Leadership in Company XYZ

Leadership in Company XYZ

You have been recently promoted to lead a new division of Company XYZ. This company is known for its team-oriented atmosphere, and your boss has raved about some of your natural leadership qualities. Your first task is to assemble the best team possible from the potential candidates found below. An explanation of the skills–motivation matrix can be found on p. 39 in your textbook. Read each description, and provide the following information in a minimum three-page double-spaced document (not including the title and references pages):

  1. Classify each team member into one of the four matrix areas.
  2. Discuss the reommended action for each employee depending on his/her classification.
  3. Distinguish if your role as the leader will be a facilitator, coach, or a combination of the two.
  4. Examine which team competencies would benefit from shared leadership. 1= high skills, low motivation; 2= low skills, low motivation; 3 = high skills, high motivation, 4 = low skills, high motivation)
  5. Directions:
  6. You have been recently promoted to lead a new division of Company XYZ. This company is known for its team-oriented atmosphere, and your boss has raved about some of your natural leadership qualities. Your first task is to assemble the best team possible from the potential candidates listed below. An explanation of the skills–motivation matrix can be found on p. 39 in your textbook. Read each description, and provide the following information in a two- to three- page document:
  7. 1. Classify each team member into one of the four matrix areas.
  8. 2. Discuss the recommended action for each employee depending on his/her classification.
  9. 3. Distinguish if your role as the leader will be a facilitator, coach, or a combination of the
  10. two.
  11. 4. Examine which team competencies would benefit from shared leadership.
  12.     Candidate
  13.      Description
  14.     Alice
  15.  Alice has been a great asset since joining Company XYZ. She is responsible for improving some of the old processes and is involved in many training initiatives due to her extensive knowledge and skills. Alice consistently provides great results and strives to do her best.
  16.    Bill
  17.    Bill has shown that he will do whatever it takes to contribute to the team, and he often goes the extra mile when given a task. However, the result is not always up to par due to some lagging skills.
  18.    Chris
  19.   Chris has not displayed much drive, and his skills have been questioned by other members of Company XYZ. Although other team members have questioned his skills, he gets along well with everyone.
  20.  Low
  21. High
  22. Skills
  23.    Doug
  24.   Doug is a member of three committees and is always eager to learn. He has only been with the company for a year, and he believed that joining a few committees would give him a chance to learn more. He has shown some improvement, but he could use more training in some key areas.
  25.    Erica
  26.    Erica has displayed that she has what it takes to contribute to the team, but her results have declined lately. Her skills have never been questioned by anyone, but her willingness to perform at a high level has been questioned.
  27.    Lisa
  28.   Lisa is one of Company XYZ’s top performers, and many employees view her as a natural leader. She is always willing to learn a new task and usually masters the task in a very short period.

How is appreciation communicated?

  • After completing the lecture and reading assignments, write a 3-page minimum (750 words) paper describing your understanding of appreciation where you work? How is appreciation communicated? As a future leader how would you show appreciation of your employees in an effort to motivate them? Using Hebrews 12: 1-2 responded on how the Bible guides us in the area of leading others. Provide and explain workplace examples.  o Requirements: Each paper submitted in this course must have a title page and a reference page. You are expected to reference and cite a minimum of two scholarly sources in each paper. Proper APA format must be followed.

Create benefits website content that addresses mandatory benefits, discretionary benefits, and alignment with a company’s organization strategy. 

Your manager has asked you to create the content for the updated benefits website for your company. The existing website was missing important information about mandatory and discretionary benefits and, more importantly, did not align with the company’s organizational strategy—this one is a must. Your manager wants current employees and new hires to understand how the company’s benefit offerings reflect and support the company’s vision, mission, and organizational strategy.


The website content should include information on both mandatory and discretionary benefits that are commonly offered in your industry. Use the Benefits Website Content Assignment Template [DOCX] to complete the assignment, which includes the following:

  1. Write a short overview of the company that includes the organization’s vision, mission, and values.
  2. Identify a minimum of three mandatory employee benefits.
  3. Provide the legal justification crucial to understanding the mandatory benefits offered.
  4. Identify a minimum of three discretionary employee benefits.
  5. Provide related information that is crucial to understanding the discretionary employee benefits offered.
  6. Evaluate how the discretionary and mandatory benefits align with the company’s organizational strategy.

Note: The numbered assignment requirements outlined above correspond to the grading criteria in the assignment scoring guide, so be sure to address each point.


This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards. For assistance and information, please refer to the Strayer Writing Standards link in the left-hand menu of your course. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.

The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment is:

  • Create benefits website content that addresses mandatory benefits, discretionary benefits, and alignment with a company’s organization strategy.

Evaluating How Advertising Affects Consumer Behavior

  1. Week 6 Assignment – Evaluating How Advertising Affects Consumer Behavior
    For the remainder of the assignments, you will take on the role of a marketing manager. You may use the same product you chose in Week 4. Consider the factors affecting marketing strategy and evaluate the product and its emotional impact based on its brand messaging.
    Write a 4–5-page strategy brief that incorporates the following:

    1. Situation Analysis: Describe the effect the current product brand has on consumer behavior.
    2. Problem: What is the customer need that the product is promoted to resolve?
    3. Alternatives: What changes to the marketing mix (product, price, place, and promotion) are needed to improve the product’s emotional appeal to customers?
    4. Recommendation (Marketing Strategy): Design a strategy for the target market that will positively alter the customer’s product view.
    5. Describe how consumer behavior will be affected by the target market strategy.
    6. Use four sources to support your writing. Choose sources that are credible, relevant, and appropriate. Cite each source listed on your source page at least one time within your assignment. For help with research, writing, and citation, access the library or review library guides.
    7. This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards. For assistance and information, please refer to the Strayer Writing Standards link in the left-hand menu of your course. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
      The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment is:
    • Evaluate how consumer decision-making behavior is influenced by advertising and brand messaging.
  2. By submitting this paper, you agree: (1) that you are submitting your paper to be used and stored as part of the SafeAssign™ services in accordance with the Blackboard Privacy Policy; (2) that your institution may use your paper in accordance with your institution’s policies; and (3) that your use of SafeAssign will be without recourse against Blackboard Inc. and its affiliates.
  3. Institution Release Statement

Europe Periods: Baroque, Neoclassicism, Romanticism

Unit 9. Reading and Writing: Europe Periods: Baroque, Neoclassicism, Romanticism

(click on above link to access reading assignment)

Writing Assignment:
Summarize the study of the painting of Caravaggio and Caravaggisti in 17th-Century Europe.

Writing Assignment for Unit 9 Reading & Writing should include: FIVE summary Paragraphs of the 5 Topics from the reading assignment. (5 paragraphs required)

Write five summary paragraphs; one for each topic in the reading assignment.

Relate important points topic-by-topic.

Each summary paragraph should have space between paragraphs.

A run-on paragraph cannot be graded.

Do not use headers or ‘quotes’ from the reading assignment.

Do not use ‘I’, ‘me’, ‘my’ in writing summaries.

Do not cut and paste or copy any of the text in the reading assignment and then change it because TURNITIN will read it as copying and not as original.

TURNITIN SIMILARITY SCORE SHOULD BE 0% – if you are summarizing in your own words…

Take notes in your own words and then summarize.

Summaries that are too close to the original text will receive little or no credit.


(It is important to see what you think about what you have read, and viewed. You must be original!)

You must attach the file as a WORD document: if you do not have WORD you can get an online version through BC or download OpenOffice and save the document in WORD format. Check for the DUE date for each assignment. To post: Follow the directions and then go to “Submit Files” then “Add a File”, “Upload” then “Add” then, “Submit”.

How to check your turnitin % score:
When you submit your writing assignments you will see your Turnitin % score after the paper has been submitted; you can click on it to review what is similar. If you need to make changes to your assignment you can but would have to submit a new file with the changes (the system allows for more than one submission as long as it is submitted before the deadline / the most current submission is graded). If you are submitting the assignment too close to the deadline there is no time to check your score and make changes; it’s important to work ahead so if needed you have time to make changes. The Writing Assignment is open for 9 days (check the course schedule for dates and times).

Plague which swept China to Europe 

Plague which swept China to Europe

For this reading response, we’ll be looking at the plague, which swept from China to Europe. In Europe, there were several instances in which Jews and/or entire Jewish communities were blamed for the plague and either sentenced to death or slaughtered as a result. There are some accounts of this found here in “The Black Death and the Jews: 1348-1349”:  https://sourcebooks.fordham.edu/jewish/1348-jewsblackdeath.asp

The sources have a few different perspectives, so it is important to think about motive. The Catholic Church officials said that the Jews were not responsible for the plague, but the individual authorities did not always uphold that perspective. As you review the source, what do they suggest about the role of the church and motives for the persecution of the Jews? What other kinds of responses did Europeans have to this outbreak and what motivated them? Consider how these responses fit in with the broader European culture and European conduct during the Crusades.

One page single space!

A Distant Mirror

Pulitzer Prize winning author Barbara Tuchman wrote a book in 1978 entitled “A Distant Mirror: The Calamitous 14th Century”. In it she recounts how the 14th and the first half of the 15th centuries give us back two contradictory images. An “Indian summer” of the Middle Ages–a still glittering time of castles, cathedrals and chivalry, and a dark time of ferocity and spiritual agony, a world plunged into a chaos of war, fear, famine, and the Plague. The title is referencing how the catastrophes of that transitional time and the contemporary world of the 20th century (or in our case the 21st century) shows disturbing similarities. Here are several revealing excerpts from her work:

“When the gap between ideal and real becomes too wide, the system breaks down.”

“Human beings of any age need to approve of themselves; the bad times in history come when they cannot.”

“An event of great agony is bearable only in the belief that it will bring about a better world. When it does not, as in the aftermath of another vast calamity, disillusion is deep and moves on to self-doubt and self-disgust.”

“Disaster is rarely as pervasive as it seems from recorded accounts. The fact of being on the record makes it appear continuous and ubiquitous whereas it is more likely to have been sporadic both in time and place. Besides, persistence of the normal is usually greater than the effect of the disturbance, as we know from our own times. After absorbing the news of today, one expects to face a world consisting entirely of strikes, crimes, power failures, broken water mains, stalled trains, school shutdowns, muggers, drug addicts, neo-nazis, and rapists. [today we could add economic woes, political divisions, prevalence of poverty in much of the world, fears of terrorism, cyberattacks]. The fact is that one can come home in the evening–on a lucky day–without having encountered more than one or two of these phenomena. This has led me to formulate Tuchman’s Law, as follows: The fact of being reported multiplies the apparent extent of any deplorable development by five- to tenfold (or any figure the reader would care to supply).”

While using the above statements as a launching point for your essay engage in a discussion of the crisis thesis of the late Middle Ages. Write an essay explaining the significance of the various crisis—political, social, economic, and religious–facing Western Civilization in the 14th and 15th centuries. Be sure to cite details the textbook while giving arguments to support your answer.

The essay should be 1,200-2,000 word essay. In the body of your work, try to answer at least THREE of the following questions with references from the textbook while demonstrating historical analysis. This list is meant to serve as a sort of outline and guide for the essay.

1. Describe the benefits and costs of the Mongol Empire.
2. How does living in and experiencing the Age of COVID inform our understanding of the 14th century Black Death–socially, economically, biologically, etc.
3. Revolts in Europe (Jacquerie, English Peasants, Ciompi Rebellion).
4. Why is it correct to consider this time an era of exploration and globalization?
5. What caused the rise of national monarchies in England and France in terms of the Hundred Years War? or discuss the emergence of Russia?
6. What was the condition and role of religion and the Church during the period under consideration (think about Avignon papacy, the rise of piety, heresies, spiritual crisis, etc.)?
7. What are the implications of the emergence of vernacular literature and culture in the Late Middle Ages? Think Chaucer and Dante, among others.

Ms. McDonald and Ms. Dushane

Your assignment is to conduct the preliminary research, prepare the summons, and draft a complaint for the McDonald’s employee featured in these news stories (she plans to sue the hostile customer):

“I Want My Chicken McNuggets!”

Initial Story: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K7IqXthv3as
Follow-Up Story: http://nbc24.com/news/local/mcnugget-rage-nets-woman-60-days-in-jail

Your Boss:

Andy A. Attorney, Esq.
Attorney & Associates, PLLC
123 Main Street, Suite 2500
Memphis, TN 38103
(901) 243-1000 tel
(901) 243-1001 fax
Tennessee Bar No. 123456

Your Boss’s Client:

Stacy B. McDonald
500 Fightback Lane
Memphis, TN 38127
(Fictitious name for the McDonald’s drive-through attendant)

Your Adversary:

Melodi A. Dushane
1030 Nugget Avenue
Memphis, TN 38111
(customer in the pink shirt in the video)

Note: This hypothetical fact pattern uses a combination of real characters and fictional details. Please DO NOT make any attempt to contact any of the people named in this fact pattern. The lawsuit itself is entirely fictional and fabricated for academic purposes only.

The Complaint – Format and Content:

The format and content (sections) of the complaint are listed below. Please include each of these sections in your complaint. See the sample complaints on eCourseware for guidance (though not all of them use the same sections or formatting):

  • Parties
    • This case will only have two parties: Ms. McDonald and Ms. Dushane.
    • McDonald is suing Dushane for the incident depicted in the news stories.
  • Jurisdiction and Venue
    • In real life, this event happened in Toledo, Ohio. However, for purposes of our assignment, let’s assume the incident took place in Memphis, TN.
    • You’ll be preparing a civil suit to be filed in Tennessee state civil court (not federal court) in Shelby County.
    • You’ll have to do the research to figure out exactly what court we’re filing in and its proper name, etc. (we can discuss this on eCourseware).
  • Facts
    • Use the news stories and anything else you find on the internet regarding this event to allege all relevant facts required to establish your causes of action.
    • NOTE: for our purposes, let’s pretend the attack occurred on January 1, 2020.
  • Causes of Action
    • Your complaint will allege three separate causes of action:
      • Count One: Assault
      • Count Two: Battery
      • Count Three: Intentional Infliction of Emotional Distress (“IIED”)
    • Conduct legal research in the Tennessee state courts (not federal courts, and not any other state) to find the essential elements of each of these three COAs in Tennessee. You’ll have to plead these elements in the complaint.
    • *NOTE: In real life, there might be other viable causes of action to explore. But for purposes of this assignment, let’s just start with these.
      Make sure you allege every element of every count (otherwise, the claim will be dismissed).
  • Damages
    • How was the plaintiff harmed by this incident, physically, emotionally, psychologically, or financially?
    • Of course, we don’t have specific information at this point (like medical records or doctor bills), but we can plead general allegation for purposes of this draft complaint.
  • Relief Sought (What are we asking the court to do? What award are we requesting?)
  • Don’t forget the signature block!

The Summons

  • Every complaint must be filed with a summons.
  • In most large jurisdictions (including Memphis), the local courts will provide a form summons on their website.
  • Please fill out a summons to accompany your complaint, and submit it to the Dropbox along with your complaint.
  • We will discuss summonses in more detail on eCourseware.

Tips and Reminders

  • Except for the introductory paragraph, all paragraphs should be numbered (see sample complaints). Make sure your complaint is consistently formatted, is easy to read, and has a professional appearance.
  • Be strategic in how you articulate your facts (remember, the defense will have to admit or deny every fact you allege).
  • Other than the assumptions provided above, please DO NOT assume any facts. Do not make up facts or fill in the banks using your imagination. Draft your complaint based on the information you actually have.
  • Remember that your assignment is to draft the complaint. Your draft will not necessarily be a finished product. In real life, your boss (the attorney) would edit what you wrote and “clean it up” in preparation for filing.
    • Your work should be as close-to-finished as possible, but there may be some critical details that you cannot locate or confirm…
      • If that happens, post questions to the discussion board and see if your classmates have had any luck finding the information.
      • If not, leave blanks in your complaint draft with a notation to your boss that certain information needs to be confirmed with the client.
    • In other words, this is a working draft. You may not be able to perfect it at this point, but your goal is to leave your boss with as little work to do as possible.
  • For your causes of action, be sure to allege every separate element of each claim (you will find the elements in your case law and/or statutes – which means you’ll have to do legal research).
  • Please DO NOT use your own name in the complaint’s signature block. You are not a licensed attorney, and signing a court document yourself would constitute unauthorized practice of law (a very serious offense). Instead, you are drafting this complaint on behalf of your boss, Andy Attorney (see information on page one of these instructions).
  • Submit TWO COPIES of your complaint: one as a Word document and one as a PDF.
  • Don’t forget the summons — please submit that with your complaint (at least a PDF if you’re working with a PDF form, but also include the Word document too if you create one).
  • Submit everything via the Dropbox (do not email; do not post to the discussion board).

Making a Writing Plan

Making a Writing Plan

Part of making a writing plan is learning how to craft an outline. This is really the start of the project plan, and there are keys to outlining successfully. To start, your text needs to include a beginning or introduction, middle or arguments, and ending or conclusion. So, arrange your plan accordingly. This will help you arrange your thoughts and information, identify what your project will explore, and how you will say it.

Use the Outline Worksheet provided in the Resources to walk you through these topics:

Crafting an Outline

In the beginning or introduction, include the following:

  • Your topic.
  • The purpose of the paper.
  • The aspects or issues you will be exploring in the paper.
  • The who, what, when, where, why, and how of your paper.

Next, in the middle or the argument section, include the following:

  • The purpose of exploring the aspect.
  • How the aspect relates to the larger topic
  • The who, what, when, where, why, and how of the aspect.

You may also want to include quotes, facts, or statistics that you discovered in your research. Lastly, conclude by doing the following:

  • Restate your topic and the purpose of the paper.
  • Include a summation from each aspect argument section.

Don’t worry if you don’t feel like the conclusion is super-strong. You will get there.

Making a Writing Plan

Make some notes on how you write currently. Ask yourself the following questions:

  • What is your process? How do you start writing?
  • What methods do you use for completing the text?
  • How do you revise?
  • How do you edit?

Then, review the Writing a Course Paper module from Unit 2 Studies (provided in this unit’s study as well). What is the process, as explained in the presentation? What are the suggestions for how to start writing? What are the suggestions related to the revision and editing processes, and completing the text?

Scoring Criteria

  1. Identify purpose of paper.
  2. Summarize arguments.
  3. Provide conclusion.

Verb Usage and Mood

This lesson connects to the FLVS because it focuses on word usage and provides students an opportunity to analyze quotes from the story to determine verb usage and mood.

Examples of Verb Usage and Mood:

Imagine you are babysitting a young child who likes to climb everything. Which verb mood would be the most effective way to tell the child to stop climbing the bookcase?

What will you say to the child?Mood“That bookcase will tip over.”indicative“Get off the bookcase.”imperative“If I were you, I would get down from the bookcase.”subjunctive“If you want to read a book, then ask me to get it for you.”conditional“Do you think you should climb that bookcase?”interrogative

The most effective and direct way to stop the child from climbing the bookcase is to use the imperative mood. Do you agree? Please explain your thinking.

Look through Chapters 15 and 16 and find examples of each of these types of verb moods.