Discuss Strategic Leadership And Innovation

This week’s focus is on the critical role of emotional intelligence (EI) in effective strategic leadership. EI refers to an individual’s capacity for recognizing one’s emotions and those of others.

Emotional Intelligence is a Key Leadership Trait In previous weeks, we focused on “what leaders do and how they do it.” This week, we address “who leaders are.” That is, we focus on individual attributes instead of leader behavior. It is important to point out that these two issues are highly related because successful leaders possess valuable traits that enable them to engage effectively in activities to create value for their organization.

Although there have been countless studies of leader traits (e.g., integrity, maturity, energy, intelligence), we address one that has really garnered a lot of attention in both the academic and business presses: Emotional Intelligence (EI). This concept has been popularized by Daniel Goleman who has published best-selling books. Goleman defines EI as the capacity for recognizing one’s own emotions and those of others.

Recent studies have found that effective leaders have a high level of EI and that EI is a better predictor of life and career success than IQ (intelligence quotient). The five components of EI are:

Self-Awareness, Self-Regulation, Motivation, Empathy, and, Social Skill

These five components are briefly summarized in EXHIBIT 11.3 in your text.

Globalization is another reason for the increasing importance of empathy (one of the five elements of EI) for business leaders. Cross-cultural dialogue can often result in miscues and misunderstandings. Empathy is a valuable antidote. Managers who have it are attuned to subtleties in body language. They can hear messages beneath the words being spoken. Further, they have a deep understanding of the existence and importance of cultural and ethnic differences.

For example, consider the case of an American consultant whose team has just presented a proposal to a Japanese client. When dealing with fellow Americans, the team was accustomed to being bombarded with questions after such a proposal. However, this time it was greeted with a long silence. Most of the members of the team interpreted the silence as disapproval and were ready to leave. However, the lead consultant gestured them to stop. Although he was not very familiar with Japanese culture, he was able to read the client’s face and posture and sensed not rejection but interest – even deep consideration. He was correct. When the client finally spoke, it was to award the consulting firm with the job.

Reference Goleman, D. 1998. What makes a leader? Harvard Business Review, 76(6): 93-102.

There are some potential drawbacks of EI; don’t confuse the role of each trait.   Below are a few flipsides of the benefits of its essential components if taken in the wrong context.

1. Effective leaders have empathy for others (leaders may confuse empathy with sympathy and fail to make “hard decisions”) 2. Effective leaders are astute judges of people (leaders may rely too much on their judgment and dismiss others’ insights) 3. Effective leaders are passionate about what they do, and they show it (passion may prevent leaders from other possibilities and ignore realities that others see) 4. Effective leaders create personal connections with their people (if there are too many unannounced visits, it may lead to fear of micromanagement.)

Corporate entrepreneurship (CE) refers to building entrepreneurial businesses within existing corporations. It has two primary aims: the creation of new venture opportunities and strategic renewal. In this section, we address corporate growth and renewal via internal venture development.

All the factors that influence the strategy implementation process – corporate culture, leadership, features of organizational structure, and rewards and learning systems – will affect how corporations engage in internal corporate venturing.

In some large corporations, the spirit of entrepreneurship permeates every part of the organization. It is found in companies where the strategic leaders and the culture together generate a strong impetus to innovate, take risks, and seek out new venture opportunities.

Firms using a focused approach typically separate the corporate venturing activity from the other ongoing operations of the firm. That is, CE is usually the domain of autonomous work groups that pursue entrepreneurial aims independent of the rest of the firm.

Two forms – new venture groups (NVGs) and business incubators – are among the most common types of focused approaches.

Discuss on Business Ethics

Article Review Using the CSU Online Library, locate an article that discusses the topic of business ethics. Topic ideas might include the role of ethics in the workplace, breach of ethics, the effect of internal and external forces on ethical compliance, global ethical considerations within a business or ethics and employees. Note these are ideas; please expand within the parameters of ethical topics as they relate to business ethics. Respond to the following questions: 1. Summarize the article and align it with the author’s main point. 2. How does this article contribute to contemporary thinking about business ethics? 3. How can you apply information in this article to your field? 4. How did this article fit your ethical view? Your response should be a minimum of 2 double-spaced pages not including the title and reference pages. Referenced sources must have accompanying citations complying with APA guidelines. References should include at minimum 1) one of the required reading articles and 2) an additional scholarly reviewed article from the CSU Online Library. You may find this presentation, “Right References,” a great resource for guidance in making references: https://columbiasouthern.adobeconnect.com/references2014 Format the article review in accordance with APA style. For step-by-step instructions for formatting a paper in APA style, please refer to the CSU Citation Guide (http://www.columbiasouthern.edu/downloads/pdf/success/citation-guide). Instructions for formatting formal documents can be found on page 17.

 Unit II Essay 

Establishing a culture of sound business ethics within an organization is challenging, to say the least. Companies that market products that are not considered to be “healthy” for consumers have additional challenges. Using the CSU online library, research a company that markets “unhealthy” products. Examples might include tobacco or alcohol companies but these examples are not all-inclusive. Respond to the following questions. 1. Briefly describe the company and its product and the ethical dilemma associated with the production and distribution of its products. 2. Describe how the perception of the product differs within cultures both within the United States and globally. 3. How has this company handled the ethical implications of its product with a focus on social responsibility, integrity and business ethics? 4. Explain how leadership within the organization can instill a culture of ethics within the marketing department as they strive to advertise a product that is not healthy for the customer. MBA 6301, Business Ethics 2 Your response should be a minimum of two double-spaced pages not including the title and reference pages. You are required to use at least one peer-reviewed source. Referenced sources must have accompanying citations complying with APA guidelines. Your essay should be formatted in accordance with APA style. For step-by-step instructions for formatting a paper in APA style, please refer to the CSU Citation Guide (http://www.columbiasouthern.edu/downloads/pdf/success/citation-guide). Instructions for formatting formal documents can be found on page 17.

Evaluate PR strategies

Write a 8-10 minutes speech about Robbins v. Lower Merion School District, School-Issued Laptop “Spy cam” Invades Privacy Rights.

Only focus on:

1. What school did wrong when handling this case.

2. How can they improve their PR strategies when handling this case.

3. What should we do as PR professionals when handling this case.

IMPORTANT: The speech does not have to include long background of the crisis, focus more on these three topics!

I attached the case analysis file that you can read to finish the speech, you can do online research to get more information about the case.

  • attachment


Marketing Essay

The title and a brief introduction to the major theme of this leadership book (similar to an abstract)

Background information on the author(s)

A description of the major theme of the book

An explanation as to your interest in selecting this particular book for your leadership book review

Describe the main theories and principles (at least five) presented in the book

How each of the theories and principals presented in the book directly relate to being a leader

Show how the theories and principals presented in the book relate to specific leadership standards

Explain how each of the theories and principles presented in the book directly relate to your development as a leader

Closing comments to summarize the theories and principals presented in the book

Your critique of the book as it relates to developing leaders

How could the information you gained through reviewing this book on leadership enhance your knowledge base and development as a leader

Why or why would you recommend this book to your fellow class members

Discussions And Small Assignments/Marketing

1.Welcome your fellow classmates by posing as the Director of International Business in any foreign country of your choice.

Introduce yourself and then welcome them by telling them a few things you feel they should know about the culture or customs of the business sector in that country. These should be things that would require them to make some adjustments from what they are used to in the U.S.

This will require you to do some research into the culture and customs of the country you chose.

2.Doing Business With Other Cultures


Very few outside firms have yet to make a profit in China. One primary reason is that Western-based MNCs do not appreciate the important role and impact of Chinese culture. When dealing with the Chinese, one must realize they are a collective society in which people pride themselves on being members of a group.


Many in the United States believe that it is more difficult to get along with the French than with other Europeans. This feeling probably reflects the French culture, which is markedly different from that in the United States.


The Russian economy has experienced severe problems, and the risks of doing business there cannot be overstated. At the same time, however, by following certain guidelines, MNCscan begin to tap the potential opportunities.


  1. Post a few cultural highlights described from each country above listed.

3.read the case:  Saudi Arabia International Spotlight span

  1. answer the two questions at the end of the case, using knowledge learned from the chapter.

Saudi Arabia International Spotlight span :

Saudi Araljia is a large country in the Middle East cover- ing 856,000 square miles. The country borders the PersianGulf to the north and the Red Sea to the south. About one-fifth the size,of the United Statos, its natural resouraesinclude petroleum and natural gas (among the largest inthe world), iron ore, gold, and copper. The two major holycities of Islam are in Saudi Aratria: Mecca and Medina.l?5

With just ovar 2’l million people, Saudi Arabia isalmost entirely Arab Muslim (approximately 90 percentSunni and 10 percent Shia). The county’s population growth rate is estimated at 1.46 percent. Additionally, thecounfy’s population is overwhelrningly (approximately90 percent) yourger than 55 years of age. According toU.N. reports, 30 percent of the country’s population con- sists of immigrants.r26

The country’s GDP in 2014 was tlS$746 bi11ion.127From 2011 through 2013, annual GDP growth plummetedfrom 1″0 percent to 2.7 percent. With low oil prices world- wide, Saudi Arabia’s GDP growth remains stunted atabout 3.5 perceni.128

Saudi Arabia operates its government as a monarchy, wherein the king makes all important official decisions. The king appoints ministers who act as his advisers. In2011, women were granted the right to vote and run forseats in municipal elections, though gender oppression isstill commonplace and integrated into the legal system.The country’s laws are based on Islamic 1aw with someWestern elements incorporated. For many years, SaudiArabia has enjoyed favorable relationships with many Western nations. As it is a large exporter of fossil fuel, Western natioRs are somewhat dependent on maintainingcivility with the Saudis despite alleged human rights vio-Jations. In recent years, however, the Saudi monarchy androyal family have been suspected of aiding terrorismefforts, leading ,to somewhat strained relations withcountries in Europe and the U.S.12e

The government maintains strong conffols over the coun-try’s economy, which is highly reliant on extraction andproduction of oil and gas. It is the largest exporter of petro- leum, is the leada of the Organization of Petroleum Export-ing Countries (OPEC), and accounts for approximately

16 percent of prwen petroleum r€serves. Forergn workers play a vital role in the economy, with more than 6 millionexpatriates empioyed in a variety of industries, especial$ construction afid manufacturing. The govemment is making efforts to diversify its economy by growing ihe private sec-tor and by seeking to employ more nationals, balancing theworkforce.l3o

As oi1 prices have plummeted, in recent years due to avariety of factors, Saudi Arabia and ihe other OPEC coun-tries have been keeping outprt levels relatively high,resulting in’huge losses. While the country can cover thedeticits for the time being, a prolonged period of low oildemand could have devastati*g effects on the economic health of the country.lsl

You Be the lnternatianal Management Consultant

As oil prices ,continue to drop, Saudi Arabia is actively seeking foreign investors to come into the country, espe-cially in sectors such as kansportation, health care, tour-ism, and building materials. The country has also opened the retail sector to companies seeking complete ownershipof their business, negating the need forjoint venture part-nerships. The Saudi officials courting foreign lnvestorssay that, despite falling oil prices, the countryls other sec-tors are still growing and provide excellent investment opportunities. Moreover, officials have said they are will-ing to discuss modifying any rule or regulation that mightimpede investment by a major fcreign company.l32 .

Perceptual Mapping Analysis

AMN420 Advertising Management

Assessment 2: Perceptual Mapping Analysis Report Task Instructions

Weighting: 25% of grade

Length: Report should not exceed 1,200 words (10% over/under is acceptable)

Formatting: APA formatting of report and references is required

The assignment: Overview

The major goal of this survey project is to create a perceptual map(s). The construction of perceptual maps helps advertising/marketing strategists better understand the positioning of their brand and the positioning of their competitors’ brands in consumers’ mind, not the advertisers’ mind. Commonly, a brand’s position is the way in which consumers perceive the brand on features (attributes) relative to competing brands. However, the method of perceptual mapping is not limited to attributes. You may consider consequences, values, and others (e.g., feminine vs. masculine, usage context, etc.)

For the project, students are to conduct a survey. Each student is required to survey (about 10 minutes) about 5-10 adults who have used the product (Note: The target segment is desirable). Students are responsible to choose:

· 2-4 other competing brands in the product category, and

· 4-5 dimensions (e.g., attributes, consequences, values, or others) as evaluation criteria (more can be selected if you prefer).

Prior interview findings/insights and secondary research may help the selection of dimensions. Students need to provide their respondents with a participant information sheet. However, a consent form for them is not required. Students are to inform participants that survey submission is deemed to be consent to take part in the research. Upon survey completion, students analyse the data. Students are then to write up a report for submission of the assessment.



1. Before the survey:

· Purpose: You must understand the goal(s) of the survey: what is it you wish to know?

· Selection of dimensions and how many: In addition to your secondary research, review your interview findings/insights in order to choose dimensions (e.g., attributes, consequences, values, or something else you think important). Note that the dimensions you select are very critical. Perceptual maps that can provide valuable information for managerial/strategic implications in advertising require insightful or meaningful dimensions. How many dimensions do you need? More than five or six dimensions may not be a good idea if survey respondents do not have much patience. However, if you want to use more than five dimensions, it would be fine. It is up to you.

· Number of competing brands: You need to have 2-4 competing brands.

· Sample: N = 5-10 adults who use the product. The sample size will not affect your grade for the assessment, provided it is within these minimum requirements.

· Questionnaire development: When you finalise the dimensions and brands, it is time to develop a questionnaire (sample questions and survey formats will be presented in tutorial sessions).

· Paper-pencil or online: Either option would be acceptable. If you want to conduct an online survey, consider using Google Forms (https://www.google.com.au/forms/about/) or Survey Monkey (https://www.surveymonkey.com/ both of which are free to use. Since your sample size is small, the paper-pencil method may be easier for many of you.

2. During the survey:

· Thank the participant for agreeing to participate in the survey. Some example scripts are below:

Thank you for agreeing to participate in this survey. I expect that the complete process will take approximately 10 minutes. Submission of your survey is deemed to be consent to take part in this research (Note: you don’t need to collect a consent form).

· Give the following instruction before you begin interviewing:

There are no right or wrong answers to the questions that we will discuss. I am simply interested in your opinions and perceptions about brands.

· When finished, thank the participant for their time.

Reflection (United Airlines) –Marketing

  • Your reflection discussion should be submitted online as a threaded reply.
  • Your discussion should be at last 250 words (about 1 page double spaced with 12 font) and spell-checked with minimal grammatical errors. I am happy to read more if you have more to share.
  • You will have to make your initial post before seeing others’.
  • The grading of this assignment is based on the attached rubric.

Reflection question:

Using United Airlines as an example, identify each of the different levels of product (e.g., core value, expected product, etc.) as defined by Theodor Levitt.

  • Your reflection discussion should be submitted online as a threaded reply.
  • Your discussion should be at last 250 words (about 1 page double spaced with 12 font) and spell-checked with minimal grammatical errors. I am happy to read more if you have more to share.
  • You will have to make your initial post before seeing others’.
  • The grading of this assignment is based on the attached rubric.

Reflection question:

Using United Airlines as an example, identify each of the different levels of product (e.g., core value, expected product, etc.) as defined by Theodor Levitt.

Discuss Import-Export Supply Chain Management

If you were to choose right now to pursue one of the six Marketing Certificates, which one would you choose? Consult the list below and fill in your choice in the space provided:

1. Import-Export Supply Chain Management

2. Marketing Research and Analysis

3. Retail Marketing and Management

4. Sales and Customer Relationship Management

5. Social Media and E-Marketing Analytics

6.  Health and Fitness Marketing

Why did you choose this particular certificate?

Your response must be your own original thoughts, in at least 150 words, and needs to address the question above.

Imagine that after you have earned your chosen certificate and you have it listed on your resume, you are in a job interview and the interviewer asks you, “How does earning this certificate make you a better candidate for this position?”  In the box below, please respond to this question by discussing the following:

· how the additional knowledge will help you in your job,

· how the additional contacts will help you,

· what earning the certificate indicates about you as a job candidate.

· any other relevant information.

Your response must be your original thoughts, must be at least 200 words, and needs to address the question above.

If people were to ask you about which certificate to earn, what would you say to let them know the value of this particular certificate?

Your response must be your original thoughts, must be at least 150 words, and needs to address the question above.

If you were to choose right now to pursue one of the six Marketing Certificates, which one would you choose? Consult the list below and fill in your choice in the space provided:

1. Import-Export Supply Chain Management

2. Marketing Research and Analysis

3. Retail Marketing and Management

4. Sales and Customer Relationship Management

5. Social Media and E-Marketing Analytics

6.  Health and Fitness Marketing

Why did you choose this particular certificate?

Your response must be your own original thoughts, in at least 150 words, and needs to address the question above.

Imagine that after you have earned your chosen certificate and you have it listed on your resume, you are in a job interview and the interviewer asks you, “How does earning this certificate make you a better candidate for this position?”  In the box below, please respond to this question by discussing the following:

· how the additional knowledge will help you in your job,

· how the additional contacts will help you,

· what earning the certificate indicates about you as a job candidate.

· any other relevant information.

Your response must be your original thoughts, must be at least 200 words, and needs to address the question above.

If people were to ask you about which certificate to earn, what would you say to let them know the value of this particular certificate?

Your response must be your original thoughts, must be at least 150 words, and needs to address the question above.

Discuss W4 Analysis

Discuss W4 Analysis

Your answers should show familiarity with the text and topics being covered in the unit.

  • Use the text, lecture notes, and/or PowerPoint as references
  • Each question response should consist of at least 150 words.
  • Responses should be free of typographical, spelling, and grammar errors
  • Your answers should show familiarity with the text and topics being covered in the unit.
  • Use the text, lecture notes, and/or PowerPoint as references
  • Each question response should consist of at least 150 words.
  • Responses should be free of typographical, spelling, and grammar errorsDiscuss W4 Analysis

    Your answers should show familiarity with the text and topics being covered in the unit.

    • Use the text, lecture notes, and/or PowerPoint as references
    • Each question response should consist of at least 150 words.
    • Responses should be free of typographical, spelling, and grammar errors
    • Your answers should show familiarity with the text and topics being covered in the unit.
    • Use the text, lecture notes, and/or PowerPoint as references
    • Each question response should consist of at least 150 words.
    • Responses should be free of typographical, spelling, and grammar errors

What is the importance of Marketing Plan

Choosing an Organization

You may choose any known organization (for-profit, not-for-profit, small, medium, large, existing, new start-up, established organizations are all permitted) or make one up for your Plan. If you make up your own organization, you will need to find (and reference where applicable) information that is relevant to this type of organization. If you are unsure, it is strongly suggested that you use an existing company. Focus on one or two major products/services rather than the whole organization.

Writing the Plan

Follow the report format for the Marketing Plan closely. Write in business report format using full paragraphs unless otherwise stated. It is crucial to follow various major concepts in the textbook to devise your plan and strategy for each section. In other words, use major parts of each chapter to discuss details for each section.  The length of the assignment should be between 8-10 pages, not including an appendix. A minimum of 3 scholarly sources including your textbook must be cited using any recognized citation style. Use in-text citations throughout the paper.

It is recommended that you review the grading rubric attached to this dropbox before submitting your assignment.

Choosing an Organization

You may choose any known organization (for-profit, not-for-profit, small, medium, large, existing, new start-up, established organizations are all permitted) or make one up for your Plan. If you make up your own organization, you will need to find (and reference where applicable) information that is relevant to this type of organization. If you are unsure, it is strongly suggested that you use an existing company. Focus on one or two major products/services rather than the whole organization.

Writing the Plan

Follow the report format for the Marketing Plan closely. Write in business report format using full paragraphs unless otherwise stated. It is crucial to follow various major concepts in the textbook to devise your plan and strategy for each section. In other words, use major parts of each chapter to discuss details for each section.  The length of the assignment should be between 8-10 pages, not including an appendix. A minimum of 3 scholarly sources including your textbook must be cited using any recognized citation style. Use in-text citations throughout the paper.

It is recommended that you review the grading rubric attached to this dropbox before submitting your assignment.