Discuss at least three ways that linear optimization models can be applied to both physical as well as abstract network problems

Models that pertain to the distribution of a resource within supply chains are often referred to as networks. Distribution among these networks is key to the success of a business while also keeping cost production at a minimum. Discuss at least three ways that linear optimization models can be applied to both physical as well as abstract network problems to increase efficiency in supply chain management.Models that pertain to the distribution of a resource within supply chains are often referred to as networks. Distribution among these networks is key to the success of a business while also keeping cost production at a minimum. Discuss at least three ways that linear optimization models can be applied to both physical as well as abstract network problems to increase efficiency in supply chain management.

Solving shortest-route problems

Solving shortest-route problems enables a business organization to use their resources more efficiently and minimize expenditures, thereby increasing overall production and profit. Consider the business or industry in which you work. What is a process that could be improved by the application of a shortest route linear programming model? How would this model improve production, profit, and/or efficiency?Solving shortest-route problems enables a business organization to use their resources more efficiently and minimize expenditures, thereby increasing overall production and profit. Consider the business or industry in which you work. What is a process that could be improved by the application of a shortest route linear programming model? How would this model improve production, profit, and/or efficiency?

Discussion – Operations Strategy


Please view, read, and comprehend the Goods vs. Services Continuum [PDF] and then use it to respond to the following:

  • Choose two companies with which you are familiar.
  • Describe the good or service offered by each of the two companies you chose.
  • Using the numbers 1 through 7 on the infographic, determine where each of these two companies falls on the Goods vs. Services continuum,  and justify why you think each company fits in the areas you selected.
  • Be sure to respond to at least one of your classmates’ posts. 

    Please view, read, and comprehend the Goods vs. Services Continuum [PDF] and then use it to respond to the following:

    • Choose two companies with which you are familiar.
    • Describe the good or service offered by each of the two companies you chose.
    • Using the numbers 1 through 7 on the infographic, determine where each of these two companies falls on the Goods vs. Services continuum,  and justify why you think each company fits in the areas you selected.
    • Be sure to respond to at least one of your classmates’ posts.

Do you think that attorney representation in ADR helps or hurts?

This week’s lesson explored the types of ADR, the parties involved, and the challenges to success. Consider and comment on the following questions:

  1. Attorney representation is not typically required in ADR proceedings, but it is often recommended so that each party’s interests are adequately defended. Yet, some of the key advantages to ADR over traditional litigation are simplicity and efficiency. Do you think that attorney representation in ADR helps or hurts? Why or why not?
  2. One of the challenges discussed in this week’s lesson is that of emotion, pride, and ego impeding the ADR process. These factors are obviously present whether disputants are pursuing ADR or traditional litigation. Do you think they are more or less problematic in ADR? Do you think they are harderor easier to overcome in ADR? Explain your answers.This week’s lesson explored the types of ADR, the parties involved, and the challenges to success. Consider and comment on the following questions:
    1. Attorney representation is not typically required in ADR proceedings, but it is often recommended so that each party’s interests are adequately defended. Yet, some of the key advantages to ADR over traditional litigation are simplicity and efficiency. Do you think that attorney representation in ADR helps or hurts? Why or why not?
    2. One of the challenges discussed in this week’s lesson is that of emotion, pride, and ego impeding the ADR process. These factors are obviously present whether disputants are pursuing ADR or traditional litigation. Do you think they are more or less problematic in ADR? Do you think they are harderor easier to overcome in ADR? Explain your answers.

Investigate and explain the domestic government regulations

We will now begin to take a closer look at each of the environments. Week 2 brings you to the Domestic Environment. You will continue with your selected “Worst”  company approved from your Week 1 Assignment.

LO – 1 – Identifying one of the business environments used in this course, the student will be able to discuss that environment’s past, present, and future with the use one business theorist.

LO – 2 – Given a chosen company, the student will determine how government regulations affect the company and how to overcome barriers within the Domestic Environment using business theory


Research the domestic environment of your selected worst company  and write an es say in APA format that covers the following:  (NOTE: Do not write in first person.)

  1. Identify the company, describe the nature of its industry, and describe its domestic environment (home country). (For example: U.S. Air operates in the airline industry. Its home country and domestic environment is the United States.)
  2. Summarize the company’s industry; how long it has been in business; and the attribute for which it is the least admired as a “worst” company.

Items 1 and 2 should be covered in no more than a para graph or two at most. The remaining pa per should address the following:

  1. Investigate and explain the domestic government regulations associated with your chosen company’s industry. (For example, for U.S. Air, you would investigate government regulations for the airline industry.) You will need to engage in research for this as specifically relates to your chosen company.
  2. How do these domestic government regulations affect your chosen company in its domestic environment? What are the barriers for business that are raised by these regulations?
  3. Identify a business theorist and briefly describe this theorist’s business theory. (Refer to Lessons Materials/required readings.)
  4. What should the business do to overcome these barriers? In addressing this question incorporate the business theorist you have identified. (NOTE: It is not sufficient to state nothing can be done or that the company is already doing what it can do. You must provide some critical and creative thought.)

Further Instructions: Also see attachments.

  • Organize your pa per using topic headings (APA format).
  • This pa per forms the basis that you will use to prepare your Final Simulation Project for Week 8.
  • Pa per should be 2 to 4 pages in length plus a Title pa ge and References pa ge in APA pa per format: (NOTE: Do not write in first person.)
  • Research references – at least 3: minimum of 2 credible sources PLUS something from your assigned readings. References must be both cited in text and in full citation format on the References list (APA format).
  • For further guidance please review the Grading Rubric for this and all assignments for guidance in preparing your pa per. The assignment instructions MEET expectations, to EXCEED expectations, review the rubrics.
  • Due: Week 2, Day 7, 11:59 pm ET.

Cultural Artifact Analysis

Skill(s) Being Assessed: Problem Solving – Diverse and Ethical Perspectives (Self and Social Awareness)

  • Criteria for Success: In this assignment, you will:
  • Explain the reasoning and possible influences for choosing a particular artifact.
  • Examine the influence of your personal experiences on your reaction to the artifact.
  • Describe the artifact objectively by considering that others will have perspectives different from your own.
  • Examine how the similarities and differences between your culture and the culture conveyed in the artifact may have influenced your reaction to the artifact.
  • Interpret the artifact using details from the artifact to support your response.
  • Reflect on what you learned about how culture shapes our perspectives and impacts the decisions you make about the meaning of the cultural artifact.

What to submit/deliverables: Cultural Artifact Analysis submitted in a Microsoft Word document.

What is the value of doing this assignment? This assignment gives you the opportunity to practice the skill of problem solving and self and social awareness as you analyze how your personal experiences and perspective influence how you make decisions when examining artifacts that illustrate diverse and ethical perspectives

In this assignment, you will choose a cultural artifact and analyze it using the strategies you’ve learned in the first three weeks of the course. You’ll explore how your own personal experiences and perspective may have influenced your reaction to the artifact. By using these strategies, you’ll be better equipped with information to help you make more objective and informed decisions, solve complex problems and think through situations related to diversity and ethics, and build relationships and collaborate in the workplace and at home. As you follow these steps to analyze a cultural artifact, you are actively practicing the process of thinking through a problem and breaking it down into its parts, helping you to become a better problem solver across the board!

Additionally, self and social awareness and articulation are critical in navigating the workplace and working with others, whether at work or at home. This assignment will leverage what you have learned in the first three weeks of the course to continue to explore information about the human experience and understand what perspectives you hold and how they impact the choices and decisions you make. In Assignments 2 and 3, you will be able to take the insights from this assignment and apply them to explaining the perspectives of others and collaborating with your fellow classmates toward a common goal. All along the way, you will continue to hone your self and social awareness skill to help you engage with others more effectively and more compassionately.

Your goal for this assignment is to: Practice your problem solving and self and social awareness by analyzing a cultural artifact and examining how your personal experiences and perspective influence your reactions to that artifact and how you make decisions about it.

Discuss on Overcoming Challenges

The overarching project in FOS100 is the completion of a Student Success Plan (SSP). Completing this project will prepare you for success, not only during your academic journey, but during your professional journey as well. You will complete sections of your SSP in various weeks throughout this course, turning in your final project in Week 10. This activity will help you to think critically about your SSP before starting it, enabling you to complete a great project that you will be able to use even after completing FOS100.


Download the Overcoming Challenges Template [DOCX], answer the questions, and upload your completed activity in Week 2.This is an activity to determine your personal challenges and goals, so there are no right or wrong answers. Answer as honestly as you can: acknowledging your challenges can help you overcome them.

Assignment Submission
  1. Click the Week 2 Assignment link.
  2. After the link opens, scroll down to the Assignment Submission section.
  3. Click Browse My Computer.
  4. Locate and select the Overcoming Challenges document on your hard drive.
  5. Click Open to attach the document. (When attached it will appear below the Attached Files section.)
  6. When you are finished, click Submit.

Note: You may submit this assignment up to three times to improve your score.
**Please be sure to include an actual plan to assist you with writing.

The overarching project in FOS100 is the completion of a Student Success Plan (SSP). Completing this project will prepare you for success, not only during your academic journey, but during your professional journey as well. You will complete sections of your SSP in various weeks throughout this course, turning in your final project in Week 10. This activity will help you to think critically about your SSP before starting it, enabling you to complete a great project that you will be able to use even after completing FOS100.


Download the Overcoming Challenges Template [DOCX], answer the questions, and upload your completed activity in Week 2.This is an activity to determine your personal challenges and goals, so there are no right or wrong answers. Answer as honestly as you can: acknowledging your challenges can help you overcome them.

Assignment Submission
  1. Click the Week 2 Assignment link.
  2. After the link opens, scroll down to the Assignment Submission section.
  3. Click Browse My Computer.
  4. Locate and select the Overcoming Challenges document on your hard drive.
  5. Click Open to attach the document. (When attached it will appear below the Attached Files section.)
  6. When you are finished, click Submit.

Note: You may submit this assignment up to three times to improve your score.
**Please be sure to include an actual plan to assist you with writing.

The role that laws play in the study of healthcare and public hea


The role that laws play in the study of healthcare and public health is vital in understanding how your job in healthcare intersects with legal areas. This assignment will explore healthcare policy making, and the sources of law that govern health care organizations. The knowledge obtained will help you understand how policy structures and laws affect patient care. For this assignment, refer to your textbook for examples of specific sources of federal laws, state laws, and administrative regulations.


Write a 2–3 page paper in which you:

  1. Evaluate the policy-making process and policy structure within the healthcare system at the state and federal level.
  2. Analyze an example of a state or federal bill related to healthcare, showing it in action, and including one advantage or disadvantage.
  3. Analyze three sources of law related to healthcare and provide an example of one law in action.
  4. In addition to the textbook, provide two sources to support your writing. Choose sources that are credible, relevant, and valid. Cite each source listed on your source page at least one time      within your assignment. For help with research, writing, and citation, access the library or review library guides.
  • Assess the different types of health care laws, their  foundations, their types, and their importance.


Define sourcing as a supply chain component how to measure performance and key strategies to improve effectiveness.

Course Objectives:

CO5: Define sourcing as a supply chain component, how to measure performance, and key strategies to improve effectiveness.

CO7: Evaluate logistics as a supply chain component, including how to measure performance, and key strategies to improve effectiveness.

Assignment Prompt: 

For this two-week  assignment, you will be answering a series of questions regarding two case studies; one case study in Chapter 5 on the Sourcing function and a second in Chapter 6 that addresses the logistics function.  The Case studies are included in an attached Word document.  It is recommended you print out a copy of this to have while answering each question.  You may also read these at the end of chapters 6 and 7 in your textbook (Sanders). As this is a two-week assignment, use your best instincts how to “completely answer” each question.  Your instructor will be looking for depth of insight, excellence in research, and highly professional writing.


The template below is formatted according to APA7 and should not be modified other than to enter your “response” to each question.  Begin by reading the assigned chapters.  Next, carefully study each case study, then research each assignment context on the internet in order to provide in-depth answers and a minimum of 3 resources.  There is a a grading criteria is available below that explains how your answers will be graded.  Remember to provide in-text citations for both paraphrased and quoted testimony from you experts.  When inserting a direct quote, remember to include either a page number or, if a web-based resource, use a paragraph number.  If you need to brush up on APA7, two resources are included as attachments to help you format references and citations.

Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs.

This week, you learn about Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. In addition, you look at two ways in which everyone is motivated—intrinsic and extrinsic motivation.

Everyone has needs that they must fulfill. These needs are what motivate people to seek out education and training, a career path, or  hobbies and interests.

Please complete the following:

  • Check out the list of needs on page 32 of your textbook, The Best Team Wins.  Then, choose the top three needs that motivate you. Why do you find these motivating? Are they intrinsic or extrinsic motivators?
    • The list: Autonomy, Challenge, Creativity, Developing others,  Empathy, Excelling, Excitement, Family, Friendship, Fun, Impact,  Learning, Money, Ownership, Pressure, Prestige, Problem Solving,  Purpose, Recognition, Service, Social Responsibility, Teamwork, Variety.

Be sure to respond to at least one of your classmates’ posts.

This week, you learn about Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. In addition, you look at two ways in which everyone is motivated—intrinsic and extrinsic motivation.

Everyone has needs that they must fulfill. These needs are what motivate people to seek out education and training, a career path, or  hobbies and interests.

Please complete the following:

  • Check out the list of needs on page 32 of your textbook, The Best Team Wins.  Then, choose the top three needs that motivate you. Why do you find these motivating? Are they intrinsic or extrinsic motivators?
    • The list: Autonomy, Challenge, Creativity, Developing others,  Empathy, Excelling, Excitement, Family, Friendship, Fun, Impact,  Learning, Money, Ownership, Pressure, Prestige, Problem Solving,  Purpose, Recognition, Service, Social Responsibility, Teamwork, Variety.

Be sure to respond to at least one of your classmates’ posts.