Discuss on Global Management

Points Possible:  100

Points Earned:  0

Deliverable Length:  2–3 pages

View objectives for this assignment


You enter your project team meeting with Mike and Tiffany to hear them discussing the tools that they found to conduct an analysis of the industry and competitors. “Mike, there are so many more tools than I even realized to give us some good data,” Tiffany states.

“I know,” Mike says. “That’s why I wanted to take some time to look at our options and figure out what information we really need to support the board’s decision.”

Mike and Tiffany both found some great tools from their research on the subject. Complete the following:

  • Based on your classmates’ discussion posts for Week 2, do you still believe the tools that you selected will work best for a global strategy? Why or why not?
  • What evidence do you have to support your decision?
  • How would you refute the people who chose an additional tool rather than one of the tools that you selected?
  • Based on the tools that you selected, provide a brief analysis of your market in Germany, using those tools.Points Possible:  100

    Points Earned:  0

    Deliverable Length:  2–3 pages

    View objectives for this assignment


    You enter your project team meeting with Mike and Tiffany to hear them discussing the tools that they found to conduct an analysis of the industry and competitors. “Mike, there are so many more tools than I even realized to give us some good data,” Tiffany states.

    “I know,” Mike says. “That’s why I wanted to take some time to look at our options and figure out what information we really need to support the board’s decision.”

    Mike and Tiffany both found some great tools from their research on the subject. Complete the following:

    • Based on your classmates’ discussion posts for Week 2, do you still believe the tools that you selected will work best for a global strategy? Why or why not?
    • What evidence do you have to support your decision?
    • How would you refute the people who chose an additional tool rather than one of the tools that you selected?
    • Based on the tools that you selected, provide a brief analysis of your market in Germany, using those tools.

MKTG Data Analysis Report

Due date: 31/07/16 Sunday 1800hrs GMT+8 Singapore Timing

Strictly adhere to due date and timing or i will definitely dispute 


Format to be based on the sample as attached <Example of individual assignment.pdf>


Detailed instructions can be found at <MKTG2010 Data Analysis Report_Problem_Definition and Questionnaire.pdf> 


<Appendix_Data Analysis Report> To be added under appendix at the end of the report

<Appendix_Research> To be added under appendix at the end of the report


Cite the references and in APA referencing


Word count: 2000 words




You have been asked to prepare a report for a Marketing Manager of a television production company. The company has undertaken research to examine consumer’s attitudes towards reality television and have access to raw data (focus group transcript and SPSS data file). The marketing manager has asked you to interpret the data, and provide recommendations regarding the company’s MDP and MROs.


Marketing Management Problem (MMP)

– Should NBN introduce a new Reality TV show?


Marketing Research Problem (MRP)

– What are consumers’ attitudes towards Reality TV?


Marketing Research Objectives (MRO’s)

– To determine if there is a relationship between connecting with participants and enjoyment of reality TV shows.

– To compare attitudes towards reality TV shows between males and females.

– To identify if there is a relationship between age and preference towards reality TV shows.

– To determine the relationship between enjoyment of reality TV shows and the depiction of real life within a reality TV show.

-To compare the importance of having attractive participants and depicting real life behaviours.

-To compare enjoyment of Reality TV shows between shows with unfamiliar setting (Tropical Island, isolated house) and staged setups.


Please follow the instruction in the zipped file. If unable to open it, please inform me.


Please use www.savreader.com to open e Reality TV Quantitative Data 2014.sav in the zipped file as all the data inside this file for doing the analysis.

Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR)

Dazzling Dough Co. sells pizza dough to local pizza restaurants. Most of the restaurants buy at least 150 pounds of pizza dough from Dazzling Dough Co. in each order. Jerry’s Pizza contacted Dazzling Dough Co. to purchase 200 pounds of pizza dough, along with some other items. Dazzling Dough Co. sent Jerry’s Pizza a written contract, prepared by Dazzling Dough Co.’s lawyer, stating that “Jerry’s Pizza agrees to purchase 200 pounds of pizza dough, pizza toppings, desserts and soft drinks for $30,000.” Jerry’s Pizza signed and returned the contract.

A few days later, Dazzling Dough Co. sent Jerry’s Pizza 125 pounds of pizza dough and 75 pounds of pizza toppings, desserts, and soft drinks. Jerry’s Pizza contacted Dazzling Dough Co. about the error in the contract and demanded an extra 75 pounds of pizza dough. Dazzling Dough Co. said there was no error, that Jerry’s Pizza signed the contract so they agreed to the terms, and it was not sending the extra pizza dough.

After several attempts to resolve the dispute and a pressing need for dough, Jerry’s Pizza terminated the contract and sent Dazzling Dough Co. a check for $15,000 for the 125 pounds of pizza dough, pizza toppings, desserts and soft drinks. Jerry’s Pizza immediately purchased 75 pounds of pizza dough from another company for $12,000. Both parties are threatening to sue each other for breach of contract. They prefer to resolve the dispute out of court because the contract contains a clause that awards reimbursement of attorney’s fees to the winning party.

Dazzling Dough Co. sells pizza dough to local pizza restaurants. Most of the restaurants buy at least 150 pounds of pizza dough from Dazzling Dough Co. in each order. Jerry’s Pizza contacted Dazzling Dough Co. to purchase 200 pounds of pizza dough, along with some other items. Dazzling Dough Co. sent Jerry’s Pizza a written contract, prepared by Dazzling Dough Co.’s lawyer, stating that “Jerry’s Pizza agrees to purchase 200 pounds of pizza dough, pizza toppings, desserts and soft drinks for $30,000.” Jerry’s Pizza signed and returned the contract.

A few days later, Dazzling Dough Co. sent Jerry’s Pizza 125 pounds of pizza dough and 75 pounds of pizza toppings, desserts, and soft drinks. Jerry’s Pizza contacted Dazzling Dough Co. about the error in the contract and demanded an extra 75 pounds of pizza dough. Dazzling Dough Co. said there was no error, that Jerry’s Pizza signed the contract so they agreed to the terms, and it was not sending the extra pizza dough.

After several attempts to resolve the dispute and a pressing need for dough, Jerry’s Pizza terminated the contract and sent Dazzling Dough Co. a check for $15,000 for the 125 pounds of pizza dough, pizza toppings, desserts and soft drinks. Jerry’s Pizza immediately purchased 75 pounds of pizza dough from another company for $12,000. Both parties are threatening to sue each other for breach of contract. They prefer to resolve the dispute out of court because the contract contains a clause that awards reimbursement of attorney’s fees to the winning party.

Evaluate the Principles Of Marketing

Price increases are always a thorny issue with consumers, and Netflix, the video streaming and DVD-by-mail giant, set off a firestorm by announcing a 60 percent price increase on its most affordable rental plan.  Until recently, for $9.99 per month, customers were able to rent one DVD at a time and enjoy unlimited streaming over the Internet.  That same service now costs $15.98 per month, a combination of an existing $7.99-a-month streaming-only plan with a new $7.99-a-month DVD-only plan that allows customers to receive one disc at a time via mail.  Because of this change, customers have either had to ante up to continue with the same level of service or step down to one of the more limited services priced at $7.99 per month.  Analysts predict that many customers will switch to the streaming only option, which reduced variable costs for Netflix, due to postage savings.  However, a Netflix spokesperson indicated that the DVD format will be viable for a while yet.  The company better hope that’s true because the company needs this product to generate considerable funds to finance its investments in online movie and television show rights.


Respond fully with critical thinking.
Minimum 250 words

Total 30 points.
Critical thinking responses with logic 25 points
Citation of resources in MLA format 5 points

Q1. Is this a smart move by Netflix?
Explain why or why not in depth with logic based on research.

Q2. Identify and discuss 3 pros. Explain each of the pros.

Q3. Identify and discuss 3 cons. Explain each of the cons.

Discuss Competitive Advantage Through Innovation

Discuss Competitive Advantage Through Innovation

(select and review one of the following articles, requirement 230 Words): 

  1. HBR, The Overcommitted Organization, Mortensen M at al, Sep-Oct 2017
  2. HBR, Control the negotiation before it begins, Malhotra D., December 2015, pp. 67-72
  3. HBR, Emotion and the art of negotiation, Brooks A, December 2015, pp. 57-64
  4. EJIM, Competitive Advantage Through Innovation: The Case of Nespresso, Alexander B at al, 2016 Vol. 19 Iss.
    1, pp.133-148 https://www.emeraldinsight.com/doi/pdfplus/10.1108/EJIM-05-2014-0055
  5. Management Decision, Does VRIO Help Managers Evaluate a Firm’s Resources?, Knott, P at al, 2015 Vol. 53,
    Iss. 8, pp. 1806-1822Discuss Competitive Advantage Through Innovation

    (select and review one of the following articles, requirement 230 Words): 

    1. HBR, The Overcommitted Organization, Mortensen M at al, Sep-Oct 2017
    2. HBR, Control the negotiation before it begins, Malhotra D., December 2015, pp. 67-72
    3. HBR, Emotion and the art of negotiation, Brooks A, December 2015, pp. 57-64
    4. EJIM, Competitive Advantage Through Innovation: The Case of Nespresso, Alexander B at al, 2016 Vol. 19 Iss.
      1, pp.133-148 https://www.emeraldinsight.com/doi/pdfplus/10.1108/EJIM-05-2014-0055
    5. Management Decision, Does VRIO Help Managers Evaluate a Firm’s Resources?, Knott, P at al, 2015 Vol. 53,
      Iss. 8, pp. 1806-1822

marketing Paper


In this assignment, you will create a Positioning Statement and Motto for one (1) of the following brands: Alfa Romeo, Hewlett Packard, Subway, or Sony.

Select only one (1) brand. Use the information listed, as well as your own research, to assess the brand by completing the provided template. At the end of the template, be sure to develop what you believe would be a new or better positioning statement and motto for the brand.

Click here to download the required template. (attached to the question)

Submit the completed template via the Assignment 1 submission link.

*Remember to only select one (1) brand from the options below (click on Option A, B, C, and D to view each available brand).

  • Option A
  • Option B
  • Option C
  • Option D



Subway’s 2013 Mission Statement
“To provide the tools and knowledge to allow entrepreneurs to compete successfully in the Fast Food industry worldwide, by consistently offering value to consumers through providing great tasting food that is good for them and made the way they want it.”

Subway’s Vision
Our vision is to make our restaurants and operations as environmentally and socially responsible as possible.

Cases In Financial Decision-Marking

Case Study: E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Company: Titanium Dioxide

Suggested Assignment Questions:

1. What are Du Pont’s competitive advantages in the TiO2 market as of 1972? How

permanent or defensible are they? What must Du Pont do to retain its competitive

advantage in the future?

2. Given the forecasts provided in the case, estimate the expected incremental free

cash flows associated with Du Pont’s growth strategy and maintain strategy for the

TiO2 market. Consider both an internal rate of return (IRR) and discount breakeven


3. How much risk and uncertainty surround these future cash flows? Which looks most attractive?

4. Why the does the growth strategy create more value than the maintain strategy?

5. How might competitors respond to Du Pont’s choice of either strategy in the TiO2

market? What other factors should Du Pont consider in making this decision?

6. What exogenous risks besides competition could disrupt Du Pont’s strategy?

7. Which strategy – growth or maintain – do you think Du Pont should choose?  Justify

your reasoning?

Transparency is a growing factor in health care. Discuss

Answers all the question don’t use the internet source do not copy and paste!

Question # 1

When establishing the product element of the marketing mix, a company must decide its product mix, product line, and its breadth and depth. Pick a Hospital or any health services facility you are working for, or you are familiar with, and describe the product (service) mix that facility is offering. Based on your experience with that facility, is it possible to modify the product mix by eliminating, adding, services? If yes, why? If not, why?

Question # 2

Transparency is a growing factor in health care. You have been hired to consult with a group of cardiologists who have just developed their first website.

The practice is located in a in a medium-sized community where there are 3 other cardiology practices. Present the pros and cons for them in developing a proactive approach to transparency on their website.

Some of the partners in the practice are strongly opposed to providing any metrics on the site.

Question # 3

Loyal customers offer multiple benefits to a healthcare organization. What are some of these benefits? How can loyalty be measured from a marketing approach? Find one example of a loyalty program in the healthcare industry, and comment on it. Is there in the program content any room for improvements?


Visit the websites of two major healthcare providers, Mayo clinic (https://www.mayoclinic.org)   and Cleveland clinic (https://my.clevelandclinic.org).

Which one do you believe does a better job in promoting its services and why? And why is the other website not as good and how could it be improved?


At a recent strategic planning retreat of a 40­ person multispecialty group, the administrator made a presentation that focused on the coming year’s plans to establish the organization’s first two primary care satel­lites, which would be located in the two growing sub­urbs of the community. These new additions would require the hiring of four family practitioners and other support staff. When the administrator finished her pre­sentation, one of the most senior physicians stood up and said, “This is a foolish expenditure. We’re so busy now in this group, we can’t even see another patient. Our revenue was up 14 percent according to the previous financial presentation we heard. There is no reason to change what we’re doing.” How might you respond to this physician?

Discuss on Org Communication

Complete the INCA survey and develop a one-page reflection summarizing your results. (Include your Intercultural Competence Scoresheet)

Part 2:

Select 3 critical incidents and analyze them. Frame your analyses of each incident using the cultural dimensions studied in class. (In other words, identify which cultural dimensions or values are influencing the situation). Each analysis should contain at least 3 scholarly references from the course materials that pertain directly to the incident. Your analysis should be complete and supported by the literature, not an opinion. You will be evaluated on how well you can form an argument, that is, present a statement and support it with credible sources.

Complete both parts in a formal written paper using APA format. Use headings to mark each part: Part 1 and Part 2. Use subheadings to indicate the discussion of each critical incident. Please review the requirements for all written assignments on page 3 of the syllabus.

INCA is an acronym for Intercultural Competency Assessment. The purpose of the INCA survey is for you to examine your intercultural awareness and assess your cultural sensitivity. This activity is designed to help you become aware of your own attitude towards cultural diversity. The dimensions of cultural competence measured by the INCA survey are:1) Tolerance of ambiguity, 2) Behavioral flexibility, 3) Communicative awareness, 4) Knowledge discovery, 5) Respect for Otherness, and 6) Empathy.

NOTE: This project and the instrument created was funded by the Council of Europe and the Leonardo da Vinci II Program.  You can read more about this project, if you are interested, here:


Directions: Complete all of the INCA Survey questions. When you are done, use the INCA survey key to help you analyze your results. Read about the different dimensions of intercultural competency and what they mean.

Note that a total score for the INCA survey is not important for the purpose of this assignment.  (You will not get a total score).

All the resources for this assignment are under Assignment Resources.




Intercultural Competence Scoresheet

Critical Incidents

  • attachment


Discussion – Brand Communications

In this week’s small group discussion, you’ll share and evaluate communications audits for brands you know. First, pick a brand (each group member should have a DIFFERENT brand). Then, conduct an internet search to audit as many forms of communication as you can for that brand. Post a summary as your INITIAL post.

Requirement: APA FORMAT

In this week’s small group discussion, you’ll share and evaluate communications audits for brands you know. First, pick a brand (each group member should have a DIFFERENT brand). Then, conduct an internet search to audit as many forms of communication as you can for that brand. Post a summary as your INITIAL post.

Requirement: APA FORMAT