Psychological Disorders

Instructions: By now you have read Chapter 15: Psychological Disorders. Your job for this assignment is to answer the following personal adjustment/critical thinking questions that pertain to topics in chapter 15. Each answer needs to be a minimum of one paragraph (5 full length sentences) to received full credit.


  1. 1. Identify a behavior that is considered unusual or abnormal in your own culture; however, it would be considered normal and expected in another culture.
  2. 2. Describe several of the factors associated with suicide.
  3. 3. Compare the factors that are important in the development of ADHD with those that are important in the development of autism spectrum disorder.

trauma, grief, chronic illness, domestic violence

For the first part of this discussion, address the following, using your readings and other resources you have identified to support your position:

  • Identify a presenting issue that is typically seen at your fieldwork site. This might be something like trauma, grief, chronic illness, domestic violence, and so on.
  • Locate at least one article in the current professional literature that discusses evidence-based approaches for working with this type of issue.
  • Summarize the key points of the article in your own words (do not use any direct quotations):
    • Describe the article’s position on the most effective approaches or interventions that can be used when working with clients who present this type of issue.
    • What is your own response to these findings? Are these the types of interventions used at your fieldwork—or that you would consider using yourself?
    • What other approaches do you think might also be effective when working with these presenting issues?
    • Support your ideas with reference to the literature or specific examples of your own experience in working with clients.



Signature Assignment


In Week 5, you submitted your topic and paper outline for your Signature Assignment. Now, it is time to put it all together. The purpose of the Controversial Issues in Forensic Psychology paper is to describe a controversy or debate in forensic psychology, including the legal and psychological significance. An example of a controversy in forensic psychology would be, “Should a child be able to testify as an eye witness?” or “Should incompetent defendants be committed indefinitely?” Your paper should address the following:

  1. Identify the relevant research on each side of the controversy.
  2. Evaluate and reflect on the findings.
  3. Identify a personal, educated stance on the topic, and then support it with relevant research.
  4. Discuss the legal and psychological significance.

The Controversial Issues in Forensic Psychology paper requires considerable research and critical thinking. You should not base the majority of your paper on personal opinion. Your arguments should be based on data, expert opinion, and other peer-reviewed sources.Support your analysis with at least five peer-reviewed references. Remember to incorporate your professor’s feedback into your final paper.Length: 10-12 pagesYour paper should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts presented in the text, supplemental sources, and sources you find that are relevant to the topic. Your response should reflect graduate-level writing and APA standards. B

child development community center

 Remember that you have already created nine of the required 15 activities for this assignment in Weeks 2, 3, and 4. You received feedback from your instructor and from the Writing Center on those activity papers. You are expected to incorporate that feedback into the nine activities already created. During this last week, you will place those activities in the appropriate room in your proposal and create the remaining six activities.

Focus of the Final Project:

Your community is planning to open a brand-new child development community center. Now that you are an expert in the field, you have been chosen to create a proposal for interactive, fun, and educational programming activities that will be provided for children and adolescents in this center. The chosen activities must be developmentally appropriate and based in theory. You will present your ideas to the city council with a written proposal describing the programming in detail. You have been asked to propose programming for the following five different age groups in the child development community center:

  • Infant (0-1 year)
  • Toddler (1-3 years)
  • Early Childhood (3-6 years)
  • Middle to Late Childhood (7-12 years)
  • Adolescence (13-18 years)

Use this Community Child Development Center Proposal Template  downloadto organize your proposal. Enter the requested information on the title page where indicated. Where you find the text, “In this section you will describe the activity …” within the proposal template, please remove that and enter your own content. The headings in bold should not be altered. The final content for each “room” will consist of three paragraphs that will address three distinct activities that address physical, cognitive, and psychosocial development for that age group. Table 5.1 in your textbook will be very useful in identifying the major milestones in physical development.

In your Community Child Proposal,

  • Describe the activity in some detail (provide more than just the name of the activity).
  • Identify the specific domain related theory concept that supports the use of this activity.
  • Identify how the activity enhances physical, cognitive, or psychosocial development.

Special Notes:

A good way to brainstorm different age appropriate activities is using Google’s search tool before researching. Please review What Is CRAAP? A Guide to Evaluating Web Sources (Links to an external site.). For example, enter “activities to support cognitive development in toddlers” and numerous sites with suggested activities will be displayed. Remember that your activities may be simple (especially with newborns), but they must also be specific and age appropriate, and you are to connect them to developmental theory within the proposal. You must also cite the sources in your proposal.

While much of the theoretical support for your proposal will come from the textbook, you must include information somewhere in the proposal from three credible or scholarly sources. If you included a source in your Weeks 2, 3, and 4 papers, then you have already met this requirement. Just transfer the source to the final proposal. Remember to cite all your sources (including the textbook) according to APA style as outlined in the University of Arizona Global Campus Writing Center.

The Community Center Proposal

  • Must be nine to 10 double-spaced pages in length (not including the title and references pages) and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the University of Arizona Global Campus Writing Center’s APA Style (Links to an external site.)
  • Must include a separate title page with the following:
    • Title of project
    • Student’s name
    • Course name and number
    • Instructor’s name
    • Date submitted

For further assistance with the formatting and the title page, refer to APA Formatting for Word 2013 (Links to an external site.).


For this assignment, you will choose from one of the articles above. You will read the article and then prepare an APA formatted paper which will include all (4) required pages.

There are four important aspects to this assignment.

Clarity, Accuracy, EvaluatingaStudentLedMentalHealthAwarenessCampaign111and Reference.

Cite the research/author (in-text citations) correctly and record the reference in accordance with APA formatting style.

Write the Introduction section which is a summary of the article and include a problem statement.

Correctly format the overall paper according to the APA 7th edition standards.

Use the template as a guide to assist you in your write-up. Please verify you have all four pages for this assignment:

page 1 – Cover page
page 2 – Abstract (blank)
page 3 – Introduction(write a 150-250 word summary of the article), Review (blank), Critique (blank)
page 4 – Reference

social cognitive theory

social cognitive theory

This essay refers to material from Chapter 13. Please read that chapter before submitting this 300 word (minimum) essay

People seem to differ in their “moods.” Some people are commonly “upbeat” and “lively.” Others seem lower in energy. Some people seem commonly to be depressed. How does social cognitive theory explain these individual differences? Does it? Might this be a limitation to the social-cognitive approach?

The cognitive-behavioral

In this assignment, you will continue to discuss your work with the client you presented in your previous Case Conceptualization paper.

Complete this assignment by addressing the following topics in a four-part format.

Part 1: Interventions

List the three goals you formulated for this client and presented in your previous paper. (If your instructor provided feedback or comments about your goals on that assignment, you can include revised goals here.) HERE ARE THE THREE GOALS (1. The cognitive-behavioral goal is important for the African American client because they are facing depression due to cultural differences just like this client. 2. Manage the condition in such a manner that the client becomes able to make good relation with her parents and relatives. 3. Motivate the client for practicing positive thinking to gains satisfaction in her life)

For each goal, list one specific counseling intervention you used during your work with this client to help him or she make progress toward that goal. Each intervention must be evidence-based; you will need to support your choice of intervention with reference to the current professional literature and research showing its effectiveness.

For each intervention, you list, include the following:

  • Discuss how you introduced this intervention into the counseling session and how the client responded.
  • Describe how the intervention is reflective of your specific theoretical approach, drawing from the key concepts and assumptions of that theory.
  • Discuss your rationale for selecting the intervention, in terms of its appropriateness for your specific client and his or her presenting issues. Address all sociocultural issues that you considered when introducing this intervention into your work with the client.
  • Include at least one reference to a current article in the professional literature that supports the use of the intervention as being effective with this type of client and/or presenting issues.

Part 2: Ethical and Legal Issues

Discuss any ethical or legal issues that emerged during your work with this client. (If no such issues arose, then discuss the types of ethical or legal issues that might emerge when working with this type of client and/or these presenting issues.)

Discuss the steps you took to address the ethical or legal issues. Refer to the specific standard from the ACA Code of Ethics that relates to any ethical issue that you describe. Include reference to specific laws or regulations that apply to these types of situations.

Part 3: Client Progress and Counseling Outcome

For each of the goals you developed, describe the ways in which the client demonstrated progress during the time you worked with him or her. Include specific changes that the client reported to you, changes that you observed during sessions, and/or information that you gathered from other sources (such as self-report measures or assessments or reports from third parties that you gathered with the client’s written consent).

  • If the client showed progress toward a goal, what do you believe led to this change? For example, was a specific intervention particularly effective? Did the relationship you formed with the client, or some interaction between you and the client during a session, have an impact on how the client changed?
  • If the client did not show the progress you anticipated for the goal, what is your understanding of this? Would you consider a different theoretical approach, or different types of interventions, based on your review of the work you have done with the client?

What is your overall evaluation of the work you did with this client? If you were going to make recommendations to the next therapist who works with this client (or with a client similar to this one), what would you suggest, in terms of the main approach, goals, and interventions that the therapist might consider?

Support your ideas with reference to the current professional literature.

Part 4: Future Development

Discuss the progress you have made as a counselor during your fieldwork experience.

  • What are your main strengths?
  • What specific areas of knowledge and self-awareness have you developed?
  • What has been particularly challenging for you?

Thinking ahead to the work you will be doing in gaining your post-degree hours towards licensure, what are three specific skills or areas of knowledge that you would like to focus on?

  • How will you select an internship or clinical experience that will assist you in meeting these goals?
  • How do you plan to maximize your supervision experience in your post-degree internship, based on what you have experienced during supervision so far?
  • What specific license, certification, and/or credentials will you be seeking after graduation?

As you move forward in your career, how will you align your continued professional development and your clinical practice with the standards we have for mental health counselors?

  • Refer to specific standards from the ACA Code of Ethics, as well as to other national and state standards that guide the work counselors do.
  • Include a description of the professional organizations to which you’ll belong and how this membership will be important to your professional and career development.
  • List three specific areas of professional development that you will be exploring in the future.

Assignment Specifications

Your assignment should be 5–8 pages long and include a minimum of four references from current articles (no more than 10 years old) in professional journals. You can also include books and Web sites from professional organizations in your references. Please use direct quotations sparingly; you should paraphrase most of the information drawn from outside sources and present ideas in your own words. Remember to follow the APA format for your citations.


2014 ACA Code of Ethics


technology, development, and globalization

  How has technology, development, and globalization changed the world in the last century?

1. Essay 4 normal pages with enough full and proper APA citations (do not do just a list of sources at the end and never do just URLs for citations or sources, use APA guidelines).

2. sources from any legitimate mainstream book, journal article, periodical, or newspaper (in that order of importance; NY Post, Washington Post, The Economist, ABC, CBS, CNN news).  No dictionaries or encyclopedias, especially Wikipedia, are allowed. 

3. Use standard formatting (double-spaced, 12-point Times or Times New Roman, normal margins, page numbering, etc.).  Do not do a Title Page or sub-headings.  Do a Works Cites section (which will not count for length – 3 minimum)

A Comparative Perspective

3. In the section “Business Associations: A Comparative Perspective”, three categories are identified, individualist, associational, corporatist. Identify a country that would fit in each category and explain your choices. Which would you suggest would make the most sense for the US given its politics, economy and society? Explain. Can it be instituted? Why/why not?

4. It is said that authority in the United States is dispersed and fragmented. What is meant by that statement? Would you say that this fact redounds to the advantage or, disadvantage for US business in trying to affect policy outcomes? In your answer cite a policy problem affecting business to illustrate your point. Explain.

5. Discuss monetary and fiscal policy. Which would you suggest makes more sense for the US to emphasize today when crafting macroeconomic policy? Explain. Is that the one being emphasized? Why/why not? Again, be sure to consider contemporary politics in providing your response. Give me an example of an aspect of the US economy that will likely be positively affected by the course that you suggest

6. Discuss the globalization of business activity. What were the circumstances that brought it about? Has the globalization of business activity served as a net positive or negative for US business, in your opinion? Discuss international trade policy and the evolution of the US attitude toward international trade. Explain. Given the views stated in your answers to the two foregoing questions, would you suggest that the US continue with current global trade regime or, endeavor to transform it? Explain.

7. Discuss subgovernments. Does the Constitution of the United States support them, in your view? Explain, citing relevant Articles and Amendments. When did subgovernments begin to appear? Why? What role did they play in policymaking a century ago? Explain. What happened to bring about a change in their role, if any change has occurred? Which would you suggest has had the more positive impact on problem solving in the United States, the situation today or, that of a century ago? Explain.

8. After several years of the implementation of the Affordable Care Act, we are able to make a preliminary assessment of whether or not government or the market are the best problem solving mechanism to address the problems of the uninsured. Which do you choose? Make a constitutional argument for both sides of that debate. Discuss the policy process that likely occurred to bring the ACA about. What is the current stage? What should be next?

Evidence-base financial decisions

An 8-10 slide presentation to your staff describing your analysis, linking what tools you utilized and why you chose those tools. You will use data to support your evidence-base financial decisions. You will also explain your recommendations to maximize stakeholder value, translating those to tactical outcomes to be implemented by your staff.


This assessment builds on your prior work in Assessments 1 and 2. It is a presentation to your staff describing you analysis, linking what tools you utilized and why you chose those tools. You will use data to support your evidence-base financial decisions. You will also explain your recommendations to maximize stakeholder value, translating those to tactical outcomes to be implemented by your staff.

  • Apply the theories, models, and practices of finance to the financial management of an organization.
  • Analyze financing strategies to maximize stakeholder value.
  • Apply financial analyses to business planning and decision making.
  • Use data to support evidence-based financial decisions.


The senior leadership has approved your recommendations to move forward. You are now tasked with operationalizing your recommendations. Meeting with your staff, you will translate recommendations to strategies and corresponding tactical objectives. You will explain how you used financial analysis to develop these recommendations, discussing the financial tools you will use to monitor implementation progress.

Your Role

You are one of the high-performing financial analyst managers at ABC Healthcare Corporation and are under consideration for a promotion to Director of Operations.


Follow these steps to complete this presentation:

  • You are presenting to your staff a summary of the reports presented to senior leadership (Assessments 1 and 2).
  • Start by presenting the overall current financial condition of the company as presented to senior leadership (one to two slides).
  • Provide an overview of your analysis, linking what tools (financial statements, ratios, industry trends, capital structure) you utilized and why you chose these tools (two slides).
  • Link the data used to support your evidence-based financial decisions, providing justification for the recommendations (two slides).
  • State the recommendations focused on maximizing stakeholder value into strategies newly adopted by the company, i.e., expansion to a new geographical market, the development of a new dividend policy, changes in capital expenditures, reduction of workforce (one slide).
  • Translate those strategies to tactical objectives to be implemented by your staff, noting evidenced-based academic citations (one to two slides).
  • Discuss what financial tools you will use to monitor the progress of these tactics (one slide).

Deliverable Format

  • Be sure to use a bullet format in your slides but also include detailed narrative supported by relevant literature citations in the notes section.
  • Ensure written communication is free of errors that detract from the overall message and quality.
  • Use at least three scholarly resources.
  • Length: 8–10 content slides in addition to title and reference slides.
  • Use 12 point, Times New Roman.