Choose one of the effects of the Second Great Awakening and discuss

Choose one of the effects of the Second Great Awakening and discuss

For this Discussion, answer one of the instructor-provided questions b  You are also required to answer a follow-up question which will be provided friday may 7

answer should be atleast 10 sentences.

1.  Choose one of the effects of the Second Great Awakening and discuss.

2.  Why did women take such a prominent role in the reform movement?

3.  When and why did the South move from seeing slavery as a necessary evil to seeing it as a good thing?

4.  How effective were the abolitionists in achieving their goals during this time?

David Gutiérrez, “The ‘New Normal’? Reflecting on the Shifting Politics of the Immigration Debate

ARTICLE: David Gutiérrez, “The ‘New Normal’? Reflecting on the Shifting Politics of the Immigration Debate,” International Labor and Working-Class History, Fall 2010

In this article Gutiérrez writes about what policy makers in Washington fail to see (most likely because they are blinded in their discussions about things like family reunification, what to do about “illegal” immigration, DACA, and things of that nature). The real issue, writes Gutiérrez, is “the ongoing destructive trend of the hyper-exploitation of all workers in an increasingly integrated global economy, regardless of citizenship of specific workers – and therefore, also, the erosion of the institution of citizenship as a source of political power and guarantor of rights” (121).

On the first page of the article, Gutiérrez writes that discussions about things like expulsion of “illegal” immigrants and who gets to be a citizen (“paths to citizenship”) obscures the underlying issue of “capitalist economic development.”  He expands on his argument about capitalist economic development when he writes that “the driving dynamic in today’s political economy is the constant pressure on American employers to find sources of labor from which they can wring profits at a rate comparable to foreign employers”(120). Which foreign employers does he mean? And what does he mean in his last sentence in the paragraph — “In this world a worker is a worker however you dress her up.” – and what is the only logical conclusion?

Franklin Foer, “How Trump Radicalized ICE,” The Atlantic

ARTICLE: Franklin Foer, “How Trump Radicalized ICE,” The Atlantic, September 2018

Remember, these are reading/discussion questions. I am not asking you to answer each question as though it is a quiz. Rather, I want to see evidence that you have not only READ this article before class, but thought about the article and its implications.

This article is about ICE during the Trump administration. Recall the New Yorker Radio Hour podcast that we listened to several weeks ago. The reporter said that dismantling Trump’s immigration policies at the border will not be easy. What did the judge say to the mother who fled Honduras with her daughters (after her husband had been murdered and her eldest daughter had been raped by local authorities in Honduras). We know from reading Rosas (Monday) that the CPB is responsible for enforcing immigration laws at the border; while ICE is responsible for enforcing laws in the interior of the country. Even though some cities are Sanctuary Cities, ICE operatives are still roaming the streets spreading fear among the immigrant residents.

Foer writes about a Mauritanian refugee community in Ohio. How did the people who created this community end up in Ohio? How does Foer describe them and their community? Why didn’t they become citizens? What changed for them after 2016?

In 2016 Trump railed against the “deep state” when he was campaigning for president. What is the deep state and how was it relevant to his deportation policies?

Why did ICE, a segment of the deep state, support Trump in 2016?

ICE relies heavily on private contractors. What, according to Foer, is the problem with this?

Foer describes ICE as a “shot-gun marriage” between two branches of immigration services that don’t get along with each other. What are those two branches and why don’t they get along?

Foer follows an undocumented immigrant named Ismael into his regularly scheduled appointment with ICE. What does he discover? What does Ismael’s experience tell us about the culture of ICE?

Remember, these are reading/discussion questions. I am not asking you to answer each question as though it is a quiz. Rather, I want to see evidence that you have not only READ this article before class, but thought about the article and its implications.

 American Immigration: A Very Short Introduction 

BOOK: David A. Gerber, American Immigration: A Very Short Introduction (Oxford U Press, 2011)



Gerber begins by discussion a highly-influential book by political scientist Samuel P. Huntington that came out in 2004. What was Huntington’s concern, according to Gerber? What does his concern have to do with assimilation and anxieties about “perceived unwillingness of immigrants to become Americans?” Who is Gerber talking about? Who is anxious?

Huntington’s pessimism, according to Gerber, rests on a mistaken assumption about American history. What is that assumption? Why is it wrong? How does the history that we have studied in this class undermine Huntington’s assumption? Think of the immigrants in the 1840s and the Chinese workers who built the transcontinental railroad; as well as those who were working in the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory in 1911 when it burst into flames? There are many more examples as well. How do these three examples prove Huntington’s thesis wrong? What kinds of contributions have these immigrants made to the growth and wealth of the United States?

If Huntington’s prognosis from the political Right is faulty, what does Gerber say about immigration analysists on the Left? To what extent is their pessimism based on faulty assumptions?


Notes of an Undocumented Citizen

Notes of an Undocumented Citizen

Book: Jose Antonio Vargas, Dear America: Notes of an Undocumented Citizen (Harper Collins, 2018)

For Monday, please read at least to page 114.

For the first half, instead of giving you specific reading questions to think – and write – about, I have included some themes that run throughout the narrative. These are themes for you to consider and write about in this Thread. Come up with some questions you want to ask while reading the Vargas book. If you think of additional themes, you should add them.



Race and Nation and Ethnicity


Education/popular culture/perspective


Master Narratives

American History


American History Journal 10 entries

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Short Guide to Writing History

History Assignment #4: The 1500 Word Research Paper

To complete this assignment there are three steps you should have already completed:

1. Read A Short Guide to Writing History paying close attention to the introduction, the first and last chapters and all the sections that discuss plagiarism. You must know what a thesis is, how to quote, paraphrase, summarize and to document your sources using footnotes.

2. Submitted a thesis topic and thesis statement.

3. Checked to see if your thesis topic and thesis statement were approved and may be used or you have retrieved your assigned thesis topic and thesis statement.

The Research paper: This assignment is a 1500 word research paper based on the text The American Yawp following the instructions in A Short Guide to Writing About History, among other requirement this means you are not to use parenthetical (MLA) type references, you must use footnotes, follow the examples found in A Short Guide to Writing About History. In this paper you will support your thesis or in other words take a position and argue to defend the thesis. Your paper will be based exclusively upon information from The American Yawp, unless you have also had up to five primary sources approved by the instructor, which you may then also use. You must use the thesis topic and thesis statement that were approved or assigned by the instructor. The due dates are listed on the syllabus in the schedule. Your paper must be your own original non-plagiarized work, plagiarized material will result in no credit for the assignment and the class and may result in suspension. Late papers will be deducted 10% of the grade per calendar day. Every paper will be checked by computer to make sure it is an original work.

essay for Institutional Racism class.

need help doing a movie 5 paragraph essay for Institutional Racism class.

Essay is based on a movie called “Murder in Mississippi”. The prompt with directions is uploaded as a file.

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What Really Happened in Salem?:


Name: [INSERT NAME HERE] Podcast Response Assignment 10% of course grade

Podcasts can be an entertaining way to learn about history. This is an individual assignment designed to expose you to a new historical topic that you might not otherwise learn much about in a history class. Before you complete this assignment, you must listen to ONE of the podcast episodes listed below. When you finish listening to your chosen podcast episode, you must answer the questions below. Please use this sheet and TYPE your answers. To submit this assignment, you must submit as a Word document (.doc or .docx)

Choose ONE podcast episode:1. What Really Happened in Salem?:

2. Early American Family Limitation: Contraception and Abortion:

3. Patriarchs, Brawlers, and Gentlemen: Manhood in the Civil War Era:

Answer the following questions about the podcast episode:

1. What is the topic of the podcast episode, and what podcast is it from? [INSERT ANSWER HERE]

2. Briefly summarize the podcast episode (4 to 5 sentences). [INSERT ANSWER HERE]

3. List FIVE interesting things you learned from the podcast about the topic that you did not know before. [INSERT ANSWER HERE]

4. Was there anything from the podcast episode about the topic that you already knew? If so, what? [INSERT ANSWER HERE]

5. What is ONE question you have about the topic that was not answered by the podcast? [INSERT ANSWER HERE]

6. How did the podcast change or add to your understanding of U.S. history? [INSERT ANSWER HERE]

7. Compared with more traditional methods of learning history (listening to lecture, reading a textbook, etc.), how useful do you think history podcasts are? Is there anything you get from the podcast that you could not get from a more traditional method? [INSERT ANSWER HERE]

8. Would you recommend this podcast to somebody else interested in history? Why or why not? [INSERT ANSWER HERE]

9. Would you recommend that I incorporate podcasts into my future history courses? Why or why not? [INSERT ANSWER HERE]

The struggle of reconstruction of 1865-1877.

Write a 3-4 page essay over The struggle of reconstruction of 1865-1877.

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