Discuss Public relations is a management function.

1) Which of the following is/are essential to any comprehensive definition of public relations?

A) Public relations is a planned activity.

B) Public relations is a management function.

C) Public relations is socially responsible.

D) B and C

E) All of the above.


2) Award-winning professionals prefer this Hunt and Grunig model of public relations.

A) the process facilitation model

B) the two-way asymmetrical model

C) the two-way symmetrical model

D) the press agentry/publicity model

E) the public information model


3) A profession is distinguished from a trade by ________.

A) the establishment of ethical standards

B) ongoing research in support of the profession

C) a form of licensing or government control

D) A and B

E) All of the above.


4) One of the advantages of a public relations career is that ________.

A) it is a profession that is understood and respected by most people

B) it is a stress-free profession

C) its skills are transferable across a broad range of career opportunities

D) All of the above.

E) None of the above.


5) Public relations practitioners ________.

A) work for nonprofit organizations

B) serve as independent consultants

C) are employed by public relations agencies

D) All of the above.

E) None of the above.


6) ________ is one of the four steps in the public relations process.

A) Publicity

B) Promotion

C) Planning

D) Programming

E) Propaganda

7) Among the flaws in the traditional four-step model of public relations is/are that it ________.

A) doesn’t take into account the importance of values

B) implies a process where one step automatically follows another

C) oversimplifies a very dynamic process

D) All of the above.

E) None of the above.


8) The first question an organization should ask itself when developing a values statement is:

A) How can we win the respect of others?

B) Why should be care about our customers?

C) Why are we in business?

D) How much money do we want to make?

E) What is in it for us?


9) The use of public relations strategies and tactics to foster and enhance the shared interests

and values of an organization and the publics important to its success is known as ________.

A) human relations

B) advertising

C) integrated marketing communications

D) marketing

E) relationship management


10) In which broad category of public relations jobs are practitioners least likely to have the term

public relations included in their job titles?

A) governments

B) nonprofit organizations and trade associations

C) corporations

D) independent public relations consultancies

E) public relations agencies


11) In which broad category of public relations jobs do practitioners bear the greatest

responsibility of their personal success or failure?

A) independent public relations consultancies

B) governments

C) public relations agencies

D) corporations

E) nonprofit organizations and trade associations

12) According to a University of Georgia survey of 2005 graduates, the average starting salary for

public relations practitioners is ________.

A) $25,000

B) $22,000

C) $16,500

D) $30,000

E) $20,000

The Global Motors Survey Association Analysis

Case 13.2 The Global Motors Survey Differences Analysis

Case Questions

Your task is to apply appropriate differences analysis using the survey’s desirability measures from the GlobalMotors data file. Since you were not required to purchase the SPSS software I have completed the analyses and converted them to Word documents so you can access them.

You assignment is to develop a demographic profile for two of the five proposed models: the 1 SEAT ALL-ELECTRIC and the 4 SEAT GASOLINE HYBRID. You will find computer output files for each in the attached files. The variables that you must include are: Hometown size category, Gender, Marital status, Age category, Education category, and Income category.  Only gender and marital status have 2 groups, so an independent samples t-test for was conducted for those variables and ANOVA’s were conducted for all others.  For all ANOVAs a Duncan’s Post Hoc test was conducted to identify differences among groups. A 95% level of significance was used for the analysis. You have examples of output for these types of analyses in your text.

Case 14.2 The Global Motors Survey Association Analysis

 1.) Use the TWO unique hybrid model demographic profiles that you developed in Case13.2 to determine whether or not statistically significant associations   exist, and if they do, recommend the specific media vehicles for radio, newspaper, television, and magazines. Use the ZEN Motors advertising   division’s preferred demographic for each medium.

This exercise requires you to revisit the demographic groups you found significantly different for each hybrid model style in Case 13.2With Case 13.2, you identified groups within the various demographic variables that characterize each hybrid model’s target market.  Here, you must determine the media preferences of those groups.  I have run crosstabs for the demographic variables and the media preferences for each vehicle that are STATISTICALLY SIGNIFICANT associations.  You must look at the percentages tables to determine the media vehicles that are preferred by each of the TWO model target groups you used for Case 13.2 (1 seat all-electric and 4 seat gasoline hybrid).  If an association is NOT statistically significant it means that there is NO DIFFERENCE among the groups for that particular media. For example, for Radio preferences the variable GENDER is NOT statistically significant. That means that there was no difference between males and females regarding preferences for radio genres.

2.What is the life style profile of each of the possible target markets, and what are the implications of this finding for the placement of advertisingmessages that would “speak” to this market segment when the automobile model is introduced?

To obtain the data to answer this question a SPSS correlation analysis was completed. What you must do is to IDENTIFY the target Life Style group for EACH of the TWO proposed models that you have used in previous parts of this assignment (the 1 seat all-electric model and the 4 seat gasoline hybrid). The correlation analysis is located in one of the attached files.


Which marketing strategy focuses its efforts on a single product line and market segment?

1. (TCO 4) Three commonly used methods of evaluating marketing programs are marketing metrics, marketing dashboards and (Points : 5)
marginal analysis.
marketing audits.
marketing ROI.
marginal analysis.
marketing control boards.


2. (TCO 1) Ideally, in effective marketing planning, goals should be __________ in terms of what is to be accomplished and when. (Points : 5)
loose and vague
as general as possible
flexible or elastic
quantified and measurable
none of the above


3. (TCO 3) Which marketing strategy focuses its efforts on a single product line and market segment? (Points : 5)
full coverage
market specialization
product specialization
selective specialization
market-product concentration


4. (TCO 1) Based on relative competitive scope (broad target to narrow target) and source of competitive advantage (lower cost to differentiation), Porter’s four generic business strategies are differentiation, cost focus, differentiation focus, and (Points : 5)
quality focus.
cost leadership.
service leadership.


5. (TCO 2) Which of the following pieces of information is used in the implementation phase of the strategic marketing process? (Points : 5)
corporate return on investment
marketing research reports
revenues associated with each point of market share
trends in past and current revenues for industry and competitors in total and by segment
possible cannibalization effects on other products in the line


6. (TCO 6) Which of the following pieces of information is used in a SWOT analysis, the first step of the planning phase of the strategic marketing process? (Points : 5)
corporate return on investment
market share for the product
revenues associated with each point of market share
projection of future sales, expenses, and profits
possible cannibalization effects on other products in the line


7. (TCO 3) When developing the advertising program, which step helps advertisers with other choices in the process such as selecting media and evaluating a campaign? (Points : 5)
identify the target audience
specify the advertising objectives
design the advertising
pretest the advertising
schedule the advertising program

Summarize “Procter & Gamble’s New Web Strategy” case study

Web site design plays an important role when creating successful integrated marketing communication programs.  This week you will have the opportunity to examine a case related to design strategy.


• Read the “Procter & Gamble’s New Web Strategy” case study (pages 130-131).


1. One of the things P&G already knows about online shoppers is

that they expect brand Web sites like Pampers.com to offer the

most information anywhere about a product line, including all

its size, packaging, and product options. Do you think online

outlets like P&G’s eStore can convert more shoppers’ needs for

information like this into Internet sales? What other purposes

can a pilot Web site like the eStore serve for retailers?


2. Do you think personalization, customization, or behavioral tar-

getting can help Web sites like the eStore to succeed? What sort

of personal information would you be willing to share online to improve a retailer’s ability to meet your needs.


In addition, after watching the video, E-business at Evo, answer the following:


3. Aside from offering good prices, how does evogear.com offer value to the consumer?


4. Evo founder Bryce Phillips says that e-commerce is yet in its infancy and has not attained its fullest marketing potential. What is Phillips’ vision for improving e-commerce? Do you agree with his perspective? Explain.


5. What challenges does Evo have in operating its Web-based business?


6. Perform outside research on all individual work.


Your assignment should be at least 2 pages in length.

Business Research Process

Resources: The University Library or the Electronic Reserve Readings


Find an article in the University Library that contains a research study in the functional area of your own job or a functional area you desire to be a part of someday.


Write a 700- to 1,050-word summary:


Describe the business research process followed in the study in the article.

•   Identify the research problem and the research method used.

•   Discuss how the research is solving the problem within the chosen functional area.

•   Identify other potential applications using business research within this functional area or related areas.

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

Resources: The University Library or the Electronic Reserve Readings


Find an article in the University Library that contains a research study in the functional area of your own job or a functional area you desire to be a part of someday.


Write a 700- to 1,050-word summary:


Describe the business research process followed in the study in the article.

•   Identify the research problem and the research method used.

•   Discuss how the research is solving the problem within the chosen functional area.

•   Identify other potential applications using business research within this functional area or related areas.

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

Discuss Basic Marketing Concepts

Exam 4

•      Question 1                  2 out of 2 points

_ includes any attempt to intentionally conduct dishonest activities online.


• Question 2               2 out of 2 points

____ are audio or video files that can be downloaded from the Internet with a subscription that automatically delivers new content to listening devices or personal computers.

• Question 3               2 out of 2 points

Fan pages use ____ to help companies keep track of information on who is becoming a fan of their page.

• Question 4               2 out of 2 points

JC Penney’s website encourages visitors to register in order to maximize their use of the site. By gathering information about a consumer before a purchase is made, JC Penney is practicing

• Question 5                2 out of 2 points

A(n) ____ channel provides the opportunity for a marketer to customize promotions.

• Question 6                                                                                                                 2 out of 2 points

Digital media such as blogs allow marketers to interact with prospective customers in

• Question 7                                                                                                                       2 out of 2 points

A LinkedIn profile resembles

• Question 8                                                              2 out of 2 points

According to Nielsen Marketing Research, consumers spend more time on ____ than e-mail.


• Question 9                     2 out of 2 points

The ability of a marketer to identify customers before they make a purchase is called
Exam 4

•      Question 1                  2 out of 2 points

_ includes any attempt to intentionally conduct dishonest activities online.


• Question 2               2 out of 2 points

____ are audio or video files that can be downloaded from the Internet with a subscription that automatically delivers new content to listening devices or personal computers.

• Question 3               2 out of 2 points

Fan pages use ____ to help companies keep track of information on who is becoming a fan of their page.

• Question 4               2 out of 2 points

JC Penney’s website encourages visitors to register in order to maximize their use of the site. By gathering information about a consumer before a purchase is made, JC Penney is practicing

• Question 5                2 out of 2 points

A(n) ____ channel provides the opportunity for a marketer to customize promotions.

• Question 6                                                                                                                 2 out of 2 points

Digital media such as blogs allow marketers to interact with prospective customers in

• Question 7                                                                                                                       2 out of 2 points

A LinkedIn profile resembles

• Question 8                                                              2 out of 2 points

According to Nielsen Marketing Research, consumers spend more time on ____ than e-mail.


• Question 9                     2 out of 2 points

The ability of a marketer to identify customers before they make a purchase is called

Discuss Principles Of Marketing

Discuss Principles Of Marketing

Reflect on your coursework so far. What assignment was the most engaging and why? What information have you learned? How will you use your new knowledge? Evaluate your work so far. What assignments and/or activities did you excel in? What could you have improved on?Reflect on your coursework so far. What assignment was the most engaging and why? What information have you learned? How will you use your new knowledge? Evaluate your work so far. What assignments and/or activities did you excel in? What could you have improved on?

Reflect on your coursework so far. What assignment was the most engaging and why? What information have you learned? How will you use your new knowledge? Evaluate your work so far. What assignments and/or activities did you excel in? What could you have improved on?Reflect on your coursework so far. What assignment was the most engaging and why? What information have you learned? How will you use your new knowledge? Evaluate your work so far. What assignments and/or activities did you excel in? What could you have improved on?

Describe A Product You Like That You Believe More People Should Purchase


1.Describe a product you like that you believe more people should purchase. As a marketer, how would you reposition the product in the customer’s mind to increase its purchase? Outline your strategy. Create a new tagline for this product.

Note: Please review my expectations for the assignment.  I expect your response to include 2 or more references from the APUS Library, and be presented in APA Format.  Deliverable length is a minimum of 2 pages.


1.Describe a product you like that you believe more people should purchase. As a marketer, how would you reposition the product in the customer’s mind to increase its purchase? Outline your strategy. Create a new tagline for this product.

Note: Please review my expectations for the assignment.  I expect your response to include 2 or more references from the APUS Library, and be presented in APA Format.  Deliverable length is a minimum of 2 pages.


Discuss on “perceptual mapping.”

PLEASE READ CAREFULLY:  Each answer should be about a paragraph long (200 words each).  Do not copy your answers from the web, the text book, etc.  In other words, you MAY USE the book, the videos, your notes, and other sources, but WRITE YOUR ANSWERS IN YOUR OWN WORDS.  Any two papers submitted with word-for-word answers will both be scored as zero points.

Use the information and ideas from last time videos and dont worry about the Chapter Lecture Materials, just Google the concepts. Due in 24hrs

This test covers Chapters 1-7.

Five essays 


1.- In class and in the videos we studied the marketing efforts of several musical groups and one large consumer products firm (Patricia Kaas, Bad Livers, Peter Kingsbery, and Nestle).  Write a brief paragraph (4-5 sentences should be enough) comparing the Nestle strategy to the strategies of the three musical acts.


2.- Pick one of the following four products: (1) carpeting; (2) dry cat food; (3) Cheverolet Impala; (4) refrigerator.


Tell whether the buyers of the product you pick are highly involved or not, and whether or not there are substantial differences among brands in that product category.  Based on these considerations, describe the buyers’ likely behavior.


3.- Compare and contrast Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs and the VALS-2 Lifestyle model (that is, tell how they are the same and how they are different from each other).


 4.- Explain the many purposes we discussed (March 2nd near the end of Chapter 7) for the use of “perceptual mapping.”


 5.- The “Buyer’s Black Box” in Chapter 5 and the “Buying Center” in Chapter 6 occupy the same spot in the stimulus/response model.  With this in mind, write an explanation of the following statement: “Everything in Chapter 5 also applies in Chapter 6.”

PLEASE READ CAREFULLY:  Each answer should be about a paragraph long (200 words each).  Do not copy your answers from the web, the text book, etc.  In other words, you MAY USE the book, the videos, your notes, and other sources, but WRITE YOUR ANSWERS IN YOUR OWN WORDS.  Any two papers submitted with word-for-word answers will both be scored as zero points.

Use the information and ideas from last time videos and dont worry about the Chapter Lecture Materials, just Google the concepts. Due in 24hrs

This test covers Chapters 1-7.

Five essays 


1.- In class and in the videos we studied the marketing efforts of several musical groups and one large consumer products firm (Patricia Kaas, Bad Livers, Peter Kingsbery, and Nestle).  Write a brief paragraph (4-5 sentences should be enough) comparing the Nestle strategy to the strategies of the three musical acts.


2.- Pick one of the following four products: (1) carpeting; (2) dry cat food; (3) Cheverolet Impala; (4) refrigerator.


Tell whether the buyers of the product you pick are highly involved or not, and whether or not there are substantial differences among brands in that product category.  Based on these considerations, describe the buyers’ likely behavior.


3.- Compare and contrast Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs and the VALS-2 Lifestyle model (that is, tell how they are the same and how they are different from each other).


 4.- Explain the many purposes we discussed (March 2nd near the end of Chapter 7) for the use of “perceptual mapping.”


 5.- The “Buyer’s Black Box” in Chapter 5 and the “Buying Center” in Chapter 6 occupy the same spot in the stimulus/response model.  With this in mind, write an explanation of the following statement: “Everything in Chapter 5 also applies in Chapter 6.”


Discuss on managerial Communication

Your assignment is to create a crisis action plan and compose a  positive reply to send to Mr. Ward to handle this bad news situation.

Go to Persuade Café using this link: http://wwww.bizcominthenews.com/colonnade (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site..  Read the information found on this home page, Mr. Ward’s Email, the  TripAdvisor Review, the Tweet, and the YouTube Video found in Tabs at  the top of the page.

  1. Begin with a title page.
  2. Create a two- to three-page paper showing your crisis action plan to handle this situation.
  3. Prepare an email response to Kevin Ward’s email.
  4. End with a reference page citing the research found on the above website pages.

Your assignment is to create a crisis action plan and compose a  positive reply to send to Mr. Ward to handle this bad news situation.

Go to Persuade Café using this link: http://wwww.bizcominthenews.com/colonnade (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site..  Read the information found on this home page, Mr. Ward’s Email, the  TripAdvisor Review, the Tweet, and the YouTube Video found in Tabs at  the top of the page.

  1. Begin with a title page.
  2. Create a two- to three-page paper showing your crisis action plan to handle this situation.
  3. Prepare an email response to Kevin Ward’s email.
  4. End with a reference page citing the research found on the above website pages.