“The ‘New Normal’

ARTICLE: David Gutiérrez, “The ‘New Normal’? Reflecting on the Shifting Politics of the Immigration Debate,” International Labor and Working-Class History, Fall 2010

In this article Gutiérrez writes about what policy makers in Washington fail to see (most likely because they are blinded in their discussions about things like family reunification, what to do about “illegal” immigration, DACA, and things of that nature). The real issue, writes Gutiérrez, is “the ongoing destructive trend of the hyper-exploitation of all workers in an increasingly integrated global economy, regardless of citizenship of specific workers – and therefore, also, the erosion of the institution of citizenship as a source of political power and guarantor of rights” (121).

On the first page of the article, Gutiérrez writes that discussions about things like expulsion of “illegal” immigrants and who gets to be a citizen (“paths to citizenship”) obscures the underlying issue of “capitalist economic development.”  He expands on his argument about capitalist economic development when he writes that “the driving dynamic in today’s political economy is the constant pressure on American employers to find sources of labor from which they can wring profits at a rate comparable to foreign employers”(120). Which foreign employers does he mean? And what does he mean in his last sentence in the paragraph — “In this world a worker is a worker however you dress her up.” – and what is the only logical conclusion?

Why did ICE, a segment of the deep state, support Trump in 2016?

ARTICLE: Franklin Foer, “How Trump Radicalized ICE,” The Atlantic, September 2018

Remember, these are reading/discussion questions. I am not asking you to answer each question as though it is a quiz. Rather, I want to see evidence that you have not only READ this article before class, but thought about the article and its implications.

This article is about ICE during the Trump administration. Recall the New Yorker Radio Hour podcast that we listened to several weeks ago. The reporter said that dismantling Trump’s immigration policies at the border will not be easy. What did the judge say to the mother who fled Honduras with her daughters (after her husband had been murdered and her eldest daughter had been raped by local authorities in Honduras). We know from reading Rosas (Monday) that the CPB is responsible for enforcing immigration laws at the border; while ICE is responsible for enforcing laws in the interior of the country. Even though some cities are Sanctuary Cities, ICE operatives are still roaming the streets spreading fear among the immigrant residents.

Foer writes about a Mauritanian refugee community in Ohio. How did the people who created this community end up in Ohio? How does Foer describe them and their community? Why didn’t they become citizens? What changed for them after 2016?

In 2016 Trump railed against the “deep state” when he was campaigning for president. What is the deep state and how was it relevant to his deportation policies?

Why did ICE, a segment of the deep state, support Trump in 2016?

ICE relies heavily on private contractors. What, according to Foer, is the problem with this?

Foer describes ICE as a “shot-gun marriage” between two branches of immigration services that don’t get along with each other. What are those two branches and why don’t they get along?

Foer follows an undocumented immigrant named Ismael into his regularly scheduled appointment with ICE. What does he discover? What does Ismael’s experience tell us about the culture of ICE?

Remember, these are reading/discussion questions. I am not asking you to answer each question as though it is a quiz. Rather, I want to see evidence that you have not only READ this article before class, but thought about the article and its implications.

Why did Robert Newsom purchase Celia?


Response Assignment 20% of course grade

DIRECTIONS: This assignment is a response to Melton A. McLaurin’s Celia, A Slave. To complete this assignment, you must fully answer the below short-answer questions using specific details from the book. YOU ARE ONLY ALLOWED TO USE THE BOOK—ANY USE OF OUTSIDE SOURCES (INCLUDING INTERNET SOURCES) WILL RESULT IN A POINT DEDUCTION OF AT LEAST TEN PERCENTAGE POINTS (AND COULD POSSIBLY RESULT IN A ZERO)! Remember that the purpose of this assignment is to make sure you have read and understood the book, so be as specific as possible and avoid vagueness! You should write a full paragraph (10-15 sentences sentences) for each question. Each question is worth 20 points, for a total of 100 points (25% of your course grade). Please use this sheet and TYPE your answers. To submit this assignment, you must submit as a Word document (.doc or .docx)

1.   Why did Robert Newsom purchase Celia? What evidence do we have to prove his intentions with purchasing Celia?


2.   Describe the final moments between Newsom and Celia. What did Celia do and how did she try to cover it up?


3.   Discuss the relationship between Celia and George. What role did George play in the events that unfolded after Newsom’s disappearance?


4.   Describe Celia’s defense attorney and his strategy during the trial. Did his strategy work? Why or why not? What was the jury’s verdict?


5.   What broader conclusions does the author draw from the case of Celia? What conclusions can be drawn from the case about the institution of slavery and the racial hierarchy in the South?


community services provided by the Black Panther Party.

a)  At least

a)  At least five different community services provided by the Black Panther Party.

b)  The response given by Angela Davis to the question on violence asked while she was incarcerated.

c)  Remember, this documentary was produced as the BPP was active. Its point of view differs from that implicit in most American corporative media: the US main stream insisted in portraying the BPP as violent criminals and, when released, the documentary was strongly rejected by members of corporative media of the US.  Why is this documentary so different in its portrayal of the BPP? Make sure you read the credits, they are always important to learn why a point of view is prevalent in the film we are watching.

d)   And… if you think the BLM movement is similar to the BPP. Why?

b)  The response given by Angela Davis to the question on violence asked while she was incarcerated.

c)  Remember, this documentary was produced as the BPP was active. Its point of view differs from that implicit in most American corporative media: the US main stream insisted in portraying the BPP as violent criminals and, when released, the documentary was strongly rejected by members of corporative media of the US.  Why is this documentary so different in its portrayal of the BPP? Make sure you read the credits, they are always important to learn why a point of view is prevalent in the film we are watching.

d)   And… if you think the BLM movement is similar to the BPP. Why?

Discuss the following quote from Henry Louis Gates, Jr., and Nellie McKay

Discuss the following quote from Henry Louis Gates, Jr., and Nellie McKay (general editors of The Norton Anthology of African American Literature) in regard to the period often referred to as the Harlem Renaissance:

Discuss the following quote from Henry Louis Gates, Jr., and Nellie McKay

…it is important to remember that what took place in New York City was in many aspects a heightened version of the unusual cultural productivity taking place elsewhere in the United States, especially in the major cities of the North. In addition, it is also important not to draw artificial lines between ‘serious’ and ‘popular’ art, although many of the renaissance creators certainly did so. Expressed in various ways, the creativity of black Americans undoubtedly came from a common source–the irresistible impulse of blacks to create boldly expressive art of a high quality as a primary response to their social conditions, as an affirmation of their dignity and humanity in the face of poverty and racism. (953)

Make specific, cited reference to the works of two artists highlighted in our text.

What were the major strategies, obstacles and benefits of African- American migration?

You must write Essays based on your analysis of your choice of the documents below to fulfill the essay requirement. They are worth a maximum of 400 points each. The essays should not be long–no more than 2 pages (500 words minimum).  Read the document and respond to the questions at the end. Number your responses to correspond to the questions and answer each question in a new paragraph.  Each paragraph should include support drawn directly from the source. I look for more than a simple factual answer to the question.  Tell me why you think your answer is correct.  In other words justify your answer from the document itself or by logical reasoning about its contents and the events that brought it about.  Show me that you have thought seriously about what you have read. When you have finished the paper submit it through “Safe Assign.”

Peter Gottlieb, archivist at the State Historical Society of Wisconsin, lays out the structural factors that shaped the life African Americans might make North or South in the first decades of the 20th century, arguing that family and community resources were crucial in shaping the decisions that potential migrants made about relocation and re-relocation.

Based on your analysis of the essay, address the following questions:

1)  What were the major strategiesobstacles and benefits of African- American migration?

(This should be written as a “traditional” essay that includes an examination of each underlined term.)

Where do American Indians believe they come from?

You are to answer a few questions. Choose 5 out of the first 10 questions; number 11 is required.

1. Where do American Indians believe they come from?

2. As a student, how would you approach going to a ceremony?

not this one 3. How would “I” (meaning Mr. Madril), define/describe an American Indian “church”?

4. Why is the idea of the ‘circle’ valued by some American Indian people?

5. Define ‘ontology’

6. How do some American Indian people view eagles/eagle feathers?

7. How has Christianity and American Indian people interacted?

8. Name or describe some ‘sacred places’/sacred spaces

9. Name some ‘ceremonies’

10. What is a ‘holy person’?

11. Name one thing you learned in class. (  Apache Sunrise Ceremony,
Kachina ceremony , Yaqui Easter ceremony,  Sun Dance) one of then is ok.

Do you think the Civil War was inevitable?

Write a 3-4 page essay (double spaced, size 12 Times New Roman font with 1-inch margins) responding to the following question. Your essay should reflect what you have learned during this course and provide specific examples from course materials. You should not cite any outside sources, but you must provide citations to any all quotes and textbook material that you paraphrase.

Do you think the Civil War was inevitable? Why or why not? Would have electing some besides Abraham Lincoln prevented secession? Why did policies like the Missouri Compromise and the Comprise of 1850 fail?How else could the U.S. have tried to avoid the conflict? Be sure to discuss the complicated causation of the war, including ideas like role of Manifest Destiny and Westward Expansion, Nullification, Tariffs, and States Rights, as well as the various debates over slavery.

Link for Book:https://ncia.wwnorton.com/ebook-givemeliberty6v1

between 1790 and 1860, what strategies did activists use to agitate for reform?

between 1790 and 1860, what strategies did activists use to agitate for reform?

The Constitution and Bill of Rights defined the structure of the US government and the rights of its citizens.  But as the new nation embarked on its experiment with democracy, it soon became clear that rights were not equally protected for everyone in America.

In the period between the American Revolution and the Civil War, reformers and radicals from a variety of communities began actively agitating for change and the expansion of rights.  The Declaration of Independence and the Constitution opened the doors to the idea that all Americans should enjoy equality and liberty. But what steps would be necessary to make these promises real?

The Assignment:

In a thoughtful, well-written essay, answer the following question:

In the period between 1790 and 1860, what strategies did activists use to agitate for reform? What methods did they use to influence politics, the government, and public opinion? 

In your answer, you may want to consider the abolition movement, the women’s rights movement, worker’s protests or any other protest movement from the period that we have studied.  Be sure to cite specific examples from the primary and secondary sources.

Describe the change that you propose and defend its benefits to the organization.

Describe the change that you propose and defend its benefits to the organization.

attachment for w 1 project to use per instructions***********

Change Management

Using the same organization that you selected in Week 1, propose a change that your organization could implement that would aid it strategically. The proposed change might relate to some area of need, performance deficiency, or other opportunity that you observe in the organization. Note: You will be proposing a change initiative related to motivation in next week’s assignment. Accordingly, focus your change project for this week’s paper in a direction other than motivation.

Write a paper addressing the following:

  • ———-Describe the change that you propose and defend its benefits to the organization.
  • ———-Evaluate how the proposed change may affect various groups of employees.
  • ———-Evaluate how the proposed change may affect various groups of employees.ge, including why you anticipate these conflicts.
  • ———-Defend at least three best practices to prevent or resolve those conflicts.
  • ———-Justify the channels of communication the organization should use in implementing this change.

APA format 4-5 pages