differentiated instructional strategies (CLO5/Evaluating) and;  develop lesson plans that incorporate CCSS

 develop lesson plans for students with mild to moderate disabilities that include differentiated instructional strategies (CLO5/Evaluating) and;

develop lesson plans that incorporate CCSS, IEP goals, effective assessment practices, and evidence-based strategies for promoting self-determination skills for a variety of classroom settings serving students with mild to moderate disabilities (CLO5/Evaluating).


Content Expectations: Submit each of the following for evaluation:

  • Classroom (4 points): Using the lesson plans from prior weeks as a model format, develop a lesson plan  downloadthat incorporates differentiated instructional strategies, CCSS, IEP goals, effective assessment practices, and evidence-based strategies for promoting self-determination skills for Bianca in your choice of either Mr. Franklin or Mrs. Mills’ classroom.
  • Reflection (4 points): Write a one page rationale for each lesson plan explaining why you chose the differentiated instructional strategies for Bianca in the lesson plan you did instead of other possible choices. Provide your collaborative suggestions to appropriately address content, multiple intelligences, and the learning styles of diverse learners. Consider the additional factors that are evident in real-world classrooms where attention must be given to strategies to differentiate content based on student readiness, interest and learning profile.

Written Expectations:

  • Syntax and Mechanics (1 point): Exhibit meticulous use of grammar, spelling, and organization, throughout your submission.
  • Organization (.5 points): Use the lesson plan template provided.
  • Source Requirement (1 point): Reference at least five scholarly sources, which may include your course textbook, in order to provide credible evidence to support your ideas.
    • The Scholarly, Peer Reviewed, and Other Credible Sources  downloadtable offers additional guidance on appropriate source types. If you have questions about whether a specific source is appropriate for this assignment, please contact your instructor. Your instructor has the final say about the appropriateness of a specific source for a particular assignment.
  • Additional Page Requirement (.5 points): Your submission must include a separate title and reference page.
  • APA format (1 point): All in text citations, page format and references must be written in APA 6th edition format.



Cohen, L. & Spenciner, L. (2009) Teaching students with mild and moderate disabilities: Research-based practices (2nd ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Publication.


American Psychological Association. (2002). Ethical principles of psychologists and code of conduct. American Psychologist, 57(12), 1060-1073. doi:10.1037/0003-066X.57.12.1060

Bremer, C. D., Kachgal, M., & Schoeller, K. (2003). Self-determination: Supporting successful transition (Links to an external site.)Research to Practice Brief: Improving Secondary Education and Transition Services Through Research, 2(1). Retrieved from http://www.ncset.org/publications/viewdesc.asp?id=962

find at least one related article that relates to supply or acquisition in the past or future

find at least one related article that relates to supply or acquisition in the past or future


Assignment 3

Consider what the supply chain or acquisition process might look like in the future.  For this paper, you will need to find at least one related article that relates to supply or acquisition in the past or future in order to reflect on what will change.  Feel free to consider new technologies such as self-driving vehicles, drones, 3D printers, and robots and how they might change the future of supply chain management and acquisition.  Note that the government is considering some of these new technologies and trying to use these technologies for efficiencies in the future.

Write a two-page paper, plus the title page and a reference page.


•Written communication: Written communication is free of errors that detract from the overall message.
•APA formatting: Resources and citations are formatted according to APA style and formatting.
•Length of paper: typed, double-spaced pages with no fewer than two-pages.
•Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point.

APUS Online Library Tutorial Center

Avoiding accidental and intentional plagiarism

What should be the relationship between schools and society?

What should be the relationship between schools and society? The  author and activist James Baldwin once said, in a talk given to a group  of teachers, that “one of the paradoxes of education [is] that  precisely at that point when you begin to develop a conscience, you must  find yourself at war with your society. It is your responsibility to  change society if you think of yourself as an educated person.” Do you  agree with Baldwin? Is it the primary responsibility of teachers and  schools to transmit cultural values to students or to encourage students  to question those values in an effort to improve society? Should  teachers be prepared to teach in the schools we have or the schools we wish we  had? You may wish to answer this from several perspectives: as a  potential teacher, as a future parent, or simply as an informed member  of a local community. 700-1000 words

What did you learn about this child in this observation?

First, view the following video:

Next, your journal entry should contain the following two parts:

Part One – Observational Notes (ANECDOTAL NOTES)

  • Select one of the two girls in the video and document your observations using anecdotal notes or running records.
  • Create a developmental checklist that includes at least 6 Developmental Milestones and your State ELG’S in the domain of Language and Literacy.
  • Complete the developmental checklist based on your observations.

Part Two – Reflection

  • Reflect on what you learned from your observations and assessment and answer the following questions:
  • What did you learn about this child in this observation?
  • What goals did the child meet in the assessment?
  • What other observation/assessment methods would give you more information about the child in the area of Language/Literacy?
  • Name at least 2 additional methods and describe what data might be collected from these methods.
  • What would the next milestones and/or goals be for this child

Have you heard of their hero?

  • Have you heard of their hero?

Choose a heroic figure from a book, film, or comic/cartoon series with which you are familiar (such as Theseus, Oedipus, Calaf in Turandot, King Arthur, Siddhartha, Moses, Mohammed, a cowboy hero, or Frodo from The Lord of the Rings).

Alternatively, you may choose a person who is/was known for their humanitarian efforts, or who have led a movement (such as Mother Teresa or Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.).

Initial Post: Write 1-2 paragraphs in which you introduce your chosen hero. Apply at least two of Campbell’s characteristics as you elaborate on that hero’s life.

Reply Posts: Respond to one classmate’s post by considering the following:

  • Have you heard of their hero?
  • What do you know about her or him?
  • Do you think this person is a good choice for a hero? Why or why not?

Culture, Advocacy, and Sexual Practices

Project: Final Project: Culture, Advocacy, and Sexual Practices

For this assignment, you design a 1 hour psychoeducation training on a topic of your choosing related to sexuality. You may choose to develop a presentation on any topic related to human sexuality but must include a discussion of cultural diversity and advocacy as related to that topic. The project must include both PowerPoint slides and Facilitator’s notes that script out each slide, including identifying how much time should be spent on each slide and directions for group activities. Facilitator notes need to be detailed enough that a peer could use the assignment you submit to facilitate the session. References (must demonstrate a well-researched topic).

Submit the following:

  • PowerPoint Slides
    • 15-20 (not including title slide, objectives, or references)
    • You are not expected to present or record your presentation, simply submit the materials that you developed for the presentation.
  • Facilitator notes. Facilitator notes must include:
    • Purpose
    • Target audience
    • Objectives
    • Format of presentation
    • Scripted lecture or detailed directions for any interactive/experiential activities for each slide in presentation
      • Presentation must include discussion of cultural diversity and advocacy as related to topic.

Essential Components of a Lab Report

Writing a lab report might get tricky. A lab report usually has a consolidated structure with certain important components. Every component has a purpose of its own. This is what will be addressed in the first part of the article. In the second part, we will talk about time management which is another essential aspect of preparing a report. After all, your hard work might end up becoming futile if the faculty does not accept your submission because you did not meet the deadline. So, let’s proceed.

Essential Components of a Lab Report


The title is, of course, the first and foremost thing that one notices in your lab report. The title should be an accurate reflection of the purpose of your report. However, there may be certain additional requirements or restrictions mandated by your faculty. So, keep that in mind.


An abstract should basically convey the gist of the report. There are certain things that an abstract is supposed to focus on. It should convey the reason for which the experiment has been done. It should show the problem that the experiment attempted to solve. It should offer a glimpse into the methods used in the report to derive the solution. It should also depict the ultimate outcome of the research and its meaning.


The main purpose of the introduction is to set the context of the report. It shows the source of motivation that acted as the driving force for the experiment. It is always preferred that you mention any equation and/or law relevant to the experiment in the introduction. It brings even more clarity.

Methodology & Equipment

This is one of the most important parts of the report. This is the part where you demonstrate exactly what you did in your experiment. Whenever I do my lab report, precision is what I prioritize the most in this part. Specify the research tool you used. The sample, the type of data collected, i.e., qualitative/quantitative and the timeframe are among other information to be provided.


The procedure basically takes methodology one step further by adding an even more detailed perspective. It depicts an accurate step-by-step guide of exactly how the experiment was performed. Diagrammatic portrayals are always held in high regards.

Outcome & Analysis

This is where you specify the results that you achieved through the experiment. This will help the reader understand if you were able to derive the solution to the problem as you intended. This is that part of the report where you convert the raw information into processed data. The practical application of theoretical concepts is the key.


Here, you reemphasize the purpose of the experiment. You address the major findings of the research. Additionally, you acknowledge the limitations of the experiment if any. It is a brief summary of the project.


In every research, you have to procure data from certain sources like articles, websites, blogs and so on. These sources should be acknowledged and accredited for the contribution they made in your project.

Finishing on Time

Start Early

Procrastination is your biggest foe. Don’t delay your work until the last moment. Don’t overestimate your ability to pull all-nighters. Staying up till late night and completing assignments on the last day before submission is not acceptable. It is unhealthy for both your mind and your body. It also deteriorates the quality of work.

Give Yourself Incentives

We are surrounded by temptations, be it TV shows, snacks or movies. Here’s the trick. Instead of letting your temptations become distractions, make them your incentives. Instead of watching an extra episode before starting the work, watch it after you complete the work.

Set Goals

Be realistic and set goals for yourself. This adds on to the previous point. Every time you achieve a goal, that is when you take your hard-earned break. This keeps you motivated consistently.


Overall, you have now developed an accurate idea of what the prerequisites are of completing a lab report, that too on time. It is very important to hit deadlines. However, don’t be in a hurry because that will create a barrier to your concentrating ability. Be steady and consistent. Don’t delay your work unnecessarily by allowing yourself to be distracted. Do your research meticulously. The world is full of problems. How to solve them? One word – research. Explore the mysterious world out there and find out the solutions to the problems people face every day, but don’t even realize. We wish you all the best.

Analyse the differences between official and unofficial social media account of Manchester United football club

Analyse the differences between official and unofficial social media account of Manchester United football club

Please click on the grey text box to start typing.  The form will expand to fit your text .Please make sure you complete the form, including the Literature Review in 1.5 line spacing.

1, Agreed topic title : Analyse the differences between official and unofficial social media account of Manchester United football club. eg : Twitter and Instagram.

2, Research question: How does Manchester United manage its reputation on social media.

* The role of Fans on social media regarding the  rejection of super league,

* Impact of Manchester United fans or social media and their influence on the Football club.

3, State at least  30 references that you used for this research work.

Explain the role of collaboration in the implementation of MTSS across levels

Title Page

Part 1: District-wide Professional Development Presentation

Create a 12- to 15-slide multimedia presentation introducing an RtI or PBIS that you can implement in the future to an elementary or secondary school staff. Design your presentation to meet the needs of your current district or community. Include the following:

  • Overview of identified model
  • Identification of each tier including the process of moving between each tier
  • Three examples of interventions that could be implemented at each level
  • Use of checklists or illustrations to describe the process
  • Explanation of the role of special education within the model selected
  • Importance of collaboration in the RtI or PBIS process

Part II: Resource Guide for Teachers

Create a Resource Guide for Teachers (depending on your choice for Part I), with at least 10 resources that provide information regarding the RtI or PBIS process you chose, to be distributed during your presentation. Concisely explain how each resource may be used to support students with diverse learning needs.

Part III: Collaboration

Write a 4- to 5-page reflection addressing the following topics:

  • Explain the role of collaboration in the implementation of MTSS across levels (i.e., school, district, state). Discuss two strategies for effective collaboration and at least one additional strategy that discusses culturally responsive practices.
  • Describe at least two strategies to collaborate and involve parents/guardians with regards to MTSS. Analyze the impacts on student learning when parents/guardians are partners with educators, citing evidence from the course readings.
  • Analyze the role of leadership in guiding collaborative implementation of MTSS across tiers in a school. Provide two or three examples, with descriptions, to support your analysis.
  • Examine the relationship between conflict, collaboration, and consensus. Provide at least two strategies for collaborative problem solving when conflict arises.

Your final document for this Course Project must include the following:

  • Title page
  • Part I: 12- to 15-slide multimedia presentation
  • Part II: 2- to 3-page Resource Guide
  • Part III: 4- to 5-page paper
  • Reference page

Identify the relationships among the literary works studied




  • Identify the relationships among the literary works studied and the philosophical, religious, political, social, and economic milieus of the cultures and subcultures within and among which they were written.
  • Think, write, and speak about literary texts critically and effectively.


Use the provided form to post your completed “Literary Analysis 2: Outline Guide.” Refer to the Literary Analysis 2 instructions when completing the assignment for this week.

In week 7, you will complete the Literary Analysis Two: Outline Guide. To begin, think of some of the topics you’ve discussed in the discussion forums or an idea you began looking into for one of your reading engagements. Also, you might consider the following topics as they are explored in many of the assigned texts in this course: gender, freedom, faith, religion, missions work, truth, friendship, civil rights, traditions, ceremonies, family. Of course, your professor will a be a great resource for developing the idea for your paper. Once you have landed on a topic that interests you, do a little research to find what other thinkers or scholars have said about this topic in relation to your chosen literary text. (This is important not only for the discovery of your topic and thesis but also because you will need to cite three sources in addition to your selected text in this paper—more on the use of sources under “Literary Analysis 2 Final Paper Instructions” below). From there, you’ll shape your topic into a thesis. How to move from topic to thesis is discussed in “How To Write About Literature,” which is posted under course information and linked in several other weeks.

The full paper is due in week 8. A description of Literary Analysis 2 is available below. Excluding A Raisin in the Sun, you can write about any text(s) we’ve read this term. Your professor will read your outline and provide you with brief feedback early in week 8.

  • attachment
