Discuss External Environmental Analysis

Case 13.2 The Global Motors Survey Differences Analysis

Case Questions

Your task is to apply appropriate differences analysis using the survey’s desirability measures from the GlobalMotors data file. Since you were not required to purchase the SPSS software I have completed the analyses and converted them to Word documents so you can access them.

You assignment is to develop a demographic profile for two of the five proposed models: the 1 SEAT ALL-ELECTRIC and the 4 SEAT GASOLINE HYBRID. You will find computer output files for each in the attached files. The variables that you must include are: Hometown size category, Gender, Marital status, Age category, Education category, and Income category.  Only gender and marital status have 2 groups, so an independent samples t-test for was conducted for those variables and ANOVA’s were conducted for all others.  For all ANOVAs a Duncan’s Post Hoc test was conducted to identify differences among groups. A 95% level of significance was used for the analysis. You have examples of output for these types of analyses in your text.

Case 14.2 The Global Motors Survey Association Analysis

 1.) Use the TWO unique hybrid model demographic profiles that you developed in Case13.2 to determine whether or not statistically significant associations   exist, and if they do, recommend the specific media vehicles for radio, newspaper, television, and magazines. Use the ZEN Motors advertising   division’s preferred demographic for each medium.

This exercise requires you to revisit the demographic groups you found significantly different for each hybrid model style in Case 13.2With Case 13.2, you identified groups within the various demographic variables that characterize each hybrid model’s target market.  Here, you must determine the media preferences of those groups.  I have run crosstabs for the demographic variables and the media preferences for each vehicle that are STATISTICALLY SIGNIFICANT associations.  You must look at the percentages tables to determine the media vehicles that are preferred by each of the TWO model target groups you used for Case 13.2 (1 seat all-electric and 4 seat gasoline hybrid).  If an association is NOT statistically significant it means that there is NO DIFFERENCE among the groups for that particular media. For example, for Radio preferences the variable GENDER is NOT statistically significant. That means that there was no difference between males and females regarding preferences for radio genres.

2.What is the life style profile of each of the possible target markets, and what are the implications of this finding for the placement of advertisingmessages that would “speak” to this market segment when the automobile model is introduced?

To obtain the data to answer this question a SPSS correlation analysis was completed. What you must do is to IDENTIFY the target Life Style group for EACH of the TWO proposed models that you have used in previous parts of this assignment (the 1 seat all-electric model and the 4 seat gasoline hybrid). The correlation analysis is located in one of the attached files.

test book:


support files:

GM Case 13.2 1 seat all electric.docx

Global Motors Correlations 1 seat and 4 gas hybrid with lifestyles(2).xlsx

Case 13.2 detailed hints.docx

Ch 14 Tests of Association Demographic and Media Preferences computer output.docx

Global Motors Case 13.2 4 Seat Hybrid Demographic Output.docx



Outline the five stages of the buying decision process.

  • Outline the five stages of the buying decision process.

The buying process of an online consumer product or service from the marketer’s point of view using the five stages of the buying decision process.


create an executive summary PowerPoint presentation. Cover the following: For  JcPenney’s 

  • Include a statement of the problem
  • Concisely evaluate the findings from your research.
  • Recapitulate any main conclusions or recommendations.

Develop a 6–8-slide presentation including notes, excluding the title and reference slides, in PowerPoint format. Apply APA standards to citation of sources. Use the following file naming convention

  • Due  11/18/15  4pm MST

The buying process of an online consumer product or service from the marketer’s point of view using the five stages of the buying decision process.


create an executive summary PowerPoint presentation. Cover the following: For  JcPenney’s 

  • Include a statement of the problem
  • Concisely evaluate the findings from your research.
  • Recapitulate any main conclusions or recommendations.

Develop a 6–8-slide presentation including notes, excluding the title and reference slides, in PowerPoint format. Apply APA standards to citation of sources. Use the following file naming convention

  • Outline the five stages of the buying decision process.

The buying process of an online consumer product or service from the marketer’s point of view using the five stages of the buying decision process.


create an executive summary PowerPoint presentation. Cover the following: For  JcPenney’s 

  • Include a statement of the problem
  • Concisely evaluate the findings from your research.
  • Recapitulate any main conclusions or recommendations.

Develop a 6–8-slide presentation including notes, excluding the title and reference slides, in PowerPoint format. Apply APA standards to citation of sources. Use the following file naming convention

  • Due  11/18/15  4pm MST

The buying process of an online consumer product or service from the marketer’s point of view using the five stages of the buying decision process.


create an executive summary PowerPoint presentation. Cover the following: For  JcPenney’s 

  • Include a statement of the problem
  • Concisely evaluate the findings from your research.
  • Recapitulate any main conclusions or recommendations.

Develop a 6–8-slide presentation including notes, excluding the title and reference slides, in PowerPoint format. Apply APA standards to citation of sources. Use the following file naming convention

An example of a strategic question at the business strategy level is:




1. A comprehensive action plan that identifies long term direction for an organization is called a(n) ____________.


2.  ____________ is a phrase or statement that focuses organizational energies on achieving a


3.  During the time of the Great Depression, Herbert Hoover promised the voters “a chicken in every pot and a car in every garage.” This could be considered a statement of __________.*


4. Operating in successful ways that are difficult to imitate is called a ______________.


5. Which of the following does not contribute to a sustainable competitive advantage?


6. The levels of strategy used in organizations are corporate, business and ________. *


7.  In a large company, a strategy that sets the long term direction for the entire company is called a __________ strategy.


8. An example of a strategic question at the corporate level is:*


9.  A strategy that identifies how a division or business unit will compete in its product or service domain is called a __________ strategy.


10. A(n) __________ strategy is one that guides activities within a specific area such as engineering and marketing.


11. An example of a strategic question at the business strategy level is:


12. An example of a strategic question at the functional level is:


13. A strategy for expanding an organization’s business is called a _________ strategy.


14. Which of the following is not a growth strategy?


15. When a company expands in its existing markets it is called growth through _______.


16.  When a company expands by entering new business areas, it is called growth through ________.


17.  When a company expands by acquiring suppliers or distributors, it is called growth through ________.*


18. The riskiest growth strategy is through:


19. A strategy whose objective is to correct major problems in the business through radical changes to current operations is called a _________ strategy.


20.  Which of the following is not a retrenchment strategy?*


21. When a company closes and sells its assets in order to pay its debts, it is called ____________.








22. When a company reduces the size of its existing operations, it is called ____________.


23. The retrenchment strategy that calls for selling off part of the organization is called:


24. A _________ protects an insolvent firm from creditors during a period of reorganization to restore profitability. a) divestiture


25. A __________ strategy views the world as one market and adopts standard products and advertising for use worldwide.


26. A __________ strategy customizes products and advertising to the culture of the local markets into which they are sold.


27. A __________ strategy tries to operate without a strong national identity and seeks a balance between the efficiency of worldwide operations and responsiveness to local cultures.*


28. When two companies join together in partnership to pursue an area of mutual interest, it is called a(n) _______________.


29. When a company legally works with its rivals on projects of mutual benefit, it is called _______.


30. Companies that use the internet to market their products and gain competitive advantage are employing a(n) ___________ strategy.*


31. The electronic version of the basic retail strategy of selling directly to customers is:


32. A _________ strategy uses information technology and the internet to link organizations vertically in supply chains.*

Explain the Zeigarnick Effect


Answers incorporates topic of reading into response, and adds personal reflection (knowledge gained from reading and applied or reflection on) 

*The teacher is looking for personal experience/examples related to the reading. Please provide lots of examples


Discussion Board Question [DBQ] #1  There is a long list of marketing gimmicks that can be used togain a competitive edge. “Zeigarnik Effect” is one of them coined after a research madeby a Russian psychologist Dr. Bluma Zeigarnik. Name one advertisement that illustrates the Zeigarnik effect.  Attach the advertisement or a link and explain how your advertisement illustrates this effect.


DBQ#2  What is another tactic you have seen (other than the Zeigarnik) that advertisers have used that gained your attention?  Name one, and attach example or link.


Answers incorporates topic of reading into response, and adds personal reflection (knowledge gained from reading and applied or reflection on) 

*The teacher is looking for personal experience/examples related to the reading. Please provide lots of examples


Discussion Board Question [DBQ] #1  There is a long list of marketing gimmicks that can be used togain a competitive edge. “Zeigarnik Effect” is one of them coined after a research madeby a Russian psychologist Dr. Bluma Zeigarnik. Name one advertisement that illustrates the Zeigarnik effect.  Attach the advertisement or a link and explain how your advertisement illustrates this effect.


DBQ#2  What is another tactic you have seen (other than the Zeigarnik) that advertisers have used that gained your attention?  Name one, and attach example or link.

Discuss leadership development plan

Use this gap analysis instrument to self-evaluate your course-related knowledge and skills before beginning work on the other projects in this course. Submit your preliminary gap analysis in the designated drop box for Project 1.

In the next step, you will review your leadership development plan.

Step 3: Review Your LDP and Complete Your GAP Questionnaire

Review the LDP (for personal effectiveness) you completed at the end of MBA 620, highlighting the activities you have completed successfully in green and those remaining in yellow. Post this copy of your LDP to the designated drop box for Project 1.

Assess your global mindset by completing the Global Attitude Protocol (GAP) questionnaire. The questionnaire is available online without a fee from the author, Pankaj Ghemawat.

To locate the survey, conduct the following search: pankaj ghemawat tools

Click on: Pankaj Ghemawat – Tools

Click on: Gap Survey – Take the Global Attitude Protocol (GAP) Survey.

Before you go on to the next step, you should also read and start thinking about Managing in a Global Environment.

You will begin the next step in Week 10 of the course, when you are ready to retake the Global Attitude Protocol questionnaire and assess how your studies during this course have affected your answers.

Step 4: Reassess Your Global Attitude Protocol Results

In Week 10, reassess your global mindset by retaking the Global Attitude Protocol (GAP) questionnaire. The questionnaire is available online without a fee from the author, Pankaj Ghemawat. Compare your results to the results you received in Week 1, and write a short reflection (250 words) on how the material you studied during this course has caused you think differently about aspects of global culture. Review Managing in a Global Environment if needed. Post your reflection to the Project 1 drop box.

In the next step, you will complete your end-of-course gap analysis.

Step 5: Complete Your End-of-Course Gap Analysis

Complete your end-of-course gap analysis using the same instrument you used in Week 1. Include a maximum 250-word summary of the lessons you learned by completing this gap analysis.

In the next step, you will revise your Leadership Development Plan.

Step 6: Revise Your Leadership Development Plan (LDP)

Using feedback from faculty combined with self-reflection, review and revise your LDP (for personal effectiveness). Include a maximum 250-word discussion about the implications for your SMART goals, career aspirations, and priorities going forward.

In the next step, you will submit your work.

Step 7: Submit Your Work

Make a note of the recommended delivery dates in the table below. Since the purpose of this project is to assess your development, it’s important that you follow the suggested timeline. You will receive feedback on all deliverables in Week 11.

Identification of Core Capabilities

Posted on: Friday, February 23, 2018 1:10:20 PM CST

Hi Everyone,

A quick reminder that your TCD #2 Assignment – Internal and External Analysis is due Monday (both UPLOADED by 8am and a printed copy that you bring to class). PLEASE don’t wait until right before class to print your paper, because you need to be in class early or on time for the peer review process. You will also need to bring a highlighter (yellow or orange preferred) and a pen (any color other than black).

The following are the components of the paper (usually this will be 20-30 pages):

(NOTE: You must also still bring a printed copy to class the day it is due)

Executive Leadership – (do not list or copy/paste the leaders’ information – write a brief narrative about what they offer)
Include: Relevant background, diversity, experience, etc.

External Environment – (See Exhibit 4.9, Exhibit 4.18, Ch 4 Appendix, Exhibit 4.1)
Factors in the Remote Environment
Industry Analysis
Porter’s 5 Forces
Factors in the Operating Environment

Internal Analysis – (see Value Chain Exhibit 6.6, and RBV Exhibit 6.7 to help develop other SWOT items; Chapter 6 Appendix; Company’s/competitors annual report – stock price, current and historic financial data, etc.)    

SWOT Analysis

Identification of Core Capabilities
Comparison and Forecast of Past Performance and with competitors
BCG Matrix

Attached is draft 1 done for the company  as an example


Well formatted paper 

Explore Proctor & Gamble’s Secret campaigns

Review the following information about Proctor and Gamble’s efforts to revitalize Secret, a 50 year old brand:

Background on Secret:

Secret Campaigns

Based on the information provided above as well as internet research,  put yourself in the position of a marketing consultant brought in to  Proctor and Gamble to formulate a set of well-developed and supported  recommendations to revitalize its 50 year old brand, Secret.

You will be  presenting your recommendations to the company’s senior leadership  team. Your recommendations should be based on a critical evaluation of  the effectiveness of its prior marketing strategies. The recommendations  should be logically presented, well-supported, and thoroughly vetted.

IMPORTANT! Your grade for each weekly thread discussion will be  determined by your analytical, integrative, problem-solving and critical  thinking skills demonstrated by your posts and by your positive  responses to the posts of your classmates.There is no minimum or maximum  in terms of the word count; however, the response should explicitly  address all required components of this discussion assignment. Your  response should integrate external resources, which should be consistent  with APA writing style and format (6th edition) and reflect higher  level cognitive processing (analysis, synthesis and or evaluation).

Discuss Global Marketing Environment

Global Marketing Environment or the Twilite Zone?

The following outcomes are assessed in this unit:

MT219-2: Examine global interconnectedness as it applies to marketing.

In this Assignment, you will complete Part Two (steps 4–7 from the previous Assignment) and submit Steps 1–7 as one PowerPoint presentation with an audio component.

In Part One, you began your environmental analysis. Your task now is to complete steps 4–7 of your environmental analysis. Start working on this Assignment after taking the Market Commonalities tutorial in the Learning Activity area. Include a minimum of two forces for each country.

View Part 1: Steps 1–3

Environmental Analysis, Part 2:

Complete Steps 4–7:

Step 4: Marketing Strategy

  • Provide 3 strategies for growth for Enrique’s business in the foreign market using, market development, product development, and diversification.
  • Briefly describe your marketing mix strategy for the new market.

Step 5: Implementation

  • Using the concepts from the text, explain how you will turn your implementation plan for the new market into a reality.

Step 6: Evaluation

  • Using the concepts from the text, describe how will you evaluate and control your marketing strategy for the new market.

Step 7: Summary Analysis: Provide a summary of the global environment for the product.

External Opportunities

External Threats

Political: Identify two political forces that present a potential opportunity in the foreign country.

Political: Identify two political forces that present a potential threat in the foreign country.

Legal: Identify two legal forces that present a potential opportunity in the foreign country.

Legal: Identify two legal forces that present a potential threat in the foreign country.

Competitive: Identify two competitive forces that present a potential opportunity in the foreign country.

Competitive: Identify two competitive forces that present a potential threat in the foreign country.

Technological: Identify two technological forces that present a potential opportunity in the foreign country.

Technological: Identify two technological forces that present a potential threat in the foreign country.

Directions: Review the grading rubric below before beginning this part of the Assignment. Adding the audio necessitates you having either a built-in microphone in your computer or you can use any headset with microphone to record the audio portion. Access the instructions for adding audio here. Put explanations of your bulleted points made on each slide under the slides in the notes section.

Provide a minimum of 10 slides in PowerPoint with an additional title and references slide. Your PowerPoint should be original and submitted to the Dropbox before the end of the unit.

Access the rubric

For additional help with your writing and APA citation, please visit “APA Style Central” accessed in the course home area under Academic Tools. Compose your Assignment as a Microsoft PowerPoint presentation with added audio explanation and save it as (Example: TAllen-AB219 Assignment-Unit 4.ppt).

Is low-involvement learning really widespread?

1. Is low-involvement learning really widespread? Which products are most affected by low-involvement learning?

2. Describe the manifest and latent motives that might arise in purchasing, shopping at, or giving to the following: a) Yukon hybrid, b) Saks Fifth Avenue, c) Bose sound system, d) Kitten, e) Mercedes Benz convertible, f) iPhone.

Then, discuss the marketing actions you would take if you had evidence that this motive was widespread in your target market.

1. Is low-involvement learning really widespread? Which products are most affected by low-involvement learning?

2. Describe the manifest and latent motives that might arise in purchasing, shopping at, or giving to the following: a) Yukon hybrid, b) Saks Fifth Avenue, c) Bose sound system, d) Kitten, e) Mercedes Benz convertible, f) iPhone.

Then, discuss the marketing actions you would take if you had evidence that this motive was widespread in your target market.

Geert Hofstede’s Six Cultural Dimensions

You are in the role of project manager for a coffee franchise global expansion project. You plan to expand into two different countries. The magnitude of the project requires you to prepare for the project kickoff meeting and business negotiations with the project team who are potential partners from Mexico and China. You understand that these cultures are vastly different. They have different business customs, social protocols, and languages, so conducting business with each country requires a customized approach.

To prepare for your first outreach effort with each country, analyze the cultural similarities and differences that exist between the countries and the United States using Geert Hofstede’s Six Cultural Dimensions (link here and below) as discussed in the assignment notes, chats, etc. Note that the two countries are characterized by collectivism while the United States has an individualist culture.

Once you have done your research, compare and contrast each country according to your findings. Discuss the implications of the relative cultural dimensions based on what you read related to Hofsteds from the web site. How might they impact managing the global expansion project? Remember that you are adapting your approach from a United States point of view. (400-600 words).

This assignment lays the foundation for IP4, where you will apply your findings to forming an effective global team.

Step One:

Visit Geert Hofstede Cultural Dimensions

Step Two:

Create a country comparison using the United States in first dropdown menu box to see the values for the six cultural dimensions. After selecting the United States, a second country can be chosen in the second dropdown menu box. Keep the United States in the first box and then repeat for each country (Mexico and China) involved in the fast food expansion project to see a comparison of their scores.

Step Three:

Using your findings:

  • Explain Hofstede’s cultural dimensions.
  • Using the United States as a basis for comparison, evaluate each country’s similarities and differences relative to the franchise business deployment.
  • Discuss the implications for your initial communications within each country.  For example, what is the impact of collectivism relative to individualism regarding management communication?   Use Intellipath, MUSE, Beyond the Book. Live Chats and the CTU Library to help identify cultural characteristics that will be important during your first project meeting with each country.