Outline the cooler solutions process for understanding consumer behaviour

Outline the cooler solutions process for understanding consumer behaviour

Before you start with the assignment, please take a look at the videos attached to this assignment and a powerpoint document.


After which you will need to answer the following questions based on the video and powerslide:


1. What do you think about cooler solutions process for understanding consumer behaviour? Are there any limitations and/ or pitfalls with this approach?


2. Are there other ways you might suggest that could also offer insight into consumer behaviour?


3. Select a product of service. Then, go into the field and observe consumers buying and/or using that product or service. Then, engage them and discuss what, how and why the purchased what they did and how they intend to use that purchase.


Prepare a 1-2 report indicating what you discovered. In this report, outline opportunities to improve the consumer’s buying or use experience. Also, indicate if you have uncovered new market opportunities for the company behind the product or service (e.g. a new use, a new solution, a new customer).


APA Format


Outline the cooler solutions process for understanding consumer behaviour

Before you start with the assignment, please take a look at the videos attached to this assignment and a powerpoint document.


After which you will need to answer the following questions based on the video and powerslide:


1. What do you think about cooler solutions process for understanding consumer behaviour? Are there any limitations and/ or pitfalls with this approach?


2. Are there other ways you might suggest that could also offer insight into consumer behaviour?


3. Select a product of service. Then, go into the field and observe consumers buying and/or using that product or service. Then, engage them and discuss what, how and why the purchased what they did and how they intend to use that purchase.


Prepare a 1-2 report indicating what you discovered. In this report, outline opportunities to improve the consumer’s buying or use experience. Also, indicate if you have uncovered new market opportunities for the company behind the product or service (e.g. a new use, a new solution, a new customer).


APA Format

2+ References


2+ References


Weekly analyses of the Hoosier Burger Case

Using your weekly analyses of the Hoosier Burger Case that serve as the focus of the written assignments in the course, construct a 6-8 page final case analysis paper.

Focus of the Final Paper

Compile the weekly assignment responses into one cohesive paper that addresses the key issues and questions posed in the case scenarios. Make sure you have a new introduction and new conclusion that supports the entire paper as developed. The paper will be the summation of your research and recommendations for Hoosier Burger. Be specific with examples and supporting rationale. Cite any sources used in your analysis.Using your weekly analyses of the Hoosier Burger Case that serve as the focus of the written assignments in the course, construct a 6-8 page final case analysis paper.

Focus of the Final Paper

Compile the weekly assignment responses into one cohesive paper that addresses the key issues and questions posed in the case scenarios. Make sure you have a new introduction and new conclusion that supports the entire paper as developed. The paper will be the summation of your research and recommendations for Hoosier Burger. Be specific with examples and supporting rationale. Cite any sources used in your analysis.

Discuss the major environmental facts and trends in the foreign markets that might affect sales of the product.

BUS/330 Final paper

The Final Paper should demonstrate an understanding of the materials (texts, assignments, and discussions) covered in this course.

Assume the role of Marketing Manager. Select a product (good or service) that is sold in the United States and has sales opportunities in a foreign market. Apply your critical thinking skills and the knowledge you have acquired throughout this course and address the following in your Final Paper:

  1. Describe the product you selected in terms of the four utilities of customer value.
  2. Identify the product’s target market at home and in your stated foreign market.
  3. Indicate the competition of the product category in both home and foreign markets.
  4. Explain how you would apply the segmentation, targeting, and positioning (STP) approach to market the product in the foreign market.
  5. Discuss the major environmental facts and trends in the foreign markets that might affect sales of the product.
  6. Explain how you would develop, execute. and measure a campaign for this product considering the four p’s (product, price, promotion, and place).
  7. Discuss the U.S. and international ethical marketing considerations.

Writing the Final Paper

The Final Paper:

1. Must be eight- to ten- double-spaced pages in length, and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center (not including the title and reference pages).

Goal-Setting Framework

Goal-Setting Framework


Goal Setting Framework

Goal-Setting Framework

The first of six steps of performance management consists of goal setting, as detailed in Chapter Three. Assume that you work for the Los Angeles Tribune, a large but struggling newspaper publisher with distribution throughout the Los Angeles region. Various problems have arisen that need to be addressed:

  • The cost of paper is rising
  • The cost of distribution is rising
  • Circulation revenue is down
  • Advertising revenue is down, largely due to free online listings offered by Craigslist and other online advertising services
  • Customers are largely in the 40+ age range
  • The current number of employees cannot continue to be supported if revenue continues to shrink

You have been selected by the CEO to construct a goal-setting framework that focuses on three of the six issues above. In your APA formatted two- to three-page paper, include a goal statement for each of the three issues you’ve chosen and describe the corresponding strategies, tactics, activities, measures of success, and goal measurements you recommend. Support each with your rationale, citing the textbook as necessary, and be sure to provide specific examples within the activities section. In addition to your two to three pages of written content, a title page and reference page are required.

For this assignment, it is possible to make reasonable assumptions regarding the organization’s economic situation and business climate. Be sure to specifically mention any such assumptions that you are making within your paper.
Carefully review the Grading Rubric for the criteria that will be used to evaluate your assignment.


Chef Ernie’s Sushi-On-A-Stick


You are the new marketing manager to The Waters Bottling Company (WBC) of Munsonville, NH. They have never done any marketing for their water before so they will need to be educated as to the role of marketing in their company’s success. They started their company last year and want to “do it right” according to their president and founder, Dr. M. Waters. (The M stands for Muddy so he prudently only uses the initial. He also is rather fond of Blues music, which he would like to incorporate into the marketing plan in some way.) They want to sell their crystal clear, granite filtered mountain water to the “right” market. It is your job to identify that target market. At this point, they don’t even know how the product should be packaged or have a name to identify it. You will get to make that determination and carry that product through the entire Marketing Plan.

Imagination and creativity combined with solid marketing concepts will be the basic framework for your report. They will be relying on you for all of the details to make this product successful. They are well funded and ready to bring this product to market, with your help and guidance.

Use the attached Marketing Planning Guide to build your marketing plan for their naturally mineral rich pure mountain water. Be sure to relate the marketing concepts/ theories to this product/ company as you build the marketing plan over the length of the course. The competed sections of the marketing plan will be submitted in the Dropbox for each module. Use each of the outline items as headers/ subheads for your analysis. Be concise and apply each of the appropriate concepts to the WBC scenario.



Marketing Analysis Project

Due Date: Monday11/17/2014   11:00 am

  I want  very Professional who knows about Marketing Analysis 

All  I want is Half page Results And  Half page Discussion )

We are 4 people and everyone will do his part.    My part is :
Results/Discussion (½ page each) – All

  • Satisfaction vs Image – one of my Group1
  • Return Likelihood vs Image – one of my Group2
  • Recommendability vs Image – <=== this is my part . Half page each ( Results And Discussion)

you have to look at file called  My work in the attachments it..

Market Analysis Project




Food Quality=(X15+X18+X20)/3



Atmosphere =(X13+X17)/2

Just run the regression with these as the independent variables.

L’Oreal’s Integrated Marekting Communicates

L’Oreal’s Integrated Marekting Communicates a decade old story

Read this case on pages 510-511 of the text (Marketing Author: Pride, Ferrell Publisher: South­Western Edition: Please Use Most Recent Edition-GOOGLE) and answer these questions within your case analysis:

  1. Describe L’Orela’s integrated marketing strategy.  What are the strengths?  Weaknesses?
  2. Describe the function and effectivenes of brand ambassadors.  What are some risks associated with choosing a brand ambassador?
  3. Why is it important to have a story to tell when developing content marketing?L’Oreal’s Integrated Marekting Communicates a decade old story

    Read this case on pages 510-511 of the text (Marketing Author: Pride, Ferrell Publisher: South­Western Edition: Please Use Most Recent Edition-GOOGLE) and answer these questions within your case analysis:

    1. Describe L’Orela’s integrated marketing strategy.  What are the strengths?  Weaknesses?
    2. Describe the function and effectivenes of brand ambassadors.  What are some risks associated with choosing a brand ambassador?
    3. Why is it important to have a story to tell when developing content marketing?

International Business Project

International Business Project
Objective:  To create a foreign market entry business plan for taking an American consumer product into a foreign country.
Project outline
1.     Size of market (Project demographics, socioeconomic state, urban/rural).
2.     Sociocultural acceptance of product-is adaptation necessary?
3.     Legal/bureaucratic environment (imports, local manufacture, taxation).
4.     Competition in market.
5.     Economic and political climate for foreign business.
6.     Methods for marketing and distribution.
7.     Managerial and labor climate.
8.     Financial viability(profit margin, currency translation, profit repatriation)
Project Report
The report will essentially cover all topics in the outline plus an executive summary, introduction (country and product), and recommendations.  The report will be word-processed, about 20 pages (double-spaced) and will have an appendix that contains exhibits and a complete bibliography of source.  Examples are maps of the country, table, and charts.
Project Presentation
The project will be presented to the class in the week prior to the final examination.  Thirty minutes will be allotted to each team.  Each member will participate in the presentation.  Develop appropriate visual supports.
Country be Mexico
Product you choose by yourself

But you have to choice something popular.

  • 8 years ago

Elements of a Marketing Plan

Review the video case study “Geek Squad: A New Business for a New Environment” on pp. 88-89 in your textbook.  Keep this case study in mind as you complete this assignment.

Write a 750 – 1,050 word report using your company or one with which you are familiar (if you prefer, your facilitator can assign one to you). Answer the following questions for your chosen organization.

  • Explain what the specific key environmental forces are that created an opportunity for your company.
  • Identify if there have been changes in the purchasing patterns of your organization’s target market in recent years.
  • Conduct an environmental scan for your chosen company to identify key trends.  For each of the five environmental forces (social, economic, technological, competitive, and regulatory), identify trends likely to influence your company’s marketing efforts and product offering in the future.
  • Explain what differentiation strategy your company should undertake to encourage their target market to choose them over other competitors.
  • Analyze what lessons you might learn from the Geek Squad case study.

Include at least three references, at least one of which must come from the University Library.

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

Discuss the real-world changes that appear to be occurring with respect to media images of women.

For this assignment, locate and read the case study on page 448 of your textbook, “Riding the Plus-Size Wave.” Once you have read and reviewed the case scenario, respond to the following questions, with thorough explanations and well supported rationale.

1. Explain the success that Lane Bryant is currently experiencing in relation to self-concept, self-esteem, and self consciousness. How can the plus-size industry leverage what we know about consumer behavior to address self esteem issues?

2. Discuss the real-world changes that appear to be occurring with respect to media images of women. What are the reasons for this? Compare this to the media images of men.

3. How do you reconcile the greater degree of acceptance of plus-size women with the parallel emphasis our society continues to place on thinness (as evidenced by the billions we spend on diet products, exercise and so on)? Given the health problems associated with obesity (heart disease, diabetes, etc.), should the industry continue to encourage this acceptance?

4. Assuming that Lane Bryant decided to take this globally, what is your recommendation with respect to identifying the correct marketing mix strategies (product, pricing, place, and promotion)?

Your response should be a minimum of three pages, double-spaced, excluding the cover and reference pages. References should include your textbook plus a minimum of one additional credible reference. All sources used, including the textbook, must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations, and cited per APA guidelines.


For years, Hollywood and the advertising media perpetuated a stereotypical image of women. As a result, many consumers have the unrealistic expectation that many women are (or should be) poreless, hipless, silken-haired, high-cheeckbones, size ), 20-year-old goddesses. But is this beauty myth finally changing? Companies like Ascena Retail group, parent to plus size retailer Lane Bryant, are doing their darndest to see that it does.

Lane Bryant was founded in 1900 in New York as the first women’s apparel retailer devoted excluslively to plus-sizes. In 2012 they were acquired by Ascena Retail Group, who believes that Lane Bryant’s iconic brand and market leadership will contribute to Ascena’s strategic plan for ongoing growth and profitability.

The future looks bright. The apparel industry defines plus-size as 14 and up-today that includes 62 percent of American women. According to one industry executive, “Peaople are more accepting of their bodies today, and I think there has been a positive influence with role models. Years ago, manufacturers were only interested in making low-end plus-size merchandise because they thought customers were always in transition. Now no longer.”

Lane Bryant is fighting this tide. With a new flagship store in New York City, the company sends the message that it’s not only OK to be plus-size, but that women in this category can be as stylish as anyone. Lane Bryant focuses on en vogue style previously available only to more modest sized shoppers. Their strategy also includes marketing the Cacique brand of plus-size lingerie, which is known for its appealing fit and fashion styling.

Lane Bryant’s sales hit $1 billion in 2012; other retailers are noticing this market and beginning to make a move. One of these companies, online retailerModCloth, reports that their plus-size customers tend to spend 25 percent more per order and they buy 17 percent more items per order than non plus-size customers.


Plus-size bloggers are grabbing the attention of other retailers who are also increasing their stakes in the game. H&M, Gap/Old Navy, Target, Land’s End, Saks Fifth Avenue, and Macy’s are among national retailers offering or expanding their assortments of plus size apparel and increasing promotional efforts for this category. In fact, H&M gained media attention recently by casting a size 12 model for a swimwear photo without labeling the photo with the term plus-size. With these industry changes, who knows what the images of women the media and the future will celebrate?