Compare and contrast the organizational cultures at Amazon and Google

After reading chapter-2 from the attached text book write one or two pages what you thought was the most important concept/concepts, method/methods and or any other thing that you felt was worthy of your understanding.  After that answer the below question


  1. Consider a medium-sized company that has decided to begin using project management in a wide variety of its operations.  As part of their operational shift, they are going to adopt a project management office somewhere within the organization.  Make an argument for the type of PMO it should adopt (weather station, control tower, or resource pool).  What are some of the key decision criteria that will help it determine which model makes most sense?
  2. Compare and contrast the organizational cultures at Amazon and Google.  Imagine if you were in charge of a project team at both companies.  How might your approach to managing a project, developing your team, and coordinating with different functional departments differ at the two firmsAfter reading chapter-2 from the attached text book write one or two pages what you thought was the most important concept/concepts, method/methods and or any other thing that you felt was worthy of your understanding.  After that answer the below question


    1. Consider a medium-sized company that has decided to begin using project management in a wide variety of its operations.  As part of their operational shift, they are going to adopt a project management office somewhere within the organization.  Make an argument for the type of PMO it should adopt (weather station, control tower, or resource pool).  What are some of the key decision criteria that will help it determine which model makes most sense?
    2. Compare and contrast the organizational cultures at Amazon and Google.  Imagine if you were in charge of a project team at both companies.  How might your approach to managing a project, developing your team, and coordinating with different functional departments differ at the two firms

Market/Submarket Analysis – Current And High Potential


Each team is required to prepare a comprehensive industry analysis for the industry that you intend on utilizing for your Marketing Plan for the class.  There is a maximum 15 – 20 paged paper (executive summary, exhibits, references, appendices, cover sheet, and any other material deemed relevant may be added to the above page limit).   This analysis is the preliminary report to start your Marketing Plan Project.  If you exceed the page requirement, your grade will be penalized and I will not read beyond the maximum page limit.

For your particular industry analysis, if there is information in the template that you think is unavailable or irrelevant, or if there is information you wish to add that is not in the template, please contact me in a timely manner. Parts 1, 2, 3, and 4 can be included in the document in any order. Part 5 must be the last major part of the paper. Do not duplicate information across the various sections of the template.

  1. Perform an External and Internal Environmental Analysis
    1. External environment yields opportunities and threats
    2. Internal environment yields strengths and weaknesses – focus on things that contribute most to market success
  2. Perform a Competitor Analysis
    1. Identify and analyze the three most important direct competitors
    2. Identify other current and potential direct competitors
    3. Identify current and potential indirect competitors
  3. Perform a Market/Submarket Analysis – current and high potential
  4. Perform a Customer Analysis – current and high potential
  5. Provide a Comprehensive Strategy Assessment
    1. Describe each key competitor’s current positioning/marketing strategy
    2. What are each key competitor’s major sources of competitive advantage
    3. What additional sources of competitive advantage could each develop in the future
    4. Select one competitor for further focus, then provide
      1. New positioning and accompanying new marketing strategies that you recommend for it
      2. Why you recommend these particular strategies
      3. How these strategies would be implemented
      4. How their success should be measured

You must use correct APA citation for all the information that you used in this assignment.

The below attached document is my topic

Define competitive advantage.

Reflect on the assigned readings for the week. Identify what you thought was the most important concept(s), method(s), term(s), and/or any other thing that you felt was worthy of your understanding.

Also, provide a graduate-level response to each of the following questions:

  1. Select a firm for which you believe its social capital—both within the firm and among its suppliers and customers—is vital to its competitive advantage. Support your arguments.

Respond to the post of at least two peers, using 100 words minimum each.

[Your initial post should be based upon the assigned reading for the week, so the textbook should be a source listed in your reference section and cited within the body of the text. Other sources are not required but feel free to use them if they aid in your discussion].

[Your initial post should be at least 450+ words and in APA format (including Times New Roman with font size 12 and double spaced). Post the actual body of your paper in the discussion thread then attach a Word version of the paper for APA review].

I have included the power point for your reference for reflection.

Reflect on the assigned readings for the week. Identify what you thought was the most important concept(s), method(s), term(s), and/or any other thing that you felt was worthy of your understanding.

Also, provide a graduate-level response to each of the following questions:

  1. Select a firm for which you believe its social capital—both within the firm and among its suppliers and customers—is vital to its competitive advantage. Support your arguments.

Respond to the post of at least two peers, using 100 words minimum each.

[Your initial post should be based upon the assigned reading for the week, so the textbook should be a source listed in your reference section and cited within the body of the text. Other sources are not required but feel free to use them if they aid in your discussion].

[Your initial post should be at least 450+ words and in APA format (including Times New Roman with font size 12 and double spaced). Post the actual body of your paper in the discussion thread then attach a Word version of the paper for APA review].

I have included the power point for your reference for reflection.

Marketing Foundation Question.

Assignment 1—Advertising Appeals: (how does advertisement get you to do something or “appeal to you to get you to buy”

Advertising appeals are designed to stimulate a consumer need or want that will ultimately become an exchange.

Common advertising appeals include health, fear, admiration, convenience, fun and pleasure, vanity, and social consciousness. Find two examples of online advertisements that use one of these appeals, (you can search product websites, YouTube, and/or Facebook. For each ad, identify the advertising appeal and explain how that appeal is appropriate given the target market.

These are at the very least two to three pages in length. (this applies to all Professional Writing assignments – there are three of them throughout the course)

Please be sure to include the online link(s) for your ads; you work cannot be graded without the online links; be sure the links are working before you submit your work.

Assignment 1—Advertising Appeals: (how does advertisement get you to do something or “appeal to you to get you to buy”

Advertising appeals are designed to stimulate a consumer need or want that will ultimately become an exchange.

Common advertising appeals include health, fear, admiration, convenience, fun and pleasure, vanity, and social consciousness. Find two examples of online advertisements that use one of these appeals, (you can search product websites, YouTube, and/or Facebook. For each ad, identify the advertising appeal and explain how that appeal is appropriate given the target market.

These are at the very least two to three pages in length. (this applies to all Professional Writing assignments – there are three of them throughout the course)

Please be sure to include the online link(s) for your ads; you work cannot be graded without the online links; be sure the links are working before you submit your work.

Discuss Digital Marketing


  1. Your      objective is to write a semi-structured extended essay following the conventions discussed in      out last session: theoretical support, example, and reflection.
  2. Extended means between 800 and 1200      words plus appendices PER ANSWER.      Only word files (No PDF or PP). As a rule of thumb, you can use up to 50 %      of the space in Theoretical support and 25 % for example and reflection      respectively
  3. You      are expected to provide references to complete your arguments. You can      naturally refer to the textbook and class notes.
  4. You      can use graphic support within space limits and following referencing      rules.
  5. Submit      your answers clearly outlined with titles and in one single file.
  6. Submit      your files in the turn-it in drop box found in week six tab in the      course´s Moodle space.
  7. Deadline: August 30, 01:00      PM, No late submissions allowed.
  8. Use one of the references as Textbook

Q1 Effectiveness in digital marketing goes beyond technical matters. When discussing the topic of strategy and execution (digital marketing campaigns) a concept referred to as “the sweet spot” was discussed in class and introduced in the PP materials? What are the elements of the so-called formula? Is this idea related to on and off page design? How? In your example provide one general example of the sweet spot concept. 

Theoretical Support + Example + Reflection

• A simple effective formula

SWEET SPOT = Right audience + Right content (benefits, promises) + Excellent execution

Q2 SEM/SEO: What is the difference between SEM and SEO, explain your concepts in terms of the notion of organic versus paid listings The chapter refers to the definition of one of them as “smell nice for Google” Which approach is that. How can we interpret the meaning of this sentence? In your reflection and as a general rule, what percentage of Click through rate can be expected on each one?

Theoretical Support + Example + Reflection

Discuss Consumer Decision Making process

  1. Compare and contrast how McDonald’s, Burger King and Wendy’s targets both users (primarily children) and buyers (parents, grandparents, etc.).  I would like you to write out your explanation in 300 – 600 words.
  2. Explain all 5 steps in the Consumer Decision Making process for the fast-food Industry. Give specific examples for each step.
  3. Please give an example of a business market transaction for Taco Bell.

No plagiarism!

  1. Compare and contrast how McDonald’s, Burger King and Wendy’s targets both users (primarily children) and buyers (parents, grandparents, etc.).  I would like you to write out your explanation in 300 – 600 words.
  2. Explain all 5 steps in the Consumer Decision Making process for the fast-food Industry. Give specific examples for each step.
  3. Please give an example of a business market transaction for Taco Bell.

No plagiarism!

Discuss on Discrimination in the workplace

Discuss on Discrimination in the workplace

Discrimination in the workplace has been an ongoing battle between employees, candidates, and lawmakers historically. Chapter 8, pages 291–303, explains the processes of hiring, promotions, discipline, discharges, and wage equity.

Please answer the following questions:

  • What have you experienced in the workplace when it comes to violations of the laws and procedures discussed in Chapter 8? What recourse do employees have to rectify any abuse of the laws?
  • Be sure to respond to at least one of your classmates’ posts.Discrimination in the workplace has been an ongoing battle between employees, candidates, and lawmakers historically. Chapter 8, pages 291–303, explains the processes of hiring, promotions, discipline, discharges, and wage equity.

    Please answer the following questions:

    • What have you experienced in the workplace when it comes to violations of the laws and procedures discussed in Chapter 8? What recourse do employees have to rectify any abuse of the laws?
    • Be sure to respond to at least one of your classmates’ posts.

Describe the key elements of a customer value proposition.

Describe the key elements of a customer value proposition. Next, explain points of parity as well as points of difference in value propositions. Pick a B-2-B company, do a little homework on the company and then take a shot writing out a value-proposition statement for this company.

Finally, evaluate this statement…”Marketing must begin to think about value propositions that go beyond the value of using the product or service being sold; marketers must begin to think about their value-propositions in upstream stages of organizational buying that illustrates how the company can help buyers long before they actually buy the product/service?”  Agree or disagree?  Can you think of any companies that do a good job helping customers long before they actually buy the product (thinking of a B-2-C example is fine here).

Describe the key elements of a customer value proposition. Next, explain points of parity as well as points of difference in value propositions. Pick a B-2-B company, do a little homework on the company and then take a shot writing out a value-proposition statement for this company.

Finally, evaluate this statement…”Marketing must begin to think about value propositions that go beyond the value of using the product or service being sold; marketers must begin to think about their value-propositions in upstream stages of organizational buying that illustrates how the company can help buyers long before they actually buy the product/service?”  Agree or disagree?  Can you think of any companies that do a good job helping customers long before they actually buy the product (thinking of a B-2-C example is fine here).

Discuss Customer Service/ Marketing

Discuss Customer Service/ Marketing

1) Which employees do most customers associate with a company?

A) The boss whose portrait is on the wall in the reception area

B) The cute secretary

C) The faces in the ads

D) The lowest paid employees in the organization

and 24 others

1) Which employees do most customers associate with a company?

A) The boss whose portrait is on the wall in the reception area

B) The cute secretary

C) The faces in the ads

D) The lowest paid employees in the organization

and 24 others

Scenario Planning At Royal Dutch Shell

On 16 October 1973, a great oil crisis began when Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) raised the price of oil by 70 per cent and reduced production. This was in response to the decision by the United States to re-supply the Israeli military during the Yom Kippur war, lasting until March 1974. As a consequence, the market price of oil rose substantially — from $3 a barrel to $12. The trend of recessions and high inflation in the world financial systems until the 1980s meant that the price of oil continued to increase198until 1986.24 This, according to Shell, meant that ‘An era of cheap energy had come to an end and oil was no longer a buyer’s market’.25

However, when the oil shock came in October 1973 after the Yom Kippur war, Shell was the only oil major prepared for it. In the early 1970s, Pierre Wack was a planner in Royal Dutch Shell in London, and had calculated the impact of a possible rise in the oil price and a likely increase in the world’s appetite for oil. He and his colleagues had mapped out a scenario in which the OPEC demanded much higher prices for their oil following the 1967 Arab–Israel six-day war. In effect, Shell’s managers were able to plan for this eventuality and apply this planning to the crisis following the Yom Kippur war while other oil companies struggled.26

In order to survive, Shell adopted a policy of diversification, branching out into the areas of coal, nuclear power and metals. Firstly, in 1970 Shell purchased Billiton, an established metals mining company (which it later sold). In 1973, the company moved into nuclear power by forming a partnership with Gulf Oil to manufacture gas-cooled reactors and their fuels. Shell’s success in coal was limited. In the 1970s, the company also continued its work in developing the oil fields in the North Sea. While a huge investment was required due to the adverse weather conditions and the instability of the sea bed, the cost was justified due to the sheer size of the oil fields in the North Sea, as well as the fact that supply from the Middle East was reduced at the time.27

Royal Dutch Shell became a leader in profitability, and continues to use scenario planning as an aid to opportunity-framing and strategy formulation.28 With the world making commendable efforts to limit its consumption of fossil fuels in the face of ‘peak oil’ (the time when demand exceeds supply) and increasing its reliance on wind and solar power, the long-established ‘legacy expectations’ of enduring access to easily accessible oil remain stubbornly fixed in the minds of both developed and developing nations. Scenario planning is using careful research inputs to examine the prejudices of policy-makers and the demands of populations to arrive at sustainable solutions to energy needs, and to avoid the catastrophe of a war over oil. Is such a crisis likely, or even possible? Consider the following somewhat less conservative analysis.

On 16 October 1973, a great oil crisis began when Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) raised the price of oil by 70 per cent and reduced production. This was in response to the decision by the United States to re-supply the Israeli military during the Yom Kippur war, lasting until March 1974. As a consequence, the market price of oil rose substantially — from $3 a barrel to $12. The trend of recessions and high inflation in the world financial systems until the 1980s meant that the price of oil continued to increase198until 1986.24 This, according to Shell, meant that ‘An era of cheap energy had come to an end and oil was no longer a buyer’s market’.25

However, when the oil shock came in October 1973 after the Yom Kippur war, Shell was the only oil major prepared for it. In the early 1970s, Pierre Wack was a planner in Royal Dutch Shell in London, and had calculated the impact of a possible rise in the oil price and a likely increase in the world’s appetite for oil. He and his colleagues had mapped out a scenario in which the OPEC demanded much higher prices for their oil following the 1967 Arab–Israel six-day war. In effect, Shell’s managers were able to plan for this eventuality and apply this planning to the crisis following the Yom Kippur war while other oil companies struggled.26

In order to survive, Shell adopted a policy of diversification, branching out into the areas of coal, nuclear power and metals. Firstly, in 1970 Shell purchased Billiton, an established metals mining company (which it later sold). In 1973, the company moved into nuclear power by forming a partnership with Gulf Oil to manufacture gas-cooled reactors and their fuels. Shell’s success in coal was limited. In the 1970s, the company also continued its work in developing the oil fields in the North Sea. While a huge investment was required due to the adverse weather conditions and the instability of the sea bed, the cost was justified due to the sheer size of the oil fields in the North Sea, as well as the fact that supply from the Middle East was reduced at the time.27

Royal Dutch Shell became a leader in profitability, and continues to use scenario planning as an aid to opportunity-framing and strategy formulation.28 With the world making commendable efforts to limit its consumption of fossil fuels in the face of ‘peak oil’ (the time when demand exceeds supply) and increasing its reliance on wind and solar power, the long-established ‘legacy expectations’ of enduring access to easily accessible oil remain stubbornly fixed in the minds of both developed and developing nations. Scenario planning is using careful research inputs to examine the prejudices of policy-makers and the demands of populations to arrive at sustainable solutions to energy needs, and to avoid the catastrophe of a war over oil. Is such a crisis likely, or even possible? Consider the following somewhat less conservative analysis.