How does the Consumer Behavior Model help inform your knowledge of marketing?

Digital Marketing For Brand Awareness


PowerPoint presentation to help other directors in the scenario understand the importance of digital marketing for brand awareness. Create detailed speaker notes, for each slide. Specifically, you need to address the following criteria:

  1. How will you use digital marketing to enhance brand awareness ? (slide 1)
  2. Identify two digital marketing methods that can be used for brand awareness and support with reasons. (slides 2–3)
    • Define short-term and long-term goals for brand awareness in the digital marketing strategy.
    • How will you determine the balance between the digital and traditional marketing?
    • How will the identified methods help you reach the target audience?
    • How will you measure the performance of your marketing efforts?
  3. Use search engine optimization (SEO) to improve search performance. (slides 4–5)
    • Identify five keywords you will use to improve web search performance, and justify your strategy for keyword selection.
    • How will you redesign or rewrite the content of your website to support SEO strategy?
  4. Describe the inbound marketing efforts. (slide 6)
    • How can they help in brand awareness?
    • Define the required content strategy for inbound marketing.PowerPoint presentation to help other directors in the scenario understand the importance of digital marketing for brand awareness. Create detailed speaker notes, for each slide. Specifically, you need to address the following criteria:
      1. How will you use digital marketing to enhance brand awareness ? (slide 1)
      2. Identify two digital marketing methods that can be used for brand awareness and support with reasons. (slides 2–3)
        • Define short-term and long-term goals for brand awareness in the digital marketing strategy.
        • How will you determine the balance between the digital and traditional marketing?
        • How will the identified methods help you reach the target audience?
        • How will you measure the performance of your marketing efforts?
      3. Use search engine optimization (SEO) to improve search performance. (slides 4–5)
        • Identify five keywords you will use to improve web search performance, and justify your strategy for keyword selection.
        • How will you redesign or rewrite the content of your website to support SEO strategy?
      4. Describe the inbound marketing efforts. (slide 6)
        • How can they help in brand awareness?
        • Define the required content strategy for inbound marketing.

          Digital Marketing For Brand Awareness


          PowerPoint presentation to help other directors in the scenario understand the importance of digital marketing for brand awareness. Create detailed speaker notes, for each slide. Specifically, you need to address the following criteria:

          1. How will you use digital marketing to enhance brand awareness ? (slide 1)
          2. Identify two digital marketing methods that can be used for brand awareness and support with reasons. (slides 2–3)
            • Define short-term and long-term goals for brand awareness in the digital marketing strategy.
            • How will you determine the balance between the digital and traditional marketing?
            • How will the identified methods help you reach the target audience?
            • How will you measure the performance of your marketing efforts?
          3. Use search engine optimization (SEO) to improve search performance. (slides 4–5)
            • Identify five keywords you will use to improve web search performance, and justify your strategy for keyword selection.
            • How will you redesign or rewrite the content of your website to support SEO strategy?
          4. Describe the inbound marketing efforts. (slide 6)
            • How can they help in brand awareness?
            • Define the required content strategy for inbound marketing.PowerPoint presentation to help other directors in the scenario understand the importance of digital marketing for brand awareness. Create detailed speaker notes, for each slide. Specifically, you need to address the following criteria:
              1. How will you use digital marketing to enhance brand awareness ? (slide 1)
              2. Identify two digital marketing methods that can be used for brand awareness and support with reasons. (slides 2–3)
                • Define short-term and long-term goals for brand awareness in the digital marketing strategy.
                • How will you determine the balance between the digital and traditional marketing?
                • How will the identified methods help you reach the target audience?
                • How will you measure the performance of your marketing efforts?
              3. Use search engine optimization (SEO) to improve search performance. (slides 4–5)
                • Identify five keywords you will use to improve web search performance, and justify your strategy for keyword selection.
                • How will you redesign or rewrite the content of your website to support SEO strategy?
              4. Describe the inbound marketing efforts. (slide 6)
                • How can they help in brand awareness?
                • Define the required content strategy for inbound marketing.

Discus the importance of Critical self-awareness

The indicators of a good reflection are:  It is personal to you  It is clear how the learning relates to your role or prepares for a future role  It outlines the content and method of the learning activity  It describes how your knowledge, skills and attributes have developed as a  result of the learning activity.  It identifies any further gaps or learning you did not cover and how you might  fill these.  It describes how your current practice might change as a result You can approach your Self Reflective writing as per the four stages below: 1. What did I expect to learn? 2. What did I learn? 3. What will I do differently going forwards? 4. My actions and next steps

A strong Assignment Critical Reflection Requires addressing to the following  issues: High personal effectiveness:  – Critical self-awareness,  – Self-reflection and self-management; – Time management;  – Sensitivity to diversity in people and different situations and  – The ability to continue to learn through reflection on practice and experience

The indicators of a good reflection are:  It is personal to you  It is clear how the learning relates to your role or prepares for a future role  It outlines the content and method of the learning activity  It describes how your knowledge, skills and attributes have developed as a  result of the learning activity.  It identifies any further gaps or learning you did not cover and how you might  fill these.  It describes how your current practice might change as a result You can approach your Self Reflective writing as per the four stages below: 1. What did I expect to learn? 2. What did I learn? 3. What will I do differently going forwards? 4. My actions and next steps

A strong Assignment Critical Reflection Requires addressing to the following  issues: High personal effectiveness:  – Critical self-awareness,  – Self-reflection and self-management; – Time management;  – Sensitivity to diversity in people and different situations and  – The ability to continue to learn through reflection on practice and experience

Overcoming Cultural Resistance.

The attached PDF is the case you will be analyzing, Tambrands/P&G – Overcoming Cultural Resistance.

You are being asked to summarize and analyze the case – clearly describing the major issues and providing analysis from the perspective of an international marketer. In addition, as part of your report, you will consider and answer the questions below in short  style  (paragraph) providing your reasoning. Your case summary and analysis (2  to 2.5 pages) and question consideration (1.5 to 2 pages) total should be approximately 3.5 – 4 pages in length (12pt font, 1.5 spacing) and should read as one document.

Together with the core International Marketing concepts that you have learned in the course, all the information you need is in the case. You can read other sources for background but there is no need to create a  bibliography. This is “your’ analysis – I am not interested in someone else’s thinking and opinions. This case is about the opportunity for global market growth of feminine hygiene products. It also well demonstrates one of the fundamental international marketing problems.  Specifically when a company with a successful product in one part of the world makes a decision to enter a foreign market where cultural norms are a major barrier to product acceptance.

The case related questions for your consideration are:

  • Tambrands indicated that the goal of its global advertising plan was  to “market to each cluster in a similar way.” Discuss this goal. Should  P&G continue with Tambrand’s original goal adapted to the new education program? Why? Why not?
  • For each of the three clusters identified by Tambrands, identify the key cultural resistance that must be overcome. Suggest some possible approaches to overcoming the resistance you have identified.
  • P&G is marketing in Venezuela with its “Mexican” model. should the company reopen in the Brazilian market with the same model? Discuss.
  • A critic of the “Protecting Futures” program comments. “If you  believe the makers of Tampax tampons, there’s a direct link between  using ‘Western’ feminine protection and achieving higher education, good  health, clean water and longer life.” Comment.

You will be graded on the quality and correctness of your answers, English usage, clarity of thought and structure of your response.

 Do not include the case text or any of the supplementary questions in your submitted Word document, this should result in a  Similarity index under 10%. 

NB – Please write in your own voice and use your own words – read and think! Cutting and pasting quotes, phrases and thoughts from outside sources will not be tolerated and will result in a zero grade. Also please do not use other Internet sources that purport to solve this case – Slideshare, Course Hero and other student papers and student paper websites – a Turnitin relationship to these types of sources will also result in a zero grade.

You are welcome to visit the Tampax website for some background information. For additional context, you can search on Google for “Period. End of Sentence NPR” and read the NPR article or watch the 26 minute documentary on YouTube/Netflix.

Discuss on Consumer Behavior

Case Study

Read the Case Study “Parrot Heads Unite!” on page 519 of your textbook. Then answer the questions at the end of the case. Incorporate at least two outside sources into your answers and properly reference them in text and in a references section at the end of your paper. Use the Case Study Guide in Doc Sharing. The paper must be written in APA format.

Submit your Assignment to the Dropbox located on the silver tab the top of this page. For instructions on how to use the Dropbox, read these step-by-step instructions or watch this Dropbox Tutorial.

See the Syllabus section “Due Dates for Assignments & Exams” for due date information.



Case Study

Read the Case Study “Parrot Heads Unite!” on page 519 of your textbook. Then answer the questions at the end of the case. Incorporate at least two outside sources into your answers and properly reference them in text and in a references section at the end of your paper. Use the Case Study Guide in Doc Sharing. The paper must be written in APA format.

Submit your Assignment to the Dropbox located on the silver tab the top of this page. For instructions on how to use the Dropbox, read these step-by-step instructions or watch this Dropbox Tutorial.

See the Syllabus section “Due Dates for Assignments & Exams” for due date information.

What are the responsibilities of a International Management Consultant



Kranden & Associates is a very successful porcelain-manufacturing firm based in San Diego. The company has six world-renowned artists who design fine-crafted porcelain statues and plates that are widely regarded as collectibles. Each year, the company offers a limited edition of new statues and plates. Last year, the company made 30 new offerings. On average, 2500 items of each line are produced, and they usually are sold within six months. The company does not produce more than this number to avoid reducing the value of the line of collectors; however, the firm does believe that additional statues and plates could be sold in some areas of the world without affecting the price in North America. In particular, the firm is thinking about setting up production facilities in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, and Paris, France.

The production process requires skilled personnel, but there are people in both Rio de Janeiro and Paris who can do this work. The basic methods can be taught to these people by trainers from the U.S. plant, because the production process will be identical.

The company intends to send three managers to each of its overseas units to handle setup operations and get the production process off the ground. This should take 12 to 18 months. Once this is done, one person will be left in charge, and the other two will return home.

The company believes that it will be able to sell just as much of the product line in Europe as it does in the United States. The South American market is estimated to be one-half that of the United States. Over the last five years, Kranden has had a return on investment of 55 percent. The company charges premium prices for its porcelain but still has strong demand for its products because of the high regard collectors and investors have for the Kranden line. The quality of its statues and plates is highly regarded, and the firm has won three national and two international awards for creativity and quality in design and production over the past 18 months. Over the last 10 years, the firm has won 17 such awards.



1.     In managing its international operations, should the firm use centralized or decentralized decision making?


2.     Would direct or indirect controls be preferable in managing these operations?


3.     What kinds of performance measures should the company use in controlling these international operations?


511 Words

3 Sources

APA Format

Evaluate the 4 P’s of the marketing mix

Evaluate the 4 P’s of the marketing mix

1. One of your friends is contemplating opening a coffee shop near your college campus. She seeks your advice about size of the prospective customer base and how to market the business according to the four Ps. What strategies can you share with your friend to assist in launching the business?





I expect 4 good paragraphs covering the 4 P’s of the marketing mix (price, place, product, and promotion). You need to use proper grammar and complete sentences


1. One of your friends is contemplating opening a coffee shop near your college campus. She seeks your advice about size of the prospective customer base and how to market the business according to the four Ps. What strategies can you share with your friend to assist in launching the business?





I expect 4 good paragraphs covering the 4 P’s of the marketing mix (price, place, product, and promotion). You need to use proper grammar and complete sentences

Discuss on Operations and supply chain management

Discuss on Operations and supply chain management

Only qualified people in this graduate level course needs to contact me via handshake only.









Jacobs, F. R., & Chase, R. B. (2010). Operations and supply chain management (13th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.



At least 2 pages in APA format for the “Altavox Electronics” (see attachment page 526) For this paper, analyze the case study answering the questions at the end of the case. Include case introduction and develop the conclusions and recommendations.

Non-plagiarized work only please.

Only qualified people in this graduate level course needs to contact me via handshake only.









Jacobs, F. R., & Chase, R. B. (2010). Operations and supply chain management (13th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.



At least 2 pages in APA format for the “Altavox Electronics” (see attachment page 526) For this paper, analyze the case study answering the questions at the end of the case. Include case introduction and develop the conclusions and recommendations.

Non-plagiarized work only please.

What leadership skills are necessary in a corporate environment characterized by instability and turmoil?

1Q. What leadership skills are necessary in a corporate environment characterized by instability and turmoil? Has Julie Cobb demonstrated any of these skills in her current position?

2Q. Would you promote someone into a key leadership position who is considered a “people pleaser”. Explain.

3Q. Leo Durocher, baseball manager from 1939 to 1972, once said, “Nice guys finish last.” Apply that idea to leadership quality within an organization. Is it possible for a manager who demonstrates kindness and concern for employees to achieve both top line (total sales) and bottom line (profits) results simultaneously?

4Q. Was the research program a group or a team? What about each sub group? If a team, what type of team was it? (Functional, Cross-functional, Self-directed) ? Explain.

5Q. What were the group norms before and after the retreat? Did the interdependence among the sub groups change with the interferon project?

6Q. What factors account for the change in cohesiveness after the chief biologist took over?

7Q. Assume you are Vince Brofft and want to lead the change to save the plant. Describe how you would enact the first three stages of outlined in Exhibit 15.2

8Q. Describe three tactics you would use to overcome union leader resistance.

9Q. If you were Kelly Mueller, how would you encourage innovative thinking at AT&D? What strategies would you use to encourage others to be more receptive to bold changes?

10Q. Summarize one leadership concept that the course has made an impact on you.



1Q. What leadership skills are necessary in a corporate environment characterized by instability and turmoil? Has Julie Cobb demonstrated any of these skills in her current position?

2Q. Would you promote someone into a key leadership position who is considered a “people pleaser”. Explain.

3Q. Leo Durocher, baseball manager from 1939 to 1972, once said, “Nice guys finish last.” Apply that idea to leadership quality within an organization. Is it possible for a manager who demonstrates kindness and concern for employees to achieve both top line (total sales) and bottom line (profits) results simultaneously?

4Q. Was the research program a group or a team? What about each sub group? If a team, what type of team was it? (Functional, Cross-functional, Self-directed) ? Explain.

5Q. What were the group norms before and after the retreat? Did the interdependence among the sub groups change with the interferon project?

6Q. What factors account for the change in cohesiveness after the chief biologist took over?

7Q. Assume you are Vince Brofft and want to lead the change to save the plant. Describe how you would enact the first three stages of outlined in Exhibit 15.2

8Q. Describe three tactics you would use to overcome union leader resistance.

9Q. If you were Kelly Mueller, how would you encourage innovative thinking at AT&D? What strategies would you use to encourage others to be more receptive to bold changes?

10Q. Summarize one leadership concept that the course has made an impact on you.



Describe how minute Clinic puts the following promotion strategies to work for them

1Q. Describe how minute Clinic puts the following promotion strategies to work for them: stressing tangible cues, using personal information sources, creating a strong organizational image, and engaging in post-purchase communication What else could they try?

2Q. Are Minute Clinic’s services customized or standardized for patients? Do they incorporate any elements of mass customization?

3Q. In what way did minute Clinic demonstrate reliability and responsiveness during the flu outbreak in Minnesota? How did it impress customers with tangible physical evidence that the clinics cared about them?

4Q. How important has Minute Clinic’s place (distribution) strategy been to the company’s success? Which elements does minute Clinic focus on with its marketing mix? Why?


1Q. Describe how minute Clinic puts the following promotion strategies to work for them: stressing tangible cues, using personal information sources, creating a strong organizational image, and engaging in post-purchase communication What else could they try?

2Q. Are Minute Clinic’s services customized or standardized for patients? Do they incorporate any elements of mass customization?

3Q. In what way did minute Clinic demonstrate reliability and responsiveness during the flu outbreak in Minnesota? How did it impress customers with tangible physical evidence that the clinics cared about them?

4Q. How important has Minute Clinic’s place (distribution) strategy been to the company’s success? Which elements does minute Clinic focus on with its marketing mix? Why?


Define order-routine specification

You have been hired as a consultant (to your current organization, previous organization, or a fictional organization). Describe and analyze a human resource/organizational problem(s) and recommend an organizational development strategy (ies). Provide a rationale as to why you think this approach will help. This will require a practitioner analysis of the organizational problem of interest and an academic literature review of similar organizational problems and organizational development strategy (ies) that you believe will be most beneficial in solving the problem. Also, provide an evaluation plan for the proposed intervention(s).

The plan should have the following headings: a.Problem Identification ◦Description of the organization ◦Context of the problem: ◾How do you know it’s a problem? ◾Specifically what is the problem (select from list below)? ◾Turnover ◾Job Satisfaction ◾Diversity ◾Performance Appraisals ◾Downsizing ◾Training & Development

b.Needs Assessment and Diagnosis ◦Data collection ◦Data analysis

c.Proposed Organization Development Interventions/Strategy(ies) ◦Required resources ◦Timeline ◦Anticipated resistance ◦Potential benefit(s), i.e. cost savings ◦Suggested Evaluation Approach ◦Summary/Conclusions

This final assignment should be 8 to 10 pages in length (not including the title and reference pages). You must use at least five scholarly sources and format your paper according to APA style guidelines as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center

Carefully review the Grading Rubric for the criteria that will be used to evaluate your assignment.