Why and how has the competitive market place for SAB changed in the last five to seven years?

CASE 1.1

Central Transport, Inc.

Jean Beierlein, president and CEO of Central Transport, has just met with Susan Weber, the current president and CEO of SAB Distribution. Jean was promoted from COO at Central Transport to CEO. Her predecessor had worked closely with the former CEO of SAB Distribution when SAB transformed its operations about 10 years earlier

to respond to changes in its competitive marketplace. Now, Ms. Weber is faced with new challenges and wants the collaboration of Jean and Central Transport to transform again.


Susan has met extensively with the old and new members of her executive team (several old timers  left the organization when Susan had announced her planned changes) and has developed a

tentative plan for modifying the strategic direction of SAB. Susan is convinced that SAB can attract some larger retailers in the mid-

Atlantic states if it changes its business model to add services similar

to third-party logistics companies, namely, warehousing, transportation delivery, and inventory management. However, Susan feels that she needs a major collaborator with experience in these areas. She also feels that it would be better if the collaborator is a company SAB has worked with previously on a successful basis and that is willing to take on some new challenges.


Susan has decided to approach  Wegman’s Food Markets, Inc. as a customer for these new services. Wegman’s is a very successful

company in the Northeast that is privately owned and has expanded carefully into new market areas over the last 15 years. It offers more value services to its customers, including an in- store bakery, a restaurant and deli, more take – out options, and in – store cooking demonstrations. Wegman’s primary distribution point for its stores is located in a distribution park in Rochester, New York, near its corporate headquarters. With its store expansion into the Washington, D.C., area and points further south into Virginia, Wegman’s is developing a new distribution park in Northwestern  Pennsylvania to lower its cost and improve its service. With the state of the economy, Wegman’s is  feeling the pressure to be more competitive on a price basis. Susan is also convinced that Wegman’s has to be price competitive to continue to grow in- store  sales and expand its market opportunities. She feels that Wegman’s will listen to her proposal to

offer expanded services to help it be more competitive. Now, she wants Central to join with SAB in making Wegman’s a proposal. Jean wants your help in developing a positive response to Susan.



1. Why and how has the competitive market place for SAB changed in the last five to seven years?

2. What advantages might Central experience in the proposed new venture?

3. What issues would SAB and Central face in the proposed new approach?


What positioning do you recommend Yue Sai have in China?

Prepare a marketing plan to turn around Yue Sai. In your marketing plan, please answer the following questions:

1. What positioning do you recommend Yue Sai have in China? What are the pros and cons of a lifestyle positioning compared to a more concrete positioning on functional benefits? Who should be Yue Sai’s targeted customers?

2. Should Yue Sai be an independent brand, or should it be linked in any way to Loreal brand? Why?

3. How will you choose the price, promotion (objectives, message, mix of promotion methods), product (formulation and packaging), and distribution that will allow Yue Sai to reach both short-term and long-term goals?

Prepare a marketing plan to turn around Yue Sai. In your marketing plan, please answer the following questions:

1. What positioning do you recommend Yue Sai have in China? What are the pros and cons of a lifestyle positioning compared to a more concrete positioning on functional benefits? Who should be Yue Sai’s targeted customers?

2. Should Yue Sai be an independent brand, or should it be linked in any way to Loreal brand? Why?

3. How will you choose the price, promotion (objectives, message, mix of promotion methods), product (formulation and packaging), and distribution that will allow Yue Sai to reach both short-term and long-term goals?

Define and explain E-Commerce

In Part A you will analyze an existing e-commerce website, providing insight into the nature of the business, its business model, approach, technologies, etc. In addition, you will comment on user interface and interaction, site design, security, site optimization, etc. and offer recommendations to improve any potential issues you might discover.

  1. Pick a business or company that is related to your personal preferences or interests, has received recent publicity, has demonstrated innovativeness regarding their business model, or has otherwise stood out for some reason.

    Please note:
    Do not choose any of the following: Amazon, eBay, YouTube, Baidu, Yahoo, Wikipedia, Taobao, Walmart, LinkedIn, Instagram, Alibaba/AliExpress, any social media site, Google, PayPal, any airline, and Starbucks.
    The reason for this is that these EC websites are very complex and not easily manageable for the detailed analysis we are looking for. There are also a lot of analyses of these websites published already. You are much better off with a smaller EC website where you can really explore the details.

  2. Analyze your chosen e-commerce business/company.
    Use the REI analysis that you completed in Module 9 as a starting point and guide to assessing the firm. It provides you with helpful ideas of what you should be looking at while analyzing a website. Feel free to add and expand on the suggested sections and questions.
    Identify the EC business models that the e-commerce business is applying and comment on the strength and appropriateness of the model for what the firm is doing.
    Look for details, including but not limited to, Vision/Mission, Industry Information, Business Strategies, and Financial Performance (where available), Industry Developments, and Future Outlook.
    Do NOT engage in any primary research such as talking to people, doing interviews, and conducting surveys. These are all methods
  3. of primary data collection, and all primary research at universities needs clearance from the university’s ethics committee. Therefore, only secondary research is allowed for this project. Please only collect and use data that was previously collected by somebody else, for statistical purposes, published research articles etc.
    Research multiple sources online and/or offline, and cite all sources to avoid plagiarism.
  4. Write a report of your analysis of the e-commerce business.
    Write a final report of your analysis of the e-commerce business below a 4000 word maximum, ideally formatted in 11pt font, and with 1 inch margins. Refer to sample report A and sample report B as a guide.

Health Care Planning & Evaluation

Describe the key elements of an organizational strategy. How would they be, or not be, relevant to the “strategic mindset” of an organization’s management?  Do you think these are learned or innate traits?  Support your primary response with at least one scholarly source. Provide in-text citations and complete references for all sources used. Format your post according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center. Respond to at least two of your classmates’ posts.

Discussion Two

Please use Chapters that are attached

Compare and contrast strategic resources and competencies.  Identify what role, if any, licensed health care providers play in helping a health care organization attain competitive advantage.  Support your primary response with at least one scholarly source. Provide in-text citations and complete references for all sources used. Format your post according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center. Respond to at least two of your classmates’ posts.

Describe the key elements of an organizational strategy. How would they be, or not be, relevant to the “strategic mindset” of an organization’s management?  Do you think these are learned or innate traits?  Support your primary response with at least one scholarly source. Provide in-text citations and complete references for all sources used. Format your post according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center. Respond to at least two of your classmates’ posts.

Discussion Two

Please use Chapters that are attached

Compare and contrast strategic resources and competencies.  Identify what role, if any, licensed health care providers play in helping a health care organization attain competitive advantage.  Support your primary response with at least one scholarly source. Provide in-text citations and complete references for all sources used. Format your post according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center. Respond to at least two of your classmates’ posts.

Discuss Marketing management

You’re part of the marketing department at Cemex, a global provider of building materials. Your have been called to a meeting at the Monterrey, Mexico headquarters with members of several other departments, and Cemex’s CEO, Oswaldo Villalobos. “I just reviewed last quarter’s sales figures,” Villalobos says, “and I’m not happy. Profits are down in North America.”

Villalobos continues: “I’ve called this meeting because I’d like you to form a cross-functional business development team to focus on expanding our US operations. We know that spending on infrastructure is increasing,” he says.

Villalobos is referring to a large infrastructure package recently signed by the new US administration. You have just discussing the news over coffee yesterday morning.

The plan includes funding for bridges, roads, and sewage systems. There’s no question that US infrastructure spending will be up in the coming years.

“We’re well-positioned to grab a bigger market share of the cement business,” Villalobos says. “Cemex has mothballed capacity that we should tap into.”

Villalobos looks at your group: “Report back to me in four weeks with a detailed marketing plan for this expansion. Include the steps to implement the plan along with the control measures to ensure that our forecasted sales targets are met.”

As you learned one of the most important functional areas in business is marketing. Companies such as Airbus, Peugeot, GM, Burger King, and Tata have a passion for understanding their customers and satisfying their customers’ needs in “well-defined target markets” (Kotler & Armstrong, 2014, p. 4). Marketing is a managerial and social function through which companies and customers create and exchange value. The authors define marketing as the “process by which companies create value for customers and build strong customer relationships in order to capture value from customers in return” (p.5).

B2B Buying Decisions

When it comes to business buying behavior, business customers and their suppliers explore different avenues to manage relationships and enhance efficiency and effectiveness. Closer relationships are partially driven by purchasing alliances, supply chain management, and early supplier involvement. Fostering the right relationship with businesses is crucial for any holistic marketing plan. Vertical coordination between the sellers and their business customers allows them to go beyond simple transactions to engage in activities that create value for both parties. Trust and knowledge are key to the success of business-to-business (B2B) relationships. B2B relationships are impacted by supply, complexity of supply, availability of alternatives, and supply market dynamism (Kotler & Keller, 2015).

Strategic Alliances

An emerging theme in organizational systems in the twenty-first century is an increased use of long-term global strategic alliances. Organizations form these alliances in an effort to secure commercial advantage and eliminate waste from their distribution channels. Choosing the right partners for global strategic alliances is crucial for success, but it can be a complex process. Organizations should identify and define the criteria for partner-selection prior to forging the alliance (Wu, Shih, & Shan, 2009). Cemex may consider forming strategic alliances to expand its US operations. These alliances can be with other producers or with distribution companies; a good example is the alliance between Nissan (a Japanese auto company) and Renault (a French auto company), with Carlos Ghosn serving as chairman and CEO of the alliance.

How to demonstrate analytical ability and general administrative capacity

Below you will find a small case study. Analyze the situation / problem(s) and come up with a solution. At the end of the case study there are 2 questions that provide you with some hints what you should address in your answer. In your answer refer to concepts (from the textbook) as appropriate and also critically reflect on the concept(s) you have utilized. Insert your answer right after the additional ques- tions or statements by expanding the space. Your answer should be about 1000 words.

Promotion to Darwin

Mr. Mark Johnson, a friend of yours, has recently been notified of his appointment as manager of the plant at Darwin, one of the older units of the Australian Appliance Company. In his new position, Mr. Johnson will be responsible for the management of all functions and personnel at Darwin, except sales. Mr. Johnson is personally acquainted with the company’s home office executives, but has met only a few of the plant per- sonnel.

All of Australian’s marketing activities were directed from the home office by a vice president. Manufacturing operations and certain other departments were under the supervision and control of a senior vice president. For many years the company had operated a centralized functional type of manufacturing organization. No plant had a general manager; each department in a plant reported on a line basis to its functional counter- part at the home office. Top management had begun to question the value of this type of control or manu- facturing operations. They decided to test the feasibility of a decentralized operation in the Darwin plant.

Johnson knows that in the opinion of top management the record of Darwin has not been satisfactory. The board approved the construction for a new plant at a location near the old plant and the use of new methods of production. Lower processing costs and a reduced manpower requirement are expected at the new plant, which will be ready for operation shortly after Mr. Johnson officially takes office. Some features of the manu- facturing process will be entirely new to the employees of the new plant, almost all of whom will have been employees from the old plant.


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Prior to his new assignment Mr. Johnson had been an accounting executive in the controller’s department. He had demonstrated analytical ability and general administrative capacity. From top management’s view- point he was thought to have the required toughness to see important assignments through to completion. Some regarded him as the company’s efficiency expert. Others thought he was a perfectionist. Mr. Johnson was aware of these opinions.

In talking to you one evening about his new assignment, Mr. Johnson summarized his view of his problem as follows: “I will be going into a situation with new methods and processes—but most of all I will be dealing with a set of changed relationships. Heretofore all department heads in the plant reported to their functional counterparts in the home office. Now they will report to me. I am a complete stranger and in addition, this is my first assignment in a major ‘line’ job. The men will know this. When I was called into the senior vice pres- ident’s office to be informed of my new assignment he asked me to talk with each of the functional members of his staff. The vice presidents in charge of production planning, manufacturing, and industrial relations said they were going to issue all headquarters instruction to me as plant manager and they were going to cut off their connections with their counterparts in my plant. The other home office executives admitted their func- tional counterparts would report to me in a line capacity. They would obey my orders and I would be re- sponsible for their pay and promotion. But these executives proposed to follow the common practice of many companies of maintaining a dotted line or functional relationship with these men. I realize that these two patterns of home office-plant relationships will create real administrative problems for me.”


Marketing Research Method Proposal

Before this our group have done a group assignment (research proposal), now i need to do a research report. Since this is a group assignment, I do not have to do all parts of the assignment. The parts that i have to do will be listed below.

*This assignment requires the usage of IBM SPSS Software.*

Things that needs to be done

– Research Results (20marks)

– Limitation of the Study (10marks)

– Conclusion (5marks)

The title of research proposal and report is “Online Buying Intention”

the due date is in 10hours.

Before this our group have done a group assignment (research proposal), now i need to do a research report. Since this is a group assignment, I do not have to do all parts of the assignment. The parts that i have to do will be listed below.

*This assignment requires the usage of IBM SPSS Software.*

Things that needs to be done

– Research Results (20marks)

– Limitation of the Study (10marks)

– Conclusion (5marks)

The title of research proposal and report is “Online Buying Intention”

the due date is in 10hours.

Marketing Article Deconstruction

Marketing – Article Deconstruction

This assignment, your first research paper, builds on the readings in this unit, as well as the information from the second discussion activity in Unit 2. Please use the APA pre-formatted template provided in the Resources.

The headings below are mirrored in the pre-formatted APA template. This type of APA formatting for this assignment will include the following sections:


  • Always begin all doctoral research papers by describing the purpose of the paper including the specifics of what will be covered in the body. Typical length is 150–200 words.

Theory–Article Deconstruction

  • Apply MEAL Plan to deconstruct the three assigned articles:
    • Main points for each article. Include at least three but no more than five points.
    • Evidence. What type of data is presented? Is it factually supported or an opinion? What are the sources of data?
    • Analysis. What type of analysis, evaluation, or application are presented in the article?
    • Linking. How well do the authors in each of the articles convey their ideas, facts, analysis and support? This gets at readability of each article.
  • Typical length: 300 words for each article.
  • For more information on this form of deconstruction, consult the MEAL Plan document, linked in the Resources.

Case Study Application

  • Please review the MarketLine Report on the Fortune 500 company selected for your second discussion post for Unit 2 (PepsiCo).  Based on your analysis of the three assigned articles compared to the MarketLine Report, present your assessment of the relative marketing effectiveness of the Fortune 500 company selected.
  • Typical length: 250–300 words.


  • What conclusions can be drawn from the theories presented and the evidence applied to your case study organization? The conclusion is typically 150–200 words.
  • This section of every paper pulls together theory and application.

Learner Option

  • For those of you that want to build competencies faster, you have the option of preparing a table in the Theory section of the paper.
  • Insert a table that compares each of the three articles, using MEAL Plan Paragraph Analysis. How are they alike? How are they different?
  • Your faculty instructor will provide feedback on effectiveness.

Submission Requirements

Your submitted paper must meet the following requirements:

  • Correlate your responses to the text readings and assigned articles.
  • Use all the assigned readings for this unit and the MarketLine Report used for completing second discussion post for Unit 2.
  • Be a minimum of 900 words in length: this is three double-spaced pages, excluding the cover page and listing of references.
  • Follow current APA guidelines for style and format, including a cover page and headings.

Marketing Strategy Case Analysis

Marketing Strategy Case Analysis

Graduate School case analysis, 3 pages.

* Must read the attached Franklin Industries Case) 

-Identifying the problem

-An analysis

– And recommendations

* must include exhibits and or tables to help support, and look over attached resources (how to prepare a case analysis. Case grading rubric,)

*No external sources


Graduate School case analysis, 3 pages.

* Must read the attached Franklin Industries Case) 

-Identifying the problem

-An analysis

– And recommendations

* must include exhibits and or tables to help support, and look over attached resources (how to prepare a case analysis. Case grading rubric,)

*No external sources

Discuss Principles Of Accounting

Hello everyone, I have an Assignment for you today. This assignment must be DONE by Wednesday, August 26, 2020, no later than 10 pm. By the way, I need this assignment to be PLAGIARISM FREE & a Spell Check when completed. Make sure you READ the instructions CAREFULLY. Now without further ado, the instructions to the assignments are below:

Financial Analysis

For this assignment, you will apply what you have learned thus far from the unit lessons and required unit resources.

You will conduct a financial analysis of the Coca-Cola Company and PepsiCo. Write a five-page paper that evaluates each firm, and provide your findings and recommendation for investment or employment.

Your paper should consist of the components listed below.

  • Provide a company overview for both companies, which should be one page in length.
  • Include a comparison of three accounting methods (i.e., receivables, depreciation, and inventory valuation), which should be one page in length (formatted either as a table or an outline).
  • Provide four ratio calculations (i.e., one ratio each for liquidity, solvency, profitability, and market) as well as an analysis, which should be two pages in length.
  • Include your recommendations and conclusions, which should be one page in length.

You are encouraged to utilize the resources below to support your findings.

PepsiCo. (2019). 2018 PepsiCo annual report. https://www.pepsico.com/docs/album/annual-reports/2018-annual-report.pdf?sfvrsn=35d1d2bc_2

U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. (2019). Form 10-K: The Coca-ColaCompany (Commission File No. 001-02217).https://www.coca-colacompany.com/content/dam/journey/us/en/policies/pdf/shareowner-services/2018-annual-report-on-form-10-K.pdf

You may submit an appendix with any research you conducted—beyond the companies’ most recent 10-Ks—to support your analyses and recommendations. Your paper should include appropriate reference citations.

Write your responses in a Word document, and include at least two resources to support your findings. Adhere to APA Style when creating citations and references for this assignment.

By the way I’ve added several attachments below, the first two attachments are pdf files for the two 2018 PepsiCo annual report & The Coca-Cola Company Commission File. And lastly is the Study Guide. Please utilizes all the resources provided to complete this assignment. This is a four page assignment excluding the title & reference page. This assignment must be APA style! Please read instruction carefully! NO PLAGIARISM NO PLAGIARISM!!!!