Diagnoses Specific to Crisis and Trauma

Discussion: Diagnoses Specific to Crisis and Trauma

Responses to crises and other trauma-causing events often are normal responses to abnormal situations. When these responses result in difficulty functioning in daily life, helping professionals need to consider if the client needs specialized conceptualization within a diagnostic framework. Some diagnoses that require clinical conceptualization and treatment include posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), complex posttraumatic stress disorder (C-PTSD), acute stress disorder, and dissociation. Each of these diagnoses is distinct in terms of how the individual experiences the traumatic event and the idiosyncratic nature of the individual experiencing it. It is important to fully assess a client’s situation before determining a diagnostic category so as to better ensure the most appropriate treatment intervention.

For this Discussion, select one of the following diagnostic categories: C-PTSD, acute stress disorder, or dissociation. Think about the similarities and differences between PTSD and the other diagnostic category you selected. Consider how you would determine the accuracy of a diagnosis of PTSD, C-PTSD, acute stress disorder, and dissociation.

By Day 4

Post two similarities and two differences between PTSD and the other diagnostic category you selected. Explain how you might determine the accuracy of PTSD, C-PTSD, acute stress disorder, and dissociation diagnoses.

Be sure to support your postings and responses with specific references to the resources.

Responses to crises and other trauma-causing events often are normal responses to abnormal situations. When these responses result in difficulty functioning in daily life, helping professionals need to consider if the client needs specialized conceptualization within a diagnostic framework. Some diagnoses that require clinical conceptualization and treatment include posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), complex posttraumatic stress disorder (C-PTSD), acute stress disorder, and dissociation. Each of these diagnoses is distinct in terms of how the individual experiences the traumatic event and the idiosyncratic nature of the individual experiencing it. It is important to fully assess a client’s situation before determining a diagnostic category so as to better ensure the most appropriate treatment intervention.

For this Discussion, select one of the following diagnostic categories: C-PTSD, acute stress disorder, or dissociation. Think about the similarities and differences between PTSD and the other diagnostic category you selected. Consider how you would determine the accuracy of a diagnosis of PTSD, C-PTSD, acute stress disorder, and dissociation.

By Day 4

Post two similarities and two differences between PTSD and the other diagnostic category you selected. Explain how you might determine the accuracy of PTSD, C-PTSD, acute stress disorder, and dissociation diagnoses.

Be sure to support your postings and responses with specific references to the resources.


For this assignment, you will design a public health outreach program/informational sheet on the topic of SEXUAL SAFETY. You must focus on educating the public, providing resources, and even prevention efforts. Write a paper stating what you would do.  This is your chance to be creative.  You must identify a target audience for your campaign and provide sources for the information you provide.

Assignments will be graded on the following criteria

  • Clear target audience (e.g. Students, teens, women, etc.): 5 points
  • Accuracy of information: 15 points
  • Quality of paper (writing is free of errors/audio is clear): 15 points:
  • Feasibility of your campaign and identification of resources needed to carry out your program)10 point
  • Sources are identified: 5 points
  • creativeness: 10 points

effective public health communication

Final Report:

Students should produce a four- page report based on their awareness/prevention campaign about a health policy/ disease affecting women’s health locally, nationally, or internationally. It can be a health policy brief or a public health campaign. The intention of generating this report should be well-organized and informative. For both options, think about what one would prepare for a letter to teach and stimulate conversation with stakeholders.

This is a chance for the student to practice effective public health communication through investigating their selected topic of interest more deeply and organizing materials in a way that would facilitate educating stakeholders and peers in class. The report should have a small bibliography with relevant articles and websites. Grade will be based on the quality of the report in terms of accuracy, references to peer-reviewed literature, comprehensiveness, objectivity, creativity/ visual aid and grammar/spelling. Report must be double-spaced, font size 12, properly referenced using APA style (where applicable), proofread, and page numbered. Use Times New Roman font style.

You need to think of this final report as a public health report / brief. Your main purpose is to provide a briefing on a women’s health issue among an immigrant/ refugee group in the United States or another country. You need to consider your audience as stakeholders who you need to convince to take action. Action entails funding for intervention, prevention, or research project for a policy change.

What is a slogan?

· a short and striking or memorable phrase used in advertising.

· a motto associated with a political party or movement or other group


· synonyms:

catchphrase, jingle, byword, motto;

(Merriam-Webster Dictionary)

Helpful Resources

Public Health Campaigns:



Immigrant and Refugee Health:


Global Health Interventions:


process recording

SOCW 6520 Assignment 2 wk 10 : process recording

A process recording is a written tool used by field education experience students, field instructors, and faculty to examine the dynamics of social work interactions in time. Process recordings can help in developing and refining interviewing and intervention skills. By conceptualizing and organizing ongoing activities with social work clients, you are able to clarify the purpose of interviews and interventions, identify personal and professional strengths and weaknesses, and improve self-awareness. The process recording is also a useful tool in exploring the interpersonal dynamics and values operating between you and the client system through an analysis of filtering the process used in recording a session.

For this Assignment, you will submit a process recording of your field education experiences specific to this week.

Note: You are submitting a written transcript, not an audio or video recording.

The Assignment (2–4 pages):

  • Provide      a transcript of what happened during your field education experience,      including a dialogue of interaction with a client.
  • Explain      your interpretation of what occurred in the dialogue, including social      work practice theories, and explain how it might relate to diversity or      cultural competence covered this week.
  • Describe      your reactions and/or any issues related to your interaction with a client      during your field education experience.
  • Explain      how you applied social work practice skills when performing the activities      during your process recording.

What actions were taken in the case?

Read the case study from this website https://www.cgdev.org/sites/default/files/archive/doc/millions/MS_case_9.pdf and answer the following questions (NO INFORMATION FROMEXTERNAL SOURCE, ONLY INCLUDE THE ANSWER FROM THIS CASE SSTUDY)

1.Brief introduction or summary

2. What was the problem that the program or intervention was intended to address (i.e. What will be evaluated?)

3. Why was this a significant concern in need of attention?

4. What actions were taken in the case?

5. Were these actions appropriate? Why or why not?

6. What challenges to implementation or success were encountered?

7. Was there anything omitted or not considered initially? In later stages?

8. What was the result of the intervention or program? What changes resulted because of the program? In what ways did lives improve or become worse because of the program?

9. How can the lessons learned from this case study be used in other global public health issues?

10. What “indicators” were used to judge program performance?

11. What evidence related to these indicators indicated program effectiveness?

12. What conclusions about program effectiveness can be made based on the available      evidence?

13. Conclusion: highlights of the things that we have learned from this case study and the main points of the study

conduct a community health assessment

You will research and obtain information on how to conduct a community health assessment. You will then assess a community of interest and develop an action plan to address an unmet public health teaching need. Then you will present a public health action plan, with the developed campaign, for a community of interest based upon the results of their “Community Health Assessment.”

This presentation will include:

· Background and Introduction

· Assessment of Community-based upon primary and secondary Data Analysis

· Problem Statement

· Goals and objectives for public health teaching/action plan

Follow this Rubric:

Content is comprehensive, accurate, and persuasive. – Major points are stated clearly and are well supported. – Research is adequate, timely, and addresses course concepts. – Content and purpose of the writing are clear.

Compare any feedback discussed or the revision strategy

 In your response, address the following:

  • Compare any feedback discussed or the revision strategy you mapped out for future success.
  • Point out a connection to your own post by referencing similar experiences or program of study and career choice.

Your response should be about 100 words.


I hope all is well the two feedbacks that I receive were editing and revising. They both are good writing essentials they have slight differences. When revising, you want to make sure that your paper is focus and well- structed  an well organized.  The may reason for revising is to make sure you have everything you need in your paper and removed everything you don’t need. For example a writer might read there paper out loud to make sure everything flows. And to make sure they have the right information to support their ideas. Editing consist of reviewing the small elements such has spelling, grammar, punctuation, and sentence structure. Also editing begins when your paper is close to finish.

The biggest issue I would like to address regarding my writing is learning how to outline  my ideas together to develop a topic. I would like to address on keeping my audience attention which is important when it comes to writing. The smallest issues that can wait in my opinion is editing that can take place at the final stage of writing. My area of strength when it comes to writing is having the right confidence in myself and also learning to how to outline my ideas. When it comes to my revision strategy would have someone to look over my writing to make sure my grammar, and punctuation, spelling  is correct.

differentiated instructional strategies (CLO5/Evaluating) and;  develop lesson plans that incorporate CCSS

 develop lesson plans for students with mild to moderate disabilities that include differentiated instructional strategies (CLO5/Evaluating) and;

develop lesson plans that incorporate CCSS, IEP goals, effective assessment practices, and evidence-based strategies for promoting self-determination skills for a variety of classroom settings serving students with mild to moderate disabilities (CLO5/Evaluating).


Content Expectations: Submit each of the following for evaluation:

  • Classroom (4 points): Using the lesson plans from prior weeks as a model format, develop a lesson plan  downloadthat incorporates differentiated instructional strategies, CCSS, IEP goals, effective assessment practices, and evidence-based strategies for promoting self-determination skills for Bianca in your choice of either Mr. Franklin or Mrs. Mills’ classroom.
  • Reflection (4 points): Write a one page rationale for each lesson plan explaining why you chose the differentiated instructional strategies for Bianca in the lesson plan you did instead of other possible choices. Provide your collaborative suggestions to appropriately address content, multiple intelligences, and the learning styles of diverse learners. Consider the additional factors that are evident in real-world classrooms where attention must be given to strategies to differentiate content based on student readiness, interest and learning profile.

Written Expectations:

  • Syntax and Mechanics (1 point): Exhibit meticulous use of grammar, spelling, and organization, throughout your submission.
  • Organization (.5 points): Use the lesson plan template provided.
  • Source Requirement (1 point): Reference at least five scholarly sources, which may include your course textbook, in order to provide credible evidence to support your ideas.
    • The Scholarly, Peer Reviewed, and Other Credible Sources  downloadtable offers additional guidance on appropriate source types. If you have questions about whether a specific source is appropriate for this assignment, please contact your instructor. Your instructor has the final say about the appropriateness of a specific source for a particular assignment.
  • Additional Page Requirement (.5 points): Your submission must include a separate title and reference page.
  • APA format (1 point): All in text citations, page format and references must be written in APA 6th edition format.



Cohen, L. & Spenciner, L. (2009) Teaching students with mild and moderate disabilities: Research-based practices (2nd ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Publication.


American Psychological Association. (2002). Ethical principles of psychologists and code of conduct. American Psychologist, 57(12), 1060-1073. doi:10.1037/0003-066X.57.12.1060

Bremer, C. D., Kachgal, M., & Schoeller, K. (2003). Self-determination: Supporting successful transition (Links to an external site.)Research to Practice Brief: Improving Secondary Education and Transition Services Through Research, 2(1). Retrieved from http://www.ncset.org/publications/viewdesc.asp?id=962

find at least one related article that relates to supply or acquisition in the past or future

find at least one related article that relates to supply or acquisition in the past or future


Assignment 3

Consider what the supply chain or acquisition process might look like in the future.  For this paper, you will need to find at least one related article that relates to supply or acquisition in the past or future in order to reflect on what will change.  Feel free to consider new technologies such as self-driving vehicles, drones, 3D printers, and robots and how they might change the future of supply chain management and acquisition.  Note that the government is considering some of these new technologies and trying to use these technologies for efficiencies in the future.

Write a two-page paper, plus the title page and a reference page.


•Written communication: Written communication is free of errors that detract from the overall message.
•APA formatting: Resources and citations are formatted according to APA style and formatting.
•Length of paper: typed, double-spaced pages with no fewer than two-pages.
•Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point.

APUS Online Library Tutorial Center

Avoiding accidental and intentional plagiarism

What should be the relationship between schools and society?

What should be the relationship between schools and society? The  author and activist James Baldwin once said, in a talk given to a group  of teachers, that “one of the paradoxes of education [is] that  precisely at that point when you begin to develop a conscience, you must  find yourself at war with your society. It is your responsibility to  change society if you think of yourself as an educated person.” Do you  agree with Baldwin? Is it the primary responsibility of teachers and  schools to transmit cultural values to students or to encourage students  to question those values in an effort to improve society? Should  teachers be prepared to teach in the schools we have or the schools we wish we  had? You may wish to answer this from several perspectives: as a  potential teacher, as a future parent, or simply as an informed member  of a local community. 700-1000 words