Best Strategies And Communication Methods For Handling Objections

7 (Proven) Tips to Overcoming Objections in Sales That You Hear Constantly [Avoidance] (YouTube video) (Links to an external site.)

Then, read the following excerpt about using the LAARC communication method from The Professional Selling Skills Workbook by Ramon Avila,  Thomas Ingram, Raymond LaForge, and Michael Williams.

LAARC, an effective process for dealing with sales resistance from a buyer, has been developed in industry training programs. The term LAARC is an acronym describing a process for salespeople in working with sales resistance:

  • Listen: Listen to what the buyer is saying. Avoid the ever-present temptation to anticipate what the buyer is going to say and cut her or him off with a premature response. Learn to listen – it is more than just being polite or professional. The buyer is trying to tell you something that he or she considers important.
  • Acknowledge: As the buyer completes his or her statement, acknowledge that  you received the message and that you appreciate and can understand the concern. Don’t jump in with an instantaneous defensive response. Before responding, you need a better understanding about what the buyer is saying. By politely pausing and then simply acknowledging his or her statement, you set yourself up to be a reasonable person – a professional who appreciates other people’s opinions. It also buys you precious moments for composing yourself and thinking of questions for the next step.
  • Assess: This step is similar to assessment in the ADAPT process of questioning. This step in dealing with buyer resistance calls for the salesperson to ask assessment questions to gain a better understanding of exactly what the buyer is saying and why he or she is saying it. Equipped with this information and understanding, the salesperson is better able to make a meaningful response to the buyer’s resistance.
  • Respond: Based on his or her understanding of what and why the buyer is resisting, the salesperson can respond to the buyer’s resistance. Response typically follows the method that is most appropriate for the situation. The more traditional methods for response include: putting off the objection until a more logical time in the presentation, switching focus, using offsetting strategies, using denial, building value, and providing proof.
  • Confirm: After responding, the salesperson should ask confirmatory questions – response checks to make sure that the buyer’s concerns have been adequately met. Once this is confirmed, the presentation can proceed. In fact, experience indicates that this form of buyer’s confirmation is often a sufficient buying signal to warrant the salesperson’s attempt to gain a commitment.

ASSIGNMENT: Using the strategies from the Marc Wayshak video and the LAARC communication method, write your response to each of the following buyer’s objections. The Listen step is not included since it is implicit in the process.

The Participation Assignment_Objection Handling.docx Preview the documentneeds to be completed and uploaded to Canvas in order to earn participation points.

Consumer’s purchase decision

In the first paragraph of this chapter, the quote from Harold Coffin (1905-1981) stated: “A consumer is a shopper who is sore about something.” In essence, Mr. Coffin suggests that a marketer’s job is to tap into a problem, or create a “problem,” that can only be “solved” by the consumer’s purchase of a particular product. Based on this concept, describe how consumer purchase decisions actually serve to resolve an unmet want or need?

200 words or less

In the first paragraph of this chapter, the quote from Harold Coffin (1905-1981) stated: “A consumer is a shopper who is sore about something.” In essence, Mr. Coffin suggests that a marketer’s job is to tap into a problem, or create a “problem,” that can only be “solved” by the consumer’s purchase of a particular product. Based on this concept, describe how consumer purchase decisions actually serve to resolve an unmet want or need?

200 words or less

Which of the following statements concerning the rational and emotional aspects of leadership is false?

1. Which of the following statements concerning the rational and emotional aspects of leadership is false?

A. Leaders can use rational techniques and/or emotional appeals in order to influence followers

B. Leadership includes actions and influences based only on reason and logic

C. Aroused feelings can be used either positively or negatively

D. Good leadership involves touching others’ feelings

2. To many, the word management suggests

A. Dynamism

B. Risk-taking

C. Efficiency

D. Creativity

3. According to the text, leadership is often more associated with

A. Consistency

B. Planning

C. Paperwork

D. Change

4. This is a conventional distinction made between managers and leaders.

A. Managers maintain while leaders develop

B. Managers innovate while leaders administer

C. Managers inspire while leaders control

D. Managers originate while leaders imitate

5. Which of the following statements about leaders versus managers is false?

A. Leadership is a value-laden, activity, management is not

B. Leaders focus on risk taking; managers perform functions such as planning and controlling

C. Leaders are thought to do things right, managers do the right things

D. Leaders develop, managers maintain

6. According to the text, which of the following statements is true?

A. Leadership and management have some unique functions with an area of overlap

B. A good leader can be a good manager, but the reverse is never true

C. Leadership and management are not related

D. Leadership and management are effectively the same for all practical purposes

7. What best describes the leader-follower relationship?

A. The relationship is a one-way street

B. Leadership and followership are the same thing

C. Leadership and followership merge and are linked concepts

D. It is based on the idea of ‘one-man leadership’

8. Ideal leaders according to a survey were commonly characterized as all of the following except

A. Honest

B. Competent

C. Forward-looking

D. Cooperative

9. According to a survey research by Judith Rosener, in terms of their leadership experiences,

A. Women tended to describe themselves in transactional terms

B. Men tended to describe themselves in somewhat transformational terms

C. Men influenced others primarily in terms of personal characteristics

D. Women helped subordinates develop commitment for broader goals than their own self-interest

10. What term did Rosener coin to describe how some women leaders encouraged participation and shared power and information, but went far beyond what is commonly thought of as participative management?

A. Autocratic leadership

B. Laissez faire leadership

C. Interactive leadership

D. Transactional leadership

11. Women leaders’ interactive leadership style developed

A. Due to their socialization experiences and career paths

B. Because of exchanges with subordinates for services rendered

C. By influencing others primarily through their organizational position and authority

D. Because of their organizational position

12. According to female executives, what is the major factor that prevents senior female executives from advancing to corporate leadership?

A. Lack of significant general management

B. Male stereotyping and preconceptions

C. Inhospitable corporate culture

D. Exclusion from informal networks

13. According to female executives. which of the following factors least prevents women from advancing to corporate leadership?

A. Women not being in the pipeline long enough

B. Exclusion from informal networks

C. Inhospitable corporate culture

D. Lack of significant line experience

Define promotional allowance

1. Razer-Edge makes machines for sharpening the blades used by butchers to slice meat. When Razer-Edge priced its Primary Sharpener, its salespeople were told that it would be sold for $1,700, but that there would be room for discounts and flexibility. The $1,700 price is the _____ price for the Primary Sharpener.




channel leader

10 points
Question 2
1. The DCS Stainless Steel Gas Grill for outside cooking costs $3,995. The market for a grill that could easily replace a kitchen range is limited even though a lot of people have seen articles about this grill in cooking magazines and in the cooking section of newspapers. There is no potential competitor for this grill. The _____ strategy is probably best.


penetration pricing

status quo

cost bundling

10 points
Question 3
1. One popular cost-oriented pricing tactic is culling low-profit margin products from the product line. Which of the following statements does NOT describe a reason why a marketing manager would want to avoid this tactic?

The low-margin item may be a large volume contributor to profit.

The tactic focuses special attention on the costs of producing each line and their contribution to overhead.

The loss of one item in the line may reduce the economies of scale.

The image of the rest of the product line may suffer if there is a “hole” in the line.

Other items in the line will now have to cover more fixed costs.
10 points
Question 4
1. A _____ discount is a deduction from list prices that is aimed at encouraging customer loyalty.

cumulative quantity

noncumulative quantitative



frequent buyer
10 points
Question 5
1. An Internet picture frame manufacturer offers retailers reduced prices on any combination of size or style frames purchased. The discount is shown as they shop and adjusted as the quantity of frames purchased increases. What common form of purchase discount is the frame manufacturer using?


cash discount

quantity discount

promotional allowance

functional discount
10 points
Question 6
1. A 16-ounce bottle of Prairie Herb vinegar sells for $4.95, and a 16-ounce bottle of Heinz vinegar costs $1.05. Prairie Herb vinegar is new to the market, perceived to be of higher quality, and provides a unique flavor to foods even though it is used in the same way as Heinz vinegar. Prairie Herb vinegar is most likely using a _____ policy.

penetration pricing

status quo pricing


bundling cost pricing

geodemographic pricing
10 points
Question 7
1. Quantity discounts are most often used to:

reward the buyer who pays in cash

encourage large orders

increase supply for a specific raw material

reward a channel intermediary for performing some service

shift the storage function backward to the supplier
10 points
Question 8

Marketing Netflix Case Study

In a substantive, researched, and well-written paper, respond to the following questions:

  1. What role will Redbox and other competitors play in the development of Netflix’s strategic plans? How threatening are these competitors to Netflix’s future?
  2. Will new competition force Netflix to alter its strategy? If yes, what are the offensive strategies for Netflix? If not, what are the defensive strategies for Netflix? Explain in detail.
  3. What could Netflix have done differently to ensure Qwikster’s success?
  4. What value-added components could Netflix incorporate into its current business to continue to lead the industry?

I need each question answered with one reference per question in APA format

In a substantive, researched, and well-written paper, respond to the following questions:

  1. What role will Redbox and other competitors play in the development of Netflix’s strategic plans? How threatening are these competitors to Netflix’s future?
  2. Will new competition force Netflix to alter its strategy? If yes, what are the offensive strategies for Netflix? If not, what are the defensive strategies for Netflix? Explain in detail.
  3. What could Netflix have done differently to ensure Qwikster’s success?
  4. What value-added components could Netflix incorporate into its current business to continue to lead the industry?

I need each question answered with one reference per question in APA format

Describe the different promotional/product strategies available to an international marketer.

1) Downstream marketing channel partners, such as wholesalers and retailers, form a vital link between the firm and its customers.( )Page Ref: 340

2) A company’s channel decisions directly affect the prices of its products.
( )Page Ref: 341

3) Producers use intermediaries because they create greater efficiency in making goods available to target markets.( )Page Ref: 342

4) The role of marketing intermediaries is to transform the assortments of products made by retailers into the assortments wanted by producers.( )Page Ref: 342

5) Each layer of marketing intermediaries that performs some work in bringing the product and its ownership closer to the final buyer is a channel level.( )Page Ref: 343

6) The number of products supplied indicates the length of a channel.
( )Page Ref: 343

7) In a direct marketing channel, the producer sells directly to the intermediaries, who in turn sell directly to the customers. ( )Page Ref: 343

8) Horizontal conflicts are conflicts between different levels of the same channel.
( )Page Ref: 344

9) Vertical conflict occurs among firms at the same level of the channel.
( )Page Ref: 344

10) A conventional distribution channel consists of one or more independent producers, wholesalers, and retailers; each seeking to maximize its own profits, perhaps even at the expense of the system as a whole. ( )Page Ref: 345

11) A non-corporate VMS integrates successive stages of production and distribution under single ownership.( )Page Ref: 346

12) In a vertical marketing system, two or more companies at one level join together to follow a new marketing opportunity. ( )Page Ref: 347

13) Multichannel marketing occurs when a single firm sets up two or more marketing channels to reach one or more customer segments.( )Page Ref: 348

14) Disintermediation occurs when radically new types of channel intermediaries displace traditional ones.( )Page Ref: 348-349

15) Marketing channel design calls for analyzing consumer needs, setting channel objectives, identifying major channel alternatives, and evaluating those alternatives.
( )Page Ref: 350

16) Producers of convenience products and common raw materials typically seek exclusive distribution, a strategy in which they stock their products in as many outlets as possible.
( )Page Ref: 351

17) Under the strategy of intensive distribution, the producer gives only a limited number of dealers the exclusive right to distribute its products in their territories.
( )Page Ref: 351

18) Marketing channel management calls for selecting, managing, and motivating individual channel members and evaluating their performance over time.
( )Page Ref: 353

19) As a part of intensive distribution, dealers are expected to refrain from selling the products of the producers’ competitors.( )Page Ref: 351, 356

20) Marketing logistics involves planning, implementing, and controlling the physical flow of goods, services, and related information from points of origin to points of consumption to meet customer requirements at a profit. ( )Page Ref: 357

21) Reverse logistics refers to the moving of products and materials from suppliers to the factory.
( )Page Ref: 357

22) In contrast to distribution centers, storage warehouses are designed to move goods rather than just house them. ( )Page Ref: 359

23) Air carriers transport digital products from producer to customer via satellite, cable, phone wire, or wireless signal.( )Page Ref: 361

24) Intermodal transportation refers to the combination of two or more modes of transportation.
( )Page Ref: 361

25) Electronic data interchange (EDI) is the digital exchange of data between organizations, which primarily is transmitted via the Internet.( )Page Ref: 361

Growing A Small Business Case Study

Download and read the case study from Hess’s Growing an Entrepreneurial Business (2011) (attached)

Write a paper answering the following case study questions, answering each question with at least 150 words.


  1. You are Susan Feller. Should you grow your business? Why?
  2. What are the key questions that you must answer to decide question 1?
  3. What are Susan’s growth options? What are the pros and cons of each?
  4. You are Susan Feller. How would you grow your business and why?
  5. Growth can be good and growth can be bad. What does that mean with respect to this case?
  6. Prepare an argument for why Susan should not grow the business.

Support your answers using at least two sources (for the entire assignment) other than the textbook. Your paper should be 3-4 pages in total length and be formatted according to APA standards. Please note that the use of a title page, section headers, introduction, conclusion, and reference page for written assignments is highly recommended. Times new roman size 12 font, double spaced.

Evaluation of Alternatives

Video case 6.2

Ski Butternut Offers Thrills—Not Spills

1- Social influences that might affect the decisions that the consumers make about where to spend their winter recreation, time, and dollars.


2- Evaluation of Alternatives



Video case 7.2

Zappos Offers Insights to Other Businesses

1- Buyer–seller relationship between Zappos Insights and its business clients


2- Classification of the business market demand for Zappos Insights training



Video case 8.2

Nederlander Productions Hoof It Around the World

1- How might Nederlander benefit from expanding its business throughout the European Union (outside the United Kingdom)? What might be the drawbacks?


2- Nederlander has already engaged in some product and pro-motional adaptations to bring shows from London to New York and vice versa. What additional adaptations might the firm have to make for the Turkish and Chinese markets?



Video case 9.2

Nederlander Targets Theatergoers Everywhere

1- How Nederlander achieves the three major criteria for effective

market segmentation


2- Evita’s audience



Video case 10.2

GaGa SherBetter Forecasts Hot Sales, Cold Flavors

1- Gaga’s problem


2- Data Collection Methods



Video case 11.2

Pepe’s Pizzeria Serves Success One Customer at a Time

1- How Pepe’s Pizzeria uses price and social interactions to build relationships with its customers


2- How Pepe’s Pizzeria ensures customer satisfaction



Video case 12.2

BoltBus Gives Bus Travel a Jump Start

1- The goods–services continuum


2- Product lifecycle extension

Which of the following is not an example of employees’ resistance to a new strategy?


The effective implementation of poor strategy may lead to which of the following?
A) Eventual failure
B) Speeding up failure
C) Prolonging survival
D) Eventual success
E) Being bought out by a competitor


What should managers do first when faced with poor performance?
A) The strategy should be changed to take into account microenvironment changes
B) Greater investment is needed to ensure effective implementation is achieved
C) The strategic issues should be separated from implementation activities and the problem diagnosed
D) The company should change their strategic objectives that are in line with the companies core competencies
E) None of the above


Which of the following is not an example of employees’ resistance to a new strategy?
A) Deflation of any excitement surrounding the plan by pointing out the risks.
B) Arguments that the proposals are too ambitious.
C) Slow response to requests.
D) Hassle and aggravation created to wear the proposers down.
E) All of the above are appropriate examples


The level of resistance to a new strategy is likely to be determined by which of the following?
A) Costs involved associated with the new strategy
B) The newness of management team
C) The power structure of the organisation
D) The newness of the product category
E) All of the above influence the level of resistance


Which of the following is are two key aspects of negotiation?
A) Economic and strategic analysis
B) Concession and proposal analysis
C) External and internal analysis
D) Conditional and tactical analysis
E) None of the above

Which of the following is not a structure classification of a marketing organisation?
A) Matrix organisational structures
B) Competition-based organisation
C) Market-centred organisation
D) Functional organisation
E) A company may have no marketing department


Marketing should be seen as which of the following?

A) An organisation wide function
B) A sales function
C) A marketing department function
D) An operations function
E) A customer service function


Which of the following is an advantage associated with a product-based organisation?
A) Provides excellent training for junior management
B) The speed of response to market developments is quick
C) The speed of response to technological developments is quick
D) All of the above are advantages are associated with a product based organisation
E) None of the above



The concept where teams manage several brands, with specialists handling advertising, sales promotion, line extensions and packaging and customizing each category’s product mix, merchandising and promotions on a store-by store basis is called which of the following?
A) Portfolio planning
B) Category management
C) Brand management
D) Functional-based organisation
E) Market-centred management


For companies with a wide product range selling diverse markets, which of the following may be a necessary structure?
A) Matrix-centred organisation
B) Competition-based organisation
C) Market-centred organisation
D) Functional organisation
E) A company may have no marketing department


Which of the following does not add management layers to an organisation?
A) Competition-based organisations
B) Functional-based organisations
C) Product-based organisations
D) Market-centred organisations
E) Matrix organisations


Internal marketing involves which of the following?
A) Marketing to employees, in order to get extra sales from employees, family and friends
B) Marketing to all employees with the aim of achieving successful marketing implementation
C) The training, motivating and retention of employees at the customer interface in services
D) Both b and c
E) None of the above


Questions Retailing

i have homework that short answer yes or no and add why you say that questions from A-R. would you like to do? CONTINUING ASSIGNMENT Go into the physical store location of the retailer you have chosen for the Continuing Assignment, and evaluate the store layout, design, and visual merchandising techniques employed. Explain your answers to the following questionsA-R


ok but i need answer as you go to store i put in file the map for Mall and all information i don’t get any work from google because the DR. check it.

i have homework that short answer yes or no and add why you say that questions from A-R. would you like to do? CONTINUING ASSIGNMENT Go into the physical store location of the retailer you have chosen for the Continuing Assignment, and evaluate the store layout, design, and visual merchandising techniques employed. Explain your answers to the following questionsA-R


ok but i need answer as you go to store i put in file the map for Mall and all information i don’t get any work from google because the DR. check it.