Ms. McDonald and Ms. Dushane

Your assignment is to conduct the preliminary research, prepare the summons, and draft a complaint for the McDonald’s employee featured in these news stories (she plans to sue the hostile customer):

“I Want My Chicken McNuggets!”

Initial Story:
Follow-Up Story:

Your Boss:

Andy A. Attorney, Esq.
Attorney & Associates, PLLC
123 Main Street, Suite 2500
Memphis, TN 38103
(901) 243-1000 tel
(901) 243-1001 fax
Tennessee Bar No. 123456

Your Boss’s Client:

Stacy B. McDonald
500 Fightback Lane
Memphis, TN 38127
(Fictitious name for the McDonald’s drive-through attendant)

Your Adversary:

Melodi A. Dushane
1030 Nugget Avenue
Memphis, TN 38111
(customer in the pink shirt in the video)

Note: This hypothetical fact pattern uses a combination of real characters and fictional details. Please DO NOT make any attempt to contact any of the people named in this fact pattern. The lawsuit itself is entirely fictional and fabricated for academic purposes only.

The Complaint – Format and Content:

The format and content (sections) of the complaint are listed below. Please include each of these sections in your complaint. See the sample complaints on eCourseware for guidance (though not all of them use the same sections or formatting):

  • Parties
    • This case will only have two parties: Ms. McDonald and Ms. Dushane.
    • McDonald is suing Dushane for the incident depicted in the news stories.
  • Jurisdiction and Venue
    • In real life, this event happened in Toledo, Ohio. However, for purposes of our assignment, let’s assume the incident took place in Memphis, TN.
    • You’ll be preparing a civil suit to be filed in Tennessee state civil court (not federal court) in Shelby County.
    • You’ll have to do the research to figure out exactly what court we’re filing in and its proper name, etc. (we can discuss this on eCourseware).
  • Facts
    • Use the news stories and anything else you find on the internet regarding this event to allege all relevant facts required to establish your causes of action.
    • NOTE: for our purposes, let’s pretend the attack occurred on January 1, 2020.
  • Causes of Action
    • Your complaint will allege three separate causes of action:
      • Count One: Assault
      • Count Two: Battery
      • Count Three: Intentional Infliction of Emotional Distress (“IIED”)
    • Conduct legal research in the Tennessee state courts (not federal courts, and not any other state) to find the essential elements of each of these three COAs in Tennessee. You’ll have to plead these elements in the complaint.
    • *NOTE: In real life, there might be other viable causes of action to explore. But for purposes of this assignment, let’s just start with these.
      Make sure you allege every element of every count (otherwise, the claim will be dismissed).
  • Damages
    • How was the plaintiff harmed by this incident, physically, emotionally, psychologically, or financially?
    • Of course, we don’t have specific information at this point (like medical records or doctor bills), but we can plead general allegation for purposes of this draft complaint.
  • Relief Sought (What are we asking the court to do? What award are we requesting?)
  • Don’t forget the signature block!

The Summons

  • Every complaint must be filed with a summons.
  • In most large jurisdictions (including Memphis), the local courts will provide a form summons on their website.
  • Please fill out a summons to accompany your complaint, and submit it to the Dropbox along with your complaint.
  • We will discuss summonses in more detail on eCourseware.

Tips and Reminders

  • Except for the introductory paragraph, all paragraphs should be numbered (see sample complaints). Make sure your complaint is consistently formatted, is easy to read, and has a professional appearance.
  • Be strategic in how you articulate your facts (remember, the defense will have to admit or deny every fact you allege).
  • Other than the assumptions provided above, please DO NOT assume any facts. Do not make up facts or fill in the banks using your imagination. Draft your complaint based on the information you actually have.
  • Remember that your assignment is to draft the complaint. Your draft will not necessarily be a finished product. In real life, your boss (the attorney) would edit what you wrote and “clean it up” in preparation for filing.
    • Your work should be as close-to-finished as possible, but there may be some critical details that you cannot locate or confirm…
      • If that happens, post questions to the discussion board and see if your classmates have had any luck finding the information.
      • If not, leave blanks in your complaint draft with a notation to your boss that certain information needs to be confirmed with the client.
    • In other words, this is a working draft. You may not be able to perfect it at this point, but your goal is to leave your boss with as little work to do as possible.
  • For your causes of action, be sure to allege every separate element of each claim (you will find the elements in your case law and/or statutes – which means you’ll have to do legal research).
  • Please DO NOT use your own name in the complaint’s signature block. You are not a licensed attorney, and signing a court document yourself would constitute unauthorized practice of law (a very serious offense). Instead, you are drafting this complaint on behalf of your boss, Andy Attorney (see information on page one of these instructions).
  • Submit TWO COPIES of your complaint: one as a Word document and one as a PDF.
  • Don’t forget the summons — please submit that with your complaint (at least a PDF if you’re working with a PDF form, but also include the Word document too if you create one).
  • Submit everything via the Dropbox (do not email; do not post to the discussion board).

Making a Writing Plan

Making a Writing Plan

Part of making a writing plan is learning how to craft an outline. This is really the start of the project plan, and there are keys to outlining successfully. To start, your text needs to include a beginning or introduction, middle or arguments, and ending or conclusion. So, arrange your plan accordingly. This will help you arrange your thoughts and information, identify what your project will explore, and how you will say it.

Use the Outline Worksheet provided in the Resources to walk you through these topics:

Crafting an Outline

In the beginning or introduction, include the following:

  • Your topic.
  • The purpose of the paper.
  • The aspects or issues you will be exploring in the paper.
  • The who, what, when, where, why, and how of your paper.

Next, in the middle or the argument section, include the following:

  • The purpose of exploring the aspect.
  • How the aspect relates to the larger topic
  • The who, what, when, where, why, and how of the aspect.

You may also want to include quotes, facts, or statistics that you discovered in your research. Lastly, conclude by doing the following:

  • Restate your topic and the purpose of the paper.
  • Include a summation from each aspect argument section.

Don’t worry if you don’t feel like the conclusion is super-strong. You will get there.

Making a Writing Plan

Make some notes on how you write currently. Ask yourself the following questions:

  • What is your process? How do you start writing?
  • What methods do you use for completing the text?
  • How do you revise?
  • How do you edit?

Then, review the Writing a Course Paper module from Unit 2 Studies (provided in this unit’s study as well). What is the process, as explained in the presentation? What are the suggestions for how to start writing? What are the suggestions related to the revision and editing processes, and completing the text?

Scoring Criteria

  1. Identify purpose of paper.
  2. Summarize arguments.
  3. Provide conclusion.

Verb Usage and Mood

This lesson connects to the FLVS because it focuses on word usage and provides students an opportunity to analyze quotes from the story to determine verb usage and mood.

Examples of Verb Usage and Mood:

Imagine you are babysitting a young child who likes to climb everything. Which verb mood would be the most effective way to tell the child to stop climbing the bookcase?

What will you say to the child?Mood“That bookcase will tip over.”indicative“Get off the bookcase.”imperative“If I were you, I would get down from the bookcase.”subjunctive“If you want to read a book, then ask me to get it for you.”conditional“Do you think you should climb that bookcase?”interrogative

The most effective and direct way to stop the child from climbing the bookcase is to use the imperative mood. Do you agree? Please explain your thinking.

Look through Chapters 15 and 16 and find examples of each of these types of verb moods.

concept of narrative dialogue and character design by authors

concept of narrative dialogue and character design by authors

This lesson connects with the concept of narrative dialogue and character design by authors.

Look at the events of Chapter 17, where Father and Mother discuss the family’s return to Berlin and announce their decision to Bruno and his sister.

Write a  one page narrative that tells that story from a different character’s point of view.  Tell it as if readers are hearing the thoughts and feelings of Father, Mother or Gretel.  Remember to use what you already know about these characters to guide your writing.

One page,  skip lines for speakers, use vivid description and natural dialogue.

Is the United States an Empire?

Is the United States an Empire?

Do you think it is correct to describe the United States as an empire? Discuss with reference to historical events and examples. Should the U.S. play a less aggressive role in the world, more aggressive, or has it been about right? Discuss and explain your thoughts.

Background Materials

1.  OpenStax American Government (Links to an external site.), Chapter 17.

2.  J. Rufus Fears, “The Lessons of the Roman Empire for America Today (Links to an external site.).” (The Heritage Foundation, 2005).

3.  Video: Democracy Now, “How to Hide an Empire” (Links to an external site.)

House on Mango Street- Esperanza Rising

House on Mango Street- Esperanza Rising

Characterization is the process by which the writer reveals the personality of a character.

This week you will read a section of a story from the book Esperanza Rising. The section titled House on Mango Street (pages 145-146) is narrated by Esperanza. After reading this section analyze the narrator of the story (Esperanza) by answering the following questions:

  1. How would you describe Esperanza?
  2. Describe Esperanza’s family’s social-economic condition.
  3. How do you think the nuns’ reaction impacted Esperanza?

Please make sure your answer is 150 and you reply to two of your classmates.

House on Mango Street (Links to an external site.)

Poverty as a Predictor of Child Abuse

I need someone that has experience with Empirical studies to provide me 5-6 studies and 1qualitative study. The study is realated to If or is “Poverty as a Predictor of Child Abuse” 

Final list of Empirical Studies (Due. 5/13)


Review the empirical literature in your area of interest that has been published in peer-reviewed journals. Focus on studies that have been published in the past decade, include both qualitative and quantitative research, and take an interdisciplinary approach by reviewing research in social work as well as related fields.

  • Use your critical thinking skills and what we are      learning about research in class to distinguish among the articles you      locate in order to identify the top 5 or 6 studies that you appraise to be      the strongest and most rigorous, and therefore the best guides for policy      and practice in your area of interest. Abstract each of your “top” articles including a full APA      reference, statement of the main research question or questions,      identification of the research method and study design, description of the      sample, measures and/or measurement instruments, methods of data      collection and analyses, strengths and limitations, findings, and      significance of findings to current social policy and/or social work      practice.

Format and other requirement: You will need to:

· Provide the final list of empirical studies (minimum of 5), including an abstract of each article.

· Provide a draft of your literature review covering the main research question or questions, identification of the research method and study design, description of the sample, measures and/or measurement instruments, methods of data collection and analyses, strengths and limitations, findings, and significance of findings to current social policy and/or social work practice.

· Among your 5 empirical studies, include 1 qualitative study.

I will attach what I expect for the Empirical study to look like.

What events and factors led to the rise of the Chicana Feminist Movement?

1. What events and factors led to the rise of the Chicana Feminist Movement?

2. How was the ideology of the Chicana movement different from that of other movements such as the white women’s movement and black feminist movement?

3. What were their contributions to contemporary feminism?

4. How Chicana Feminism impacted your life/culture/family? If so, how? If not, how do you think it has impacted Mexican American and Latino culture in the U.S.?

· Make sure that each answer is approximately 1.5-2 paragraphs long.

· Edit your work and separate EACH RESPONSE. Number each reponse.

· Cite at least ONE source from this module for EACH QUESTION . This means that you will have a minimum of four citations when you complete the assignment. Make sure that you cite IN TEXT in APA style.

· Due 4/18 @ 11:30 p.m.

how did (pre-Covid) levels of global travel increase the risk for global pandemic?

how did (pre-Covid) levels of global travel increase the risk for global pandemic?

Pandemic – how did (pre-Covid) levels of global travel increase the risk for global pandemic? How has the present pandemic affected global travel? How can we prepare for future possible pandemics?

Please Note:

  • You must use at least six sources for this essay, all of which must be trustworthy, reliable sources. Web sources may include .org and .edu sites—please check with me about .com sites, as their reliability is not always a given. Your Works Cited list should all six of your sources—and you should cite each of your sources at least once.
  • Because you will be using sources, you must include in-text citations and a Works Cited list, both in proper MLA format. If you are confused about MLA documentation, please let me know and we will review it again.
  • We will learn about MLA documentation in class and I will provide MLA resources to you. I will automatically deduct 5 points from any essay that does not include both in-text citations and a Works Cited list.

UCM on Cold War Insecurity

Learning Pod Discussion (Mandatory):  UCM on Cold War Insecurity: Death of a Diplomat


You are responsible to read all of the information in the following top tabs and corresponding side tabs as well as the primary documents associated with each one: Home (Welcome); Murder by Slander (Introduction); Background (all side tabs and primary documents); Cold War/Hot War (all side tabs and primary documents); In Pursuit of Norman (all side tabs and primary documents); Aftermath (all side tabs and primary documents).

Please use the following questions to guide your investigation/analysis of the Norman Great Canadian Mystery:

Was Norman guilty of being a Soviet spy? Why? Why not? Evidence?

How did the context of China and the Cold War contribute to the charges against Norman?

How much did systems of government in Canada and the US contribute to the Cold War climate?

What was the role of McCarthyism? Was it a successful way of dealing with threats to National Security?

Did Norman’s death represent justice served or a terrible tragedy? How would you deal with “internal threats” in a time of “war”?

Do you think this kind of event could/should happen again?