect whether or not to release a new product, and manufacturing equipment has become more sophisticated, and with the advanced technology comes increase fixed costs.

You are a midlevel manager of production operations at Smitheford. You will need to look at several methods to improve efficiency and effectiveness for its area of responsibility. You will use quantitative and qualitative methods to make recommendations for the improvements.

Making Business Decisions

Business is booming. The Broadway Cafe is operating better than ever, and you have achieved your goal of driving operating costs down, which helps to drive revenues up.  One of your best new products is a small coffee press from China.  The customer can create a drawing on a special piece of paper that is sent to China and created as the outside of the coffee press.  Customers are ordering the presses for everything from children’s drawing for mother’s day presents to marriage proposals.  You also have many customers participating in the coffee-of-the-month and tea-of-the-month club where they receive two pounds of a unique blend each month from Brazil Beans and China Teas.

Part 1


Yesterday, a dock workers union strike began and shut down all of the west coast shipping docks from San Francisco to Canada. Work will only begin when the union agrees to new labor contracts, which could take months. You need to quickly assess the impact of the west coast dock shutdown on the cafe.

  1. How will      you keep the business running if you cannot receive your shipments from      Brazil Beans, China Teas, and the custom coffee press machines?
  2. What      strategies do you recommend to help the business continue working while      the supply chain is completely disrupted by the dock workers strike?

Making Business Decisions II

JetBlue took an unusual and interesting CRM approach by using YouTube to apologize to its customers. JetBlue’s founder and CEO, David Neeleman, apologized to its customers via YouTube after a very, very bad week for the airline: 1,100 flights canceled due to snow storms and thousands of irate passengers. Neeleman’s unpolished, earnest delivery makes this apology worth accepting. However, then again, we were not stuck on a tarmac for eight hours.  With all of the new advances in technology and the many ways to reach customers, do you think using YouTube is a smart approach?  What else could JetBlue do to help gain back the trust of its customers?

The Broadway Cafe is experiencing some unusual issues. You have implemented four new espresso machines, and it is taking employees time to get used to using the new machines.  You also have four new employees who are getting used to the many different cafe machines. During peak hours the orders for frappuccinos and cappuccinos is increasing, causing long wait times and lines for customers. You can tell that customers are frustrated and you want to address their concerns as you get your workforce up-to-speed on the new equipment.

Part 2


  1. Create a      strategy for using YouTube as a vehicle to communicate with your customers      about the unusual long wait lines and what you are doing to rectify the      problems.
  2. Be sure to      highlight the pros and cons of using YouTube as a customer communication      vehicle.
  3. Are there      any other new technologies you could use as a customer communication      vehicle that would be more effective than YouTube?

What is the importance of analysing your Target Customers/Users

Use the provided information, as well as your own research, to assess one (1) of the stated brands (Alfa Romeo Hewlett Packard, Subway, or Sony) by completing the questions below. At the end of the worksheet, be sure to develop a new positioning statement and motto for the brand you selected. Submit the completed template in the Week 4 assignment submission link.



Professor’s   Name:

Course Title:


Company/Brand   Selected (Alfa Romeo Hewlett Packard, Subway, or Sony):

1. Target Customers/Users

Who are the target customers for the company/brand? Make sure you tell why you selected each item that you did.

Age Bracket: [Insert response]

Gender: [Insert response]

Income Bracket: [Insert response]

Education Level: [Insert response]

Lifestyles: [Insert response]

Psychographics: [Insert response]

Values: [Insert response]

Other items you would segment up on: [Insert response]

How does the company currently reach its customers/users? What methods and media does the company use to currently reach the customers/users? What methods and media should the company use to currently reach the customers/users? Make sure you list the media type and why you think it will reach the customers. 

[Insert response]

What would grab the customers/users’ attention? Why do you think this will capture their attention?

[Insert response]

What do these target customers’ value? Why do you think they value these items?

[Insert response]

2. Competitors

Who are the brand’s competitors? Provide at least 3 competitors and tell why you selected each competitor. 

Competitor 1: [Insert response]

Competitor 2: [Insert response]

Competitor 3: [Insert response]

What product category does the brand fit into? Why have you placed this brand into the product category that you did?

[Insert response]

What frame of reference will customers use in making a choice to use/purchase this brand/service? What other brands/companies might customers compare this brand to?

[Insert response]

3. USP (Unique Selling Proposition)

How is this brand/company better than its competitors? What is the brand’s USP (Unique Selling Proposition? Why have you decided upon this particular USP?

Unique Selling Proposition: [Insert response]

Defense of USP: [Insert response]

What is the brand’s uniqueness? Why do you think this is a key uniqueness for this business?

[Insert response]

What is the competitive advantage of the brand? How is it different from other competing brands? Why do you consider this a competitive advantage? 

[Insert response]

What attributes or benefits does the brand have that dominate competitors? Why do you think they dominate?

[Insert response]

4. Positioning Statement & Motto

Develop a new positioning statement and motto for the brand you selected. Below is an example of BMW’s positioning statement and motto. Discuss why you created the items that you did?

· BMW Positioning statement: The brand for discerning customers of sports cars (target customers) who want an exhilarating experience (USP).

· BMW Motto: BMW is the ultimate driving machine.

Newly Created Positioning Statement: [Insert response]

Defense of Positioning Statement Creation: [Insert response]

Newly Created Motto: [Insert response]

Defense of Motto Creation: [Insert response]

Discuss on International Marketing

Part One (Presentation 1)

3. Introduction

A) What company (Our Company is kingdom Dates Co.

B) The product to be exported (All kinds of dates)

C) The country with which you wish to trade (Indonesian)

4. Company Profile (Origins, History, Etc.) 

5. Country:  (Indonesian)

a. Brief discussion of the country’s history  (Indonesian)

b. Geographical setting: location and climate (Jakarta)

c. Population

d. Economic Statistics & Activity (GNP/GDP etc.)

e. Trade Restrictions

f. Channels of Distribution

g. Media

Part One (Presentation 1)

3. Introduction

A) What company (Our Company is kingdom Dates Co.

B) The product to be exported (All kinds of dates)

C) The country with which you wish to trade (Indonesian)

4. Company Profile (Origins, History, Etc.) 

5. Country:  (Indonesian)

a. Brief discussion of the country’s history  (Indonesian)

b. Geographical setting: location and climate (Jakarta)

c. Population

d. Economic Statistics & Activity (GNP/GDP etc.)

e. Trade Restrictions

f. Channels of Distribution

g. Media

Generic Electronics and the Marketing Mix

Assignment: Generic Electronics and the Marketing Mix

Consider a product you own and use regularly today (smart phone, e-reader, power tool, etc.). With the rapid pace of technological change, you may ask yourself how this product will change in 5 or 10 years instead of whether it will change. It may be realistic to wonder if a ubiquitous product of today could be replaced and obsolete in that amount of time. Compare the pace of change to older products such as typewriters, which sold commercially for decades without experiencing much change at all until improvements in computers, word processors, and printers rendered typewriters nearly obsolete. Similarly, services such as milk or ice delivery may have been common at one point in time but no longer exist today. As companies examine their products and services, they need to anticipate the impact of product life cycles. Each stage of the product life cycle (introductory, growth, maturity, and decline) has its unique marketing needs, which require different promotional and pricing strategies.

For this Assignment, you will apply concepts of the product life cycle, branding, pricing tactics, and distribution channel. Consider how products are improved in order to extend their product life cycle. What are some ways to make an existing product more appealing to consumers?

Consider the following scenario:

Generic Electronics is introducing a new electronic device with cutting-edge technology. The managers are expecting the product life cycle, from introduction to decline, will last about 3 years before this device is replaced by a newer version of the technology.

To prepare for this Assignment:

  • Review this week’s Learning Resources.
  • Review the scenario of Generic Electronics.
  • Refer to the Academic Writing Expectations for 2000/3000-Level Courses as you compose your Assignment.
By Day 7

Submit your responses to the following prompts.

  • What type of brand message should Generic Electronics send to its potential customers? Explain your answer. (75 words, or 1 paragraph)
  • How should Generic’s marketing managers adjust this device’s branding throughout the four stages of the product life cycle (PLC)? In your response, be sure to briefly describe each stage of the product life cycle. (150–225 words, or 2–3 paragraphs)
  • During the introductory stage of this device, which pricing strategy should Generic Electronics use? When the device hits the maturity stage, how should the pricing strategy be different? (75 words, or 1 paragraph)
  • Which distribution channel should Generic Electronics use? The options are direct sales (i.e., business to consumer, or B2C) through the company’s eCommerce and mCommerce sites, or indirectly (i.e., business to business, or B2B) through other retailers such as Best Buy and Amazon. Discuss the pros and cons of these options. (150–225 words, or 2–3 paragraphs)
  • Why is it important for Generic Electronics to have an integrated marketing communication plan? (75–150 words, or 1–2 paragraphs)
  • How should Generic’s marketing managers ensure they are utilizing integrated marketing communication and are sending consistent messages throughout the different traditional and digital marketing channels? (75–150 words, or 1–2 paragraphs)

Ethical assignment

Levon  Helm was a kind of one-man mortgage broker. He would drive around  Ten-nessee looking for homes that had second mortgages, and if the  criteria were favor-able, he would offer to buy the second mortgage for  “cash on the barrelhead.” Helm bought low and sold high, making sizable  profits. Being a small operation, he employed one person, Cindy  Patterson, who did all his bookkeeping. Patterson was an old family  friend, and he trusted her so implicitly that he never checked up on the  led-gers or the bank reconciliations. At some point, Patterson started  “borrowing” from the business and concealing her transactions by booking  phony expenses. She intended to pay it back someday, but she got used  to the extra cash and couldn’t stop. By the time the scam was  discovered, she had drained the company of funds that it owed to many of  its creditors. The company went bankrupt, Patterson did some jail time,  and Helm lost everything.Requirements1. What was the key control  weakness in this case?2. Many small businesses cannot afford to hire  enough people for adequate separa-tion of duties. What can they do to  compensate for this?> Fraud Case 8-1

For this assignment, you will discuss how Christian principles can be  applied to an accounting fraud case. In a 500-750-word paper,

  1. In approximately 100 words, briefly summarize the issue in your own words.
  2. In  approximately 450-600 words, address this issue from a Christian  worldview as it relates to decision making and ethics. What guidance  could be applied to understand and resolve the issue

Marketing Idea Paper

The purpose of this assignment is to come up with an idea for a new product or service and use secondary data about the industry, consumers, and competitors to show that your idea will make sense. Your idea should include the target market for the product, a positioning statement, a brand name, and a basic description of your product or service and its benefits.

In order to better understand the goal of the assignment and what your final submission should look like, please start by reviewing this sample paper:

My Marketing Idea – example paper.pdf

What kind of idea will be appropriate for this assignment?

First of all, you do not have to come up with a Shark-tank-worthy big idea for this assignment! It will be sufficient to suggest a new brand in a well-known category that differs just a little from available brands. For example, you can launch a food product or beverage that has a different flavor or ingredient, or a personal care product with a different brand and packaging design.

Some of you may already have thought about a product that isn’t available and that you think would have potential. If so, your next step is to research the industry, competitors, and consumer preferences in your category (see next section). It is important that you come up with an idea for which you will easily find the background information you need. The Passport and Mintel databases cover a range of products and services but if your product category is not represented in either of these databases, it will be challenging to complete the assignment.

If you do not have an idea right away, start by doing some research about a type of product, or consumer trend that interests you. For example, if you are interested in healthy food products, start by reading the report about that category on Mintel.


Your paper should include information about relevant consumer trends, the industry the product is in, and the competitive landscape. As you can tell from the sample assignment, you might be able to find everything you need in the Mintel database. Passport provides similar reports and can also be used. You are required to use at least one report from either Mintel or Passport, but are free to add additional valid sources (e.g., other databases or business press articles).

Keep in mind that you need to access Mintel, Passport, or other databases through the UIC library webpage. These instructions will help you get started.  How to use Mintel and Passport for the My Marketing Idea Assignment.pdf

If you have problems finding the information you need, please reach out to the UIC librarians who are experts on these databases and more than happy to help, or come by during office hours.

What you will turn in

Your idea should be presented in a short paper that should look like the sample paper. It should contain the sections listed below, use headings, and be no more than 700 words (about 1 to 1 1/2 pages). The sources you use should be indicated in the text and listed at the end of the paper. You should use at least two different sources but it is acceptable that these come from the same database. You can use any reference style you are familiar with.

Charlenes Dilema

Charlene Milton has spent the past three months trying to gather all the information she needs to submit a bid on an order that is very important to her company. Bids are due tomorrow and the decision will be made within a week. She has made a great impression on the purchasing agent, Jamie Arnold, and she has just ended a conversation with her sales manager who believes Charlene needs to make one more call on Arnold to see if she can find out any additional information that might help her prepare the bid. Charlene’s boss specifically wants to know who the other bidders are.


Later that day, Charlene visited with Jamie Arnold. During the course of the conversation with Arnold, Charlene asked who the other bidders were. Arnold beat around the bush for a while, but she did not reveal the other bidders. She did

mention the other bids were in and pulled the folder out of the filing cabinet where they were kept. Jamie opened the file and looked over the bids in front of Charlene.

There was a knock on the door and Jamie’s boss asked if he could see her for a minute and she walked down the hall with her boss. Charlene realized all the bids were left out in front of her. There was a summary sheet of all of the bids on top and she could easily see all the bids. When Arnold returned she returned the folder to the file and the two made some small talk and ended their conversation.

Charlene returned to her office and completed her bid and turned it in to Jamie Arnold the next morning. Charlene knew her bid would be the lowest by $500.00. One week later Charlene learned she won the bid.


1. What are the ethical issues involved in this situation?

2. If you were Charlene Milton, do you think Jamie Arnold intended for you to see the competitive bids? What would you have done, given this situation? Why?