Define and Discuss utilitarianism

1.What is/are the ethical issue(s) in the case?

-Identify the issue(s) in a couple of sentences. This is short and concise. Briefly, in your own words and in a couple of sentences, why is it an issue?

-What ethical models are relevant to the issue? For ethical models, consider those discussed in class, for example, utilitarianism, rights, justice, and fairness.  (Question 1 is the first paragraph of your case analysis. It sets the stage for your analysis.

2.What are the pertinent facts of the case?

– Distinguish between more important and less important facts.  Include as a fact if a code of ethics is available to guide the actors in the case. (Company code of ethics? Industry or profession code of ethics?) Also include as a fact if specific laws or regulatory standards are involved in the case. • These facts must be the foundation for your alternatives and recommendations.

3. Stakeholders, harms, benefits, and rights • Who are the important stakeholders in the case? • So far in the case, who has been harmed? In what ways? Who has received benefits? What specific benefits were received?

-So far in the case, whose rights or what rights have been exercised? How? Whose rights or what rights have been denied? How?  Frame the harms, benefits, and rights in terms of where things stand in the case right now. Later, in analysis of alternatives (Question 5), you’ll discuss possible future effects on stakeholders.  Primary and secondary stakeholders are discussed in the first chapters in the text and listed on a class handout.

4.What are the alternative courses of action to remedy the problem that you have identified? Who must act in each alternative?

-Provide three distinct alternatives for the most important ethical issue that you identify in Question 1. The three alternatives should address a range of actions about that one issue only. • The same person or entity should be the “actor” in all three alternatives. • (This section should not exceed one page. Do not analyze the alternatives here!)

5. Thoroughly evaluate the alternatives, their outcomes, and their possible effects on all of the parties involved.  For each alternative: what is the effect on each important stakeholder if this course of action is followed? Are there any effects on stakeholders whom you do not consider “important”? • Do these alternatives satisfy the ethical model you consider most relevant? • (This can be a lengthy analysis as there are many stakeholders in society. It is a major part of your paper and requires you to consider all of the possibilities and their effects on the stakeholders. It should be approximately three to four pages.)

6.Make a specific recommendation based on your analysis of the case, on the important facts that you’ve identified in Question 2,and support it with a moral theory. A) Be sure to state how your recommendation is tied to your analysis and facts and how it is supported by ethical models. B) Name any specific professional code(s) of ethics that might be applicable to the entities in this case and state how the code(s) would support your recommendation. Conduct research to find current day codes of ethics that are applicable. Be sure that this is a professional code, not an industry code or regulatory standard. Your recommendation should be one of the three alternatives that you have proposed. Use supporting data (e.g., important facts of case, analysis of alternatives, support offered by specific code(s) of professional ethics, key concepts studied in the course, and ethical models) to argue why your recommendation is the best alternative.  Merely stating your opinion without supporting data (e.g., important facts of case, analysis of alternatives, support offered by specific code(s) of professional ethics, key concepts studied in the course, and ethical models) is not a recommendation. Does your recommendation provide a reasoned solution to the issue(s) you identified in Question 1?

What are the differences of Primary and secondary stakeholders

1.What is/are the ethical issue(s) in the case? •Identify the issue(s) in a couple of sentences. This is short and concise. •Briefly, in your own words and in a couple of sentences, why is it an issue? • What ethical models are relevant to the issue? For ethical models, consider those discussed in class, for example, utilitarianism, rights, justice, and fairness. • (Question 1 is the first paragraph of your case analysis. It sets the stage for your analysis. (This section of the paper should be one half to one page.) 2.What are the pertinent facts of the case? • Distinguish between more important and less important facts. • Include as a fact if a code of ethics is available to guide the actors in the case. (Company code of ethics? Industry or profession code of ethics?) Also include as a fact if specific laws or regulatory standards are involved in the case. • These facts must be the foundation for your alternatives and recommendations. • (This section of the paper should be one half to one page.) 3. Stakeholders, harms, benefits, and rights • Who are the important stakeholders in the case? • So far in the case, who has been harmed? In what ways? Who has received benefits? What specific benefits were received? • So far in the case, whose rights or what rights have been exercised? How? Whose rights or what rights have been denied? How? ➢ Frame the harms, benefits, and rights in terms of where things stand in the case right now. Later, in analysis of alternatives (Question 5), you’ll discuss possible future effects on stakeholders. ➢ Primary and secondary stakeholders are discussed in the first chapters in the text and listed on a class handout. ➢ (This section of the paper should be one half to one page.) 4.What are the alternative courses of action to remedy the problem that you have identified? Who must act in each alternative? • Provide three distinct alternatives for the most important ethical issue that you identify in Question 1. 16 • The three alternatives should address a range of actions about that one issue only. • The same person or entity should be the “actor” in all three alternatives. • (This section should not exceed one page. Do not analyze the alternatives here! ) 5.Thoroughly evaluate the alternatives, their outcomes, and their possible effects on all of the parties involved. • For each alternative: what is the effect on each important stakeholder if this course of action is followed? • Are there any effects on stakeholders whom you do not consider “important”? • Do these alternatives satisfy the ethical model you consider most relevant? • (This can be a lengthy analysis as there are many stakeholders in society. It is a major part of your paper and requires you to consider all of the possibilities and their effects on the stakeholders. It should be approximately three to four pages.) 6.Make a specific recommendation based on your analysis of the case, on the important facts that you’ve identified in Question 2, and support it with a moral theory. A) Be sure to state how your recommendation is tied to your analysis and facts and how it is supported by ethical models. B) Name any specific professional code(s) of ethics that might be applicable to the entities in this case and state how the code(s) would support your recommendation. Conduct research to find current day codes of ethics that are applicable. Be sure that this is a professional code, not an industry code or regulatory standard. • Your recommendation should be one of the three alternatives that you have proposed. Use supporting data (e.g., important facts of case, analysis of alternatives, support offered by specific code(s) of professional ethics, key concepts studied in the course, and ethical models) to argue why your recommendation is the best alternative. • Merely stating your opinion without supporting data (e.g., important facts of case, analysis of alternatives, support offered by specific code(s) of professional ethics, key concepts studied in the course, and ethical models) is not a recommendation. • Does your recommendation provide a reasoned solution to the issue(s) you identified in Question 1? (This part of your paper should be


Make sure to read the instructions below, the assignment template, and the rubric for Week 4 Assignment: Reflecting on Your Skills, Goals, and Accomplishments.

To submit your assignment, please go to Week 4 Assignment in Blackboard by clicking the Week 4 Assignment link above.

What to submit/deliverables: A completed Week 4 Assignment Template [DOCX].

Instructions: In Week 4, complete and submit your assignment using the following steps:

STEP 1: Complete Parts 1 and 2 in the Week 4 Assignment Template [DOCX].

STEP 2: Think about how your answers to Parts 1 and 2 relate to the 10 Skills.

STEP 3: Complete the four-question reflection in Part 3.

STEP 4: Save the template with your completed responses as a Microsoft Word file title Your Name, WRK100_Week_4_AssignmentReflection, and submit it in Blackboard in Week 4.

Note: This is personal writing, so you shouldn’t need to cite anything, but if you choose to use information from a source, be sure to cite it. To help make sure you are properly citing your sources, please review Strayer Writing Standards.

After completing this assignment, you will have a document you can bring to the Career Center where counselors can help you further develop your career strategy. You may also use this information in the Week 8 Assignment to create an action plan for developing skills that will help you reach your future goals.


For a list of accomplishments to help you identify accomplishments from work, school, volunteering, or other activities, review this resource:

Note about this assignment: To ensure students are properly placed into English courses that will best set them up for successful college writing, it is customary for students to have their writing skills assessed. For students without transfer credit for college-level English courses, the writing you provide in the Week 4 Assignment will be assessed to determine whether you should be placed into ENG090 or into ENG116. This review of your writing will not affect your grade on the assignment or the overall course; your instructor will grade the Week 4 Assignment based on the rubric for the course, which is separate from the writing review.

Issue Brief For Healthcare Executives

  1. Competency
    Assess the roles and impacts of various stakeholders within U.S. healthcare systems.

    Student Success Criteria
    View the grading rubric for this deliverable by selecting the “This item is graded with a rubric” link, which is located in the Details & Information pane.

    Due to your background as an expert consultant for the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (or CMS), you have been encouraged to apply as Director of the agency. You are scheduled to interview with the top government executives in healthcare and must present information on the roles and impacts your future stakeholders have on healthcare.

    Research the impact of various stakeholders on balancing quality, access, and costs. Stakeholders to include in your research are:

    • Patients
    • Patient’s families
    • Physicians
    • Employers
    • Insurance companies
    • Pharmaceutical firms
    • Government
    • Report your findings on the role of each stakeholder and the impact they have on the U.S. healthcare system in a detailed issue brief, including recommendations for improvements each stakeholder can make to improve quality, access, and costs.


    • For writing assistance, please visit the Rasmussen College Writing Guide.
    • APA formatting for the reference list, and proper grammar, punctuation, and form are required. APA help is available here.
    • Click this link for help on creating an issue brief.

Researching current issues in leadership and management

In this current topics course, which focuses on change that is relevant to you as a professional, you are researching current issues in leadership and management. For this week’s devotional, read Daniel Chapter 2 with a focus on verse 21, and discuss the implications of this passage both professionally and personally for you in a turbulent, rapidly changing world.In this current topics course, which focuses on change that is relevant to you as a professional, you are researching current issues in leadership and management. For this week’s devotional, read Daniel Chapter 2 with a focus on verse 21, and discuss the implications of this passage both professionally and personally for you in a turbulent, rapidly changing world.

Describe leadership trait theory

-Describe leadership trait theory, and explain its inconclusive findings

-What are your leadership traits?

-Explain the importance of identifying these traits.

-Paper length should be 3 to 5 pages (title and references pages do not count toward required page length).

-Writing is clear, concise, and well organized, with excellent sentence/paragraph construction. Thoughts are expressed in a coherent and logical manner. If spelling, grammar, or syntax errors exist, they are minimal and do not detract from the message.

-Describe leadership trait theory, and explain its inconclusive findings

-What are your leadership traits?

-Explain the importance of identifying these traits.

-Paper length should be 3 to 5 pages (title and references pages do not count toward required page length).

-Writing is clear, concise, and well organized, with excellent sentence/paragraph construction. Thoughts are expressed in a coherent and logical manner. If spelling, grammar, or syntax errors exist, they are minimal and do not detract from the message.

Discuss how globalization has “flattened” the world.

It is important to understand what information systems are and why they are essential for running and managing a business. It is also important to understand the different systems that support different groups or levels of management. In addition, digital technology and the Internet play a key role in executing major business processes in the enterprise. Also, it is important to understand the ethical, social, and political issues raised by information systems.The case studies below provide you with an opportunity to critically analyze events that are taking place in real-life businesses. This helps to develop your critical thinking and research skills as you research each of these scenarios.For this assignment, review four case studies—two from Chapter 1 and two from Chapter 2. Then, , evaluate the studies and respond to each of the questions below, using both critical thinking and theory as well as supporting documentation.

In Chapter 1, read the case study “UPS Competes Globally with Information Technology” on pages 23–24 of the textbook. Then, answer the questions below.

  • How does UPS use information systems technology to achieve its strategic goals of being more efficient and customer oriented?
  • What would happen if the automated package tracking system was not available?
  • Discuss how globalization has “flattened” the world.

In Chapter 2, read the case study “Data Changes How NFL Teams Play the Game and How Fans See It” on pages 52–53 of the textbook. The, address the prompts below.

  • Analyze how information systems are transforming business.
  • What types of systems does the NFL and its teams use?
  • What is the role that these systems play in improving both operations and decision-making?

In Chapter 3, read the case study “Smart Products—Coming Your Way” on pages 102–103 of the textbook. Then, address the prompts below.

  • Explain the importance of collaboration and information sharing for businesses.
  • Explain what a “smart” product is, and use an example.
  • How do smart products increase rivalry among firms?

In Chapter 4, read the case study “Are Cars Becoming Big Brother on Wheels?” on pages 121–122 of the textbook. Then, address the prompts below.

  • Describe how new technology trends may cause ethical dilemmas.
  • Discuss at least one ethical, social, and political issue raised by embedded cyber connections in cars.
  • Discuss how big data analytics are being applied to all of the data generated by motor vehicles.

In formatting your case analysis, do not use the question-and-answer format; instead, use an format with subheadings. Your APA-formatted case study must be at least four pages in length (not counting the title and reference pages).You are required to use a minimum of three peer-reviewed, academic sources that are no more than 5 years old (one may be your textbook). All sources used, including the textbook, must be referenced; all paraphrased material must have accompanying in-text citations.


What are the benefits of forced pre-suit mediation?

As we discussed in class, mandatory pre-suit mediation is a controversial topic. It can be effective BUT it might also just delay justice.

If your FIRST name begins with A-M, take up the position that mandatory pre-suit mediation is a GOOD idea. What are the benefits of forced pre-suit mediation? Why should courts impose this practice? And why should parties to litigation embrace it?

As we discussed in class, mandatory pre-suit mediation is a controversial topic. It can be effective BUT it might also just delay justice.

If your FIRST name begins with A-M, take up the position that mandatory pre-suit mediation is a GOOD idea. What are the benefits of forced pre-suit mediation? Why should courts impose this practice? And why should parties to litigation embrace it?

Information Security Analysts Research

the research must deal with content from the course. Write this according to the grading rubric provided. The following link is great about how to write a research paper. That said, a few tips: Do not use “I” in a research paper. Your project is about your research, not you. Do not state opinions or try to “fix” something. Simply, tell the reader what the research says, and answer the question “So what?”–what conclusion should your audience draw, based on your research?

Length: 4-7 page body (title page, abstract, references, graphs, etc. do not count), which is a 6 page minimum if you count the separate Title and References pages.

Cover each bullet point below and write each question before providing your response.


  • How does the occupation fit your skills and interests?
  • What will you be doing in the occupation?
  • What is the necessary education and/or training?
  • How many jobs are there in the occupation currently?
  • Is the occupation projected to grow, decline, or remain unchanged? Why?
  • How much does this occupation pay? What do the top 10 percent earn? The bottom 10 percent?
  • Traits and Characteristics a leader in this occupation must have
  • Leadership Behaviors, Attitudes, and Styles a leader in this occupation must have
  • How does Charismatic and Transformational Leadership play a role in this occupation?
  • Find someone with a job in the occupation you are interested in, and interview him or her. You should find out:
    • what kind of work the person does
    • what the person likes and dislikes about the job
    • what advice the person would give to someone interested in a career in this field.

After your research assess whether you would pursue a career in the selected occupation.

How To Recognize And Manage Discrimination In The Workplace

Length: 4-7 page body (title page, abstract, references, graphs, etc. do not count), which is a 6 page minimum if you count the separate Title and References pages.

Sources: Five academic/peer reviewed/primary resources.  Wikipedia, dictionaries and encyclopedias are not primary and/or peer reviewed resources.

Simply, tell the reader what the research says, and answer the question “So what?”–what conclusion should your audience draw, based on your research?

Length: 4-7 page body (title page, abstract, references, graphs, etc. do not count), which is a 6 page minimum if you count the separate Title and References pages.

Sources: Five academic/peer reviewed/primary resources.  Wikipedia, dictionaries and encyclopedias are not primary and/or peer reviewed resources.

Simply, tell the reader what the research says, and answer the question “So what?”–what conclusion should your audience draw, based on your research?