Nike Case Study

BUAD 6900 – Summer 2022

Case #3

(Executive summaries should be between 1-2 pages, single-spaced, 12 pt. font.)

Textbook Case #20 Nike, Inc

Based on the case facts in the textbook (50 points):

1) Identify the key internal factors that are important to Nike. Rank the most important five and explain why.  (30 points.)

2) Discuss (in some detail) three areas of strength (10 points)

3) Discuss (in some detail) three areas of weakness (10 points)

Based on your research of the Company’s most recent annual report (internet search; company webpage — investor relations; and latest 10K/10Q reports – (25 points)

4) Using the latest 10K (Annual Report), calculate financial ratio table for the past three years (2021, 2020, 2019). You may need to access the 2020 annual report for the 2019 balance sheet data. Here are the relevant ratios: Current Ratio, Quick Ratio, Total Debt-to-Total Assets Ratio, Total Debt-to-Equity Ratio, Times-Interest-Earned Ratio, Inventory Turnover, Fixed Assets Turnover, Total Assets Turnover, Accounts Receivable Turnover, Average Collection Period, Gross Profit Margin, Operating Profit Margin, ROA, ROE. Note you may need to scroll down in the reports. You are looking for the Consolidated Statements of Income and Consolidated Balance Sheets. (15 points)

5) Based this analysis, identify three major trends and why they are important. (10 points)

BUAD 6900 – Summer 2022

Case #3

(Executive summaries should be between 1-2 pages, single-spaced, 12 pt. font.)

Textbook Case #20 Nike, Inc

Based on the case facts in the textbook (50 points):

1) Identify the key internal factors that are important to Nike. Rank the most important five and explain why.  (30 points.)

2) Discuss (in some detail) three areas of strength (10 points)

3) Discuss (in some detail) three areas of weakness (10 points)

Based on your research of the Company’s most recent annual report (internet search; company webpage — investor relations; and latest 10K/10Q reports – (25 points)

4) Using the latest 10K (Annual Report), calculate financial ratio table for the past three years (2021, 2020, 2019). You may need to access the 2020 annual report for the 2019 balance sheet data. Here are the relevant ratios: Current Ratio, Quick Ratio, Total Debt-to-Total Assets Ratio, Total Debt-to-Equity Ratio, Times-Interest-Earned Ratio, Inventory Turnover, Fixed Assets Turnover, Total Assets Turnover, Accounts Receivable Turnover, Average Collection Period, Gross Profit Margin, Operating Profit Margin, ROA, ROE. Note you may need to scroll down in the reports. You are looking for the Consolidated Statements of Income and Consolidated Balance Sheets. (15 points)

5) Based this analysis, identify three major trends and why they are important. (10 points)

Describe and explain how performance is related to rewards

Write 3-6 pages APA formatted paper addressing the following questions (and include at least six [6] peer-reviewed sources):

  1. Describe and explain how an organization’s perception of value, skill sets, and global sales skills affect the salesperson directly, and can vary according to skill?
  2. Describe and explain how performance is related to rewards. Point out that rewards, like performance, are multidimensional. Most companies offer a variety of rewards.
  3. Define and explain intrinsic and extrinsic rewards and its impact on sales people motivation and performance?Write 3-6 pages APA formatted paper addressing the following questions (and include at least six [6] peer-reviewed sources):
    1. Describe and explain how an organization’s perception of value, skill sets, and global sales skills affect the salesperson directly, and can vary according to skill?
    2. Describe and explain how performance is related to rewards. Point out that rewards, like performance, are multidimensional. Most companies offer a variety of rewards.
    3. Define and explain intrinsic and extrinsic rewards and its impact on sales people motivation and performance?

Differences between Strategy and Tactics and List of Tactics

• Choose 4 videos from different chapters below and in at least one post write a paragraph for each video. Each paragraph should have a strong topic sentence and contain at least 5-6 additional supporting sentences.

• Use at least 4+ key terms and/or concepts from the chapter that the video is associated with to provide analysis for each video and do NOT provide a summary. You are to identify the key term or concept, explain it in your own words, and describe how the key terms or concepts relate to each videoMake sure to use bold font for key words and concepts from the class in your  paragraphs. Use the most important key terms from the chapter that relate to each video.

• Additionally you are to comment with at least 3 sentences on at least 2 other students posts by adding to the discussion. Do not just make a simple statement or say I agree. Your comment should be informative and enhance the conversation. (not a simple question or agreement).

Please see the rubric in the syllabus to understand how you will be graded. To get started with your submission hit the button Reply below and compose your discussion post. Note you musts post first to the discussion, before you will see the other student posting.

• Choose 4 videos from different chapters below and in at least one post write a paragraph for each video. Each paragraph should have a strong topic sentence and contain at least 5-6 additional supporting sentences.

• Use at least 4+ key terms and/or concepts from the chapter that the video is associated with to provide analysis for each video and do NOT provide a summary. You are to identify the key term or concept, explain it in your own words, and describe how the key terms or concepts relate to each videoMake sure to use bold font for key words and concepts from the class in your  paragraphs. Use the most important key terms from the chapter that relate to each video.

• Additionally you are to comment with at least 3 sentences on at least 2 other students posts by adding to the discussion. Do not just make a simple statement or say I agree. Your comment should be informative and enhance the conversation. (not a simple question or agreement).

Please see the rubric in the syllabus to understand how you will be graded. To get started with your submission hit the button Reply below and compose your discussion post. Note you musts post first to the discussion, before you will see the other student posting.

What is an agency relationship?

Suppose you decide (as did Steve Jobs and Mark Zuckerberg) to start a company. Your product is a software platform that integrates a wide range of media devices, including laptop computers, desktop computers, digital video recorders, and cell phones. Your initial market is the student body at your university. Once you have established your company and set up procedures for operating it, you plan to expand to other colleges in the area and eventually to go nationwide. At some point, hopefully sooner rather than later, you plan to go public with an IPO and then to buy a yacht and take off for the South Pacific to indulge in your passion for underwater photography. With these issues in mind, you need to answer for yourself, and potential investors, the following questions.

  1. What is an agency relationship? When you first begin operations, assuming you are the only employee and only your money is invested in the business, would any agency conflicts exist? Explain your answer.
  2. If you expanded and hired additional people to help you, might that give rise to agency problems?
  3. Suppose you need additional capital to expand, and you sell some stock to outside investors. If you maintain enough stock to control the company, what type of agency conflict might occur?
  4. Suppose your company raises funds from outside lenders. What type of agency costs might occur? How might lenders mitigate the agency costs?

. Effective training: Systems strategies and practices

To help you with your reply, please consider the following questions:  250 words each part 1 and 2, Part 3 is different please read

  • What did you learn from the posting?
  • What additional questions do you have after reading the posting?
  • What clarification do you need regarding the posting?
  • What differences or similarities do you see between your initial discussion thread and your classmates’ postings?
  • How do the techniques recommended in your discussion compare to those identified by others?
  • Analyze the recommendations made by others for each scenario. Do you agree or disagree with them? Why or why not? Provide examples where possible.

Part 1

MondayJul 11 at 2:17pmManage Discussion Entry

Types of Trainees

Scenario A

This training program would have benefited from more trainee interaction to ensure comprehension. While some individuals may thrive in a training program that contains little participation or interaction, other individuals learn differently and would not gain anything from such a course. Understanding the audience, and the group size, will help ensure a training program is properly formatted to support the most development (Blanchard & Thacker, 2019). A trainer that is able to adjust the training style to fit the personalities of participants is more likely to conduct an effective training program (Howard, 2008), Field testing this course prior to deploying to the target audience could have uncovered this issue and allowed time to adjust the course (Hannum, 2022).

Given the nature of scenario A, overcoming challenges in the classroom, including role-play in the program would have provided the opportunity for participants to see the skills being trained in action. These role-play scenarios could be carried out by volunteers, or performed by trainers followed by participation from the trainees. Having a conversation after each scenario allows the participants the opportunity to clarify any confusion and provide their input into how they might have handled the scenario. Utilizing this role-playing style will allow individuals with a sensor learning type to thrive, while a follow up knowledge check tying in the theories of the training will meet the needs of intuitive learners (Blanchard & Thacker, 2019).

Breaking into smaller groups following the lecture portion of the training will allow reflective personality types to engage with the course (Blanchard & Thacker, 2019). In smaller groups, this training could include competition between groups through completion of knowledge checks, which will continue to motivate intuitive learners (Blanchard & Thacker, 2019). These small groups will also allow more introverted participants a space where they will feel safe to participate without a large audience (Howard, 2008).

Scenario B

Focusing so closely on a linear training model, without explanation of how the training agenda will work, can cause confusion for global learners (Blanchard & Thacker, 2019). Following the introductions, a brief overview of the course where the trainer sets expectations and provides timeframes of the skills to be covered can avoid these issues. Telling participants what to expect with timing, content, and expectations will allow the trainees to focus more completely on the course. Training courses need to ensure participants are motivated to learn the skills being covered, failing to gain their interest by not providing a course overview could disrupt comprehension (Howard, 2008).

Equipment Simulator (technical skills)


To help you with your reply, please consider the following questions:  250 words each part 1 and 2

What did you learn from the posting?

  • What additional questions do you have after reading the posting?
  • What clarification do you need regarding the posting?
  • What differences or similarities do you see between your initial discussion thread and your classmates’ postings?
  • Ask each other questions about why the specific training methods were selected.
  • How do the types of training methods selected by your classmate apply to other learning style(s)?
  • Analyze your classmates’ training objectives. Do the learning objectives describe the key conditions, observable performance or behavior, and set the standard for performance? What modifications would you suggest to ensure trainees understand the expectations clearly?

Part 1

As we have all learned throughout this course, not one person is similar in how they prefer to learn as another person would. This is why it is important that as a trainer in an organization you are aware of the groups who you will be teaching, their titles/positions, the location of the training, and the methods of delivery for training before you begin the preparation for the training. These steps would help you be successful when conducting and delivering training in your organization. I have chosen three types of training methods to review with you all and how they function during the delivery of a training course.

Equipment Simulator (technical skills)

This activity involves the operation or maintenance of equipment. These activities are meant to imitate a process as if you were doing the real thing. The type of activities could be virtually operating machinery, whether that may be an airplane, construction equipment, or navigating a ship. This provides a tangible experience for the trainee to really feel like they are in the moment operating the machinery in real-time, this is also otherwise known as physical fidelity simulation (Blanchard and Thacker, 2019). This learning style and activities accommodate gaming or simulation styles. Some adult learning characteristics that trainees should have to be able to properly practice and incorporate themselves into the training is the willingness to be self-led learning. The negative piece of this type of learning style is that it could be very costly, especially for the equipment needed.

Training objective:

The objective during a training session utilizing the equipment simulator is for the trainee to gain knowledge of the processes, procedures, and meaning of each part of a machine. The skills and knowledge needed for one to gain a good understanding of the training are going to require someone who is hands-on as a preferred learning method and someone who is analytical. Be sure that as a trainer or instructor you are determining the critical thinking skills of each of your trainees.

Role Play

This activity and method involve the enactment of a scenario in which each participant is given a role to act out. Typically, once the role is acted out, the trainer will review the practice session with those involved and those in the audience and reflect on if there could be any improvement or success. These can come in many environments and locations, it can be in a traditional training group session which can be structured, spontaneous on-the-spot training that could be one-on-one with management, or a single role-play. The learning style that this activity and method accommodates is that of an adult learner who would rather learn from their own experiences during their training sessions and is under the games and simulations styled learning. The only negative thing about this process is that during the time of feedback, trainees are typically reluctant to provide negative feedback to peers (Blanchard and Thacker, 2019). As well as it is only half controlled by the trainer since the other role parts would be acted out by trainees

Discuss on Naturalism

American writers have a long and illustrious history, with some of the world’s most famous authors among them. Plays, novels, and poems are the main writing in the United States, with an increasing number of women, Native Americans, Hispanics, and African Americans making a significant contribution. Since the beginning of American literature in 1607, it has evolved through four periods (realism, naturalism, and postmodern). Due to this evolution, these four periods will be discussed to reveal who is an American writer during each movement.   Realism    In American literature, realism refers to the period from the civil war until the century when American writers wrote fiction dedicated to accurate representation and exploration of American lives in different contexts. Due to the rapid growth of the United States after the civil war as shown at literature assignment help, there was an increase in literacy and democracy, population increase caused by immigration, and rapid development of industrialism and urbanization. This significant shift in the U.S. led to a comparative rise in middle-class fortunes to provide a fertile literacy environment for readers interested in understanding the rapid culture change. To satisfy the increasing number of readers, American writers had similar writing characteristics to what was happening and is likely during the realism period and in the future. While writing, they used different literary realism such as social, magical, kitchen sink, socialist, and psychological realism.    In Fenimore Cooper’s Literary Offenses work, Mark Twain uses psychological realism to criticize James Fenimore Cooper’s writing. Twain starts by quoting a few critics who have supported the work of Cooper. The main issue with the supporters is that they do not have the novels because Cooper’s work is inaccurate. Twain argues that Cooper has achieved 114 out of a potential 115 infractions towards literary art in one location in Deerslayer and the limited span of two-thirds of a page. Further on, Twain list 18 different literacy offenses that he feels were committed by Cooper. One violated literacy that governs romantic fiction is “That a tale shall accomplish something and arrive somewhere (Twain 1343).” This rule was violated as Deerslayer did not accomplish anything, and it arrived in the air. The criticism provided by Twain in the work shows that he was an American writer as they are based on real things that can happen in life. Additionally, Booker T. Washington qualifies to be an American writer as he used socialist realism to fight for African-Americans’ rights. Washington existed in the post-reconstruction era south, and during this time, it was challenging for black people. Racial segregation was widespread during this time, such that black people had no right to vote, education, and access to jobs. During this time Ku Klux Klan started to advocate for their civil rights. This led to Washington delivering his most famous speech on 18th September 1985, where he told Whites that African-Americans needed self-improvement, whereby common labor should be dignified and glorified. Additionally, Washington felt that it was better for blacks and whites to remain separated as long as the black community had access to education, economic progress, and justice within the U.S judiciary. This speech led him to have a rivalry with W.E.B. Du Bois rejected his demands on the address (Washington 1763). All these Washington’s beliefs and rivalry with W.E.B Du Bois qualified him to be an American writer as he was writing about what was happening to him and people of his race.    In Native American Assimilation and a Reemerging Tradition, Francis Parkman shows that he is an American writer of social realism to narrate the behavior of tribes of people after colonization. He tells about the first group of people who get easily assimilated and forget about their culture and shift to the colonizers’ practices. The second group he describes is the Indians, who demonstrate great strength in continuing their cultural practices after colonization (Parkman 1322). This group is strictly unwilling to change regardless of being forced by their colonizers. Additionally, in the same reading, President Andrew Johnson is realistic as a leader during the era when people were brought assimilated to Christianity. In the reading, he sent a message to Congress demanding immediate execution by the sword for people who rejected civilization (Johnson 1322). Parkman and Johnson are writing about realities during the realism period, making them American writers.   Naturalism Naturalism refers to thought made to glorify nature and exclude spiritual and supernatural elements with close adherence to the spirit in literature. Towards the 19th century, American writers shifted from realism to naturalism because it was more advanced. Additionally, naturalism was progressive as it was more detailed than realism to suggest inescapability forces of heredity, environment, and social conditions that shape human character. The main reason for shifting was to bring new ideas to convince the reading public with something new and modern. For an individual to qualify to be an American writer during the naturalism period, they should have been influenced by Charles Darwin’s evolution theory. In addition to influence, there were determinism, objectivism, pessimism, and a surprising twist at the end of the story.   See    Edith Wharton is considered an American writer due to naturalist traits in her writing. She was born during Civil War into New York’s aristocracy and lived through turbulent changes in the American society of the late 19th and 20th centuries (Wharton 1747). Due to the skills she acquired as an anthropology and philosophy student, Wharton presents literary situations and characters that show America’s changing social customs shifting from a mercantile society to an industrial one. Wharton’s keen sense of observation character sheds light on the human moral experience. Additionally, she has characters who are usually tragic figures for those who seek freedom but are incapable of changing forces that hinder them from their fates. Further on, Wharton has the role of social historian that depicts the likelihood of environment and heredity to suppress and capture individuals pursuing self-determination. Her precise observation of society and the focus on its deciding influence on the course of human existence places Wharton in a unique position leading to being a naturalist.  Writing assignment help has many ideas about this topic. Jack London is considered one of the greatest and most popular naturalists among American writers. He was among the first writers to shift to realistic fiction and realism in American literature. His qualification to be an American Writer was due to his profound influence from Darwin’s works of constant struggle in nature and the survival of the fittest. For instance, in his novel The Call of the Wild, he ultimately shows philosophical naturalism (London 1838). The novel’s plot involves previous domestication and a pampered dog called Buck, whose ancient instincts return after numerous events. To show naturalism’s character, the environment plays a crucial role in the novel. The analysis of the book reveals that the environment controls the life of dogs and wolves. This is a clear indication that London has a deep understanding of the environment through expressing naturalism. Due to naturalism expression in the novel, London qualifies to be an American writer in that era. Although Edwin Arlington Robison was a famous poet, he qualifies to be an American writer as some of his work was about personal life. Unlike other poets, Robison dared to write about his doomed sense of life (Robison 1805). Additionally, in one of his most famous poems Richard Cory, he evaluates the world-warping pitfalls that involve knowing other people’s minds. In the poem, a chronicles sequence of assumptions made by a tragic chorus comprised of the impoverished residents of a tiny hamlet, perceiving and speaking collectively. Further on, the poem narrates that the locals are envious of Cory’s affluence, gentlemanly demeanor, and “human” affability. Finally, they implicitly project stability and contentment onto someone who, much to their surprise, returns home “one quiet July night” to “place a bullet through his skull.” This is a precise fulfillment of determinism characteristics making Robinson an American writer. Modernism     In the early 20th century, western countries experienced intensified advances in science and technology, leading to unprecedented progress. Additionally, World War I destructions and great depressions caused widespread suffering in America. All these contradictory impulses revolve around the modernism period, which is usually a radical break from the past. This break was characterized by destruction because it led to the loss of faith in traditional beliefs and structures. Due to contradictory impulses in the modernism period, it is considered one of the most productive and richest in American literature.

Define and Discuss utilitarianism

1.What is/are the ethical issue(s) in the case?

-Identify the issue(s) in a couple of sentences. This is short and concise. Briefly, in your own words and in a couple of sentences, why is it an issue?

-What ethical models are relevant to the issue? For ethical models, consider those discussed in class, for example, utilitarianism, rights, justice, and fairness.  (Question 1 is the first paragraph of your case analysis. It sets the stage for your analysis.

2.What are the pertinent facts of the case?

– Distinguish between more important and less important facts.  Include as a fact if a code of ethics is available to guide the actors in the case. (Company code of ethics? Industry or profession code of ethics?) Also include as a fact if specific laws or regulatory standards are involved in the case. • These facts must be the foundation for your alternatives and recommendations.

3. Stakeholders, harms, benefits, and rights • Who are the important stakeholders in the case? • So far in the case, who has been harmed? In what ways? Who has received benefits? What specific benefits were received?

-So far in the case, whose rights or what rights have been exercised? How? Whose rights or what rights have been denied? How?  Frame the harms, benefits, and rights in terms of where things stand in the case right now. Later, in analysis of alternatives (Question 5), you’ll discuss possible future effects on stakeholders.  Primary and secondary stakeholders are discussed in the first chapters in the text and listed on a class handout.

4.What are the alternative courses of action to remedy the problem that you have identified? Who must act in each alternative?

-Provide three distinct alternatives for the most important ethical issue that you identify in Question 1. The three alternatives should address a range of actions about that one issue only. • The same person or entity should be the “actor” in all three alternatives. • (This section should not exceed one page. Do not analyze the alternatives here!)

5. Thoroughly evaluate the alternatives, their outcomes, and their possible effects on all of the parties involved.  For each alternative: what is the effect on each important stakeholder if this course of action is followed? Are there any effects on stakeholders whom you do not consider “important”? • Do these alternatives satisfy the ethical model you consider most relevant? • (This can be a lengthy analysis as there are many stakeholders in society. It is a major part of your paper and requires you to consider all of the possibilities and their effects on the stakeholders. It should be approximately three to four pages.)

6.Make a specific recommendation based on your analysis of the case, on the important facts that you’ve identified in Question 2,and support it with a moral theory. A) Be sure to state how your recommendation is tied to your analysis and facts and how it is supported by ethical models. B) Name any specific professional code(s) of ethics that might be applicable to the entities in this case and state how the code(s) would support your recommendation. Conduct research to find current day codes of ethics that are applicable. Be sure that this is a professional code, not an industry code or regulatory standard. Your recommendation should be one of the three alternatives that you have proposed. Use supporting data (e.g., important facts of case, analysis of alternatives, support offered by specific code(s) of professional ethics, key concepts studied in the course, and ethical models) to argue why your recommendation is the best alternative.  Merely stating your opinion without supporting data (e.g., important facts of case, analysis of alternatives, support offered by specific code(s) of professional ethics, key concepts studied in the course, and ethical models) is not a recommendation. Does your recommendation provide a reasoned solution to the issue(s) you identified in Question 1?

What are the differences of Primary and secondary stakeholders

1.What is/are the ethical issue(s) in the case? •Identify the issue(s) in a couple of sentences. This is short and concise. •Briefly, in your own words and in a couple of sentences, why is it an issue? • What ethical models are relevant to the issue? For ethical models, consider those discussed in class, for example, utilitarianism, rights, justice, and fairness. • (Question 1 is the first paragraph of your case analysis. It sets the stage for your analysis. (This section of the paper should be one half to one page.) 2.What are the pertinent facts of the case? • Distinguish between more important and less important facts. • Include as a fact if a code of ethics is available to guide the actors in the case. (Company code of ethics? Industry or profession code of ethics?) Also include as a fact if specific laws or regulatory standards are involved in the case. • These facts must be the foundation for your alternatives and recommendations. • (This section of the paper should be one half to one page.) 3. Stakeholders, harms, benefits, and rights • Who are the important stakeholders in the case? • So far in the case, who has been harmed? In what ways? Who has received benefits? What specific benefits were received? • So far in the case, whose rights or what rights have been exercised? How? Whose rights or what rights have been denied? How? ➢ Frame the harms, benefits, and rights in terms of where things stand in the case right now. Later, in analysis of alternatives (Question 5), you’ll discuss possible future effects on stakeholders. ➢ Primary and secondary stakeholders are discussed in the first chapters in the text and listed on a class handout. ➢ (This section of the paper should be one half to one page.) 4.What are the alternative courses of action to remedy the problem that you have identified? Who must act in each alternative? • Provide three distinct alternatives for the most important ethical issue that you identify in Question 1. 16 • The three alternatives should address a range of actions about that one issue only. • The same person or entity should be the “actor” in all three alternatives. • (This section should not exceed one page. Do not analyze the alternatives here! ) 5.Thoroughly evaluate the alternatives, their outcomes, and their possible effects on all of the parties involved. • For each alternative: what is the effect on each important stakeholder if this course of action is followed? • Are there any effects on stakeholders whom you do not consider “important”? • Do these alternatives satisfy the ethical model you consider most relevant? • (This can be a lengthy analysis as there are many stakeholders in society. It is a major part of your paper and requires you to consider all of the possibilities and their effects on the stakeholders. It should be approximately three to four pages.) 6.Make a specific recommendation based on your analysis of the case, on the important facts that you’ve identified in Question 2, and support it with a moral theory. A) Be sure to state how your recommendation is tied to your analysis and facts and how it is supported by ethical models. B) Name any specific professional code(s) of ethics that might be applicable to the entities in this case and state how the code(s) would support your recommendation. Conduct research to find current day codes of ethics that are applicable. Be sure that this is a professional code, not an industry code or regulatory standard. • Your recommendation should be one of the three alternatives that you have proposed. Use supporting data (e.g., important facts of case, analysis of alternatives, support offered by specific code(s) of professional ethics, key concepts studied in the course, and ethical models) to argue why your recommendation is the best alternative. • Merely stating your opinion without supporting data (e.g., important facts of case, analysis of alternatives, support offered by specific code(s) of professional ethics, key concepts studied in the course, and ethical models) is not a recommendation. • Does your recommendation provide a reasoned solution to the issue(s) you identified in Question 1? (This part of your paper should be


Make sure to read the instructions below, the assignment template, and the rubric for Week 4 Assignment: Reflecting on Your Skills, Goals, and Accomplishments.

To submit your assignment, please go to Week 4 Assignment in Blackboard by clicking the Week 4 Assignment link above.

What to submit/deliverables: A completed Week 4 Assignment Template [DOCX].

Instructions: In Week 4, complete and submit your assignment using the following steps:

STEP 1: Complete Parts 1 and 2 in the Week 4 Assignment Template [DOCX].

STEP 2: Think about how your answers to Parts 1 and 2 relate to the 10 Skills.

STEP 3: Complete the four-question reflection in Part 3.

STEP 4: Save the template with your completed responses as a Microsoft Word file title Your Name, WRK100_Week_4_AssignmentReflection, and submit it in Blackboard in Week 4.

Note: This is personal writing, so you shouldn’t need to cite anything, but if you choose to use information from a source, be sure to cite it. To help make sure you are properly citing your sources, please review Strayer Writing Standards.

After completing this assignment, you will have a document you can bring to the Career Center where counselors can help you further develop your career strategy. You may also use this information in the Week 8 Assignment to create an action plan for developing skills that will help you reach your future goals.


For a list of accomplishments to help you identify accomplishments from work, school, volunteering, or other activities, review this resource:

Note about this assignment: To ensure students are properly placed into English courses that will best set them up for successful college writing, it is customary for students to have their writing skills assessed. For students without transfer credit for college-level English courses, the writing you provide in the Week 4 Assignment will be assessed to determine whether you should be placed into ENG090 or into ENG116. This review of your writing will not affect your grade on the assignment or the overall course; your instructor will grade the Week 4 Assignment based on the rubric for the course, which is separate from the writing review.