explain how the Federalist and Anti-Federalist plans shaped the U.S. Constitution.

In this assignment, you will examine and explain how the Federalist and Anti-Federalist plans shaped the U.S. Constitution.

Directions: Within a 500 word, APA formatted expository essay, please include:

  • A title page
  • An introduction
  • How do Federalists and Anti-Federalists plan to organize the federal government?
    • Executive Branch
      • How does the U.S. Constitution reflect the Federalist plan?
    • Legislative Branch
      • How does the U.S. Constitution reflect the Federalist plan?
    • Judicial Branch
      • How does the U.S. Constitution reflect the Federalist plan?
  • How did the Federalists and Anti-Federalists understand the relationship between the federal government and the states?
    • How does the U.S. Constitution reflect the Federalist plan?
  • How did the Federalists and Anti-Federalists articulate their arguments within local newspapers’ letter to the editor that argued for and against ratification?
  • Based on your academic understanding of federalism which party would you align yourself with? Why?
  • Support your analysis with information obtained from the text, the U.S. Constitution, and at least two Federalist and/or Anti-Federalist essays.
  • A conclusion
  • A reference page

Your paper should also meet the following requirements:

  • APA format.
    • Title page.
    • Reference page.
    • APA citations.
    • Double spaced sentences.
    • 12-point Times New Roman font.
  • Standard English grammar conventions.
    • Correct grammar.
    • Correct punctuation and spelling.
    • Logical, well ordered sentences.

Note that your expository essay should have a clearly established and sustained viewpoint and purpose. In addition, your writing should be well ordered, logical and unified, as well as original and insightful.

The Assignment should be at least 500 words, and must use and cite the text and primary documents as sources. Cite the work internally and in full reference at the end, following APA style guidelines. Citation is important to build the definitions, demonstrate your research, and to make it clear which ideas are yours and which are from the source. Check with the Writing Center for APA style tips and assistance.

Why then did Hitler take on the Scandinavian countries

One thing that differentiates fascism from other political philosophies is its racial aspect. Hitler was famously anti-Semitic but he was also interested in eliminating many other races. For example, he called the Slavic races “mud people” and many believe that his interest in breaking the non-aggression pact with Russia was so he could have a free hand in removing as many of these people as he could as quickly as possible.

Why then did Hitler take on the Scandinavian countries, England and later the US, all of which contained a high percentage of people that fit the mold of the “Aryan Race?”

What is similar to the Great Depression to the things that lead up to the current economic crisis?

What is similar to the Great Depression to the things that lead up to the current economic crisis?

The New Deal was spurred by the Great Depression. There have been a number of economic downturns since the Great Depression–there seemed to be one about every ten years post-WWII. Yet none could come close to the one in the 1930’s.

The recession that began in 2008 has been labeled by President Obama to be the “greatest economic downturn since the Great Depression.”

What is similar to the Great Depression to the things that lead up to the current economic crisis? Were any lessons learned from the Great Depression as to how best to confront this issue?

The Civil Rights Movement

Discussion #10: The Struggle for Civil Rights

Throughout the 1950s African Americans in northern cities grew increasingly active in opposing discrimination and in protesting white resistance to black progress in housing, education, and employment. Martin Luther King and others embarked on a campaign of nonviolent resistance and demonstrations, which spread to the south. Some of the leadership in the Deep South responded with brutal force, taking a militant stand against change, and in defiance of federal legislation to grant African Americans their civil rights.

In order to prepare for this discussion forum:

After you have completed your readings post your response to only one of the following questions:

  1. Identify and list some of the factors that contributed to the success of the Civil Rights movement. Choose one, and discuss its significance to the movement, and explain why you made this particular choice.
  2. “Ironically, the reaction of many southern whites to the civil rights activities may have actually served to help the blacks’ cause.” Agree or Disagree with this statement.  Make sure that you provide evidence to support your argument.

Write an obituary 

Assigned person: Lydia Barrington Darragh

List here:

Write an obituary

Enter your response here: (it will expand as you type)


Instructions- Write an obituary

Write an obituary regarding the person you have been assigned. An obituary is a notice of a death that typically includes a brief biography of the deceased person along with other important information about this person’s life. Traditionally it would have been published in a local newspaper.

Read the article and then work with your group to determine what is the most important information you can convey about this person- what makes him or her interesting and what contributions did he or she make to the revolution?

In writing this notice, you should include the following: the announcement of death and the important details and life events. Normally an obituary would include other information such as the family members and the funeral arrangement, but since you do not have that information, omit it.

Work with your group to compose the obituary. One person in your group should be responsible for typing the answer in the form as indicated.  You are submitting one response for the entire group.  Be sure to include all of the names of the people in your group.  The answer should be about 250-300 words.

Lydia Barrington Darragh Quaker Spy https://www.battlefields.org/learn/biographies/lydia-barrington-darragh

How have party politics influence Congress?

1)  Do you feel it is beneficial that we have countless interest groups and that  they  have an enormous influence in our political system:

(2)  Do interest groups end up helping the powerful segments of society at the  expense of the collective good or not?

(3)  Would America be better or worse if interest groups were eliminated and  made  illegal?

(4)  Explain how interest groups can influence other institutions of civil society  (political parties & media) and government institutions  (president/Congress  & elections).

(5)  How do interest groups affect the political process? Which type of groups  tend to  be the most influential and why?

(6)  What role do PAC’s play in the campaign process?


(7)  Which areas of the country tend to be the most supportive of the Democratic  Party? The Republican Party. Why do you think these areas support one of the  respective parties?

(8)  Why is it so difficult for a Third Party Candidate to win the presidency?


1)  Do you feel it is beneficial that we have countless interest groups and that  they  have an enormous influence in our political system:

(2)  Do interest groups end up helping the powerful segments of society at the  expense of the collective good or not?

(3)  Would America be better or worse if interest groups were eliminated and  made  illegal?

(4)  Explain how interest groups can influence other institutions of civil society  (political parties & media) and government institutions  (president/Congress  & elections).

(5)  How do interest groups affect the political process? Which type of groups  tend to  be the most influential and why?

(6)  What role do PAC’s play in the campaign process?


(7)  Which areas of the country tend to be the most supportive of the Democratic  Party? The Republican Party. Why do you think these areas support one of the  respective parties?

(8)  Why is it so difficult for a Third Party Candidate to win the presidency?

(9)  How have party politics influence Congress?

(10) How have party politics influenced the Executive Branch?

(11) What are the four fundamental functions of political parties?

(12) How would you rank these in order of importance?

(13) If parties fade away, will American politics become less partisan?


(10) How have party politics influenced the Executive Branch?

(11) What are the four fundamental functions of political parties?

(12) How would you rank these in order of importance?

(13) If parties fade away, will American politics become less partisan?

What is political socialization, and why is it important?

What is political socialization, and why is it important?

1. What, essentially, is the difference between a federal government and a confederation of states? Between a republic and a democracy?

2. What are the benefits to the states of a strong central government?

3. What is federalism and how does it work in the U.S.?

4. The role does the media play in the process of socialization to American politics.

5. Discuss the importance of public opinion to the American political system.

6. US voters interpret factual information with partisan-motivated biases

7. Has mass communications usurped influential authority away from traditional family and community centers?

8. How do people develop an understanding of their political culture?

9. What is political socialization, and why is it important?

Identify the distinction between civil liberties and civil rights

Directions: Write a 400 word, APA-formatted expository essay that addresses the following:

  • Identify the distinction between civil liberties and civil rights.
  • Identify where civil liberties are addressed within the U.S. Constitution.
  • Identify where civil rights are addressed within the U.S. Constitution.
  • Select two Supreme Court cases from the Supreme Court Case List: one case that concerns civil liberties and one case that concerns civil rights.
  • For both selected Supreme Court cases:
    • Identify the historical circumstances of the Supreme Court Case.
      • Speculate as to why the Supreme Court justices decided to hear this case.
    • Explain the Supreme Court’s decision.
      • Explain how this Supreme Court case discussed the U.S. Constitution, subsequent federal and state laws, and/or lower court judicial decisions.
      • How did this Supreme Court case affect the legislative, executive, and/or judicial branch?
    • Evaluate the resulting impact of the Supreme Court case on U.S. society.
      • Do you agree or disagree with the Supreme Court decision?
    • Evaluate the resulting impact of the Supreme Court case on you.
      • Why did the Supreme Court case interest you?
      • How does this Supreme Court case affect you and society?
  • Support your analysis with information from the text and at least two additional academic source.

Your paper should also meet the following requirements:

  • APA format.
    • Title page.
    • Reference page.
    • APA citations.
    • Double spaced sentences.
    • 12-point Times New Roman font.
  • Standard English grammar conventions.
    • Correct grammar.
    • Correct punctuation and spelling.
    • Logical, well ordered sentences.


Where should we place the blame?  Economists believe the Great Depression was caused by the weaknesses in the 1920s economy, but the person whose name will be forever linked to the depression is President Herbert Hoover.  Personally blaming him for the crisis, Americans started to call the shantytowns set up by unemployed people “Hoovervilles.”

QUESTION: Hoover’s presidency will be forever shadowed by the Great Depression.  Is it fair to blame Hoover’s actions or inaction for the Great Depression?

Do you think the Cold War was inevitable?

Students must write a research paper–using both primary and secondary sources–that answers the following question:

In American historiography, Marxist historians consider the Cold War an attempt by the U.S. to establish economic hegemony, while Revisionist historians blame individual personalities, namely Stalin and Truman. Might there be some other explanation for explaining the Cold War? Do you think the Cold War was inevitable? If so, what were the factors that made the Cold War conflict between the U.S. and the Soviet Union unavoidable?

Make sure you have a thesis (a general argument) and provide examples and details from your sources to support your answer (please refer to the rubric on Canvas).

  • The First Draft (for Peer Review online) is due on April 8 by 11:59 p.m. You must have a completed draft of the writing assignment (not just an outline or a page or two) with citations and a bibliography.  You will be assigned one paper to review on April 9th (8:00 am). The peer review needs to be completed by April 11 by 11:59 pm.  Please revise and submit the Final essay by April 13, 11:59 p.m.  
  • This paper is worth 20% of the course grade.
  • The length of the paper should be 5-6 pages (approximately 1500-1700 words not including citations).
  • The paper must be typed in Times New Roman 12-point font and double-spaced.
  • You must provide at least 4 outside sources (besides using the appropriate chapters in Roark and Johnson), two of which must be primary sources.
  • All sources must be correctly cited using the Chicago Manual of Style. You must also provide a separate Bibliography at the end of your paper.